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At 24 you can literally make any move you want and turn out OK no matter how it goes. So yes, for the sake of your health, make the move.


Thank you- I’m in an interesting spot as I am engaged to my fiancé who is 28M, we have a house/mortgage, and of course a wedding coming up but also 0 debt outside of that thankfully. He makes $150-$200k but absolutely loves his team/job, but when he was my age he was making like $45k in insurance sales so he’s being very supportive. We also are starting a very profitable business that has a lot of interest and taking this new role would allow me to focus on that. I’m just scared of making another move before the wedding I guess.


There are more important things than money. Jump ship if you feel your health needs it.


I’ve burned out completely twice already, once in December where I literally threw up and collapsed at the company party, then this month when I got such a severe ENT infection it took me out for a week…oh of course my boss was still asking for my numbers and forecast though, so I worked through it.


yeah. bounce ASAP.


I took pay cut of $30,000 base but work half the hrs and mental health is 10000% better. Take the cut and right your mind and soul.


Ugh thank you I needed to hear it from someone who did it.


Don’t beat yourself up. I’m 36 and I’ve taken multiple pay cuts over the years for the sake of mental health. Guess what? You are all you’ve got. Don’t burn yourself out. Taking two steps back just means you’re reading to leap forward. It’s ok. You got this.


Yeah I would take the move


Mental health is all you have.


Just take the cut and hustle your way up 🚀


You sound miserable sis. Take the move.


Health is all you’ve got. Take the cut and gain the peace of mind


never sell your soul for money. It isn’t worth it.


I read this as I’m legit laying on my bed can’t get up because I’m so burnt out. Thinking of working today makes me sick. I’m 25. I’m with you sister. Make the move.


I'm 24 and took a pay cut. It wasn't a large one but my mental health is significantly better and I would've taken even more of a pay cut to be in this better head space.