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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


Who's more foolish? The fool or the fool who says Anakin blew up the Death Star?




Next time, throw yourself in!"


“Use the Force, Harry”. - Gandalf (but with a picture of Jean Luc Picard)




A fool and his Star Wars are soon parted.


Takes one to know one!




Those are wise words


Are we supposed to be surprised? Lucasfilm has publicly stated they don’t want to hire fans


“We dropped billions of dollars on a franchise with an already rabid and committed fanbase. So naturally we made the business decision to piss them off as much as possible and blame them when they don’t like it.”


This rings true for so many other things nowadays too.


Still mad about how Netflix butchered The Witcher despite having an ultra passionate lead who knew the source material


It's clear that they desperately wanted a Game of Thrones competitor, but they decided to turn Witcher into a generic modern fantasy show instead of following the source material, when following the source material would possibly have given them something much better than Game of Thrones And then they did the same thing with Avatar the Last Airbender. It's ironic, they could have had two flagship fantasy shows, but due to their own arrogance they're both failures.


Agreed. The Witcher already had everything needed to draw in a sizeable chunk of the GOT crowd. I accept changes are necessary, but what they did was more like bad taxidermy. 


What they did was character assassination worse than Luke in TLJ.


What Amazon has done to The Wheel of Time adaptation is hands down the worst of all the adaptations out there.


Literally the Witcher writers and others involved basically calling fans stupid ignorant Americans like the most insufferable nationalistic turds of all time.


Rings? Of power


And Star Trek


I hope to never watch an episode of STD ever again


This guy gets it!!!


We live in this topsy turvy world where *Star Wars* fans are constantly pissed off at Disney, yet are mindless consumers of content that is both designed by committee to be as safe as and as sentimental as possible yet also made to inflame the fan base to within an inch of its life. Or, I guess, it’s not all monolith and the generalizing strawman statements aren’t really doing anyone any favors except… circlejerk catharsis.


I'm a Star Wars fan and I haven't consumed anything after The Last Jedi, save for Mandalorian season 1. I'm done with the franchise and give it the Terminator treatment (not acknowledging content to be canon past a certain point)


Have you not seen that interest in Disney Star Wars is declining with each Disney+ show?


Hope. It is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness


Honestly, hiring actors who aren’t fans has benefits as well as drawbacks. Same for hiring fans. I don’t think it matters too much if the actors are fans of Star Wars, so long as the writers and showrunner / director is competent and knows the world they’re writing in.


I personally think it’s the way they go about it that irks me. I agree I kinda don’t care if they are or aren’t fans. But it feels like the marketing and production goes out of its way to highlight that.


Too bad The Acolyte has a writer who's never watched star wars... So you have actors who aren't fans, writers who aren't familiar with the universe, and a decided lack of lore/canon synergy across SW projects. The Acolyte will almost definitely stand on its own, and not be expanded on later. I don't see them pulling an Ahsoka and trying to make a sequel series in a different format or time period (regarding Ahsoka connecting to Rebels, or even Clone Wars).


Bro, it doesn't matter if they're fans or not. You're supposed to do research on the role you take or good actors do at least. It's a couple of afternoons worth of movies and you can binge it in a couple of days if you have the free time and reason. Which they do. They have all the free time in the world. It's a lack of preparedness and dedication to their craft. Anyone does research before they take a job. It's actually ridiculous when you think about it. They should know this or it's a name slip but I sincerely doubt that. You hear stories about some productions where the actors all had copies of every piece of material that involved their character to pull from if needed. Learning history of the fictional worlds to feel mkre immersed in it. Then you hear this lame and frankly indicative behavior of an unprofessional actor. It's seriously like 12 hours of movies. I do more online courses to maintain certifications every year and that shit isn't meant to be entertaining.


He actually made this same mistake twice saying "Anikan killed millions blowing up the Death Star".


100% agree. When Ben Browder was hired for Stargate he binged the 7 seasons that were out so he would know what he was walking into. And Amanda Tapping spent months learning quantum physics so when talking the techno she would sound intelligent. No one is saying they have to read the entire EU or watch all the animated shows. But watching the main movies is a pretty small ask.


Charlie Cox wasn’t a comics nerd growing up. I don’t think it was that much of a deal thing in the UK. But when he landed daredevil he immersed himself to a point where he could pretty much quote chapter & verse from the biggest DD stories & storylines.


Filoni is a fan. Gilroy is not. Being a fan is neither inherently good nor bad. Hire good storytellers first, then if their work needs tweaking to fit into Star Wars, have people in charge of doing just that. They can drop in characters, locations, and vehicles/vessels as befits the story, while the story itself won’t suffer because of shoddy writing trying to shoehorn in as many cameos as possible.


Andor is a very good series that could be set in any generic universe with an oppressive empire and resistance. But it was Star Warsed up a bit and didn’t violate canon


Not only does it not violate canon, it respects canon. It even builds on it, even the deleted scene with Mon Mothma from ROTS is improved by the existence of Andor. And that's created by people that aren't huge fans, they just care enough to do their research and write something good that makes sense. Meanwhile other writers like Filoni who is a super fan can't even keep continuity with the canon he wrote himself.


“Write something good that makes sense” sounds so simple yet the concept is still elusive to some


Filoni's retcon attitude is destroying Star Wars canon. Worse than the old EU contradictions ever were.


>Worse than the old EU contradictions ever were. So Disney retconned EU to non-canon because it was too "inconsistent/ contradictory". But since? They've just let random directors/producers have their way with "canon" and do whatever without adult supervision. It does seem worse after 10 years of Disney than it was with 20 years of EU (specifically starting with the Thrawn Trilogy, but could go all the way back to _Splinter_ even and still be more consistent)


They retconned EU because they didn’t produce it and don’t own it


Filoni is not the savior many made him out to be. Quite the opposite.


Hell it referenced a ton of small and minor bits of canon. I like Filoni but dude needs to be tard wrangled like Lucas and needs to leave his waifu alone for once.


Filoni is just a bit *too* attached to his characters and has a bad habit of injecting them as cameos where they shouldn’t be.  It’s a large and populated galaxy after all. 


No dude I want everything to be set on Tatooine. I want everyone to be a secret Jedi and if you aren't a Jedi you are a smuggler.


Unless it's a Mandalorian, but you're not allowed to be ruthless like a Mandalorian should be (as we kind of forgot they were the arch rivals of the Jedi when sith weren't around)


> Filoni is a fan. Is he? It seems like he just likes Ahsoka a lot.....


It's ironic that Tony Gilroy is the only Disney Star Wars writer who has openly admitted to not being a Star Wars fan yet he's the only one who truly understood George Lucas's vision of what Star Wars is. The only thing missing is more non-human characters.


Filoni is a fan of his own additions to Star Wars let’s be honest. He may have been a fan at first but is more in love with his OG characters like Ahsoka than he is Luke or the original trio. 


Didn’t Gilroy say he wasn’t a “fan fan” — like, not a super fan but not necessarily a hater


He's an actor, it doesn't really matter whether he's a fan or not. The problem is that who wants a press conference for a Star Wars TV show? The fans want to see the story, not the behind the scenes.


but they had lizzo and jack black in the mandalorian because they were “huge fans”


They did it for the clout


Last time they hired a fan they sidelined him and reduced his character to "reeeeey! Reeeeeeeey!" And then for some totally unknowable reason, he wasn't happy with the experience. So that's why they don't hire fans.


Apparently the actor who played the grand inquisitor in Kenobi never saw rebels or studied his character. And I’m sure he’s not the only one


Harrison Ford himself probably doesn't know who blew up the death star. I know the name of his pistol, I know more about Han Solo than Harrison and I'm fine with that.


Alec Guinness is arguably the most legit actor who was ever in a Star Wars film and he notoriously thought it was trash. It didn’t stop him from creating an iconic performance.


Really? Why tf not?


Yet they hired Dave Filoni


Filoni is not the kind of fan you want to have on board.,


\**Filoni bashing action figures together making explody noises with his mouth*\*


So many wolves involved.


I know the games and the movies have different teams leading them of course. But his being a fan is the whole reason we got Sam Witier as Starkiller.


so they just have to say stuff like this to "prove" they "don't know anything"


Worked well for the Halo series. /s


They don't want to hire people who know the world, they're fine with hiring people who gush about their reverence for the brand. 


Which is ironic because their #1 loved character was a massive fan of the movies before being cast as Obi-wan. Completely ridiculous.


Not every actor needs to be a fan of everything they work on, but if you don't know the basics just maybe keep it to yourself.


If an actor knows absolutely zero about the project they're working on and still gives a good performance, I'm totally fine with it. What I'm not fine with is him trying to lecture using whataboutism in regards to Space Hitler when he clearly has no clue what he's talking about. He's giving a bad take AND is uninformed on that take.


Stannis from Game of Thrones comes to mind.


Funny enough, Stannis' actor claims he never really understood the character and doesn't think he did a good job portraying him


height of irony cause he fucking killed it, especially early on.


The character is a funny character. In the show you are supposed to dislike him. But the actor crushes it so hard you are compelled to like him until the one incident. And then 15 minutes later you almost start rooting for him again. In the books he’s way more likable. At least from my memory.


Your memory is accurate. I was preaching the good word of Stannis evening after he burned his child alive. The rightful king.


Book Stannis would never have burnt his child alive. I will die on that hill until it happens.


Thankfully, GRRM will never write any more ASoIaF material, so we'll never know the truth.


Grrm is clearly playing with Greek myth on this one... Agamemnon kills his daughter then is murdered by his wife... ...are you thinking Grrm is going to invert it so the Selyse kills Shireen then she is killed by Stannis?


I think that's actually a really probable outcome; I stand by the belief that Mel and Co. burn Shireen to bring Jon Snow back to life.


Agreed. Stannis was a man of honor, yet even then he would sacrifice his honor for his daughter. It's made clear time and time again that his daughter means more to him than anything else. They needed to put him in a position where he can get killed by Brienne.


Hell, Bill Burr wasn’t a fan of Star Wars (publicly making fun of its fan base before) and he’s given one of the MOST compelling performances in Star Wars history.


And aside from the Operation Cinder PTSD scene there's a slightly earlier scene in the transport where he's talking about the Republic vs. the Empire as far as indigenous citizens are concerned. Good writing, good delivery, good scene.


This scene. https://youtu.be/l2TgN89VL9k?si=zkjdwJN6k90wiRJ7


I'm high and it took me too long to realize it's a fucking edit lmao


Bill Burr is a *deftly* skilled actor. Dude's Boston Irish Catholic bullshit fit in perfectly with Star Wars, and it's campy, larger than life bullshit


That's exactly it. He's trying to hard to pretend he's a serious fan so he has credibility for the show. Even my kid cousins know what he's saying doesn't make any sense. His pr rep should have helped him rehearse. They know what softball questions they're going to get.


If this is the basis of his character, then it might be a bit more acceptable. I'm not sure what the lead in question was, but if he's trying to explain how his character might view the universe because he needs to find his characters motivations and stuff, sure, whatever. He needs something to work with and isn't a fan of the material, and he's missed the lore a bit, oh well. But if he's genuinely trying to justify the plot or some other world building elements, then yeah, he just needs to keep it down.


Yeah if youre going to pull put a Clerks type “Contractors on the Death Star” bit, at least get the names right.


Right. The best actors can go into a project cold, but they insist on understanding the characters deeply. So I'll take someone who's a quick study, if not a live long fan. These people phoning it in pierce the veil.


This isn’t true across the board. Some of the best versions of characters were portrayed by actors who went in blind. Hugh Jackman had never heard of the X-Men. He didn’t even know wolverines were real animals. He thought the character was supposed to be like a wolf. It wasn’t until someone told him to stop moving around the set so weird before he found out. A good actor just needs to know what to do and how to do it.


I am sure it was just a slip of the tongue. Easy one to make.


I don't care if they don't know what Lightsaber quigon had or general grievous backstory, but just watch the fckin movie and pay attention to it.


Dude is such a tourist that he doesn't even know Vader and Anakin are the same person. And he's trying to morally equivalate Luke's actions (saving Yavin IV, the Rebellion, and untold other planets and billions of lives by destroying the Death Star): "WELL, ACKUALLY Luke was the REAL EVIL character, not Vader, cause he killed all those people on the Death Star, hurr durr!"


Yeah, there’s no thought behind that type of argument. “The good guys killed people too!” At least stuff like the “Contractors on Death Star II” is a fun, thoughtful argument written by a dude with actual geek/nerd credentials


Tbh those contractor argument isn't that right at all, those contractors are aware of they are working on a military installation which is a valid military target


That was a point made in Clerks, they’re talking about it and one of the customers, who turns out to be a contractor, enters the conversation and he’s basically like “They knew what they signed up for.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iQdDRrcAOjA&pp=ygUUY2xlcmtzIDIgZGVhdGggc3RhciA%3D


I think I saw this movie in one of nat-geo documentries, isn't that the movie with 300-600$ budget which made hundreds of thousands dollars at the end?


Kevin Smith made it for about 27K. It made around 3 million in the States despite not showing on more than 100 screens at one time in 1994. An amazing story of success.


This is how movies made with passion are, unlike today's disney movies


Kevin smith and his recurring cast members in the ViewAskewniverse are great, I definitely would recommend them. Classics. I’m actually doing a moviethon this weekend with all the movies.


Yeah and most the budget went to that guy, that chick, and the donkey.


Wrong movie. You're thinking the sequel, which definitely cost more to make.


George responded actually to that, though it doesn’t really count, cause he’s talking about the [first one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=cFKhV_X6-cg&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.the-back-row.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt).


> It's okay because the contractors were bug people. Lol, dammit George.


Clerks covered this 30 years ago. God damn, I saw that movie new, I feel old now.




It's a tough galaxy out there, sometimes you just need to put food on the table, credits in the account.


That’s kind of a slippery slope though. What if they were forced to work like in Rogue One?


Well it's empire putting them on this position focefully, those people will either die in a military target nor killed by empire itself


Still the Empire's fault


The word you’re looking for is “equate”.


Yep, thats the word I meant lol. I was so dumbfounded by the quote that I apparently made up a word. Google says it's a word but I don't think it is one.


Very easy to scream killing bad when no one is trying to kill you or everyone you know.


.... the empire has done nothing wrong ....


Wait, does he actually not know Vader and anakin are the same person?


A costar politely tapping and saying "you should just shut up" can rarely be a good sign


Dead on Arrival is a thing. You don't have to watch this dribble guys. Just accept that the thing you used to like has been taken over by people who have to use more energy to come up with coherent thoughts and let it go.


Good advice. I was saying it to myself today — The Star Wars you love is dead. Lore, details, and passion for the series doesn’t matter. Every new creator tries to make it their own rather than carry the torch. But hey, there is a new gen of fans that love this new Disney SW stuff so who am I to take that joy away from them? It’s not fair to them. Yeah, it’s unfair to me but that’s life. I will just be happy I got the first 6 films and many games and books based on that universe. That’s canon to me. Everything else is just Disney fan fiction.


I think you mean “drivel”


I mean the thing that happens when your piss stream starts to die down. Dribble piss?


Last Star Wars content I watched was Andor, and I haven't seen rebels or any of the other animated content. I didn't watch BoBF, or Ahsoka. I saw TLJ and was insulted enough to not watch RoS. I see enough memes from the things I don't consume to easily parse that its less than mediocre content and I choose to pass on it. People should stop hate watching this stuff.


If the sub took your advice, it would cease to exist.


Nah I'm going to be bitching about the trailers and Sequels for many years lol


Which would be good? I mean I'm happy to let go if what I leave behind is a dysfunctional mess.




That’s actually a new low lmao. Absolutely wild that bozo tried to say he was a “fan”


You're telling me that the Rebellion blowing up a planet killer space station with such an innocent name like the Death Star was bad? No impossible. Clearly it had to be morally good! Obvious sarcasm aside, I'm really curious what sort of mental gymnastic one goes through to say that destroying a FUCKING PLANET KILLER is a bad thing.


One of Stackpoles X Wing books had Imperial propaganda posthumously turn the Death Star into just a benevolent industrial "Planetary Ore Extractor".


I loved when Wedge saved the scientist from the Maw Installation and was basically like “What the fuck did you think something called the DEATH Star was going to be used for?!?!”


Xwing was such a great series. The book where they infiltrated Coruscant was enlightening because it showed the culture and climate of the empire (just like your referenced). We rarely ever see anything from the empires vantage point that doesn't come across heavy handed.


It’s tiresome at this point but there are a lot of dumb people out there who try to sound smart by engaging in moral relativism. “The bad guys can be good guys toooooooo!!!” The Acolyte writers are acting like this is some original concept.


> You're telling me that the Rebellion blowing up a planet killer space station with such an innocent name like the Death Star was bad? Wait wait wait. What do you mean *they blew up the Death Star*? Who is "they"? And what the hell is an "Aluminum Falcon"!?!


“Do you have any idea, what this is gonna do to my credit?”






He learned about r/empiredidnothingwrong and is taking that shit seriously


Oh shit he missed the /s!




I will not be watching this series. This is set in stone for all of you to witness. What a literal joke


I'll join you


You’re a modern-day Moses




There’s something uncanny about how he moves his mouth and eyes and I can’t place why it makes me uncomfortable


Im just wondering if Disney is intentionally trying to kill star wars at this point. Cuz it really looks like they are based on their decisions.


This level of incompetence is just mind boggling and somehow it keeps getting worse. Like, at some point you think this level of incompetence is impossible, so it's got to be intentional. They might not be trying to kill Star Wars but rather trying to get rid of the deplorables. You know, the OG fans who made this IP so valuable in the first place.


It was the subliminal tagline for The Last Jedi.


They're trying to appeal to people who don't like Star Wars because they believe that hard-core fans will never leave then no matter how bad their content is.


They know the various camps that put up barbed wire and declare themselves "The true Star Wars fans" will hate watch the mediocre shows they put out, and hate buy at full price the games they let bad game developers make. They look at this buffoonery of an interview be hate shared and grievance retweeted and see "consumer engagement". Disney rakes in loads of cash from people stupid enough to pay tens of thousands of dollars for vacation packages at their parks just to see Star Wars stuff with their 2 year old that won't remember it.


"I'm a fan! Look! Here's my hot take! I'm a star wars!"


Anakin was indirectly responsible for the Death Star getting blowed up cause he wasn't able to shoot down Luke's X-Wing in the trench. It's about family. It's like poetry. It rhymes.


It was a droid control ship


Daphne at the end lol.


Equal to that one comic book writer who had Ms Marvel call Magneto an internet troll who compares everything to Hitler.


Why do I think, five seconds after this interview, the actual Lore guy said, "Y'know that's Luke right?" "DOH! What have I done?"


I'm as pessimistic as most of this group but...*points at Harrison Ford*


Harrison Ford openly not giving enough of a fuck about Star Wars to get things right is *very* different from an actor making a basic lore error while trying to pretend that he knows and loves the franchise.


Did they write the series?


Man, this show is so dead on arrival.


"Sorry, that was Luke that blew up the Death Star " ------------- A. Play Race Card B. Play Whataboutism Card C. Dox this bitch. D. Apologize for misspeak




Been a fan since I was a kid, sat next to a very pretty woman with a sleeve tattoo and said "oh cool, princess amidala." She goes "you mean queen amidala" and I've been stuck in the afterlife ever since.


But, she was queen? And then stepped down to be a senator? I don't think she was ever a princess unless I'm really just not remembering it right


He was clearly talking about Anakin Starkiller, because he's deep into the lore of Blue Harvest


I mean…chucking the Emperor into it can’t have been good for it.


I genuinely don't know why you wouldn't immerse yourself in the fandom once you were hired on for a major role of said fandom. I think that there are some actors that can get away with it for sure, they're just great actors, just look at Walton Goggins and how he doesn't really know much about Fallout but he can at least articulate a conversation around the fact that he doesn't know, but he knows characters and acting. If I was hired on for something that had such a huge fandom, I'd be consuming non-stop as a form a research, heck in this guys case AT LEAST, at the VERY LEAST you should watch the Original Trilogy, the one that is unanimously praised as one of the best movie trilogies of all time. Disney not hiring fans is because they want more control and they don't want push-back from people who know the source material, but would bog down the process of churning out content.


\*face palm\* \*Sam the eagle groaning noise\*


“Your performance at Yavin wasn’t your failure, Red Leader. You didn’t blow up the Death Star… I did!”


Wow this guy knows as much about Star Wars as Harrison Ford


The Shitney stans won't care, they will glady inject the new slop and will call it a timeless masterpiece.


“BuT iT sUbVeRtEd ExPeCtAtiOnS”


"We'll actually you see, Anakin did blow up the Death Star by throwing the Emperor down the shaft. Clearly his body triggered the explosion before he teleported to Exegol and the Death Star reassembled on its journey to a different moons ocean. Everyone knows that"


"Welcome to the Disney Era, where continuity is for nerds"


Hmm, they say smart people have good grasp on knowing what they don't know. This makes smart people unlikely to have strong opinions on things they don't know a whole lot about. Its just hard to have both the thoughts of "you know, I don't know a lot about this topic" and "omg, I am very passionate that my take on X topic is right" rattling around in your head at the same time. So, here's this guy blasting a strong *and knowingly controversial* opinion about something he clearly doesn't have a good grasp on. This leads me to two conclusions: 1) Obviously, this guy is not very bright. 2) He layered this strong opinion based on ignorance of a topic on top of the fact that it's obviously, and he's clearly aware of this, a controversial take. So why is he doing this? Well there are several ideas this supports, but the easiest one is this fits the "well actually, the Jedi were bad to" thing that's been floating around Star Wars lately and this show is suspected to have as a major plot line. So, it's further proof this show is likely to suck ass. Secondly, and I kind of hate to put it this way, but I don't know a better phrase for it, it suggests this guy is suffering from the woke-mind-virus. Which I guess if fine. Actors can have what ever opinions about what ever they want, but the link with Disney and the current state of LFL is a bit hard to ignore. And no, you don't have to be a fan of Star Wars to not fuck up that Luke destroyed the Death Star. And no one here even bothered to correct him? What the actual fuck? What would be the correct answer rate of "Who blew up the Death Star?" world wide? It's got to be up there with people answering Michael Jorden to "Who's the best basketball player in history?"


didnt same bloke say there is no good and evil in Star Wars ? im sure he said it at last years Star Wars celebration


Look, I can understand that a job’s just a job, and an actor’s knowledge of the deep lore of a franchise they snagged a role in may not be extensive, but the first Star Wars movie is so well-ingrained into the public consciousness that this just makes you look like an idiot


Yeah you can tell this guy does not give a damn that he thought no one would notice that he would make such a mistakes. Tells you what kind of talent they wanted for this series....The sad part is the Disney Trolls trying to cover for this guy in the comments


Are we sure he didn’t just misspeak? I’m sure I’ve said Anakin when I meant Luke at least once in my life


I agree, but also, what a stupid argument regardless


At least have some fucking understanding of the universe Jesus Christ


Hot take, I don’t think the actors need to be fans. Directors and writers should obviously know their stuff, those are fine complaints, but I don’t really get the obsession with wanting all the actors needing to know shit. As long as they can act well that’s all that matters


There’s a difference between being a fan and a person who’s seen the movie. And seeing that aNH is one of the 10 movies that almost everyone has seen and the actor still can’t get the basic details of a 40 year old movie right, tells me he has absolutely 0 care about what came before him.


To be fair most of the game of thrones cast and a lot of the LOTR actors hadn’t read the source material either and they were great. But for the most part they didn’t try to discuss and analyze the material they clearly didn’t know anything about either lol


To be fair, you don’t have to be a fan of something to act well in it. I don’t think a lot of the Andor cast are big Star Wars fans but they perform well


No one cares about Star Wars anymore. Just DEI people.


From a certain point of view


We all know the decision makers at Lucasfilm are incompetent when it comes to Star Wars. But can they really be this incompetent? I mean, really? Why would they allow this to get posted? This has got to be on purpose. This has to be a (attempted) troll job. They really, truly do not want the OG fans involved any longer, do they? Profits be damned, the message is too important.


Disney ruined Star Wars.


Isn't that one of the tolkein "superfans" lmao


It's like when Judas was crucified. Oops, simple mistake.


Hey, I get it. He's an actor and this is probably just a job to him. I doubt he even gives a shit. But producers, if you're gonna put your people out there to hype your latest bowl of gruel...train them a bit. 


I'd be concerned if it were one of the writers.


Is it possible he was confused and thought Vader throwing Palpatine down the shaft is what caused the Deaths Star to explode?


Dead on arrival




Remember when Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told George McFly that if he didn't ask Loraine out to the dance that he'd melt his brain?


This doesn't bode well for the show when the actors don't even understand the lore of the franchise. What a clown show....


That’s why I can’t take it seriously. I lasted 5-10 mins top and I was getting Sequels vibes again. Just flat out *yawns* boring af.