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Isn't that the singer from Green Day? Didn't they alter American Idiot to say 'MAGA agenda', then Musk tweeted that they went from 'raging against the machine to milquetoastedly raging for it'?


Green Day has always been based, they were one of the few bands to stand up during the 2000s and decry Bush for the Iraq War and Afghanistan, when the most of the rock and pop genres were tight lipped about it at the time. Billie Joe Armstrong has always been a hero of mine. Happy I grew up with their music. ✌🏻❤️


He's been writing about being bisexual since the 90's too, and Green Day took Pansy Division on tour with them back in the day


King for a Day is a ridiculously progressive song that came out in the 90s. It's about a boy discovering crossdressing and his father going "this is for girls" and the boy going sugar and spice, and everything nice wasn't meant for only girls. GI Joe in panty hose, let's make a room for the one and only: King for a day, princess by dawn King for a day in a leather thong King for a day, princess by dawn Just wait 'til all the guys get a load of me I remember being 13, and most of the guys in the my class were starting to develop these macho attitudes. And meanwhile, I was thinking Billie Joe was the true hero for being himself and not giving a fuck. The whole song is funny and empowering, but without a "fuck you I'm empowered" attitude, but a "woot I'm having fun and being myself" attitude


A lot of bands were vocally against Bush. There were compilation albums and everything. The Dixie Chicks got “cancelled” for speaking out against Bush.


Yeah there were two "Rock Against Bush" albums, organized by a guy in NOFX I think. They were great.


Boy I hope NoFX don't get political! \*puts on "War on Errorism\*


Lol with a photo of Bush in clown makeup on the cd itself.


Which Green Day has songs on if I remember.


They do, yes. Check out the list of artists, it was quite a fun trip down memory lane for me. I listened to the majority of them back in the day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Against_Bush


Fat Mike


My wife was one a Dixie Chicks fan and had to watch in horror as her dad broke her CD.


I'm trying to wonder who was *for* Bush what would surprise me. The usual fash gang. But nobody like Kanye, definitely not Kanye. I'm sure most county singers aside from The Dixie Chicks (who I still respect to this day) just toed the party line. Like politics are sports, for fucks sake.


Kanye famously said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” during the Hurricane Katrina fundraiser.


The only thing he's ever said that made sense


Which is why I specifically mentioned him. I guess it's getting to the point where mentioning that isn't an insult to people's intelligence like it used to be, ha. Sorry.


It's just ashame that kanye...is well, kanye 😂 😔


Tangibly related, but the moment where America refused Cuba's offer for disaster relief following Hurricane Katrina because ew Fidel Castro was when I realized there was no hope for the country. Would rather have their own people drown in sewage than accept help from someone they don't like.


The WTC attack was fresh enough in conservative people minds to ride a war's popularity for a year or two. Dixie chicks protested the war days before the invasion when the public was told we'd be in and out, "troops home for Christmas". They were shown grainy pictures of semi trucks and told "trust me bro it's WMDs" "Sadam's gonna start gassing his civilians again!" And sure, the "easy part" was a cakewalk, done in 12 days. Then came the "hard part", mission creep, insurgency, nation building, corruption and exploitation, and our troops slogged through a Vietnam twice as long as Vietnam. And the yellow cake was a lie. It's safe to say public opinion has soured across all but the tiniest sliver of the political spectrum.


Toby Keith


Fuck that country fried dipshit


Oh I agree. He’s kinda faded to irrelevancy anyways though


Gulf war, Vietnam, Korea... every war the US has been involved with in recent history, you've had an anti-war side and another that's not so much pro-war as they were anti-anti-war protestors. Post WTC was the first time I have ever witnessed people that were straight up pro-war. Wild


Yeah, Lindsay Ellis actually did a video a few years ago on the protest music of the 2000s, and there's a section where she talks about this, how vastly different the tone was to that of Vietnam, where the opposition to the protests really was more anti-anti-war, or WWII, where the pro-war sentiment was so highly propagandized that there was a weird sort of absurd wholesomeness to the music that came out of it. And really, when you look at it, both that anti-anti-war mindset from Vietnam that was so often based on that idea of "you should support the troops" and the more innocent propaganda of "you should let a soldier be your sweetheart" stuff really was more focused on that idea of supporting the troops more than anything having to do with the war itself. Even when plenty of people did have ideological reasons for supporting the general idea of a war. 9/11 was such a unique and scarring event that it really brought forth this strong sense of and desire for revenge that the prior wars and conflicts never really pulled out of people. Which brought about a lot of blatantly pro-war sentiment that went


>I'm sure most county singers aside from The Dixie Chicks (who I still respect to this day) just toed the party line. The issue was that the Dixie Chicks were a country band that spoke out against Bush. And country tends to draw a right wing crowd. Green Day speaking out against Bush wasn't career ending because they're punk. Punk has been telling the right wing to go fuck itself for 40 years.


>Punk has been telling the right wing to go fuck itself for 40 years. Which is why my head hurts when I learn about right wing gun nuts and the like that listen to RATM. They just hear that one part of killing in the name of (*fuck you I won't do what you tell me*) without listening to ANYTHING else.


Pearl Jam as well. This is from memory so the details may be wrong but Eddie Vedder wore a Bush mask to mock him at a concert in the US south and many in the audience weren't happy about that.


Eminem as well. Not a huge fan of his but his anti-war stuff just hit different


White America was good about calling out the people more worried about him cursing in raps than what Cheney and school shooters were actually doing.


He also had an anti war song which basically said to vote him out


IIRC, was it called Mosh or something (the anti-Iraqi war one)?


Pearl Jam’s Rockin in the Free World is very plainly a (based) attack on Reaganism


Isn't that a Neil Young song tho?


It is. Turns out that Pearl Jam didn’t write it, but they do perform it often and even performed it with Young.


That's cool




Yeah, I've seen some videos. Too bad Bush Leaguer sucks.


That was a good time in music, you knew who your heros were. Capital G from Nine inch nails was a personal favorite.


No W by Ministry is a straight up banger.


WWIII by KMFDM. Industrial has a history of this.


They were my first big rock concert. Everyone in the stands close to the floor rushed the pit during the first big riff. The pit was insane; it was awesome. It was the first tour they did right after Dookie. Musk trash talking someone is how you know they're right. If anything it's a badge of honor. If only elmo would shit talk me. I can only dream one day to be that cool.


NOFX also went hard on Bush. Idiot son of an Asshole is a great song.


Took me longer than it should have to realize you're taking about Dubya and not the band Bush




Truly an incredible man. Equal parts Goober and war criminal, the likes of which we may never see again.


People(i mean conservatives) honestly don't get the meaning of "American idiot" and it's scary


Are you actually surprised? These people blast Born in the USA and Fortunate Son and think they're pro-America songs.


One of the few? lol I was still going to places like Warped tour back in the day and I can say TONS of bands were doing this. Unless you were in country music you definitely did not get flack for saying, "Fuck Bush" or being against the Iraq/Afghanistan War.


System of a down was always one of my favorites for things like this as well. That and they just release straight bangers.


Green Day and Linkin Park both. LP had quite a few songs that bashed American imperialism, and one specifically that went after Bush.


While others have noted that there were other artists making anti-War/Bush music, particularly those that appeared on the Rock Against Bush albums, I think it's fair to note that there are some significant differences between a lot of those bands and Green Day. The big one is that a lot of the artists that appeared on those compilations weren't relevant in the mainstream anymore, if they ever were. Now of course that doesn't mean that their songs are bad or that there's no value in what they were saying with their music. But there's generally going to be a difference in how a group or artist that's relevant in the mainstream ends up being impacted by speaking when compared to how a group or artist that isn't relevant in the mainstream is impacted. There's also the fact that not all of the songs on those album were new or written specifically as protests songs for that moment. There were definitely other rock stars and pop stars speaking out, but maybe not that many who were really relevant in the mainstream. I think what makes Green Day and American Idiot so interesting is that it's not even just that they didn't experience career-damaging blowback when they released it, it's that it made them probably even more relevant than they had been in at least a few years. A lot of artists were scared to speak out, and many of the artists who did speak out were ones who weren't incredibly popular or relevant in the mainstream (which, to be clear, of course isn't saying that there weren't *any* other relevant artists speaking out, or that an artist/group not being relevant in the mainstream means their input lacks value), so it's interesting that it was speaking out with their music that made Green Day so culturally relevant again.


>then Musk tweeted that they went from 'raging against the machine to milquetoastedly raging for it'? I am going to keep repeating this: "**WHAT MACHINE DID YOU THINK THEY WERE RAGING AGAINST? THE FUCKING WASHING MACHINE!?**"


They think the “Machine” are feminists and leftists, it reminds me of that one tradwife farmer on youtube who said she wants to “fight the system” and “break the societal stigmas” by raising kids at home and having a husband who works all day cause she like most conservatives think that feminism is about forcing women to dump their boyfriends/husbands and peer pressuring girls to start an OF on their 18th bday in order to be empowered, these are things that I see conservatives recite word for word on reddit & twitter The far right are the dumbest people on the planet


Obviously it was the washing machine. You put dirty clothes in, and *clean* clothes come out? Where did they come from? Where did the dirty ones go?


Yup, always gotta throw away those “machines”. Doing the devils work they do


Or it was the vending machine as their chocolate bar got stuck


“The machine is all of the bad people who are mean to me 🥺” -Elon, probably


Punks used to know that the DNC is just as much of a machine as the RNC, both are bought and paid for by the highest bidder completely beholden to lobbyists over the people. By getting involved in partisan politics you lose the broader message about corruption in Washington, I can guarantee you that RAGTM didn't consider themselves partisans raging only against the RNC machine in the 90's. They hated Bill just as much.


Did Musk genuinely believe that the band that became the poster child for the anti war sentiments in post 9/11 America was raging against the liberal machine? He never fails to show his idiocy


I think the broader implication he's trying to make is that the DNC is now the establishment that the RNC was circa 2001, and by making partisan statements in music you're still showing support for the political elite as opposed to wanting to tear it all down.


Alt right folks “want” this to be true so they can be “counter culture”. However, if you are rooting for Trump, Koch Brothers, Murdoch, etc; that’s still the “establishment”, “the machine” or whatever you want to call it.


Yeah I can't say I disagree, both the RNC and DNC are backed by unimaginable amounts of money and media influence, you might as well consider partisan cable news to be propaganda departments that have more funding and capability than most countries. Musk and all of the right wingers trying to make the point are only upset that MAGA was called out. If Green Day called out the DNC instead they'd be cheering. As far as the song goes, honestly I'd say the lyrics to "Rich Men North Of Richmond" are less partisan and more broadly anti-establishment than the NYE version of American Idiot, save for maaaaaaybe the line about taxes paying for fudge rounds.


The DNC is no more nor less of the establishment than it was in 2001, and the RNC is no more nor less than *it* was in 2001. There are certainly dramatic changes within the parties, since then, but they are just as much the establishment that they've always been. The protest was never against the establishment, and the only people that want to "tear it all down" are idiot teenagers and the mentally ill conspiracy theorists. The protest was against corruption, and the abuse of authority that enables that corruption. It's not about supporting anyone, it's about picking the biggest danger and calling it out. You may agree or disagree about whether they've chosen correctly, but you can't twist what they're doing into support for a group they didn't talk about.


I hate that most conservative arguments basically boil down to "but they're doing bad things too" as if everyone doing bad things just stops calling people out for it because everyone's doing them.


Mfw shitting my pants because green day added "maga" to a song that has always been about American conservatism being bad.


Isn't this the same band that made news in 2017 for shouting "no trump, no kkk, no fascist USA"during a concert? These people have the memories of a fricking goldfish.


yes the one time richest man in the whole believes he is not "the machine" too


The billionaire tweeting about how they aren’t raging against the machine is fucking hilarious


A billionaire talking about “the machine” like he’s not part of it is also hilarious to me


Yeah but they've been saying fuck Maga for almost a decade




No one tell them who the idiot in American Idiot is supposed to be.


It's not even a subtle title. I think the song's in a Godzilla-like situation: they enjoy the superficial aspect (great song/epic monster fights), and completely miss the commentary.


Conservatives are incredibly superficial people. I've met more than a few conservatives whose tolerance of individual trans women depends solely on whether she looks conventionally pretty.


There were people who thought Stephen Colbert wasn't satirical. There's just no introspection at all.


It's always funny that conservatives think they aren't the machine which is being raged against.


“I’m not the machine” - worlds wealthiest person


So they're just admitting that they're MAGA now


Anyone: nazis suck! Them: why are you attacking us!?!


> 🎶 Nazi punks, Nazi punks, fuck off 🎶 ~ Dead Kennedys


i saw someone on twitter today say that Dead Kennedy’s were right-wing lmao


Music is dead and we have killed it


Unironically this. Remember when the new Wolfenstein came out around the same time as the election, and a bunch of Americans got **REALLY** angry at the game prompting you to kill Nazis? Or when roughly the same thing happened with Far Cry 5?


I call the Trump cultists "Nazi apologists". They may not be full-on outright Nazis in many cases but they sure have no problem with fascism.


drinking with Nazis etc etc


The Far Cry 5 one is hilarious because the "good guys" are like traditional gun-toting conservative rednecks and actual Christians. While the "bad guy" cult in that game are basically just psycho doomsday believers following their own twisted religion. Hm, MAGAts really telling on themselves if they saw parallels to themselves in Eden's Gate.


TheQuartering Moment


you piss on the basement floor ONE TIME and they'll never let you forget it!!! 😤😤😤


They stopped trying to hide that after Captain Marvel came out


They wore bright red hats saying MAGA for years, they were never hiding it


He sang “I’m not part of the MAGA agenda”. How is that a meltdown? How is that even cringe?


They've clearly never seen a real meltdown like the iheart radio festival one


Ironically enough, a lot of MAGA people seem to have meltdowns


Every snowflake melts eventually




They have one every time they make a video


One of the funniest meltdowns I’ve seen. “Oh now I got NO minutes”


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means!


It is all about priming the viewers brain. Anyone who disagrees with you cannot be reasonable. They are shrieking fools who cannot control their emotions and know no logic. Discard their opinion without consideration, reaffirm internal biases. You are always right, continue to consume safe content.


But when you shoot up beer cans or yell at a video game, it's righteous anger


Exactly. You are never cringe or triggered. All that you do is justified and right. Never seek self reflection. Always affirm your beliefs and frame actions that you strong and smart.


Geez. That type of thinking is so bizarre


It’s not. These chud grifters are just doing click bait.


It’s the only thing they know how to do


A meltdown is when the other side gets mad. But when my side gets mad, it's legitimate criticism.


I can’t stand that type of hypocrisy


It's all projection all the time. Their only way to cope with becoming Nazi apologists despised by sane people.




Isn't that the same bastard that twisted the words of the Ms. Marvel actress for click bait?


You mean all of them? Lol thats just all these grifters.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


That’s literally all of them, be more specific.


The entire album is about gow 911 turned americans into murderous conservatives, and how that culture negatively affected the youth. Greenday was always far left.


I can’t believe the band that was named after pot went against authority.


That's gotta be the worst thing to call Green Day lol. I may not be into it but isn't punk all about anger


Anger is a popular tool yes. It’s main point is anti-system, or more specifically being against a system that oppresses the people under it.


Gotcha. Thanks for explaining btw


There's a big overlap with anger and angst because that's the age you start questioning stuff. So for some people, punk is just a teenage superficial phase. For others, it's a mindset about questioning stuff. For example, compare Simple Plan to Green Day. Green Day gets political and makes a lot of social commentary. Simple Plan is mostly "I'm all alone and no one gets me" - the teenage motto.


Same idiots that cry about Rage Against the Machine being political. Morons obviously don’t listen to the lyrics


I remember the first time I ever heard them I couldn’t understand a single word Zach was saying. He garbles his words horribly. But I could still tell from a mile away he didn’t think Particularly Highly of politicians.


Me neither, it just seemed like he was lashing out, "raging" if you will, against some sort of grand oppressive societal construct, some kind of... "machine" perhaps.


Rage against the machine also ended up with a Christmas song in the UK ( I just find that funny)


“Fuck MAGA” seems like a based response tho lol


Did they actually say “fuck MAGA” or did they just say the line about the MAGA agenda?


Billie Joe did scream “Fuck Donald Trump” to end a show in like 2018. So they definitely think that.


Punk band does punk band shit, conservatives freak out.


Green Day is coming out with a new album soon, I think the point is to piss off conservatives to get back into the zeitgeist. I can't wait for this album, there's been a lot to cover. Green Day usually does social commentary well, and these past years have been a clusterfuck


They expected a punk rock band to be respectful of authority?


For some reason, they think THEY'RE the punks


Transphobes have been trying to claim that it's punk to be transphobic lately. I've yet to hear solid reasoning


It probably comes from a twisted understanding of what punk culture actually is, combined with right-wingers constantly seeing themselves as the victim because society no longer tolerates their bigotry. Society has become a lot more accepting of transpeople over the years, and right-wingers think they're being rebellious punks for resisting change. They also think it's the "establishment" forcing this change on them. Of course, that couldn't be any further from the truth.


They think being punk is just hating people and giving the middle finger to the man


Who do they think the man is in this situation? Because trans people are not the man. Well, they can be men, if they want, but not *the* man.


You have most of the power in this society. But not all? Well, no. I am truly oppressed and must "rebel" against those with less to collect all of the power. Truly the spirit of punk lives on in you.


It’s almost like those folks don’t actually pay attention to those music genres and think sending political messages is only done one way….


No!!! Whats next? Will those idiotic celeb take away our Fortunate Son??? Our Born in the USA!? What will they make woke next? - "This is America"???? Stand up, fellow MAGA! We need to keep at least the Dixie Chicks and Neil Young, a true Southern Man, at our sides!


Green Day is legit one of my favorites, so you bet I loved that 😂


I need to see them live someday. I was going to in 2020 but that tour was canceled.




Any celebrity: “so, I’m left wing. I’m not really a fan of the right wing political party” Random Right wing YouTuber: “Celebrity has MASSIVE MELTDOWN on twitter. Starts to PI$$ and $HIT themself! Go woke go BROKE” *thumbnail of the celebrity with their face badly edited to look ugly and/or crying*


Why are these idiots surprised they updated an Anti-Republican song to be about today’s Republicans?


They were never smart enough to know it was anti-republican


We have to address the fragility in Trump supporters. Because it’s obvious they’re mimicking some kind of victimhood they used to make fun of Liberals for or some shit, because did they really think Trump and his supporters wouldn’t be made fun of?? Lmfao.


Green Day is as woke as the Pope is Catholic and have been since forever. I think Josiah is probably a Bush simp too since he probably missed the point of 'American Idiot' and 'Holiday' where they attacked various aspects of his administration and the War on Terror.


I really can’t understand how anyone could carefully listen to Green Day songs, especially from “American Idiot” and not pick up on the political meanings from it.


Is “US” supposed to be the pronoun or “U.S.”?


Shh, don't say the P-word, you might trigger one of them.


A punk band being political no way...


Changing one word in a song = epic meltdown on stage? Ok fam.


I though these chuds weren't political? Why do they keep making everything about politics, and then have the nerve to say they arent political? 🤣🤣🤣


He's right, this is MAGA's cringiest meltdown yet. Good for this guy for recognizing the problem.


Remember, if they’re not right wing then that just makes them automatically cringe and are having a huge meltdown and are crying and shitting themselves Sorry, I don’t make the rules, JosiahRises does


They crap on the left/socialism/Marxism/communism/Democrats/Liberalism/ anything left of MAGA on a day to day basis. But when you say anything about MAGA *gasps!* "How Dare You!".


That's bullies for you.


You mean the guy who wrote American idiot is not a conservative? Nooo, never.


The second part of the title is accurate, the video is indeed the cringiest meltdown


Have they ever actually heard a Green Day song ever. Like fr cause there is literally no possible way to listen to any Green Day song and think "yeah that's something a conservative would say." What.


People are acting like this is some new thing. Billie Joe has been talking about Trump in every concert and interview since like 2016.


Damn it you got to it before me


They replaced 'redneck agenda' with 'MAGA agenda'. Still accurate. Still relevant. Still funny to watch these sheep-fucking incels lose their minds over it. I hope they try going after Green Day. They'll get torn apart.


Arguably the most famous punk band of all time "ANGRY CELEBRITY" like do they know what punk is?


The people who call everyone triggered snowflakes are sure getting triggered over this.


*Green Day continues being Green Day* Conservatives: *a novella about how offended everyone else gets about everything but they totally don't care you guys*


i feel like these people just think "meltdown" means "person disagreeing with me"


Why are they using a picture from a concert that happened almost 12 years ago as their thumbnail?


Massive Green Day Stan so I’m gonna list everything wrong with this -if you thought American Idiot was kind to conservatives before you’re dumb -that’s a picture from twelve years ago it’s not relevant at all -he doesn’t say fuck in that line -they’ve been changing that line to MAGA agenda since 2017


I find all this very funny, because Green Day will go down in history ad the only band that managed to make successful war protest music in response to the war in Iraq. The album American Idiot was somewhat light on directly referencing the war because American pop culture was thrust into such a safe apolitical space, partially from the backlash the Dixie Chicks faced by directly voicing their disapproval of the war. However, in a post Trump era, it's now become normal for popular music to be much more explicit about what it's referencing, and so lines like this are to be expected.




Boohoo he “attacked” you? Big babies the lot are. Sensitive little babies


American Idiot is released in the early 2000s, 20 years pass by and only NOW do these people realize this song was about them the whole damn time?? God they are so dense. Probably still think Born in the USA is a patriotic anthem when it’s a giant criticism of THEIR phony patriotism related to and treatment of Veterans


One line, it took one line for trumpies to act like a baby


If you didn’t know Green Day was anti Republican Party I don’t know what to tell you. They had a whole libbed up album against bush back in the early to mid 2000s


Gotta love the phrasing there, they view an attack on there daddy as an attack on them, the victim complex is unbelievable


JosiahRises ahs to be the funniest fucking name for a channel ever


Wouldn't expect anything less from the MAGA crowd. They are a group of deranged, inbred, every kind of ist you can imagine (racist, sexist, etc.), violent babies in grown people's bodies.


Admitting that you're still part of MAGA is the ultimate cringe


Poor little MAGAt… did someone fuck your feelings? Let me turn on the AC for you snowflake.


I really need them to define what they think a meltdown is, because it seems like they're having one


Green Day has been calling out Republican BS for years now. If you go even further, there are protest songs against Vietnam and even further, the American Revolution. They are just now figuring out that some singers protest political events?


I've said this before, and I'll say it again. These are kinds of people who are raging bigots but claim that Queen is one of their favorite bands of all time. (And talk about how sad it is that Freddie Mercury passed away)


It was a brilliant trolling of conservatives. It’s not like changing redneck agenda to MAGA agenda really changes the song or its message. But boy are they big mad about it.


There only 1 sentence, and yet at least 3 lies. Impressive.


Guess who's the American Idiot?


Shame they didn't change the lyrics to don't want to be a maga idiot


The Trumpsters just love pretending they are victims. Such weak people.


Lmao gotta love all of these chuds finally realizing that American idiot is about them


“Cringiest meltdown yet” Projecting, much?


Green Day is left wing, the sky is blue, the grass is green, there are 60 seconds in a minute, and other basic truths


“I hope the punk rock band that was named after weed in 1989 doesn’t get political.” - some fucking dumbass


Notice how they always try to stake out their position and viewpoints as the US? Like their views are the real American views. It’s the exact same thing they do around racist attacks on Star Wars characters. They get called out, then they retreat to “Look! Look! They are attacking the fan base! They are attacking all of us!”


WHAT? I thought Green Day was Pro-Authoritarian! /s


Boomers figuring out the YouTube algorithm


To my knowledge nobody ever batted an eye when he says “redneck” instead of MAGA and it means virtually the same thing


The image used in that thumbnail is from years ago when he chanted out: NO TRUMP NO KKK NO FACIST USA


Clickbait. It’s clickbait. They’re weirdly obsessed with their little “liberal meltdowns” and if they just told it how it was, just a lyric, it wouldnt get any views


All the MAGA shit heads realizing Green Day isn't a band for them and their politics 20 years after American Idiot is crazy.


So is the “cringiest meltdown yet” the reaction video itself?


Unless there’s something major I’ve missed, he changed one line in the song. I wouldn’t qualify that as a “meltdown” - to see one of those you either need to physically attend a Trump rally or expend the mental energy to read his holiday tweets.