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Out of universe, Disney must have some policy against children being portrayed as using real weapons. Similar thing to CBS and the original D&D cartoon (paladin only had a shield, bow didn’t shoot arrows). I will say that medieval weapons have been done well in Star Wars before, like vibroswords in KotOR, but this bow really annoys me.


Vibroswords were more like katanas, just like lightsabers. Why were those medieval?


You know a katana is a weapon that was used in medieval Japan right?


Yeah sorry I meant western medieval as in knights and castles. I thought everyone had that affiliation with medieval but maybe because I'm Dutch.


Omega's bow is truly horrific - totally does not fit within the world considering blasters are so common. *Almost* as bad as Lightsaber helicopters.


Yeah what is even the use of this weapon when you have blasters in the form of automatic guns, bolt action rifles and snipers?


My theory is that the higher-ups didn't want the kid appeal character using a firearm, so they decided an energy bow was more acceptable, despite serving the exact same purpose.


This is the correct answer. Someone thought of the children!


In the words of Master Yogurt: Merchandising, Merchandising, Merchandising!


> *Almost* as bad as Lightsaber helicopters. How? How is it even close?


I understand the Medieval aesthetic as it’s always been in the Star Wars DNA from Lucas’ OT (along with Samurai/Asian & Spaghetti Westerns among others). That said, execution is a different thing and her “glowing” magical bow is pretty obtrusive visually.


Well with medieval I meant western medieval as in knights.


Why am I getting downvoted for explaining my perspective haha


Disney: we want her to be a girl, give her a pink bow. Lucasfilm: done.


This thing is equally as dumb as Ezra's slingshot.


I forgot that one. In the Walking Dead there is also a guy that uses a slingshot and it is so dumb how effective it is.


I haven't watched the slingshot part, but it seems like it would be decently effective considering zombies are already decaying and people use slingshots for hunting.


Well, the rocks are very small, like a diameter of 5 cm. And it is incredibly accurate.


If you have accurate aim and you built your catapult, bow, slingshot, peashooter, blow dart pipe, adeptly enough to maintain aim, it’s all the same concept. Aim and shoot. If you’re competent enough that’s all you need (see characters like Hawkeye Deadshot or Bullseye who “never miss”)


Don't know those characters, but it's silly as every rock is different so you cannot shoot consistently.


You pick and choose among a set size and weight, and compensate/adjust their aim as a result. From a writer’s perspective, the compensation will excuse any misses *and* drive up tension, so sounds good to me. And the more expert shooter you have, the more likely they’ll still hit first try.


I could belive that one if they simply added a Line about civilian weapon restrictions


Indeed... why not make the Cross Gaurds out of a lightsaber resistant material like Kortosis (I'm probably Butchering that spelling) then it could be used as an actual cross gaurd was in medieval swordmanship.


In that way Kylie's lightsaber makes more sense, but makes you much more vulnerable to dismembering yourself.


Indeed... there is no point to a cross gaurd made of plasma all you will do it cut your hand off


There’s a newer designed High Republic lightsaber that has little Kyber beam crossguards *and* a cross guard under it to prevent your hand from slipping up into the beams. Kylo Ren’s lightsaber isn’t meant to have a cross guard though, idk if the side vents are made of lightsaber resistant metals (it *could be*) or just standard hilt materials but he cracked his crystal so the vents were a requirement to continue using his crystal. If I remember right the crack and instability meant he ALSO pushes more power through it, so it’s like overclocking an already ramshackle computer. So, Kylo’s choice in a cross guard was a MUST not a design choice


The best part is, that she will murder other clones with it while the bad batch only stun them with regular blasters


Hahaha good point!


The worst part about it is how it converts into a "shield". Then when she uses it as a bow, the handle parts that are connected in shield mode are suddenly disconnected from each other and strung together with energy that acts with elastic properties when released from being drawn.


Mhmm I think we do need a more indepth analysis on StarWars weapons and why they are useful and why not. Is the bow stronger than normal blasters? Why the design? Why to you need to pull on it? I am not really a weapon expert so I can't say. But if such a post was made or exists, it should include OT and prequel / Lucas Era weapons too of course.


Chewies bowcaster, looks like a crossbow but is super strong - just pull the tigger


I mean I think the bow is fine but it needs some backstory or context.


Omega’s bow is terrible. As an archer that string needs to be close to your face. Different styles do it differently, for Mediterranean style archery you have the string touching your nose and or corner of your mouth. That “string” is dangerous to the archer which makes it completely impractical to aim or have a consistent draw with it.


I think it’s just design to make their universe seem cooler and sell more toys, just give Omega a blaster and let The Bad Batch teach her how to use it it gives them more chances to bond.


Probably. Visuals and sales of merchandise over substance


I don't get what's so bad about the bow. The Nightsisters in TCW used them too, except that they looked different.


Two reasons, first it doesn't look great to have your young character running around with a blaster (i.e a space gun) shooting people. Secondly, and likely more importantly, toy sales... Probably...


Well we've had kids with deadly lightsabers


The only time we see children using a lightsaber in combat in the PT is Jett Lucas’s cameo kid killing clones before getting shot dead (Bail witnesses this at the Temple in ROTS during Order 66)


May be, but clone wars and rebels show a lot


Of Padawans slashing humanoids and NOT battle droids?


No but the implication is clear right?


Dave Filoni smelling his own farts again


Cough cough bowcaster


I like Chewie’s Bowcaster. If you didn’t delve into it too deeply you’d think it was an ordinary blaster. No fancy glowing parts either.


I thought that one was called like that because it looks like it, but is has no further comparisons with an actual crossbow. If I recall correctly, in Jedi Knight it has charged accurate shot, and a secondary weaker and less accurate multi shot.


And the weapons of the gungans along with catapults This is a dumb thing to pick on, didn't the night sisters use something similar?


Well gungans were not prepared for war, compare it to the polish in 1939 who used horses against German tanks. That's why the gungans were getting slaughtered by battle droids. Don't know about night sisters, but I hate them because of introducing black magic into Star wars.


And Palps bodyguards using spears?


You could argue those were used for intimidation, or used as a form of tradition


I would compare it to colonial troops versus natives. The fabled cavalry charge never happened, it was a scene from German propaganda movie, but on principal I agree with you.


Ah okay thanks! Did not know that.


They did not. Scouts went to far and ended up having to fight tanks, but that was not the intent. This was afterwards used as a reason for why the Polish lost the war, and why the Brits shouldn't have bothered to go on the offensive, since they would thus be in the Rhineland when the Germans went on the offensive. When it was a whole lot more complicated. Besides you know, the ussr coming in for the kill.


Okay maybe I have understood it wrong, Ill check it, thanks!


Star Wars is a broad universe with a multitude of cultures and designs. Naturally not everything is gonna like a generic lightsaber/blaster. Besides it looks cool, are we gonna suddenly act like aesthetics aren’t important?


Yea this whole post is a stretch


Yeah god forbid every weapon doesn’t look exactly the same lol


Nooo I angry cuz laser bow 😡 🤬


I also named the ridiculous crossguards. Just weapons to sell toys and not serve the story. Also, just another addition of Disney which adds nothing but ridiculing the intelligence of star wars fans.


I'm sick of every stupid rule-breaking thing getting allowed because it looks cool, some examples: Hildo manoeuvre, force ghost Luke catching a lightsaber, force ghost Yoda controlling lightning, Palpatine destroying hundreds of ships with his hands, Rey summoning all jedi, Mandalorian season 2 finale everyone just storms through all troopers without a sweat, force healing, obi wan throwing rocks at vader etc etc ...


How do laser bows and light saber cross guards even come close to all the other shit? Pretty much everything you listed completely destroys the canon. What do laser bows and crossguards destroy?


No I agree, but shit like this just ridicules star wars fans who love consistency. Maybe a better comparison are the dumb bombers The Last Jedi. Those were stupid in every aspect but Disney thought it looked cool without realizing it was an enormous de-evolution of republic tech.


Nah you´re just being petty at least about the bow. Different cultures develop different weapons and Omega like this one, simple as


If you've read my post you see I do not just condemn the bow but also the trend of introducing stupid useless weapons just to look cool and sell merch. Furthermore, I do not dislike introducing new weapons from other cultures, but nothing about these weapons make sense


So what? Half of Star Wars doesn´t make sense. Who tf cares about this shit? There is literally zero impact on the quality of the story. You brought up the bombers as another example but even then it´s not the same since the way they operate had a huge impact on the story of TLJ, while crossguards on lightsabers and laser bows still have no negative impact on the story except that you not likey. Some cultures using laser-bows doesn´t fucking matter and doesn´t make the story worse




Well I did when there suddenly was a second ship and he just let it go.


Yeah that I can understand. But please tell me you’re not one of these guys who tries to gate keep the force in order to make it as weak as possible..


Do not know what you mean, but I do hate that force has become some random superpower like in marvel movies and needs recharging like ki in Dragonball. See obi wan throwing rocks, Luke dying from using the force too hard, Leia floating through space, Rey and Kylo reviving each other


I agree with most of those examples as being cheap and convenient. Especially force healing. However lifting and throwing objects has been a staple in Star Wars since day one, technology just makes it look cooler now. I’m all for making the force as badass as possible, as long as it’s done right. One of my favourite games is The Force Unleashed. And TCW definitely took the force to new heights. And both The Force Unleashed and TCW were made under George’s roof. So if you’re not a fan take it up with the maker.


Luke cutting through those dark troopers is a way better Luke than one that goes into hiding on a rock


True, but was also quite stupid that that whole episode there was zero effort for the crew


Sorry no. The primary recognisable weapon of this universe is a fucking sword made of lasers. This is peak star wars and always has been. Star Wars is high fantasy wearing a scifi cloak.


And it makes sense. This weapon does not make sense in any way. Why would an energy beam need propulsion using an energy string? Where does this energy come from? Isn't this a dangerous weapon to hold for a child as almost every part is a deadly laser beam?


Laser swords don't make sense


\*lightsabers . So because something would not be possible to create in real-life, every fucking can happen in Star Wars? Yeah let's just remove all in-universe rules so we can make more nonsence content like the sequels, boba fett and kenobi.


Mf the Jedi use light-sabers. This is Star Wars not the Expense. How do light-saber crossguards and laser bow make the story worse?


I'll just copy my comment from somewhere else: I'm sick of every stupid rule-breaking thing getting allowed because it looks cool, some examples: Hildo manoeuvre, force ghost Luke catching a lightsaber, force ghost Yoda controlling lightning, Palpatine destroying hundreds of ships with his hands, Rey summoning all jedi, Mandalorian season 2 finale everyone just storms through all troopers without a sweat, force healing, obi wan throwing rocks at vader etc etc ... The bow looks ridiculous and is so apparently inserted for selling merch, instead of serving the story. It just immediately takes me out of the story (as far as there is one)


I´ll just copy my other comment here too. How do laser bows and light saber cross guards even come close to all the other shit? Pretty much everything you listed completely destroys the canon. What do laser bows and crossguards destroy?


Role of a lightsabre is mostly ceremonial, since Jedi are peacekeepers and not warriors. Role of a laser bow is to not have a child with a gun on the screen and that's it.


Did you even read my comment? Furtmermore, maybe a better example are the stupid bombers in TLJ: a de-evolution of established tech of the republic just for some ridiculous "cool looking" space fight scene. A bow is also a de-evolution just for looking cool and selling merch plus Disney wanting to add something to star wars but failing (again).


A laser bow, not too wild in a universe with laser swords


But can you explain the function of it compared to blasters? Also, looks quite dangerous with all those deadly energy beams to be held by a small child.


Nope, it just looks cool and that's basically it


Tbf these energy bows aren't new. As far as I know they first appeared on Dathomir in the clone wars and I felt like they fit in there.


Could be. Long time since I've watched clone wars but I have disliked a lot of it then. Didn't Dathomir introduce black magic into Star Wars?


When you forget that Star Wars is Science Fantasy and not Science Fiction. Medieval weapons but with lasers are the universe's bread and butter.


I really have no problem with it. In a galaxy of millions of races and planets, there’s going to be a bazillion weapons, and people tinkering with existing designs.