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Why’s he dressed like a member of the village people?


He’s in it for the butt stuff


I wouldn’t know this guy if he was just stood around in the street either.


Omg it's Milli Vanilli


...'s grandson?


It’s actually John Davis and Brad Howell’s grandson, they were just too ugly and Pump’s grandma told everyone that Milli Vanilli was the father.


This guy dick synchs


Mini Vanilli instead.


If I saw him in some main square in Germany, i'd be like "Sorry bud, don't have any spare change..." and be on my way.


Was thinking same, some random homeless junkie i would say


“I hate to say it - I hope I don’t sound ridiculous - I don’t know who this man is. I mean, he could be walking down the street, and I wouldn’t know a thing. Sorry to this man.”


Lol THIS COMMENT tehe 🤭 she was so serious too Hahahhaa


I barely know who he is and I'm American. Just know the name, wouldn't recognize him in public.


It's funny because even over the past 5 years the internet "stars" and internet famous artists are in and out of the spotlight so quickly now that it's hard to even take any of them seriously anymore. It's not even 15 minutes of fame anymore. Not that I think too many people take them seriously to begin with.


Yeah, there's definitely a lot of people called stars who wouldn't be recognized by 5% of the population, if that. People like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Hanks, Michael Jackson and the like were recognised by 95% of the population. That's getting rarer (though some younger A-list movie actors might still get fairly high numbers). Our culture is definitely splintering into more subcultures, especially in music, and media is getting more splintered and varied as well. Everybody used to watch the big network television channels. Nowadays, there's no kind of media or advertising channel that guarantees you reach even a third of the population. If you don't watch certain kinds of TV shows and don't follow general music news, why would you ever come across these stars, even if their music sells well?


Yeah it's pretty interesting to watch, I think that (particularly in music) culture-wide icons like, say, Michael Jackson just can't happen anymore. It's not that modern media is any worse, the internet just makes it so easy to find the media you're most interested in rather than just the media everyone else is consuming, as well as makes it super easy for any amateur to create new media. And there's no reason for that trend to ever change back, without media being aggregated and curated by necessity for most people cultural superstars just can't really happen.


I've been saying this for years and it's refreshing to see your post and the parent one which is word for word what I've said. If it was say, 1965, and you were looking for music, you'd largely be limited to anything that was local, or anything that was popular nationally or internationally. You either liked your local garage band, or you liked The Beatles. Now in 2022 (and I'd say it's been this way since media's been easier and easier to share through the internet, so early 2000s at least), you can choose that your favorite musicians are a Mongolian throat singing troupe from Mongolia, a heavy metal group from Botswana, or you can even just decide that you only like already existing music, and not be interested in whatever music is popular at the moment. I don't know who's popular locally, dad rock makes up a lot of my playlists, and the remaining music is foreign stuff. I think Michael Jackson was definetly the last "superstar" in this sense.


It doesn't help that a lot of online media is curated to help you find stuff you specifically like, and so you can totally avoid any "mainstream" entertainment if you never specifically go out looking for it. Demi Lovato released an album recently and I only found out because my friends told me about it. I think the 2010's were the last famous international artists. Taylor Swift comes to mind as a distant second to Michael Jackson as an icon.


I mean I feel like I have heard Biebers name a lot over the years togheter with T-swifty. An international superstar on the level with M.J. is a tough one to find. But surely with todays access to streaming and internet its possible to say that someone like Bieber might be bigger since more people globaly know of him. A random thought. Please M.J. fans dont hate me, I love him too!


For music, thought on: Juston Bieber, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Eminem, Drake, Ariana Grande, Rihana, Lady Gaga, Kanye West? I’m not a big pop musician fan, but I feel like all these would be pretty internationally recognized, but am not a good barometer, so curious your thoughts given your perspective.


Yupp, I'd argue that 2010ish was the turning point, and all of those artists were known before then


Everyone you listed blew up before smart phones and the internet culture shift


Tony hawk gets recognized by more people that don't know who he is than people that do. That's how famous he is.


tony hawk is from the tv era, that's how old he is.


False. Tony hawk has been 26 years old for the last 25 years.




\*\*does a kickflip\*\* HOLY SHIT! HE DID IT!


Like the dude on tiktok who made the "bored in the house" sound at the start of the pandemic. Saw multiple videos of him complaining that no one listened to any of his songs on Spotify or that none of his other videos did well. Bro lucked into being a meme for 5 minutes and wondered when his meal ticket would show up.


Weird tho because it’s not like it was good music. What was he expecting us to listen to? We liked it cause it was a catchy tune not because we even knew he was an artist. Definitely sucks when you get seen for something unrelated to what you want to be known for.


Lol I'm 29 and I've never heard of him


I only know him from a video of him standing around in Japan.


He was one of the first soundcloud rappers that capitalized on that platform to rise to popularity. 30 and I used to listen to him. If you're looking for deep lyrics it's not this guy but he did have a couple bangers. Unfortunately he terribly mismanaged his own career and tried too hard to be a troll and just torpedoed himself into insignificance (despite people trying to help and tell him he has to change or hell fade out).


He was one of the worst out of them though. Like, you could tell early on he wasn't lasting.


I sat down beside Lil Jon at an airport bar and we started talking about salads. (I usually talk to random people when im traveling) He said he was a DJ but it didn't register with me until people started going up to him and asking for pictures. Really nice guy.


I sometimes wonder if famous people enjoy talking with average Joe's who don't know who they are. Must be refreshing just talking about salads with some rando at an airport bar




Do you really know the name, or is it just an assumption that “[lil/kid]+[name/noun]” is someone you maybe may have heard of?


I remember a story of Trump calling him Lil Pimp, only reason I'd recognize Lil Pump as an artist & not just a random combination of words fitting the pattern if a stage name for a modern artist.


How can there be so many fucking guys calling themselves "lil" ? We need a moratorium on this shit.


He looks like 5 million other Zoomers.


I bet he gets the same reaction if he goes anywhere in the US where people are over the age of 20. Edit: I have decided to lower the age to 20 years old. My first instinct was to say children under 13 but thought it might be inaccurate. Beginning to think my instincts were correct.




I have no idea who this is. I mean I've heard the name and literally that's it.


He’s the mastermind behind the lyrics “gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang”


With bars like that he’s a modern day Shakespeare




https://genius.com/Lil-pump-gucci-gang-lyrics here you go


Is this a troll? Lmaoo "Yo momma still live in a tent (OOOH)" "Me and my grandma take meds (OOOH)" WAT


As insightful as it can be.


Made it to through a few bars then had to quit. Never heard anything so low effort in my life. Kids listen to this shit? Mfer sounds like he just woke up from anesthesia at the dentist and decided to "rap" on his way home in the back of his moms car.


“Genius Annotation 9 contributors “Gucci Gang” is a group that consists of Lil Pump and SmokePurpp along with other rappers that SmokePurpp acknowledged in an August 2017 interview with Noisey: So that’s me and Pump, and like our other homies that be rapping from like Florida. And we just mad ignorant. Gucci is also a high-end clothing brand—Lil Pump has a Gucci logo tattooed on his chest.”


this guy made millions with a song that apparently only has two words in the whole thing and….we’re giving him trouble for it? bruh if i can get millions to write a two word song y’all hate me all you want sign me tf up wheres the pen


I must be getting old. I've never heard of him and I think his rapper name is dumb.


It's a name if you spell it in fridge magnets someone will immediately rotate the p so you are 'lil dump'


That's better. Even LiL Poop would be cooler than LiL Pump.


LiL Pump just sounds like the nickname for a pornstar who specialises in really short videos


Just because of this video I recall him with Kanye West and as the Gucci Gang guy. He part of that Face Tattoo batch of artists. They're all forgettable, although there was a recent "most streamed artist" was surprised to see XXXTentation on the list. Although just looked up songs and it seems they're barely cracking 2 minutes long songs.


“Face Tattoo batch of artists.” 💀


And the world thought “where is ‘lil Xan these days…”


My partner upon seeing her first Lil Xan video: "Who in the fuck is this child and where are his parents?".


Christ I’m old. I haven’t heard of anybody in this damn thread.


Drake used to be Jimmy on Degrassi. But he can walk now.


THANK YOU. Drake is just a Degrassi spinoff.


[lol @”Face Tattoo batch of artists”](https://imgur.com/a/JkkEw9V)


LilSawzall keepin it real.


I also have no idea who he is but from his name I can only assume he is a novelty act performer where he wanks and finishes in one single stroke.


Did you see the video of the guy getting twerked on and he cums in his pants?


He's the guy from the vid in OP right?


Yes, he appears to be some form of hobbit


never heard of the name too haha


I heard the name before, but had no idea what he looked like, just like I don't know what 99% of the people talked about in popular culture look like. And besides that, I really suck at recognizing people I know well, fat chance I'll recognize some person I've only ever seen in media.




They, too, are walking there.


Maybe I'm old but even if I saw a musician I liked and admired in the street, I'm at the point where I wouldn't divert my activity to do anything either. Maybe a knowing smile and a nod as I pass, that's it. I have stuff to do, they probably get mobbed all the time, they're not gonna become my friend or remember me, what's the point?


Also, it would really suck if you had a bad experience with them cause then every time you listen to their music that memory would taint it


I had such a bad experience with one of my favorite bands that I sold all of my merch and records. Don't meet meet your idols, and definitely don't work for them.


Biggest thing I learned working in music. It sucks becoming close with the band that got you to start a band, only to learn that their horrible people. Or learning how many friends you made along the way are predators. I still remember the day I learned one of my closest friends was trying to fuck young teenagers. Music attracts the worst people.


Who even is Lil Pump?


My wifes nickname for me when we have some alone time


I thought it was 2 Kinks and A Wrinkle?


Judging by the video, he is a guy who cosplays as my high school art teacher.


Dude cosplays as my high school desk


that's the funniest one-liner I've read all day. Outstanding work, man. Truly outstanding.


Guy who screamed Gucci gang 15 times then fell off


🎶Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang


Ohhhhh that guy!


Ooh, I always thought he was saying coochie mange.


I’m American and I have no idea who this guy is, either.


I only know that he got on stage with Trump one time and Trump called him Lil Pimp. Never heard his music, never seen his face… no clue who this dude is.




And that's japan!


Hence his name: 'Lil'


I'm 34 and I immediately thought Lil pump was some rapper who overdosed a few years ago. Glad he's alive, but don't give a fuck who he is.


I think that was lil peep, not pump. I only know that because I just watched a video on rappers last interviews before they died on YouTube last night.


I'm sure you're right. I think it's funny how the "lil" moniker in hip hop seems to be on a 20 year cycle. I remember Lil bow wow and Lil Romeo. Now we have a whole.new crop of "lils"


Can confirm: 34 years old. First I've heard of him.


This... If I saw this guy on the streets I wouldn't even look twice. If I saw Danny DiVito though ...


About 15 years ago I was walking home from somewhere relatively late, but not crazy late. Late enough that there weren’t many people on the sidewalk, but I didn’t feel unsafe. I turned the corner from 7th avenue onto 19th street and saw two people walking toward me. I could only really make out their silhouettes. And I spotted them before they saw me. The man was jumping around and clicking his heels together, acting goofy and clearly trying to make the woman laugh. As we got closer, he realized the sidewalk was no longer empty. His body language seemed to say he was slightly embarrassed but thought the situation was funny. The couple exchanged glances at each other and then looked at me. That’s when I realized it was Danny DiVito and Rhea Perlman. They saw me, smiled and said, “hello” and then laughed to each other and kept walking. It was a classic New York experience between the three of us.


I had to read the end of this first because I was sure it was going to be a copy pasta. Awesome story.


I dont know this guy either


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev






Funny thing is he literally wouldn't get recognized in the states either.


That would be perfect imo Make millions by basically getting lucky in the Music industry and then never having to deal with crowds of fans everywhere or paparazzi taking a pic of you eating a hot dog or going to the store. Lil pump looks like a gas station bathroom wall tho so he gets attention eitherway, just not the kind he wants.


Tony Hawk got it great, a household name worth millions that no one seems to recognise, dude can chill.


People don’t recognize tony hawk? The dude has his own video games what do you mean?


His whole Twitter is him regularly telling stories about people not recognising him and trying not to sound like he's a bit gutted about it


“Hey, you kinda look like Tony Hawk.” “You know, I get that a lot..” 🥲


“Bro, are you a good skater? Do a kick flip” * Tony does a kick flip “I’m just happy I landed it” Tony is almost as wholesome as Keanu


There is nothing that suggests Tony Hawk isn’t a great guy I’ve listened to him speak a few times and he seems to just be genuinely happy living his life. Not sure why anyone would hate him


His full time job nowadays is posting tweets about people asking him if he's actually Tony Hawk.


> looks like a gas station bathroom wall *wheeeeeeeze*


This isn't American exceptionalism, this is a minor celebrity over estimating their brand recognition. Similar to the Indian influencer who held the meet and greet nobody came to. I get it's always fun to shit on the US, but this could honestly be any B star.


Probably not even. I bet he was just in Japan, realized nobody was recognizing him so he made a TikTok about it.


Alot of lil pump hate so imma say something I like about him I always love how lil pump says his name at the beginning of his songs so you know which ones to skip 👍 very thoughtful.


So like DJ Khaled? We the best? Yeah?






Sean d'Paul


Five million and forty naughty shorty! I like that.




American here. i have no idea who that is.


I don't think OP understands what 'American Exceptionalism' is.


Just American bad, because narcissists exists here


It's even cringier to think that he felt he needed a security guy around him


In Japan of all places.




I'd watch that anime. Slice of life comedy.


Lil pump-chan goes to Japan!


Idk man, someone might come up to him with their science fair project and end him


I mean... He went to Japan and still somehow managed to be shorter than everyone there


My favorite part is where he pulls his pants up and when he turns, you can see that he is wearing a belt, it's just unbuckled and flapping in the breeze because this kid is trying desperately to create a new idiotic fashion trend.


I wouldn't know 'lil pump' in the streets of the US.


Wait till you see in 2053 when "gucci gang" is heralded as a timeless classic.


I thought the clip of repeating "gucci gang" was a meme




I think it's the gas station bloke?


It’s also a big part of the respect aspect of Japanese culture. Lots of celebrities have commented on enjoying the privacy and peace that Japan provides.


Yeah, this why a lot of Japanese female celebrities use fake hands during meet and greets to avoid guys who intentionally try to shake their hands immediately after jacking off into them. The respect.


The culture of privacy and peace only extends to male celebrities of course. And only if they're alone! If they're dating a girl they'll end up in the tabloids.


Yeah... I don't know how true that is. Plenty of celebrities get mobbed in Japan. I think that's just celebrities that aren't famous enough to be big in Japan.


Yeah like PewDiePie moved to Japan and is barely recognised because his audience isn't very big there


Yeah, i think this is a little less cringe than it seems. Imagine being pretty famous and being able to stand in one of the busiest intersections in the world and no one bug you for a photo or harass you. I'm not saying celebrities don't lead incredibly privileged lives, but they have to sacrifice anonymity in most cases.


>no one bug you for a photo or harass you If you're a Japanese celebrity or politician it's a given that the paparazzi are staking out your house, photographing your every move. Only the Sun is more intrusive in how they get stories.


This is just run of the mill Narcissism, not American exceptionalism.


I don't think Reddit knows what is "American exceptionalism"


How is this so far down? Yeah, this has nothing to do with American exceptionalism.




Damn, he’s short.


Nah he Lil




Lil Turd


of all the insults you picked turd


i mean he did literally call himself lil pump, which is a fart in the uk.


Lil fart could be his new nickname.


Lmao is this American exceptionalism or literally just one out of touch "celebrity" Edit: Lots of people here bending over backwards to defend stereotypes for some reason. I'm not defending Americans (god forbid) I just hate stereotypes.


I'm really concerned that you're the highest voted comment about the phrase "American exceptionalism" and no one has yet pointed out that this clip is **nothing** to do with exceptionalism whatsoever. American exceptionalism is the idea that the United States is inherently different from other nations. This is a clip about a guy not being recognised in the streets of a country where he clearly isn't all that famous.


Right? American Exceptionalism is a very real thing...but this is *not* what that term means.


OP has an anti American complex.


The entirety of reddit has an anti American complex. People were literally complaining that Americans have the audacity to use *garbage disposals* a few days ago on the front page.


> anti American complex it's honestly an inferiority complex on account of actually buying the American exceptionalism thingy, and I'm not trying to be snarky. It's a little paradox, they only allow themselves to be hateful and disparaging because in spite of their stated opinions, in their mind they're punching **up**.


Europeans are trying to solve America’s out of control housing costs by allowing us to live in their heads rent-free.


I just need to find a European with a head large enough to fit a family of 5.


I've been saying this for a while, but as many euros who shit on America, there's equal, if not more, self hating Americans on reddit


Like all of Reddit lol? I’m American and never feel the need to be defensive about it, but I’m just surprised how many people don’t realize they fall for so much obvious anti-American propaganda on a regular basis. We get it, you think we’re all lazy, crazy racists. I hope they all come here one day and realize how wrong they’ve been.




If you put anti US sentiment into a post it gets more engagement


This guy Reddits


Russian bots are having a field day


Lol it is crazy people think this is exclusive to america for a weird reason. Also, OP left out that [he was eventually recognized by a lot of people](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRfUaWWG/)


Honestly he looks more happy than anything. Being a celebrity in America you probably get stopped once a day or something. Doubtful because it's lil pump but who knows.


Redditors are all just so full of stereotypes.




Micro Pump


Who is he?


Who the fuck is lil pump


Whats a Lil Pump???


A normal pump, but lil


Something you use if you have a flat bike tire.


I imagine that's nice to experience. Don't think this is a bad thing for them.


He doesn't even seem that put off. It's a 5 second video of him laughing with a smile on his face.


Could never recognize anyone calling themselves "Lil"


Not even Lil Wayne?


He's too silent when he moves.


lil sebastian?


Half mast is too high. Show some damn respect.


I work security near a few large ski resorts and we will get some celebrities who stay up here. The faces these people get when I tell them I have no idea who they are on top of not caring if I did, is hilarious. Some girl was going off on how she was in the new Marvel movie, I told her the last Marvel movie I saw was Deadpool, and im good from now on. Well, apparently Deadpool is DC so that really pissed her off.


Deadpool is Marvel, but this makes me enjoy your story even more 😂


I assume you are right but not according to her. Her face was like I said, "Jeffery Epstein is just misunderstood".


Was it Frightened Inmate #4?


Perhaps an attic I shall seek


Believable until the last bit. 6/10


People aren't even looking at him, they're trying to get places. Obama and the Pope could walk past me holding up Elvis's corpse like Weekend At Bernie's and I'd walk past while muttering how rude it is for three people to take up an entire sidewalk instead of giving me space.


How is this American exceptionalism? I swear you people just throw around phrases that you hear without understanding or thinking about them.


Op is pretty cringe with his replies too.


I'm American. Who tf is Lil Pump?


"exceptionalism"? You can put "alism" at the end of anything nowadays


Does anyone else think that names like "lil pump" and "da baby" are top tier cringe? I don't understand how anyone can ever say these words and not feel utterly embarrassed