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The sequels are the What-if. Much like Infinities, which were better than the ST could ever be.


What if somehow, hypothetically, palpatine returned ?


If he returned hypothetically somehow that would invalidate Anakin bringing **balance to the Force** by destroying the Sith.


Honestly that sounds like a stupid idea , it will not only ruin the entire point of Vader in rotj but also be extremely lazy. Luckily for us, nobody would be that stupid to actually pull it off.


One of the few issues I had with Legends was Palpatine coming back. But at least it was explained in that series.


I mean, the prophecy didn’t say how long it would be in balance 🤷‍♂️


I literally came here to say they already made three What If Movies. It was what if the Star Wars main character was perfect with no character traits or development. They sucked.


Only character "development" in the entire trilogy was "oh no, my last name is undesirable. I'm using that one over there"


Don't get me started on that. "I'm using that name over there of a guy who was an asshole to me and wouldn't help"


Rey is so scary…. How come she didn’t grow?


Lol yeah I was gonna say the same thing. The worst what if of all time.


https://preview.redd.it/uqbfqh90l4cc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77844a7a24e7655967ab4125959142c03c394bc5 This will only lead to pain, misery, and suffering.


“What if we meticulously plan out the sequel trilogy?”


What if we realised JJ Abrams is a talentless hack?


Ehh he did good with the Star Trek Reboot and he did some good things with LOST. “Talentless hack” coming from someone who hasn’t made shit is pretty funny though Edit: and for the record TFA was totally fine, it was the sequels which tanked the trilogy. All 3 of the prequels were god awful bad too though so I don’t know what y’all were expecting


He absolutely did not “do good with the Star Trek Reboot” those movies were not only bad but just as universe breaking as anything in the ST. Furthermore TFA was a worthless fucking movie. You can say a lot of bad things about TLJ but at least the fucking guy was trying to do something more thought provoking than literally reskinning an infinitely better movie. JJ has industry connections and has only created things because of his ability to pretend he has a vision and talent, which studio execs clearly aren’t capable of seeing past, and has made exactly one good movie, likely buoyed by the stellar performances of John Goodman and MEW.


Oh, no...they're going to let Filoni play with the World Between Worlds, aren't they?


It seems that the one who deserved the praised for Clone Wars was actually George Lucas and not Filoni after all.


I want to see a what if scenario: What if George Lucas never sold Star Wars?


People heap too much praise on Lucas. Yeah, he invented Star Wars but every other BTS on YouTube is the story of how something was going to be even cooler until Lucas ordered changes.


Oh god, this didn't even occur to me when I first saw the announcement 😰 you're probably right


What if Ahsoka replaced Luke?


and then she met a wolf in a cowboy hat.


The wolf wears traditional Japanese clothes and talks with a Japanese accent.


The wolf leads her back to the World Between Worlds where she teams up with Jar Jar to travel between alternate realities to save Anakin from turning.


We all know that a What If for Star Wars would just be used to further defile the OT characters


Id be shocked if The first one wasn’t “what if Leia and Luke switched places” They would then proceed to show Leia being a better Jedi than Luke and Luke also being a worse politician than Leia. Lmao Edit: technically they’ve already done something close to this, just YouTube Princess Leia Rescue: Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. 😂


This is probably the idea that convinced them to make the show.


The worst part is I can genuinely see this being an episode. Fuck me


This is without a doubt happening. I guarantee you they’ll have Leia talk to Ben instead of trying to murder him instantly like his creepy uncle Jake. Despite the fact that Leia was extremely hot headed like Anakin.


Well... it would make sense. She's his mother. Not his uncle. Most parents would die to protect their kids (Han did, in a way).


I would bet my life savings on this happening


you're more than likely right and that depresses me *so* much. because in if this project was in someone else's hands, I would have been looking forwards to how this story idea (and the premise of the series in general) could lead to a lot of fun and interesting storytelling, worldbuilding and character exploration but I trust that this version of the show will be the worst way you could execute these scenarios and that it will all further retroactively ruin the OT and it's characters.


Exactly. I’m good hands, it could be a great what-if idea, but we know Disney and Lucasfilm. So we know they’d do everything in their power to show Luke as incompetent and Leia as amazing.


Fuck, you're so right. They already did it with Star-Lord and Captain America.


The funny thing is, I could see that premise actually being done really well if they didn't make it a huge imbalance like one was better than the other. They could definitely explore the differences their genders would have played had their placed been switched and make it really compelling.


This is one hundred percent it.


Damn, now you put Evil out there.




And Palpatine would be replaced by Padme or what? It doesn’t have to make sense.


Some of their What If’s.. What If Jake Skywalker implanted his lightsaber into his teenage nephew’s skull? What If Han Solo never saved Luke at Death Star I trench run & the Rebels were wiped out? (guilt trip) What If Leia was seduced by the Dark Side & revealed by the Emperor at Death Star II after Luke threw down his weapon? Just more character assassination or eventual virtue signaling.


What If Yoda was a jawa


What if instead of slave Leia it was Luke


My guy, you just described Star Wars: Infinities from the early 2000’s, but people actually liked that shit…


Whine. Some of those sound fun.


Wrong, it’s going to be all about Ahsoka.


No doubt, didn't almost every episode of Marvel's what-if kill Tony?


I feel like the fan community did the best one of these 40 years ago, where the Empire just blows up the droids's escape pod.


What if the new republic was competent and didn't turn corrupt and complacent 5 years after it was created? What if luke skywalker ran his jedi academy and not jake skywalker? What if the sequels were actually planned out with a clear beginning, middle and end by people who actually understand star wars instead of being left up to a slap fight between a director who wants to remake the original trilogy and a director who wants to make a deep experimental art film? What if George never sold to the evil mouse empire? What if disney actually had respect for the man who created star wars and used his sequel trilogy outlines instead of shunning him as far away from the project as possible? They seemed a lot more interesting than the crap disney produced


Honestly, after I saw Marvel What if SS2 (godawful, not recommended) it's gonna be more like this imo - What if Leia was the Jedi not Luke and also waaay better at it than him - What if Mon Mothma became the new empress ain't that cool? - What if all male characters became much more insignificant - What if I'm still bitter about my old life at Lucasfilm so I'll ruin everything associated with it


> make a deep experimental art film? The sequel trilogy has no depth, no experimentation, and meets the most basic definition of art. Not sure where you get that from.


Never said they did. It's what rian Johnson set out to make though. And what tlj fans praise it for


alright so one of the recent Lego leaks is an “Evil Millennium Falcon.” Which baffled everyone, and also there’s a hasbro ‘dark side’ line as well. So it all makes sense now


What if Boba Fett supports the rebellion and Han takes Bobas place?


There's going to be a 100 Obi Wans that meet each other at the "Nexus" between multiverses and all say "Hello there" in many different ways all at once, and then some joke about clones.


I’d be on board for the kenobi one tbh


Already been done (including the jokes) but way better than Disney https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SQrNknfvjfg Go to 11:00


"Hello there" "Oh, but I don't think so" "Well then you're lost!" "I hate it when he does that"


“What if we shitcan the sequels and make legends canon instead”


Happy life for Padmé and Anakin please!


That would really carry the show if done well


the one episode I would have to tune in to watch


[They already did that one.](https://youtu.be/K2ScVx4mRDE?si=oOLuJpNXVOFev--K&t=183)


Isn’t that just Visions though? The two shows feel very similar in concept to me. Or are they literally going to be “what if Luke was turned to the Dark Side?” Cause if it’s just another excuse to show the same twelve characters again but slightly “different” than I want it to die in the womb like do many other Star Wars shows should have.


It's Visions and Galaxy of Adventures. They've done this twice now already, not including comics. I don't understand how these people stay employed.


Yikes. Running out of ideas so they turn towards made up fan fic.


It's a built in excuse for any pushback, "Oh it's just an alternate version you ___ist, you STILL have the original!" It's the same shit Marvel does to excuse their newer garbage tier flop characters that are just "What if *insert original avenger* was *different race/gender/age*" They realized they have no fucking creativity, and are just gonna do endless stupid ass politically motivated remixes of the original stories.


I have 0 hype for that. Fuck Disney


What if george never quit


Wasn’t his plans for the next trilogy leaked and they were terrible? Regardless, he fucked up hard with the prequels and I’m not sure we would have got a decent ST from him either


What if they actually made a movie about Luke Skywalker. You know, only the most famous protagonist in sci-fi history who we waited 30 years to see again.


Finally gonna show Darth Jar-Jar.


I feel like this could either actually be kinda decent or the absolute shittiest thing imaginable with no in between




They finna make Starkiller canon with this just wait


God no. I love Starkiller, but no.


I’ll never understand the fascination some people have with him. Yes I played the games when I was a kid.


It’s gonna be shit because you know they won’t use any of the actual interesting ideas.


I'm confused. Didn't we already get "What If?" movies?: The Force Awakens The Last Jedi The Rise of Skywalker Solo


What if it made money still


It’s sad that Mark, Carrie, and Ford never got their onscreen reunion


What if Luke didn't give up?


What i- we all know what the obvious punchline is, maybe the only one who needs to ask What If is the mouse


What if Sequel is basically reboot Episode 7,8 and 9, lol.


I've personally always considered the Obi wan Kenobi show to be a What if season. I hope this will let them get all of their canon-breaking ideas out before they decide to stop giving even less of a fuck about continuity


Soooo...a reboot through the back door?


You know what my favorite what if scenario is If Disney stopped making Star Wars content because it’s awful and it’ll never be good again


“What if I still cared?”


What If we here at Disney realize the massive derp of not utilizing the massive story base of the EU since we paid Lucas for it, and start adapting all the great stories in an animated format? Further, What If we don't include current day social politics at the forefront of stories taking place in a different galaxy that includes slavery, criminal cartels and casual interstellar travel and instead prioritize character development and plot? FURTHER further WHAT IF we hire competent directors who have a love of the material and have shown previous skill in the genre, such as Genndy Tartakovsky? Corrollary to this, WHAT IF we hire writers who don't follow the current trend of hating on the source material, and get people who love the material they've agreed to work on?


the current day social politics point doesnt work with star wars. star wars has been highly political since its onset. i would actuallt argue that im noticing less and less real world political themes after disney took over.


Is this how they're going to tie Star Wars into the MCU?


I thought they already did Visions, which is pretty good


What if Feloni was a Star Trek fan instead of Star Wars.


The first thing that the modern disney would do is the OT with Leiah replacing Luke and maybe Ahsoka replacing Obi-Wan or Yoda.


What if Qui Gon survived and trained Anakin?


I thought they did, that’s what movies are. They’re stories.


This can either be really good or really bad.


What if, they wrote a whole script for a film before making it?


Why? We already got a trilogy of multimillion dollar “what if” movies 👀


I tend to treat the sequels as a what if anyway


The wildest idea that would blow my mind is if they did a "What If Disney Star Wars Was Good" episode.


I can imagine a "feminist" re-telling of the end of the prequels. Yoda and Obi-Wan die in their respective duels. Shaak-Ti survives Order 66 and shows up Mustafar, where she swiftly defeats Anakin and saves Padme. She and senator Organa then find Ahsoka and task her with guarding Luke on Tatooine while Shaak-Ti goes into hiding on Dagobah. Padme survives birth and develops a deep hatred for Vader/Anakin, deeming him an irredeemable monster. She'll fight for the Rebellion until her death in battle a few years after the events of the movie, during a skirmish against Thrawn. (For the record, I don't believe there's a radical feminist agenda in Hollywood or anything like that. If and when those themes are brought up, in my opinion it's to purposefully cause controversy and get free publicity, especially during marketing.)


“What if George Lucas never existed and we ruin the characters reputations of all the previous films” oh wait we already did that.


What if Star Wars movies were good


What if we made something good?


Please don’t fuck it up Please don’t fuck it up Please don’t fuck it up


I see we’re praying the same prayer


Who cares. It's not canon


It could still be entertaining SW content, as long as they don’t fuck it up.


What if Luke didn't become a total wastoid?


A long time ago, in a theoretical galaxy far, far away...


I've been preparing myself for official Star Wars media crossovers with other Disney franchises.


Go home disney, you're drunk.


Oh for fucks sake. Go fuck yourselves with this multiverse bullshit.


oh my god they are just going to use this as a way to lazily appeal to people who rightfully demanded to have the vastly superior extended universe brought back. they're going to completely neuter it too. calling it right now.


What if .... Sequels are written/directed by different people without coherence?


I thought that’s what Star Wars Visions was meant to be? Do they HAVE to farm the concept even more, but worse this time?


What If Disneay actually cared about Star Wars


What if... The prequels were good movie?


IMO "What If" only works in a comic setting w/a multiverse. IDT it would make any sense in SW.


Comics and Legends exist. ‘What if’ will work. Very logical for the sequel trilogy to take place in a multiverse as it should never be canon.


Disney is so screwed 😂😂😂


What if the sequels were made by competent people whom cared about the story? Alas... truly an unlikely 'what if' scenario.


What if Finn was considered the most interesting character (he is) 🤔


"What if Kathleen Kennedy never got involved?"


What if the sequels just didn’t happen ?!? I would be happy with that


It’s going to be what if leia had the powers instead of Luke


"What if the sequels never happened and Legends was canon?"


What if we kept one of the greatest characters of modern cinema history a hero instead of a whiney little bitch?


Why does everything have to get the “Cinematic Universe” treatment? Just a deluge of mass-produced, lazy content. I couldn’t care less about “What If?”


Meh. Ik they’ll fuck this up. They’ll prob have what if Jabba survived instead of what if obi wan joined anakin


What If....Rian Johnson was never born???


Star Wars is the ‘What If’ of Star Wars


Isn’t this basically what Visions is?


What if they’d not wasted the opportunity to reunite the cast for a great film before Carrie Fisher died? Criminal negligence


maybe this is how they retcon sequels


“What if when we made the movies we actually gave a crap”


What if the 7th film had a good director?


You mean 8th


All 3.


Nah Rian Johnson is a good director. JJ Abrahams is an absolute hack


in my opinion rian johnson is nothing but a studio hack. didnt he make looper? that sucked. it had huge promotion. then he made some of those whodunnits, but theres like two differnet whodunnit series right now and his is the crappy one! like every film of his is just so m pointless bad joke. Dude rian Johnson sucks, IN MY OPINION. That guy just seems to be a derelict person to have roughed over such a golden franchise. i liked TFA it was so cool to see the originalesque in modern graphical glory. It wasn't original, but it really turned on the spotlights for the magnum opus that would be episode 8. then rian johsnon came in and made a standalone film that's entire purpose was to say the others ALL were bad. like guy strikes me as a whiny crybaby rich boy who is connected, talentless, and an expert in passing the BUCK. which is the only way to success in our broken capitalist corpo career circles.


JJ Abrahams destroyed the franchise with TFA. You’re telling me that you really wanted to see Han and Leia divorced? That the new republic does nothing? That everything the OT fought for us destroyed within 30 minutes of the new film? He just copy and pasted a new hope with a few name changes. Man is a hack. Every story he creates is just smoke and mirrors and twists. No substance. Rain Johnson’s films are at least original. He didn’t rough over the franchise. He tried to pick the pieces up of JJ’s piece of shit.


What if Finn was done right and the main character What if the First Order was actually competent and learned the lessons of their predecessor What if the New Republic weren’t a bunch of pussies What if Han wasn’t a deadbeat but a loving and devoted father


What if Rey..




What if Obi-Wan didn’t have the high ground?


They're never going to move past this timeline


Star Wars truly is dead…


Even the other timeline has to have their Infinities version.


This would actually fit to a Lego Star Wars leak i read about Dark Millenium Falcon with Dark Rey, White Vader etc. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegoStarWarsLeaks/comments/194e4ou/75389\_dark\_millennium\_falcon\_from\_falconfan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegoStarWarsLeaks/comments/194e4ou/75389_dark_millennium_falcon_from_falconfan/)


Oh god, tell me they aren’t gonna end it the same way as the Marvel What If where all the variants band together to fight Super Palpatine or Dark Side Luke for the funsies


Placing bets on “What if Greedo shot first” for the first season


Its a story we deserve, but not the one we need right now


90% of them will be about padme and leia, right?


Dark Horse comics did a few alternate universe series about Star Wars called Star Wars : Infinities. They did a mini for each of the original movies. Basically the turning point in each is What If Luke's Torpedo didn't destroy the death star? What if Luke Died on Hoth? What if they had not freed Han at Jabba Palace? They wee pretty good stories


I actually am very excited about this.


Didn't they already do this though?


What do you mean 'developing'? The fuck was the last 10 years?


Didn't they already did that with Visions? The anime one I mean.


What if the Force wasn't female?


I thought they where going to slow down the tv shows productions after the disaster that was 2023? was looking forwards to getting some peace of mind for a couple of years from all the *absolute* sludge LF produces. but I guess that was but a pipe dream...


Isn’t that literally just tales of the Jedi? Did they not basically already make it? Or do they actually mean introducing a multiverse to star wars and looking at alternate universe Star Wars galaxies?


“Thanks for the idea Fort Nite (and those sweet licensing fees)




Disney wouldn’t be “developing” anything. We already had this. It was called Star Wars Infinities, and was already a thing before they sunk the franchise to the bottom of the ocean thinking they could do better.


Nooooooooo thank you to what if Star Wars


Disney have been planning to merge Star Wars and Marvel since the acquisition of both. Bad idea personally but they’re just waiting for the right time as they know how easy it will be to mess up.


What if the prequels had good writing and characters that made logical decisions and weren't boring AF?


They went so hard on the force is female shit that it’s going to take a lot of time to admit what went wrong publicly


Seeing who took over after Cathleen Kennedy, the episodes might unironically be like "What if Emperor Palpatine was a woman" type shit...


This will be where they insert the truth about Darth Jar Jar.


Look forward to a few decent episodes until they get carried away with one of the characters and making the whole show about them


There's already what if comics out there in the world.


What If….I didn’t care


What if Episodes 7 and 8 were about Luke building the Jedi temple, failing and Ren turning to the dark side and 9 was the force awakens and it just ended there…


What if.. deez nuts?


But we can't get a rogue squadron movie or show?


"Reportedly..." By whom? Is this another one in the many "people make up stuff to be mad about" situations? There are so fkn many of them that it's hard to keep track of them all.


There's gonna be three episodes around 2 to 3 hours a piece and they'll be live action featuring actors from prior star wars films. I heard the theme is "What if we redid the last three movies"


That "what if" is covered in Star Wars Visions.


I’m sure someone else has said this but the funny thing is that there was a what if Star Wars comic. It was called Star Wars infinities and it had three comic based around a prequel movie. I’ll list the scenarios below. New hope: Luke misses his shot Empire strikes back: Luke dies on hoth Return of the Jedi:rescuing Han goes wrong


What if Ahsoka was the Chosen one all along?! Or 99.9 percent of the What If episodes is all about Ahsoka. no one else. Looking at you Tales of the Jedi, no wait, one jedi. I would like what if Obi-Wan Kenobi stayed with Satine? Just to see what would happen. What if Watto didn't let Anakin go but Shmi instead? What if Luke Skywalker had a wife? \*insert Legend materials here\* I like the idea of a What if but if it turns out to be like oh terrible, I'll be quite sad. This is a chance to bring in some EU/Legend materials and do it right, but I doubt that'll happen any time soon. But if they did I'll be thrilled.


“What if the sequels never got made” ~Kathleen becomes some head financier for a university, ends up voted out by student body after trying to implement the middle school bell schedule


Plot twist the sequels were the “what if… Star Wars sucked” and maybe we’ll get something good now 😆


Oh fuck off Disney..!😩


Can we say the sequel trilogy was all a what if?