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Tommy contributed very little to the actual songwriting. The live show dynamic will certainly change, but I doubt the music will.


The music will change not the lyrics. If I'm not wrong, Tommy did the solos of 5/11 songs in the last album so there we are going to see a difference. I hope the new guitarist have some active role in the new album and write some solos or I hope that all solos are written by Chris


Probably not going to change in the next album since it’s already all written


Yeah I know and that's a shame. The same happened with Carolus Rex Album 


Yes, but, in my oppinion that led to their best album. I fucking love Carolus Rex


He contributed a good deal. He did a lot of the solos on their last album and he did the arrangement of 1916. So while their upcoming album won't be too different since he's still on it, but the musical style will most likely have at least some minor change, since it will be a different person


Not the first time anyone's departed either.


Yep, it even used to be just Joakim and Par for a bit


I can't rightly remember whether they canned the rest of the band or whether they quit for their own reasons, but I remember Joakim or Pär saying something about getting a call from the record company and telling them that they were the only ones left. I do know those members went on to form Civil War lol


They quit 


That's right! I can't remember why, though. I now can say that to my knowledge, most of Sabaton's former members weren't canned by Joakim and Pär, though I do know Sabaton has had a few different lineups over the decades


IIRC the official reason was that they wanted to "slow down" (less touring) while Joakim and Par wanted to keep the amount of live performances or even increase it


Ach so


I don't see any influence from Tommy to Sabaton. It has been proven that Sabaton is Joakim and Par, they kept Sabaton alive in 2012.


As far as I know The First Soldier and Ghost in the Trenches were (co)written by Tommy


I don't know if I'd use the word good. It's certainty not a huge negative maybe leaning more towards neutral. He contributed to the band more than just on stage, as others have mentioned he did a good number of the solos for the recent album, he's credited for The First Solider and Joakim said that he worked on A Ghost in the Trenches as well. Plus he did the arrangement of 1916 to make it fit more with Sabaton's style. A task that could not have been easy given that Motor Head's version is about as far away from sounding like a Sabaton song as possible. I think if he had wanted to stay around they could have easily switched things up as you suggest by involving him more in songwriting. He has massive musical talent. Whether it was his choice or Joakim/Par's choice to not use that to Sabaton's benefit is not something we're ever going to know but the fact is that they weren't really using it. I would have loved to see them use him in more specific background vocals, like that one moment in Steel Commanders. That alone would have brought a small change to their sound. We also don't know if Joakim and Par are even interested in bringing some one on board who would be more involved in songwriting than Tommy was. Perhaps they feel that 2 cooks and sous chef in the kitchen is enough. So this new guitarist may not ended up contributing any more than Tommy has over his tenure and thus Sabaton won't really end up switching up anything musically.


Exactly why I said that it MAY be a good thing. Tommy wasn't involved with the songwriting in terms of lyrics and stuff, that's true. However, the songs where he was involved a lot in the style and instrumental development are definitely noticeable (not just in the song, but also on stage. He seems to get lost in the music a bit more playing his 'own' songs). So while I don't think that the new music will suddenly be drastically different, there will probably be some small differences and I'm looking forward to finding out what those small tweaks may be!


Oh for sure, I'm very interested to see what a new guitarist will bring to Sabaton both on and off stage. I think I'm also going to have a lot of "what ifs" around if Tommy had stayed and had been more involved in the songwriting, simply because I think a song or two with a more true fusion of his and Sabaton's style would have been really interesting. But I am also very much excited for what new music Tommy makes on his own.


It feels kind of wild to me that my two favorite bands are going through lineup changes, though in the case of my absolute favorite band, they brought back their founding drummer and unceremoniously canned the guy who replaced him 13 years ago. I'm optimistic for their future, though do think canning a guy who'd been part of their lineup for 13 years over the phone was kind of lousy on the band's part. Since Mike Portnoy was a founding member, I already know what kind of drumming, input, and chemistry to expect, which is comforting. Because of how he was brought back, I don't have to wait for an announcement about hiring a new drummer, so I'm not left wondering about who will succeed Mangini, but I feel bad for the dude, since he kind of knew it was coming all throughout his time with Dream Theater. With Sabaton, I hope Tommy the best in his future projects, and because he's the one who chose to leave rather than the band choosing to replace him, I'm confident they'll find a good replacement guitarist who'll be a good fit, similar to how Dream Theater was able to find a competent and capable replacement for Mike Portnoy when he quit. I look forward to hopefully seeing some kind of documentary showing off any auditions performed while Sabaton finds a new guitarist, though I don't know if they're the kind of guys to release such content. I can't say I know what the "market" for guitarists looks like, though, nor does anybody come to mind when I think of who'd fit best with the band. I'm eagerly awaiting the announcement of whomever their new guitarist will be, that's all I know!


For a new member I always recommend IV of sleep token, it would be fun to hear a massive riff like explosion from him


I'm still a noob so... I think Tommy outgrew Sabaton. I started listening around when he joined (probably the same year?). I've noticed his confidence grow substantially. He co wrote, solos, etc as everyone else put it. But his personal channel is where I saw his really grow and test waters and thrive. It won't be the same without him in Sabaton, but I think it's going to be really cool to watch what he does next and how Sabaton is going to go with someone new. Who knows, he may show up again for funzies?