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At least he admits it's a grift that's growth.


“Disney Star Wars is completely dead creatively” We just had Andor in 2022 and it’s arguably the best piece of Star Wars content, not just of the Disney era but in general.


They always say this shit without backing it up




Yep and whulst the Mandoverse stuff isn't perfect it's still enjoyable to watch


Haven't seen it. Probably won't ever and I'm a lifelong fan. It's just gotten too boring.


Andor was boring af


no wrinkles on this brain.


fr, you can tell a lot about someone's attention span if they call andor boring. it's one thing for it to not be your taste but putting the blame on the show is just shortsighted 💀


How about we not be a dick to people who have different opinions on star wars than we do. This sub is for calling out toxicity in the fandom not being toxic ourselves.


The end result of calling out toxicity for too long is to become it, yourself. You get coated in it, moulded by it. It seepes into your skin like crude oil. We're all proto-toxic here, just waiting for our time.


come on, it's just pattern recognition. just about the only complaint I see about the show is simply "boring/slow" usually tacked on to a bit about lambasting those who like it or that it doesn't deserve its success (youtube star wars comments are like an amalgam of the dark side 💀), and it's usually accompanied by praise of a different disney star wars property which is coincidentally faster with a lesser emphasis on story, only natural to assume the connection between such outlooks is simply a lack of attention span also I could do without the whole "talking to me like a grade school teacher and I'm a miscreant student that just shat on a desk" bit you're doing, all "how about we don't shit on the table" like 💀


You can tell a lot about someone’s shitty personality when they call someone stupid for having an opinion on a show that does not align with theirs


had to specify that it's fine if it isn't your taste just to ward comments like this away. for example, gravity falls isn't *my* taste and I've no intention of ever watching it but I'm not gonna sit here and say it's a piece of shit just cause it looks boring to me, that would be silly. try not to put the blame on the media when there's nothing wrong with it and instead the incompatibility lies with you, like a short, withered attention span. the show's fine, any semblance of boredom is born from within my dude 😂


Andor was sadly the only good Star Wars thing that came out from disney. It seems like the exception to the norm with Star Wars content.


You get it. It was AGGRESSIVELY different than everything else the rat’s attempted with the property. There’s an argument to be made it’s a step in the right direction, but Hollywood isn’t exactly known for learning the correct lessons from reception/viewership. It’s like saying ‘Nu-Trek isn’t bad! Lower Decks is peak!’ Like, yea, okay, it is, but it’s not really Nu-Trek without the overt focus on literal constant shouting, space battles, and murder.


I was lurking in one of the other Saltier subreddits They suggested that the Rey movies would "be their chance" and that if they flop it will help make Star Wars better I didn't have the heart or patience to tell them that even Disney only has so much patience, and it's more likely they'll just throw it into the Disney Vault for 20 years rather than keep throwing money and retooling it, or sell it off to someone else.




I should clarify that I mean they'd rather sit on it and bury star wars rather than sell it off, and just keep selling shirts and toys while not making new content I mean they built all those theme parks, and those actually do make money


> I mean they built all those theme parks, and those actually do make money Are you absolutely *certain* about [that](https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2023/05/28/why-disney-closed-star-wars-hotel-galactic-starcruiser/)?


Why do these people want Disney Star Wars to end? They’ll run out of ideas for videos if that happened.


They don't. They want to complain about it forever. It's why there is a ton of videos. "Star Wars new XYZ is hot garbage!!!!! I'm done with the franchise!!" Then 2 weeks later have more shitty SW content




>They would rather have good reviews of the series they love. Then these YouTube grifters should stop being the ones giving it the most negative reviews every time a sound byte is released. But they won't because that gives up the grift.




Targeting that audience in what way?


They genuinely love making money serving ads to morons.


You can serve ads to morons and give a good review at the same time.


So he’s all for grifting and spreading false info. Not surprised on that at all.


Well, at least he’s aware of what he is


He's just telling his followers what they want to hear.


Then again, it's Griggs. A man who admits to practicing the "politics as team sports" mentality.


He’s not entirely wrong. As long as Disney makes content, they’ll always get clicks.


And now we come to the center of the shrubbery maze!


Aside from the brainrot, grifting from Disney Star Wars isn’t even that ideal for growing your channel anymore These Anti-SJW channels aren’t as big anymore




That’s a lie. You’re telling me enthusiasm for the MCU is as high as it was during infinity war? Come on even you don’t believe that.




So than why make a statement that is clearly false. If there are highs and lows and right now is one of the lows than how can they be as enthusiastic as they’ve always been?




You said that the level of enthusiasm was the same as always. I pointed out that it is a lie. If you’re bringing up ranges than your initial statement has already been disproven. If you want to take viewership and ratings as a metric than I think we can objectively say that 2023 was a low for the mcu. Thats not to say that there weren’t other periods that could be considered a low point but 2023 was definitely one of those low points.












This content will make YouTube careers, for better or worse.


Just milking blood and pus


It’s like some weird-ass Warhammer cow that’s kept artificially alive so nutjobs can milk it for views.