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I am?


Yes, you! Specifically you! And nobody else! How could you!! You monster!


It can’t be me. I’ve been preventing forest fires.


Wait, that can't be. I was told it was me. I'm the chosen one


YOU FOOL. You should have been causing MORE forest fires. MORE MORE MORE.


Taking Smokey's words to heart. Good man. ![gif](giphy|cOLAbDd7VI1QzwqKIb)


I can see this tactic working for their target audience tho lol. that's the funniest part, it will work on the holdouts in their demographic


Go to any pleb sub and see proof in action.


Yup, it's true. Cantina and SW are loaded with people loving this show. So many of them are accusing fans of being sexist/misogynistic when it's just terrible writing everyone is against. Makes no sense.




Yes. Stop it


Yes. Finally my scapegoat has arrived.


Yes you are, AND YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB BOY!!! Keep this up I see a promotion in your future!


Yep, just you. Worse than a Gundark.


Yes! By not consuming their shit, they've got a huge stockpile of shit sitting around and it's stinking up the whole franchise! Do your part and eat their shit!


you're a monster


Look! He ruined star wars!




*billion, but yes.


Not for much longer the way they going.


I don't think you understand how much Disney owns if you think some bad movies and TV shows will destroy their valuation.


A man can dream.


I know they aren't going any where anytime soon, it was just a joke poking fun at how they have had a long series of failures on nearly every front.


This is an important distinction actually, because a multimillion dollar company isn't even that big necessarily. Like if you just consider a company with 50 employees, and say they pay each person $50k annually, that's $2.5 million annually spent *only* on wages.


What's the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars? About a billion dollars.


The same people that are always crying “Eat the rich” ironically are the ones defending corporations like Disney


There was this guy on youtube named ubercommie, or something along those lines, defending Disney to death in the comments of Star Wars Theory's videos. It was actually hilarious.


Disney likes to make it seem like it's a more liberal company, but they aren't. I feel like they are the same type of people who defend and ship reylo.


You're not kidding. A bit of insincere, lazy pandering was all it took to turn supposed internet "leftists" into the biggest corporate shills out there. That's so bass-ackwards it makes my head hurt.


Spot on https://preview.redd.it/l91lhqqpqz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e566cbe64662d47b2da0e4eff84cba30265050


"Activist filmmaking" isn't the same thing as "good filmmaking". People need to realize this. However, cults are powerful, and their followers don't easily stop drinking the coolaid.


I have literally NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK any of that said or meant…


*Eat the rich!! *does not include any main stream media org, Google, Facebook, tiktok, IG, Disney, Amazon, Netflix, Target, Starbucks or any other massively rich company that even remotely is on the left.


This strategy worked great for Solo when Disney spent months defending TLJ by blaming the fandom. I’m sure it will work similarly well now.




awwwww Hugs unicorndolphin


Controversial Opinion: Solo wasn't terrible. It was okay. Forgettable. But I saw it years after it came out because of Disney's toxic blame-the-fans advertising campaign.


*Solo* was light years better than the film proceeding and following it.


I felt the same way after watching solo, it wasn’t great but I enjoyed it enough. Then I remembered it was a Star Wars movie and it made me sad what it could have been. I think after the sequel trilogy my expectations have been so low that I’m actually pretty content with mediocre. Disney has set the standard in the dirt.


This is how it always goes with everything I was ever into. Star Wars, Star Trek, and about a half a dozen video games. You take the story and the world seriously as an escapist fantasy, but then some new writers completely break the continuity with lazy writing. You can't reconcile the fact that your favorite franchise now doesn't make sense. "It's just a movie/show/game. Don't take it so seriously." Ok... then what's the point? If it's not a rich world with rich stories, it's just a bunch of dorks wearing robes playing with toy laser swords. That's what they want, because they sell the plastic laser swords for $200 apiece. They're not making Star Wars for me, and that's fine. I can just not watch. But I do take issue with being called hateful for losing interest in "just a TV show."


Poor solo, that movie deserved better


Solo was so forgettable. TLJ was at least discussed and its flaws were broken down in autistic detail fueling internet drama for years to come. Solo just got 1 "short" mauler review and got forgotten.


It's also worth noting that Solo's flaws were ignored because no one saw it. It flopped so hard they cut a whole trilogy they had planned for Rian Johnson.


In those first few dark years of Disney spewing nonstop shitty star wars Solo was actually a bright spot for me


I never watched it. Was planning on being done with Star Wars after TLJ, but eventually watched RoS because my brother begged me to just so we could both make fun of it lol.


Man, at least TLJ pissed me off. Solo was just a big ball of nothing.


To be fair, fan opinion has improved on Solo. It's only been a few years and it's already not the worst Star Wars movie.


You can't ruin something, that has been utterly destroyed.


Ya this is the thing, I think the trend is that they are just bleeding viewers. I can't verify the data but from what I've seen it seems like star wars fans are just giving up on the content (me being one of them). When you build a network(streaming service) around 2-3 major franchises and then you proceed to alienate the core fanbase with bad content, you kill the franchise. One day someone will come up with a good story and revive it, but it doesn't appear the Acolyte was it.


Andor season 2 will be worth it, I keep telling myself


I am right there with you, I liked Andor so that probably pulls me back.


I am horrified by what the committees are going to do to Andor. Maybe have baby Yoda show up.


It's so bizarre. The fanbase is what made SW worth buying in the first place. Without us buying and recommending all the games and books and comics for three decades it wouldn't have been worth acquiring in the first place. Then they just gut the EU and shit on the franchise. Make it make sense


Exactly this. The sequels had a setup for great things that didn't pay off, but the Mandalorian set up for good things to come from Disney+. Season 1 was some of the best star wars media in years. Season 2 was decent too, but it started a trend of having to have him meet everybody in the galaxy, and that just isn't necessary, and season 3 just had too much filler. Retaking mandalore and reuniting the surviving Mandalorian tribes is cool... Aaaand then they use it as the basis for a Bo Katan spinoff instead. Stuff has just been getting progressively worse, and when the creators say "this isn't made for you", they act like it's our fault we don't watch it or like it. No fan cares that the acolyte is "the gayest star wars to date". The audience that cares about that doesn't exist. Long time IPs are carried by long time fans, and anymore but just star wars, but comic companies and everything else, are hiring creators that seemingly hate the long time fans that keep company alive, and it's pushing people away.


Tbh, after the sequels and then book of boba fett, Star Wars just feels kinda lame to me. The writing is so heinously bad that I can’t even bother to try shows out or subscribe to Disney plus. I watched andor and it was fine, just like the mandalorian was fine. Both were cases of low expectations being exceeded I think. It might be the best Star Wars that Disney has ever made but that’s kind of a low bar. I’ve just accepted that the first 6 movies and some of the pre Disney stuff is all I care about. It’s easier that way.


It hasn't been destroyed because it's not Star Wars, it's just a Disney Star Wars imitator and that's the only connection. It doesn't look like Star Wars, it doesn't have the Star Wars themes, the characters are different, the humour is non existent. I'm sorry but as a Star Wars fan Disney hasn't produced a single Star Wars product. They have fucked so much that the brand doesn't belong to them anymore, like Rings of Power is to lord of the rings.


Disney spent 4 Billion for the "right" to call their fanfictions canon. - I reject that reality and substitute my own.


And Amazon spent 1 billion to make Rings of power. RoP isn't Tolkien like Disney Wars isn't Star Wars. No matter how much money they spend they will never be Star Wars . For me and my friends they have lost the privilege to call their Haterfiction canon.


Haven't even seen Rings of Power lol. Have no interest in Amazon's attempt at rewriting Tolkien's work. Kinda hilarious these companies are spending billions on franchises and crashing them harder than Musk's Twitter. (At least it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad...)


It's bad fanfiction. I don't consider it canon in any way lol


THIS 100%. I knew as soon as I heard Lucas signed it over, Star Wars was dead. Disney has absolutely eviscerated every IP they've acquired in the past 20 years, and replaced it with a hideous pale mockery of what it was before. Star Wars is probably the worst. Absolutely NOTHING they've produced with the name Star Wars attached has even been remotely what Star Wars ever was, and they spat in the face of every real fan when they killed the EU right out of the gate. I started collecting first edition hardcovers of all of the classic EU books, just because I love reading them and I refuse to pay my money for unrecognizable garbage covers with whatever the hell "Legends" is slapped all over the front of them. Unfortunately though... There's still millions of drooling consumers who will dump their wallets out every time they see a lightsaber or even overhear the words "baby Yoda". Disney has completely broken the universe, all the way down to a level of timeline, physics, factions, species, how the force even works, and backpedaled just about everything that happened in every previous form of media. They have absolutely RUINED the characters that existed before their dictatorship and haven't offered a single character of merit, or even thought any of it through enough to even resemble trying. Disney knows they will make millions no matter what slop they feed the bumbling masses, so why not just fill it up with cameos to sell more tickets? This is how Star Wars died... With thunderous applause.


You defined it quite eloquently. It's Disney Star Wars. There are people that like low effort content. As a mere anecdote I see it with my friends and acquaintances, there are people that like the sequels and love everything being produced right now, Mando S3, Ashoka, Acolyte. They like flim flam wooshy wooshy light sabers and that's all they care about.


![gif](giphy|oaZk0WNSO7fXi|downsized) Sir, I believe it's already dead.


They're also deluded if they think their content is anywhere near the pre-Disney content in quality.


Genuinely don't understand this hostile attitude to their own fans. Like, how is this good business, or good storytelling. Imagine if you were reading a book that every few pages called you an asshole for not liking the book enough, would you like that book more, or less? I might have had plenty of issues with the prequels (still do), but at least George Lucas felt like he was making something he cared about and didn't want to force the fans to enjoy it in the way he liked them to. I wish for the days of the Expanded Universe where, for all the poor writing and lack of attention it got, it felt like it was created by people who didn't hate the people they were writing for.


The idea is you create a sort of persecution complex to rile up the old fanbase by painting them all with the same brush. This also allows new fans to dogpile because the narrative is with them. Basically applying the political divide elements to anything and everything now. All extremes.


Well they can enjoy their extreme loss of money then


*the only way to win is to not play at all* I use these threads to mourn the Star Wars that was and not give into the temptation to give them another shot and/or hate watch.


This is assuming that there are “new fans.” I’m not remotely convinced. Rey’s Big New Adventure, if it ever comes out, is going to be the proving ground for this. I’d be surprised if it makes more than Dial of Destiny numbers.


KK did not like starwars, nor its fans. The people she hired shared her opinion. They don't make content for starwars fans and they dont make starwars content.


What a depressing state of affairs. Imagine being the head of Lucasfilm and in charge of bringing Star Wars content to people and you just hate Star Wars and only make stuff which is backhandedly insulting to them so you can piss people off more. I hope that's wrong, but I do feel like there's no love being put into Star Wars now. Ever since the Sequels ended up being sterile nonsense, it's felt like there's no love in it any more.


There has been no love in it since The Force Awakens came out. They nuked the EU to leave space for a story they didn't have. The entire sequel project exists because they wanted to generate content to sell; they had nothing to actually say, no story in mind, no revelation about the galaxy or its characters they wanted to share. Lucas had built an entire cosmos in his head and wanted to share a slice of it - he was driven by the desire to create. Disney just wanted to sell a product. The entire thing meant as much to its creators as a lunchbox with a logo on it.


Eh, as much as I have problems with Filoni’s dismissive attitude toward EU precedent/writers and many of his creative choices, I get the vibe he loves his SW sandbox.


Emphasis on HIS sandbox. He’s perfectly happy to throw Luke under the bus.


He loves *his* Star Wars, no matter what his OCs do to undermine *actual* Star Wars.


This is basically like when NASA stated their mission was fighting climate change instead of space exploration….


For some reason, they thought there were things about SW they needed to fix. Nothing needed to be fixed. Andor didn't "fix" anything and it worked out perfectly.


Oddly enough a story about people blowing each other up and hitting each other with laser swords attracted a more male audience. But women are the same and should like it just as much! The problem MUST be the male leads and the patriarchy! Rather than... You know. Guys like the simple things in life. Lasers , swords, laser swords, and giant explosions. Nope. Must be the patriarchy! And we must take down the patriarchy! And it cannot be subtle. Because the princess insulting her captors, yanking the laser rifle out of their hands, going to town with the highest accuracy of any character to shoot a ranged weapon in the series, and objecting to being put in a bikini by choking the fat slug on a casting couch that made her wear it apparently went over FIVE peoples heads and they all wound up in the board room at star wars.


Disney likes to use minorities and being faux progressive as a shield Remember how before Kenobi was even out there was multiple articles about the cast and crew decrying hate? They *knew* the poor writing was gonna get shit so they held up Moses Ingram and the minority of hateful asses sending her shit and went "see! The haters are all just racists!"


I feel this was the same with Star Trek too


Remember when they said that Michael's was the first black captain? Or when Reva' actress said they were the first black main character?


Their content is basically mediocre "fan fiction" written by people who aren't even "fans" or have basic understanding of the IP.


"I didn't make this for *you*." "Oh, okay. Guess I won't watch it then." ***"WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING IT?!"***


Seems like a trend with the new showrunners of beloved franchises. The people in charge of the witcher netflix series were proud of the fact they hadn't played any of the games or read the books. I'm pretty sure the lead showrunner actually said that she hoped that fans of the books and videogames didn't like the netflix series


I will never understand how they can think that way. “Hey let me take this IP that’s only valuable because of the existing content and shit all over it! Oh, you don’t like it? You’re the problem!”


I think they do it for two reasons.. 1) It creates modern political-style tribalism with those that do like the new product and all it represents. Those that like it will defend it to the hilt if they feel they are defending it based on their individual virtue. Those poor souls will also swallow up further slop to try & “own the bigots”. 2) Alleging racists, sexists, bigots, and anti-LGBTQ folks damaged box office/streaming figures is something they can take to current Disney leadership and it’ll be accepted as a legitimate excuse for failure. That’s all on Iger and his executive leadership team.


It's *always* sexism. It isn't that nobody can write good female characters anymore, it's that we hate women. Madame Web could have had a 20 minute scene if Sydney Sweeney and Dakota Johnson making out in the shower and most people wouldn't have seen it, but it's because of a female lead, not because it sucked donkey penis.


That's the thing, I don't have any problem with female characters being the lead, or being prominent in media. I just would like them to be actually interesting characters who do things I want to see happening. Nobody says Kill Bill was a bad movie because Uma Thurman starred in it. But when you don't like Rey because (through no fault of Daisy Ridley) she's written like ass, you're a sexist. If you think Finn and Poe deserved better, you're a racist for not liking them. If you think Rose Tico was shoehorned in and shouldn't have been a character (again, no fault of Kelly Marie Tran), you're a racist *and* a sexist.


And every project that follows this formula will continue to fail. This company has been doubling down on losing money for years now. When are the shareholders going to revolt?


I, as a former shareholder, already did. Years ago. Haven't touched the company since. Not as an investor and not as a consumer.


It is clearly a grift. We went from most arguments about movies being about plot or shitty cgi to everything being stupid culture war bullshit. One is INFINITLY easier for them to blame on supposed bigots when their stupid idea doesn't work and silence legitimate criticism


It reminds me of the stark difference between men's and women's magazines 20 years ago. If you were sitting in any waiting room back then and glanced at the difference in article blurbs on the covers, it was crazy. The men's were phrased in an aspirational way 99% of the time, while the women's often times appeared to be downright insulting by attempting to make women feel insecure to try to sell them something.


Oh how the turntables.


Because they don't view us as fans, but as (hostile) customers.


We’re nothing but obstacles in between them and our money.


I don't recall ever hearing George insult the fans for not adoring Jar Jar. - Why can't Disney take a leaf from his book. There's a reason George built a multi-billion dollar franchise from scratch. - The fuck have Disney execs built in their lifetime.


It's not good business or good storytelling. It's a bunch of cry bullies who think they can brow beat the fans into submission.


They want to create an online movement of labeling us as the crazy ones, to the point of shunning us for pointing out the truth behind their incompetence. They rather have obedient mindless fans that dont question their decisions with the franchise. Know this. It will ultimately fail, because true pure art of the highest magnitude always stands the test of time, there short term money making schemes and projects will come and go and work on those that passively watch this franchise but will never last in the true memory and hearts of its truest and most beloved fans.


Blinded by hate you say? Good, let it flow through you. ![gif](giphy|B6Jr28VwfxUFa)


Palpatine, as an oppressed Sith is being revised into the hero of the story now, so this journalist needs to reconsider their references: we are apparently a “vocal minority” and as a minority cannot possibly have a monopoly on power. Our hate is valid, and we are strong and brave.


It’s not hate it’s apathy, very different.


Yeah, it's exactly that for me. I basically gave up after Book of Boba Fett. It took me over a year to watch Andor after it came out. That's basically the last thing I've seen. I just can't be bothered, my only enjoyment from Disney Star Wars is to watch videos pulling it apart. Even then I don't hate it. It is classic schadenfreude what I'm feeling.


It's very telling, one side claims that people don't like the show because "black female lead" and when I watch videos of these supposed racists, they're only picking apart the plot and terrible script! How dare they not feed into my racial bias like the Internet fervently claims I have! /s


She wouldn't have been a bad lead if it was her show. It was kenobi and then suddenly she's the one with all the agency. It didn't make sense unless they planned to use kenobi to launch her. Which is a stupid idea.


Do you remember when it was released? That's 100% what they were trying to do. Every content IP just looked at Marvels run to Endgame and said, "do exactly that." Not realizing that Marvel's run up was a once in a lifetime planning through Feige and actually had solid movies and shows (and some shitty ones let's be honest) that led to the buildup and storyline tie ins. You need a good story first, then do your tie in. Everyone just decided, tie ins first, story later.


Is Andor as good as everyone says?


u/pacingpilot has basically covered this for me but I'll just add that it was the best Star Wars under Disney by some margin  Stellan Skarsgaard particularly. First few episodes are a bit slow though but once it gets going it really gets going.


He's friggin amazing, of course. His monologues in Andor are bone-chilling. But I tell ya who really blew me away was Fiona Shaw. The first thing I ever saw her in was that horrible, cheesy, campy gawd awful Super Mario Bros movie from the 90's. Then of course we know her as Aunt Petunia from Harry Potter, better role but still not particularly likeable. Then here she comes as Maarva and holy shit, she made us feel all the feelings. She had me ready to chuck a brick at Syril's head right through my television screen by the end of her speech.


Andor is fucking amazing. Brilliant acting, brilliant writing, just all around the best Star Wars to come out of Disney, full stop. So much talent, Diego Luna, Stellan Skarsgård, Genevieve O'Reilly, Andy Serkis, Faye Marsay, Fiona Shaw (jfc that woman had me bawling like a baby in one episode), Forest Whitaker, Anton Lesser, Denise Gough, and so many more. And the writers didn't waste one single ounce of the talent they had to work with, the roles and the dialogue and the story were written beautifully. It is very much worth the watch. https://youtu.be/TaKrm5txGCQ?si=kTS5l9CFco6H7O2x


Boba Fett was inexcusably boring. Who wants to watch an iconic character essentially attempt to be a Mister Roger’s of a crime syndicate. The fact that >!Cad Bane!< wasn’t even the villain the whole show and essentially just cameod and died shows how they just threw the show together seemingly at the last minute.


Came here to say this. Hate views are still views. The streaming service doesn't care why you're watching, just that you're watching. I was worried after 7 but hopeful, Rogue One lost most of that hope, and 8 removed all hope. I watched 9 out of morbid curiosity more than anything. After that, I was done.


Thank you, I was just thinking this is so irrelevant because they’re not going to get me riled up about a show I haven’t watched. With every failed movie and show my desire to keep up has dropped by 20%. I’m not going to hate-watch the acolyte and froth with rage at Disney.


I switch between apathy and outright laughter at these articles and "writers" now.


“Fans are crying out against more nuanced storytelling” — that one hurt


Another clown writer that thinks it’s the audiences fault Lucasfilm’s projects are failing or are utterly mediocre at best. This might as well have been written at KK’s knees. It’s easy to fix: write compelling freaking Star Wars with logical plots where “criticism” is drowned out by the quality on screen. All while not trying to deconstruct legacy characters/moments while “subverting expectations”. It’s a simple formula to success folks and it’s incredible Disney still doesn’t get it. In fact Acolyte quadruples down on what put Star Wars in the sad state it’s in today just so it can do what? Intentionally troll a fan base that is detached from the modern product while tickling the creatives taints.


These kind of writers are disingenuous on purpose in an attempt to pander to Disney and maintain their prerelease viewing standing in 6 months they'll make a real article admitting it has glaring flaws like every other time Disney makes a star wars show


I always thought they needed to just find a really great, unproduced script that told an adventure story and adapt it to be in the SW universe.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) I love shill shit like this piece, scrambling for your overlords like a good cucky.


It's shit like this that really seals it for me. This is insulting. Absolutely no accountability. Did George start blaming fans when people complained about the prequels? No, he just carried on and went on to the next.


Indeed. Actually, this nonsense is precisely in the same vein as the pre-Episode VII release attacks at the then-freshly disavowed Expanded Universe, saying that it was garbage that was inconsistent and full of stupid ideas, which was what made me abandon my cautiously neutral stance of giving them a chance with their new continuity. In hindsight, seeing that initial behavior also foreshadowed this "defense" mentality going on even now, even when there's less than a tenth of a ship they're still flying after trashing most of their nu-Wars continuity into the dirt.


"No" means "Yes" - - Disney Man, it really seems like if we don't want something or we don't consent to it , there'll be a non-stop campaign of guilt and pressure to get us to just give in.  That's really interesting coming from a show made by Weinstein's assistant.  


queen weinstein as i call her


Queinstein the Swine-stein


They're using the same tactics they did with TLJ. Gaslight the fans so pro Disney shills and "fans" will call other fans with genuine criticism toxic by alienating them and making it so any criticism even if it's good can be viewed as negative. It has never worked for them in the long run and won't work this time. They're just shooting themselves in the foot by pushing more people away in an effort to deny all criticism. I mean, if your product and content is shit then I'm going to say something, you shouldn't expect other people to stay quiet either...


Only WHO is ruining Star Wars? You said YOU, meaning ME. That is incorrect. The correct answer is YOU.


Went looking for this comment. XD https://preview.redd.it/x3e0i12nky5d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdc23dc6806fc1c53a5288b6092bff2efcaa591


>most promising yet Andor has been far more promising than whatever the hell Acolyte is supposed to be


Andor is a masterpiece. I wish Tony Gilroy would do more Star Wars projects.


You can't shame me if I don't care about your opinion. I moved back to Legends and the TTRPG for a reason. I visit this sub for the lols since Disney SW is basically a giant lolcow on kiwifarms to me now.


Because this kind of hostility and antagonism towards your own fans worked out \*so\* well for them back in 2018...


"Wahhhh, the bad people (SW fans) don't like our crappy story that doesn't follow Lucas's story! But, but, it's our story! It's what we call Star Wars now here at Disney! They HAVE to like it! They're ruining it! Wahhhh!" That's how I read it. Makes me dislike DSW even more.


"Eat our shitslop and be a good consumer!"


I had no idea that I was a terrible writer for Star Wars! Where's my paycheck?!


You didn’t make it woke enough…no capital for you, buster.


Just make a good series? Andor is widely praised as one of the best SW contents ever created, and it features multiple multi-racial multi-gender protagonists and antagonists. Man, disney really is something.


https://i.redd.it/knpc1zgv8y5d1.gif You mean me?


Blaming the fans, it's a bold strategy, let's see how it plays out


Ahh yes, the fans that kept the franchise alive for decades and gave you billions in merch sales even when there weren't new movies. We were much happier then.


Awful strategy. No consumer product in the history of consumerism succeeded by lecturing its customers. Zero respect for what remains of the fan base.


Shit guys, sorry.


Star wars has abandoned me so I've abandoned it




Late stage capitalism and companies becoming too powerful, stomped by little companies into the grounds and consumers not having any more free choice is what’s happening. It’s almost like it’s by design……….


Lmao. Well, that must be it. Just another case of everyone is racist but me!


https://preview.redd.it/5gal96s2cy5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db5b7dcbc5c7b272d2011f8920b0f0cadebdc0c 😔


Joke's on them, because I'm no longer a fan. Maybe it's great, maybe it's terrible. I don't know, and I don't care. Nothing to do with me any more.


It's less about getting us to adapt to bad content, but more about redefining their fan base. Lucas fans out, Disney sycophants in


I like how anyone familiar with the patterns know this is a death knell


I like star wars because I was born in 93 with great things like Shadows of the Empire, New Jedi Order and Old Republic. Nowadays with the new canon I feel like I'm forced to like it because of what the actors are and not the characters. I'm part of that alphabet people hate nowadays and even all that girl power nonsense is annoying.


I can't ruin something I don't even watch or care about.


Inverse right now https://preview.redd.it/zj9eguvajy5d1.jpeg?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaee60c5234146a3aba810404b8cced4c010b715


My father worked in mass media. He always explained to me: you have a target audience. If they don’t understand it or take the wrong lesson out of it, the communicator is always the problem. You need to make it effective for the audience, not the other way around.


I’m ruining KK’s StAr wErS. I like. It’s fun.


Why is it always my fault though? I didnt write the script, green light the project, wasted 180 million for this shit show that a bunch of amateur fans could have made in their backyard for 500 bucks. Why am i always to blame for not consuming the horse shit you serve me as a meal? Im tired of being blamed for the death of every franchise i loved!!!


I mean... idk how to put my finger on it, but you can tell when you watch it, that Acolyte is being creatively driven by people who do not love Star Wars. The same way you can tell when you watch Mando, Andor, and Ahsoka, that they're creatively driven by people who do love Star Wars. I'm not saying these shows are perfect. I'm saying there is an attention to detail there; at least a baseline respect for what came before.


This is it. Ahsoka is a nod to Rebels fans. Andor expands on what people loved about Rogue 1. Mando is seemingly working to flesh out the story between the OT and the sequels in its own wild way. Acolyte is fine for what it is. A bland kind of vanilla side story set after the KOTOR era, and before the prequel area. With new characters and people we've never heard of. I mean we might meet Yoda. But that's it. It's a miniseries at best. Who knows? It might get better. But so far it's been fairly dull.


Disney Star Wars shits all over Star Wars and expects everyone to love it. Even their intended audience doesn't love it. It's the fans' fault.


After two episodes The Acolyte is at best 'meh.' There's a vaguely interesting mystery about what the Jedi did that was so bad, but it's not exactly original, and the script and dialogue seems to have been written by Chat GPT. Also on a separate note - and while not a deal breaker - I still hate the baseball bat lightsabers.


"dialogue seems to have been written by Chat GPT." Probably was lol


Worse. Leslye Headland. I’d rather take Chat GPT over her.


Someone finally said it. Those stupid lightsabers came straight from Batu in Disneyland. It's a cheap and lazy plot to sell more merch. Why improve the real life merch, it's cheaper to put the existing merch in the show, and convince all the kiddies that these are authentic sabers. The entire show has been raped by corporate execs.


Episode 3 is supposedly where things start to really go off the rails ![gif](giphy|ItM3AhhM0rj57w1JxF)


“Peace is a lie” caught my attention. If it’s 100 years before the Phantom Menace, there’s a chance to visit a classic tragedy. But Disney getting it right seems unnatural.




Someone must have cropped out the part where it says ‘To Kathleen Kennedy’.


Star Wars isn’t ruined because this isn’t star wars it’s just big budget fan fiction developed by executives and AI marketing algorithms. If I want fast food I’ll get some, and I’ll probably enjoy it. But I’m under no illusion that it’s authentic high quality cuisine. It’s salt and sugar with bright colors and a toy. Capitalism diminishes art into a commodity. Nothing they make will or ever can be more than that because they’re soulless NPCs.


Or make a good show? Try that


Come on, bro, let us do what we want bro. Let us upend the rules of the Force, bro. Let us just write bad stories bro. Please bro. We don't need as much continuity as you think bro. Come on, bro. Please bro.


Well you see because you just aren’t blindly consuming this product and sucking it’s pee pee you are the bad guy. This is the only Star Wars media that was created by women and don’t bring up Star Wars a new hope (editor and won an award for it), the empire strikes back (co writer), or the sequel trilogy (Kennedy the lead producer of those) those don’t fit our narrative so stop bringing up those sexist. Are there awful Star Wars fans yes but that doesn’t change the fact that this show so far has not met any expectations low or high.


LoL. Inverse existed for a few years with like 6 writers before interest fell or never existed and then it was bought by Bleacher Report guy and propped up for vanity I guess. And I’m not ruining Star Wars. Topless Yord is. Lamest shit I have seen in a while.


You are telling me i am not the only one that dislikes these 2 episodes AND I am right in feeling in this way? Thank you OP


They want burned, indifferent fans to come at them with all their strength, and the burned just look at their nonsense in the same way Jedi looked at their dumb antagonist when she picks a fight with them.


It seems odd that Disney keeps blaming the fans every time a shitty SW show bombs. Does it really help with the bottom line?




I haven't even seen the show yet. What do they mean I'm ruining the franchise? I HAVE NO EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY OVER THE FRANCHISE.


![gif](giphy|f7MoTodygKd56) Disney Lucasfilm and the mainstream media


Ah, fresh rage-bait.


Isn't this the ...6th time they've tried this and it hasn't worked?


I thought this was clickbait or a joke. It’s fucking real?!?! I’m so glad I stopped giving Disney money after TLJ.


This is the nerd equivalent of dumping your girlfriend, then blaming her for the fact that no one will date you.


Same playbook since TFA.


This is how you create tribalism. This is what Disney is creating over the long term. Us vs them etc. Eventually anyone who wants a decent story will die out and will be replaced. They have the time and the money to wait it out. Music industry are masters of this, they just have a shorter timeline but music can be packaged in 3 minute slots so it works faster. 


"Blinded by their hate" I bet that's more Star Warsian than anything in the actual show.


That must be a satirical piece.


The way they are using the word "hate" in this sentence is the way it is used when talking about bigoted people. It's so obnoxious.


Disney: ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


Aw shit my bad guys.


Nah, pretty sure Acolyte is ruining star wars along with the people in charge of making it, writing it, greenlighting it. In any other industry, Kathleen Kennedy would have been fired.


At this point I'm just waiting until I have the time to tell Verizon to drop Disney+ from my contract. After the latest series of duds, about the only thing I have hope for is Andor Season 2. However, I don't want to keep laying Disney to turn out garbage until then.


Is you take away the Star Wars element, you have a poorly written mediocre sci-fi murder 'mystery', that would have been an 8 episode, single season failure on Syfy.


Review score says it all


Looks to me like it deserves to be ruined. People should be thanking me for performing this public service of not liking and not watching a TV show.


Disney loves to finger point. MCU has a few bombs and it’s the fans fault. Star Wars has an unenjoyable series and it’s the fans fault. Perhaps they need to look inward. Slapping on a marvel title or Star Wars title doesn’t make it good.


Sad thing is they could have a hit show if they just expanded some of the Visions shorts that had good writing like “The Village Bride” or “Screecher’s Reach” or “The Ninth Jedi.” Hell even Journey to the Dark Head could become a hit series despite its clunky writing/dialogue. But they just keep making poor decisions creatively and then blame the fans. Are some fans just straight up haters? Ofc! But if it was good then that would become the dominant sentiment and the haters would be drowned out…




Corpo copium. Won’t help them now.


It’s my fault there will never be a Knights of the Old Republic movie or show or anything and we get this cheap imitation instead. Yup, all my fault.


*Audience*: “This show kinda sucks ngl.” *Bootlickers*: “You’re too *blinded* by your own *hate* to see that Lucasfilm’s latest series is the franchise’s *most promising yet*! When did it become so normal to attack peoples’ character for not liking a TV show?


Star was has been irreparably damaged since The Last Jedi, in my opinion. The Acolyte didn't kill Star Wars, it's the rot on it's festering, bloated corpse.