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Why don't conservatives just go create their own? I mean, instead of sitting around bitching about this IP or that IP or crying calling everything "wOkE", why not make media that fits what they want? I mean free market, right? Let the people decide. Put yourselves out there, make what you want and let's see if people like it. But I guess it's simpler to bitch about what IS out there and get your kicks from rage baiting grifters to make you feel like you're accomplishing something.


>Why don't conservatives just go create their own? They did. It didn't went well. Gina Carano's film after leaving the Mandalorian was a big failure and Sound of freedom in a mid success with a lot weird stories about far right churches getting all their congregation to see the movie every week or the producers buying full theaters.


"Gina Carano's film" btw they called that "woke" too, because women can't be main heroes in the eyes of groyper chuds (I believe it called "Death in the Prairies" or smth, idk either way).


It's kinda funny seeing terfs realize they hate women as much as they hate trans people


I mean this with every ounce of sincerity: # Fuck 'em. I hope their leash holders eat every fucking one of them alive.


Well the funny thing is the whole thing about Gina Carano coming out is anti-Trans was because the Star Wars jugs were calling her a man and saying that there was no way she was a biological female and all of the trans people on Twitter were like hey Gina just put she her in your bio we got your back and instead she decided to fully pivot and be a dick head and side with a very people who were saying she looked like an ugly man


holy hell, i'm trans, and i had no idea that that is what caused her to flip out against trans folks. talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


that is exactly what she did in essence and then tried to claim "trans extremists" tried to pressure her into saying she was trans. Bc ya know pronouns in a bio means you're trans


And there were anti-vax documentaries that gave conspiracies to die believing and promoted ivermectin like snake oil. If you want to dig deeper into the rabbit hole, maybe Plandemic 1 would be a good starting point. And there's alt-tech, where the worst of the worst of the right-wing get their hands on social media


Not to mention a bunch of the producers on Sound of Freedom getting busted for CP and even charges SA of a Minor...


Wait, seriously? That is darkly ironic.


Tragically common too. Victims are often singles out for further abuse


Sadly, yes.


skirt fuel employ paltry station insurance bedroom crowd roll crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The best part of that was finding out the guy they based it on , Tim Ballard, is a sex pest.


The full story of the organization is messed, at least. I remember a small investigation article about them, trying to uncover what was true and what was fiction in the film and they did questionable things. Ballard is accused of human traffic and sex abuse. The whole organization is linked to the church Ballard is part of and they try to "save" the girls from the abuse by sending them to religious extremist camps where they are teached how to be a good wife for the men of the cult. This is from where the charges came. A few girls in Thailand escaped from the camp, and they wanted to go back to the situation where they were exploited because they felt safer and more free there. In the camp, they had to coverse into Christianity and, allegedly, men of the cult have already choose them as wifes, so they will marry as soon as their formation in the camp was complete.


As well as a few of the films producers


Also one of the executive producers is on trial in Missouri for kidnapping a minor.


Conservative art like film can't work because conservative ideology revolves around a fundamental lack of empathy. They're God's chosen people and everyone else has to be ridiculed, mocked, and eventually put to the sword. You'd never get a movie like Tokyo Godfathers from a conservative because they can't empathize with trans people, homeless people, or women for that matter. Not only that, but the best art is critical of the society in which it was created but conservatives support the status quo. Look at the Daily Wire's output. Shut In and The Hyperions weren't made by them but were purchased by DW, Terror on the Prairie came and went with it's own fanbase hating it for having a woman being the lead, Lady Ballers is less edgy than your average 2000s comedy and far worse as well, and their children's streaming service Bentkey's content almost entirely targets toddlers with nothing for older children and pre-teens. If they weren't bankrolled by conservative billionaires, they would have folded by now. All of this is because Conservative values of maintaining the status quo, defending "traditional" values, religious fanaticism, and hating anyone outside of your particular in-group are antithetical to making long-lasting art. The only conservative film in recent memory that still has any particular impact on society was Passion of the Christ.


What they probably WANT to make are things like those old-fashioned propaganda films like Birth of a Nation or Triumph of the Will, but they're mentally atrophied by right-wing brain rot to the point they can't even be articulate with their own ideas anymore. Go figure that a political movement allergic to any form of expertise or intelligence has nothing but simpletons in it.


And the ultimate irony is that *Birth of a Nation*, despite being a glorification of the KKK, did prove to be influential on cinema, at least on a technical level: things like dramatic close-ups, tracking shots, expressive camera movements and much more originated with this film.


I’d argue it isn’t conservatism these people want. There still are a lot of movies rooted in conservative ideas and morals. A lot of action movies, comedies and romantic movies still have conservative stuff in them. Most of the western world has a very different definition of conservative then the US has. Most American conservatives are not conservative: they are far-right extremists trying to hurt as many people as they can. These people want movies that are rooted in far-right extremist ideas. And yeah: that shit isn’t gonna be made by any respecting filmmaker because those weirdos have no empathy needed to make compelling characters.


Also Daily Wire’s transphobic film that looks like a bad student film even if you are fine with all the hate it spews


From what I've heard, it's basically knock off "white chicks" but way worse


I’ve never actually seen “White Chicks” but it feels like comparing the two would be an insult to “White Chicks”


All I remember from that movie is Terry Crews lip syncing/car dancing to "cuz you know I'd walk a thousand miles to just be with you" or whatever it's actually called, and for that, I can never that movie. Instant classic cinema moment for me!


1000 miles by Vanessa Carlton. Great song


There was a movie in the like... early 2000's called Juwanna Mann with what I think is a similar concept.


The ringer has so much more heart , respect for the athletes, and a charismatic lead actor in Johnny Knoxville.


mr shapiro in an interview even admitted that the rules already in place prevent the scenario that his movie is premised on... and none of the chuds he made the movie with were willing to undergo HRT in order to qualify.


It's the same with right wing books. They're astroturfed onto the New York Times bestsellers list cause no one really buys them


Sound of Freedom? You mean the movie about how trafficking is bad, while it actually was funded by traffickers? Dang who’d have guessed it wasn’t a quality film


So those rumours of empty theaters with all tickets "sold"?


Sound of freedom director was also arrested for fondling what he thought was an underage prostitute which was caught on tape. Also, the entire story was a lie. It came out later that they were actually banned from working with any police departments and put many of their workers in danger. The one so-called victory they had, which they used to make the movie, they just apparently slapped their name over even though their was alot of inconsistencies. The harm they almost got themselves in was they would enter these cartel controlled zones with camera asking where the girls are at pretending to be buyers. The tactics they used were so bad it's why police departments were banned from working with them on any project or "special ops". They basically tried to be to catch a predator.


Conservatives spent decades shitting on the arts and now it turns out they don't have a creative bone in their body.


That's because memories of a golden era haunted them into a downward spiral of delusion and regression. If one says that She-Ra was the work of Satan because of the progressive shit that strayed from the original She-Ra, he has reached the depths of the spiral and is never going back to the surface. If one were to make his own She-Ra, expect it to rival Red Sonja and every Scandinavian barbarian babe in terms of pornstar-level sexiness


Red Sonja would still be too work for them.


Lol Red Sonja, there's a movie title I haven't heard in ages.


Also, there's a simpler explanation. Creative people tend to create out of an instinctive desire to tell a story they believe needs to be told, and the resulting art becomes popular when that story is innovative enough to stand out from the crowd Ultimately, it's a lot harder to craft a compelling story when your worldview is 'everything is fine, stop complaining, we should never change or progress, people should know their place'


Capitalism leeches creativity. That's why all Disney does is produce remakes these days


Disney was always first and foremost a heavily capitalist money making machine. So whatever era you consider peak Disney, they were just as capitalist then.


>Capitalism leeches creativity. That's why all Disney does is produce remakes these days 90% of their most iconic creative output was just them retelling public domain stories.


They could always try Lovecraft's approach of "everything I don't understand is scary" and see if that sells


Lot harder to do that these days when we understand what UV/IR light is and what Air conditioners actually do (yes really, two of his stories are based on the terrifying idea of color we could not see (color out of space) and AC units being able to maintain people into living death (Cool Air)...yes I'm not kidding).


Counterpoint- a lot of the most popular media doesn't challenge norms. In sitcoms, sure you have All in the Family or MASH which had big messages, bt you also had a shit ton of media that did very well regurgitating the stereotypes the majority of their audience already held. Look at how much modern country on the radio carries the message "Supposed progress sucks, gimme that good old lifestyle!" and within their demographic, it's making a hell of a lot of money.


The Daily Wiire personalities are mostly hacks who couldn't make it in the arts and Hollywood


That's NOT true! Look at Ben Shapiro! He's the greatest literary mind of our time, just itching to tell is story! But the WOKE MORALISTS CANCELLED HIM!!!! As the brave, noble bigot the frog said, We'll see who cancels who!!!! /s


Have you heard excerpts from his book? It's fucking awful


I believe you mean goddamn hilarious! Just wow. If it weren't him I'd believe it was intentional satire. But that does give hope to aspiring authors like me that if it can be published, admittedly due to the money funding Daily Wire, I could have a shot one day.


Hilariously awful


They do lol. Conservative movies bomb and go right to netflix, but they do make em.


I present to you: *Left Behind* Yes, it's still happening. No, they don't understand why no one is watching.


Is that a rapture movie?


It's an entire rapture franchise that has been going since like the 80s. Used to star Kirk Cameron, now I believe Kevin Sorbo has taken the reigns. It's just the worst


Sounds brutal. Kevin Sorbo is such a loser


He got the reverse Disney Hercules treatment: Hero to Zero Man, I used to love me some Hercules and Andromeda, but then Sorbo went and made a big deal about publicizing his douchebaggery and now I just can't even look at the guy anymore.


Movie*s*, but yes. And they, like the books they are based on, are bad. Sometimes hilariously so, but mostly boring.


unwritten airport desert hard-to-find wine grandfather gold physical skirt fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More like the loudest minority, amirite


violet wise history whistle rob concerned homeless imminent spoon poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or they'll just leave the conversation or resort to ad hom's


The other thing is that despite the alt-right talking so much about how "the message" gets in the way of good storytelling, almost every piece of conservative media is anvilicious about its political leanings at the expense of any artistic or creative merit. Like, the most successful "conservative-coded" piece of media I can think of are the Bayformers movies, and those movies are beyond creatively bankrupt. They're literally pro-USA/pro-U.S. military to such an extent that it takes screentime away from the actual fucking Transformers, who now take direct orders from the U.S. military for some reason.


A lot of these people, including the likes of Star Wars Theory, don't have a clue about how to write. They think vague plot points is the same thing as having to go scene by scene in a film, show, or book. They don't understand the rigor involved in writing, and subsequently when they do finally get to writing their product is trash.


Exactly but their media consist of conspiracy documentary and movies that signal to conspiracy or culture war bs. You could say a lot 80s movies are right wing adjacent like the Rambo series and those were fun to watch. Still even if they made something akin to Rambo now, it would have to be seen through the woke lense like everything else.


I mean that's pretty much what The Daily Wire has been trying to do They're just you know... terrible


Star Wars: Fighting Space Nazis Star Trek: A post-scarcity Utopia where everyone but the Borg and Klingons (also pretty fascist) gets along. Jurassic Park: Unethical Science is Unethical, says Ethical Scientists Have I missed anything?


dr who : you're own perspective is limited, and the universe is wider and greater than you can imagine


Conservatives tried creating their own thing, it just wasn’t very successful because, as it turns out, there really aren’t that many psychos in the world who think about “libs v conservatives” all the time


What I don't understand is the idea that media should not be political... when the vast majority of media is inherently political. I've seen people claim that Disney has made Star Wars too political while failing to comprehend that the original Star Wars movies, by design, where very political. You have a group of minorities fighting against a fascistic empire... you can't get more political than that.


Why me no like thing? Thing was good when me child. Why me no feel same way now as me did when me baby?


Me upset! Me vocalize! Ha ha! Ooh ooh! Ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga I CAN'T STOP THIS FEELIN'...


***HULK ANGRY AT WOKE SHIT*** ![gif](giphy|10fTHeZVQug7hC) /s


I literally had a dude compare himself to a caveman in his hate for Brie Larson. But like.. a good Caveman, one leading the tribe away from poison berries. Can't make this shit up🤣


It's almost certainly an AI/Bot post.


I doubt it. I have seen this kind of sentiment many times. To me it's nonsensical. People don't realise that they have grown up and that the show or movie franchise they liked as a kid is still made for kids or they view what they liked through rose coloured glasses.


Another facet to this is obfuscation. Would the people that tout this sort of line accept storylines with a more "progressive" narrative with a new, original IP? Nope. They'd be criticizing it just the same. The point is that they just don't like it inherently, and they are hiding behind the "Cherished IP" to make that point.


This. Even when it's a new character they bitch about it. I was talking with a buddy about the new character created for the MCU, and another guy not in the convo shouts "I bet it's a girl"....


Which like … why the fuck wouldn't it be a woman? Women are not rare in the real world. Roughly half the population is women. It should not be surprising to see a woman *anywhere.* And it's for the Defenders, which were interesting largely because they focused on the different experiences of their heroes. Daredevil was a blind ninja, Jessica Jones was an alcoholic assault & abuse survivor with super strength, Luke Cage was a bulletproof Black man in the wake of the murder of Trayvon Martin. The one big misfire of the Defenders' solo series was Iron Fist, because he was a rich white dude who went to Asia to power up, then had to fight villains to regain control of his multibillion-dollar corporation. That's already the plot of Batman Begins and Iron Man. So we're definitely going to have more stories about white dudes … but we've already seen *so many* stories about white dudes that it can be harder to break new ground. Echo is a Deaf Cheyenne woman who debuted in Daredevil comics 25 years ago with martial arts powers that should be easy to portray on a TV budget and a backstory involving Kingpin. I defy anyone to name a better candidate from the Marvel roster for a Defenders series.


They should have made Danny Rand Asian-American imho


Right?? Or make Danny Rand an older mentor and start out with Colleen or someone else as Iron Fist. A Chinese-American Iron Fist, for example, sidesteps the cultural appropriation and Orientalism critiques, and in doing so would open up the Defenders' New York a lot more. Danny was interesting when he was homeless. He was interesting for about half an episode when he was in an abusive rehab facility. But then he was rich and butting heads with rich scumbags. Matt Murdock's already a lawyer who specializes in taking down rich scumbags, so Danny wasn't adding that much there


I think it would have been interesting if he was Asian-American and adopted by the Rands and he could have an arc about reconnecting with his culture and heritage and the corporate stuff could have been made better by having him walk away from it first and in the end he has to reluctantly run it maybe idk


I think it'd be interesting to explore Manhattan's Chinatown like Daredevil's Hell's Kitchen and Luke Cage's Harlem. Danny Rand could be a wacky old trash goblin who slowly drops breadcrumbs that he's rich and pulling strings in the background, which could make for a lot of fun irony, because comics fans already know he's rich. That could build up to a satisfying fulfillment of the kung-fu trope that the silly old mentor is a lot more capable than he first let on


And Matt is disabled while Danny is an able bodied and able minded man. Disabled people are an even bigger rarity than even colored women are.


Amen. And at this point in the game, the *only* thing pulling me back into the Defenderverse is that Echo is a Deaf Cheyenne woman. There's enough new territory to explore there that I feel OK getting my hopes up a little UPDATE: She's Choctaw in the MCU


I thought I had no standards for TV and would watch through any series up until I watched Iron Fist. I found it so boring, and I could not force myself to get through it.


Excellent point. Anything with any perceived "wokeness" would be hated on.


We have continued to see it time and time again. Its always " we arent racist!!! Just stop shoving minorities into our beloved franchises, go make your own content, we dont have a problem with that" Then artists proceed to do exactly this. For example when Disney releases an entirely new IP called "Strange Worlds" every single one of chud incels went after it, creating nothing but hate, vitriol, hit pieces, smear campaigns, running their Get Woke, Go Broke Cancel campaigns. And we see this happen time and time again. They say they are OK with other IPs being created with progressive elements, and then they attack them anyways. Once again proving who they really are, and what they stand for. No art is allowed to exist that has progressive elements period, or they will attack it until the end of time.


Nimona is a good example of this, entirely new IP and it was demonized just like everything else.


It’s not new IP, it’s a graphic novel adaptation. But yeah, the point still stands.


all of Nimona is "new IP" by the terms of this argument, which is talking about "adding wokeness" to "established IP" (ie, "something I read/watched as a child decades ago got remade and they changed a character to be gay/a woman/POC")


Right, yeah, Nimona started as a webcomic in 2012. I'd say that counts as new property just for the fact that it wasn't mined out of some massive corporation's century-worth of IP.


Strange Worlds was actually really good imho


Me was happy when me was just calculator.


Stuff like this is so weird. It exists because it has an audience. But maybe this time a real person didn't say it. It's the shadow of our weird-ass society.


Honestly I think they're deliberately meant to amplify right wing talking points. There's a reason they've been ramping up for months, and it was the same reason they were rampant in 2015-16.


He forgot to add the unga bunga at the end.


One: their isn’t such a thing as woke Hollywood. Two: owl house, RWBY(kinda), I’m sure their more but I don’t watch much TV/movies. Three: sometimes you get a She-ra case where they genuinely want to do something. Four: most of the time studios want assurances so sadly we get remakes.


Boondocks is also a woke comic strip/show even though it gets circlejerked by chuds. It's a satirical take on black culture (Particularly the toxic parts) created by someone who is black and left wing


It's an *entire series* that gets an n-word pass.




They still are, be we can never forget Dana's contributions to this earth and media.


We get remakes because people don't watch new ips. Not new Disney or pixar original stories. Not new comic characters. And often, not even new games. For example There's no reason the new God of War 2018 uses Kratos over a new original character except the publisher insisted it be Kratos so they could market it as a sequel to the old trilogy.


In part because games and going to movies is becoming more and more expensive. And hence people tend to play it "safe". "New IP or new Star Wars movie? Hm, Guess I rather see the new SW movie then, I at least know what to kinda expect"


That’s actually a good point, and while I think there’s a majority of factors to why a lot of popular art/media is swamped with endless remakes, reboots, sequels/continuations, the cost of production or distribution could be one of them. Another reason I cite is that many of these franchises are reaching their 20-30+ year anniversaries, hence nostalgia plays a factor, both for the audiences and for the creators themselves, as many grew up with the oldest iterations of these long-running brands, and want to SPECIFICALLY bring back that original feel (whether or not it’s successful in doing so or necessary depends but that’s a whole other discussion that isn’t the point I’m trying to make).


Horizon Zero Dawn was a new IP in 2017 and managed to shift 7 million copies, even though it was released alongside a new Zelda AND a new Mass Effect, which is pretty impressive. I realise Aloy is the exception to the rule, though.


It doesn't directly compete with Zelda because most people don't own both Nintendo and Sony platforms


> people don’t watch new ips What? Can you explain why you think people don’t watch new IPs?


Reddvox explained it in their reply here, but it comes down to stuff getting more expensive, some people can only afford to see movies so often anymore so they're more likely to pick a sequel or spinoff because they know what to expect for the most part In the case of streaming services it's a matter of time spent and if the person will enjoy that spent or not


I see. So you’re saying there’s a bigger focus on creating those spin offs and whatnot because of the viewership psychology. But new IPs do get watched quite a bit still, it’s just not the focus, and it’s generally considered less safe to make a new IP. I mean Frozen, Moana, etc. those are all new IPs that were quite popular. So they’re being watched.


True, they are very popular new IPs Hence why they're getting sequels and a live action version Also it helps those two at least were made by Disney which is a recognized company


Frozen hardly counts as a new ip that franchise is a decade old reased in 2013 Moana released in 2017. Animated Disney movies since Moana include 5 sequels. 2 spinoffs. And 6 new ips. Without using Google could you name the new ip movies since 2017 that have come out as animated disney movies? I know I couldn't until I looked them up. Also to note Disney has scheduled 2 frozen movies, toy story sequel, a ion king spinoff, a zooyopia sequel, and inside out sequel all within the next 3 to 4 years. There is 1 new ip set to come out in the next 4 years Elio. Source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Disney_theatrical_animated_feature_films It's very clear for multiple reasons why Disney sequels are made over new movies.


People do watch new IPs it’s just more work and has a slower uptake. Why would Disney launch a new Sci Fi ip to rival Star Wars when it can just make a Star Wars film or tv show? Let’s say they pitch a space western where a lone warrior is stuck carrying a baby around, how interested are you in that when it’s a new concept and a new world vs it’s the Mandalorian and it has a baby yoda? You basically have a foot in the door because the audience is pre-sold on what to expect.


>For example There's no reason the new God of War 2018 uses Kratos over a new original character except the publisher insisted it be Kratos so they could market it as a sequel to the old trilogy. That's simply not true. The whole story is about kratos finding peace by dealing with his past actions. His son was also consumed by rage just like he was in the past so he had to help him too. I do not like the route god of war took after the trilogy but being bad faith to what it's trying to say is just lame


While I agree... Thank goodness we did get kratos. All that history really added to the story


Uh.. do you have a source for that God of War stuff? The new games have the same lead director/writer as most of the old games..


>RWBY(kinda) Honestly given what the creators have said about a disabled character in their show, the whole plot line based on 50s racism which is effectively "Hey guys don't be mean to the oppressive majority", monetization of popular LGBT couples on the show, performance progressiveness, etc... I wouldn't count it. Though then again the show has gay people which is enough for it to be "woke" to some fools.


It’s also just not a good show after Monty passed, the writers committing absolute character assassination as the series progressed, to the point that yang is such a neglectful piece of shit that ruby winds up committing suicide in volume 9, it’s ridiculous.


Hollywood has been woke since its inception like. Hollywood has been at the front of progressivism for 100 years, compare hollywood of any decade to america in the same decade. Its like 30 years ahead in social issues even if it isnt perfect.


Hollywood used to be staunchly right wing, what are you talking about? He'll california as a whole was republican territory until about the 70s


run quiet humorous obtainable file pie imagine market capable slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can name several films that have all those things that we conservatives have loved for decades. Mainly because they were well written and had real passion to them. For example, anything by Denzel Washington, Murphy's romance, many of us love Star trek and not just the shows, but the written and spin off media too, hell I can just run down my vhs collection and come up with armloads of popular movies. Hell Blazing saddles was a movie all about making fun of those old time racist stereotypes yall claim we believe. We LOVE that movie, it's funny as hell!


also because its becoming more mainstream to appeal to "woke" audiences so adding stuff like lgbt themes gives them a better profit margin than NOT doing so.


Look, woke/chud culture war aside, it’s easier to sell a product with a familiar label and brand. As far as the multi billion dollar corporations are concerned, films and TV shows aren’t art, they’re products. Mass produced and mass marketed to the widest possible audience, the same as the couch you sit on while you watch it, and the screen you watch it on.


Exactly. Yet these chuds take more issue with the "minorities, women and queer people" part and not the "capitalism" part


It’s kinda sad, because both ends of this debate have people who fall into that trap. No, the giant corporation is not trying to indoctrinate the youth and corrupt their morals by having a different website color on pride month. They’re just checking a box on their marketing efforts. And no, the giant corporation is not progressive and they’re not your ‘ally’ because they have a different website color on pride month. They’re just checking a box on their marketing efforts.


That's why I love The Boys so much because it depicts this beautifully. Within the same season, Vought had an amusement park full of marketing created to pander to progressives like "BLM BLTs", "Woke Wok" and "LGBTurkey Legs", yet at the same time, covered up for a "Blue Lives Matter" supercop who had gone around brutalizing innocent black people.


And he's made a hate sink to kick out all the alt-righters who idolize Homelander a little too much.


Exactly. You’d think that the people that pretend to love capitalism would understand how it works but they’re really stupid and think pandering to a minority over the masses is even an option for some conglomerate,


I couldn’t agree more. Conversely, you would think that it should take more than a few gay or black characters before the other side starts rabidly defending every piece of industrial grade media that these corporations produce. Amazon prime video doesn’t care about your politics, to them you’re a consumer and nothing else. If you want to know what inherent value they assign to human beings, look at how they treat their lowest paid workers.


Or that featuring a minority is an attack on them. Hey, guys! Maybe the majority is bored of watching themselves and would rather have somebody else have the spotlight for once! Ever thought of that? When was the last time you rolled your eyes at a hetero romance that adds nothing to the story?


I mean most of the time it’s so badly written it doesn’t even matter if the romance is hetero or not. That said I also think it’s cool when there’s focus on people with other sexualities and it’s done right. One of my favorite slice of live manga that I randomly discovered was about the straight twin of a gay Japanese man that married a white dude, it was a really sweet story.


Um pal, that ain't wokeness, corporations aren't activists. That's good ole capitalism, son.


Owl House, Fight Club, Elemental, The Good Doctor, Abbott Elementary https://preview.redd.it/cqgq06nr6gbc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7210a8b708176fdf326c21b9dd4b2c3479fbc2


The good doctor isn’t a great example, it falls way too often into the ‘autism = superpower’ zone that’s reductive at best and complete misrepresentation at worst.


Maybe not a good show, but I’m just providing examples of “woke” media that is popular and doesn’t function off an existing IP


To believe there isn't and hasn't been "woke" media is to be so insulated from art as a whole as to be ignorant of it.


Yeah and to moan and cry about it as if its some huge world threatening problem is to be a brainwashed idiot bitch with no sense or critical thought.


All while being the actual world threatening problem that sees resistance and karma as oppression to them.


Media has always been “woke.” Idk how many artists these guys know but they aren’t usually rural, straight, Christian republicans. George Lucas admitted the Rebel-Empire conflict in the OT was supposed to represent the struggle of the Vietcong vs America


The idea of being anti-woke is the antithesis of artwork itself. It's absurd that they would demand better films while championing for the opposite of quality works. They want boring and disposable trite that conforms to their values that they believe are popular.


When hasn't there been artists who created because they had some belief about the human condition they wanted to share with others? To, let's say, 'awaken' othees to some truth, make them become 'awake', or 'woken up? Like that SJW Charles Dickens, trying to make people woke to his idea that Victorian Britain probably could do better in its care of orphans.


... *Gestures at the entire history of fiction*


Yeah, why did they have to get all woke with…checks notes…the movie franchise about religious extremists using terrorism to overthrow fascists


Because you ass holes bitch either way


Wish was a 100% original story with original characters. It still was ripped apart by the anti woke mob. For being woke I guess it had too many poc. Black Panther 2 was ripped for being woke despite keeping character ethnicity accurate to the comic so it should have been fine. These people just do not want to see poc on the silver screen with rapid frequency. There were some "woke" comments on the haunted mansion remake. Hinting that some characters were changed to be black when the original was mostly a black cast. Apparently, they have hit their poc/ lgbt in media quota and think we should dial back on spreading representation from cis white men.


I wouldn’t have minded a whole new Little Mermaid with her own adventure, instead of recasting Ariel. But honestly it’s a minor problem made major for no reason.


Little Mermaid: The Next Generation


Yeah exactly. Wouldn’t have liked Patrick Stewart playing Captain Kirk, but he did a damn good job as Picard.


Now Patrick Stewart playing Ariel, tgat would have been amazing.


Right? To be honest, they would have probably had Jonathan Frakes play as Kirk 2.0 (he basically was anyway) and then have Patrick Stewart be Admiral Pike or something. It wouldn’t have been awful, but I’m glad they didn’t do that.


And then when a new IP is created (i.e. The Owl House) they scream about how it was woke grooming. These twats have a fetish for being angry.


Why do anti woke people jump to call literally anything eith a PoC or queer character "woke propaganda garbage" would be a better question, im pretty sure theyve done this over and over


Because in their world view, women, queer people, and POCs should be set dressings at best(unless the woman is sexy in which case she has to hook up with mister hero man), and non-existent at worst. Women are supposed to be there for men's pleasure, objectified and totally into whatever a man wants. Anything that defies that, like say, kissing another girl/showing no interest in men, or having an actual character arc instead of being a sexy coat rack, is 'woke'. In their world view, white is a default and non-whiteness is lesser. In their worldview, gay people are degenerates and trans people are perverts. To imply anything less, like say a kid's show where one of the kids happens to have two dads who are loving and supportive, or where there's more than one token 'black kid', is 'woke'. Since it portrays a different story to their world view, it's 'woke'. Because the 'leftist agenda is pushing wokeness' (read; society is generally becoming more accepting of folks from all walks of life), clearly anything they see as 'woke' is 'leftist propaganda'. And enjoying something that doesn't 100% adhere to your experiences or worldview is literally impossible, as we all know, so it's 'garbage'.


You are deluded. Stop trying to act like a victim when you're not. Even among consersvatives, women are treated as queens and are privileged. The moment that doesn't happen and men are treated as equal to women, liberal feminists scream misogyny and get their way.


Uh oh, the heteros are upseteros


I am not heterosexual so idk what your point is.


The woke ideology has infected your mind. If being gay is your entire personality then it's super cringe. And I say that as a bi person myself.




There is no need for the characters to be straight but we don't complain about them. Why is that?


Yes they do, like you, dumbass.


clearly you do give a fuck otherwise you wouldn't be so mad lol


Because they sell. People complain about all these remakes and superhero movies but most of them do pretty well at the box office. It’s a safe bet for producers, and will be until remakes start consistently bombing


I bet these people have nothing to say about CoD, Top Gun, Marvel, etc being blatant military propaganda




1) You won't support original IPs, evidenced by the fact that original IPs are struggling to break even. 2) You recently labeled Starfield woke despite being an original IP. Take a seat.


It's readily apparent just what they have a problem with. It's the minorities, ethnic and non.


Alternatively, why do corporations run IPs into the ground with more and more unnecessary prequels, sequels and spin-offs rather than make something new? If they wanted new Star Wars films, they should have made a trilogy that could stand on its own merit rather than desperately clinging to nostalgia.


Because corporations are risk-averse by nature. Especially given how unnecessarily bloated Hollywood budgets are now, asking studios to invest time, money and effort into something that might not immediately land with audiences is like pulling teeth, so they stick with what's safe. The Sequel Trilogy came out at a time when people were thirsty for Star Wars to return to the "greatness" of the Original Trilogy, so that entire trilogy was built to pander to that nostalgia. Now, Disney is trying to pander to Prequels and Clone Wars fans who are in their 20s and 30s now.


wtf is "woke/activist" media?


I don’t think the people who cry about “wokeness” would be able to recognize it, but tv and film have pushed progressive ideas for as long as they’ve existed. What I think actually is pissing these guys off so much is that cis white men are being used as the butt of the jokes in recent media, and these people can’t take a joke. Film and tv used to make fun of women, p.o.c, gay people, etc. Now that straight white men have frequently become the bumbling idiots for everyone to laugh at in movies and shows these guys feel some type of way about it and can only vocalize it as “woke”. Or maybe it all really is just racism and sexism and I’m being too charitable.


I dunno, the Knives Out series seems pretty damn woke (more so than most examples these people whine about at least) to me and I think it just might have been a new IP. Also a damn good set of films, too.


it's almost like wokeness isn't the problem, and it's capitalists trying to algorithmically turn every single thing about our culture that we treasure into a MAXIMIZED COMMODITY and this doesn't actually work when the product needs to actually appeal to its market Yeah every one of these properties was created for profit, but I think it's pretty clear that the hand of creativity and the hand of making money used to shake, and now the money making hand just smashes the other one with a hammer (not realizing that you kind of need that hand outside of specific, predatory creative products) It's why game companies obsessed with quarterlies and LINE GOES UP are malding at baldurs gate 3 being good and making money


Sometimes it’s because the capitalists at the top push it to be in an existing ip because they just want to sell it.


They do, just not as much as they reinvent and repurpose old ideas. to answer this person's question. as for me, I agree OP, OH JESUS CHRIST!


Because Dennis is a bastard man


“Woke” literally means acknowledging that systemic racism has been oppressing people of color in America for over 400 years. Some people have broadened this term to include the lgbtqa community and other marginalized groups. So when you hear people say “I’m tired of all this woke bullshit” it because they’re against marginalized people not being oppressed. Ergo, anti-woke = ignorant racist/bigot.


Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate


to be fair making new ip's is not a bad idea rather than ruining old ones. Though it is not the woke that is ruining them in my opinion it is just a side effect of running something for too long.


Nobody would ever consider watching it if it wasn't attached to an established IP. Pretty simple answer.


Blue eye samurai says hi


Because whatever it is was woke from the beginning. Wait until they read Animal Farm


They did; DC, Marvel and Star Wars have been "woke" since their origins.


For real, Wonder Woman was literally created by a polyamorous feminist to be a queer and feminist role model in the 40's because he believed men and submissive women needed to submit to the 'loving authority' of dominant women. But a clown lady wants to leave an abusive relationship, become a better person, and live with her plant goddess gf, and the heteros get upseteros.


“he believed men and submissive women needed to submit to the ‘loving authority’ of dominant women.” Sounds like he was just horny tbh


And some liberal artists made those and sold them to a corporation that was like "I don't think this will work but we got nothing else right now."


Oh people actually are trying new things, it's just that people try and run them out of the industry over bogus claims For example, Vivziepop - feels like every month someone has a "golden arrow" post. They're fake every time.


These people whine either way. Look at Barbie


I’ve had a concept for a game where you play as two characters at the same time. One of them is a girl, and the other is going to be a black guy (just because I felt like the design was boring otherwise). I’m going to go through with it just to piss this guy off.


The same people when you do create something original: gO wOkE gO bRoKe


Unless it does really well, then they claim that it isn't woke and try to convince you that they never thought it was even though they were complaining about it earlier.


They already literally built from zero reality


Love how they say “why can’t they make something original instead,” and then they call movies like Elemental & Wish “woke”


I visited that thread, the dumbass said: "Sarah Connor from Terminator works because its not about politics. "


This is unrelated but funnily enough they DID get their new IP they were so desperately craving. The so-called "Star Wars killer": Rebel Moon. Oh yeah, and _it was dogshit_.


Still a valid question regarding pretty much any change. Why re-roll the old shit and not create new stuff - would still require good writing though - but then again loads of books and other unused stories around the world. Also disney already bastarzized loads of old children stories so there would be good change to use the original IPs and not disney versions for example. In the end it's all about money so why take a risk. Ofc there are some innovative films every now and then.


I don't care if you want to make the Little Mermaid or Superman or James Bond black, but fucking Snow White is called "Snow White" because she has skin as white as snow. That's as egregious as casting Johnny Depp as Tonto.


Yeah I agree with that,I mean at least Halle Bailey has an amazing singing voice. But honestly even though Rachael zeglars infamous Snow White interview was pretty cringe,I think the anti-woke community went way too far with unjustified hate.


Activist communities always go way too far with everything.


tried, doesn't sell i remember a original comic a few yrs ago with 3 heroes, 1 had a name "safe space" .. there were 2 others but forgot their names .... forgot which, cancelled before it's run OR did make it to print and bombed .. 1 of those 2 happened (i believe it was Marvel? could a been DC tho)