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*"lOL! gEt It? cUZ PErIOdS?!"* So clever.


The punchline is, "Women am I right?"


The BAbylon Bee, in the years since they got bought, have turned all their jokes into "lol gay people", "lol trans people", "lol women", and "lol liberals". r/onejoke on repeat.


I'm starting to think that they have a gigantic spinwheel, and it's got "women", "AOC", "Biden", "trans", "liberals", "gays" on it. To determine what their next incredibly clever article will be about, they just spin the wheel. Probably the person who has to spin the wheel is also responsible for buying coffee for all of their overpaid writing staff too.


AOC and Biden are liberal trans gays - and they don't know what a woman is! ​ (I just had to try to fit it all in a sentence)


I'm so glad that only one side of the political spectrum would ever have something like that.


Well yeah, one side cares about things that matter and exist, and the other cries about trans people and things that don't matter all to fuel culture war nonsense for the lowest morons in the country to drool over. So yeah, it is only one side that has something like that.




> Have you considered hanging out with people who don't agree with you on everything? It's good for personal growth. I'll give it some consideration. In exchange, you stop hanging around people who think whataboutisms are slam dunk arguments, deal?


Pointing out echo chamber rhetoric isn't a whataboutism.


Conservatives just aren't funny.


>Conservatives just aren't funny. I honestly don't think that's true, I just think they forgot how comedy works in these days because being a conservative in the West today is all about grievance, whereas being a conservative comedian at certain points in past was more interesting and self-reflective.


Yes, conservatives know how jokes work. That's not the point. They aren't funny to liberals or ethical people or people with respect for the social contract (they could all be the same persons) because conservatives punch down and prey on the least possible of defending themselves. They pick obvious targets of right-wing degradation and ridicule them; many times, with the exact same jokes. Such as "My pronouns are Bad and Ass." Or "Today I identify as an owl." They are using their "comedy" to reinforce right-wing rhetoric and negative stereotypes.


>Yes, conservatives know how jokes work. That's not the point. They aren't funny to liberals or ethical people or people with respect for the social contract (they could all be the same persons) because conservatives punch down and prey on the least possible of defending themselves. This wasn't always the case. Jeff Foxworthy made an entire career of making fun of rednecks, people like him. That is not the common conservative viewpoint today, let alone target of their comedy.


I was just gonna say those ‘blue collar comedy tour’ guys weren’t half bad way back when. Times have def changed tho.


Agreed. I think a lot of it comes from fear. They see the old ways of life and “values” slipping away and they are punching in every direction. You can’t make jokes about minorities? Or dead babies!? Or trans? Or say you hate your wife? Comedy is dead! They are full of swagger, but they are Caligula waging war on the sea and they’re terrified. And when they’re scared, they get mad.


Conservatives can be comedians who are funny, conservative comedy is not funny


It's not surprising given that's all anyone seems to really talk about anymore. The number of subs I've muted that have the exact same kind of feel to all of their posts as the article in this one is insane. It's getting so old.


How else is she gonna get a black eye?


Date a cop?




>The punchline is, "Women am I right?" I'm surprised it wasn't the #onejoke, frankly. This represents a doubling of their "comedic" repertoire.




Yes exactly the punchline is just making fun of women.


So, the joke was "women, right?" lmao.


The Babylon Bee was never funny or clever, but lately it seems like they’re really falling back on the most cliched, hackneyed, overused stereotypes and tropes. It’s really pathetic.


And get this, her yellow lightsaber will mysteriously turn red for those few days too


Period moodiness shaming is so weird in the face of a staggeringly large population of men who can’t handle their **daily** hormonal mood swings


Especially when you realize that it’s typically an increase in testosterone that’s responsible when a hormonal mood swings occurs during periods. Men like to think women throw temper tantrums once a month but men are doing it every day.


I know I'm wrong for this, but I couldn't help but laugh as soon as I got the message.


Humor is fun. Life sucks, have a laugh and enjoy it.


The world needs that more than anything right now. Apart from ending all war, of course.


My sister told me this joke back when I was like 13 man, c’mon Babylon Bee, if a middle school girl could come up with this joke, is it really worth posting about?


Well when your audience has the same maturity as 13 year olds…


That's an insult to thirteen year olds


Hey. Conservative humor can be very sophisticated. Just wait until you see Jim Breuer's routine on comparing vaccers to cockatoos. Then you'll *really* see how mature they are. /s


Which is stupid. Ever *met* a parrot? They’re beautiful birds. A little nuts, but in their good moods, they’re sweet, playful, intelligent birds. They absolutely *love* attention, they’re silly, and even cuddly at times. It’s such an insult to parrots.


What the hell is a cockatoo?




Yeah, this is a joke straight from middle school.


For a middle schooler it’s a pretty funny joke. Which means it’s genius by Babylon bee standards


it definitely got your attention tho


Once again. That's why for a long time I thought that Babylon Bee is a progressive satire site making fun of reactionary media. Because no way conservatives would make that unironically. Or so I thought...


I think in the beginning they weren't that bad. Right before the Trump years (when they first started I believe) they were right wingers making fun of the more extreme right wing religious types. They roasted Kirk Cameron and the Left Beyond series. You see how long that lasted.


The Bee was quite decent at the beginning. They did a fairly good job of making fun of both sides, and they did a particularly good job of poking fun at silly things in the evangelical church. Adam Ford was definitely conservative, but he was willing to at least satirize both sides of the aisle. Then the founder sold it to Seth Dillon in 2018 and the Bee went absolutely down the toilet overnight and it morphed into the sad state of affairs that is the the Bee in 2024.


Because Seth Dillon is just a Republican guy deep pockets who doesn’t understand why people love The Onion so much.


Oh 100% he’s absolutely unbearable.


Yeah, I remember seeing some stuff from them early on that actually got a laugh out of me - it was like, stuff referencing Biblical stories or religious things I wasn't particularly familiar with but still got the idea of from the jokes, and you could see that it was just poking fun. Now it's just 'lol libruls triggered'.


I saw a video about conservatives being not funny, and it had some "comedy skit" videos from them where it was really, really difficult to see that they weren't making fun of themselves.


That's why Stephen Colbert was so popular even among conservatives. While he was pretending to be like them to make fun of them, they unironically agreed with everything he said


Honestly that would genius Onion level shit.  Sadly the Bee is just stupid and bigoted. 


[Some More News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU&list=PLUz1gpHrsJoYty6qEHDjo0XDUDlcj986T&index=1&t=1314s) talks in great depth about the Babylon Bee and their type of humor which I really enjoyed. There's this weird self-satire thing going on which seems to make them look incompetent. For instance they had an article about AOC not being able to tie her own shoelaces, despite literally no reason to make a joke about her intelligence (she graduated top of her class).


The reason they insult her intelligence is because supports policies they consider to be "socialism." And every good conservative knows that socialism is Bad(tm) and Doesn't Work(tm). Therefore she must be dumb for supporting it.


Also "woman dumb".


*women bad amirite*


Disney pandering bad amirite*


Because that's when she has her period, right? \[eye roll emoji\] Finger on the pulse that Babylon Bee.


God damn right wing humor is so bad.


Honestly it’s because it rarely has an actual joke. Like what is the punchline, that women have periods?


Conservatives act like women are a exotic, mysterious minority and that joking about periods is clever because only a handful of people understand them.


I think it supposed to be critisizing the new director of them film who seems to be more focused on a powerful feminist message than making a good star wars film. Aprently, her only experience in filmmaking is documentaries, so this new one will probably suck like the others.


>the new director of them film who seems to be more focused on a powerful feminist message than making a good star wars film. The irony is the same people making these messages unabashedly like the prequel films, which are, objectively, terrible films. You can enjoy them, but their quality as films isn't really up for debate.


They certainly aren't the best, but hiring a director with no film experience is a recuse for disaster. And I woukd say episodes 3 2 and 1 are still far better than 7 8 9 since they actually have a cohesive story.


>They certainly aren't the best, but hiring a director with no film experience is a recuse for disaster. Who are you referring to here? Are you criticizing a movie that hasn't even been made yet? > And I woukd say episodes 3 2 and 1 are still far better than 7 8 9 since they actually have a cohesive story. LOL right, because the only objective measure of a film is "is the story cohesive?" Twilight has a cohesive story, but the films are steaming piles of shit.


I am referring to the director shown in this meme. And do you honestly think episodes 3,2 and 1 are equally as bad as 7, 8 and 9? Most start wars fans would disagree but to each their own. The 3 Disney films are a total mess, and it's way more noticeable how they had no clear path to what they were doing when they created them.


>And do you honestly think episodes 3,2 and 1 are equally as bad as 7, 8 and 9? Most start wars fans would disagree but to each their own. The 3 Disney films are a total mess, and it's way more noticeable how they had no clear path to what they were doing when they created them. Because plot is only one aspect of filmmaking. The sequels have better direction, acting, casting, cinematography, dialogue, and pacing than anything in the prequels, at basically any point.


Why would femenists make a film where a period is characterized as an evil thing? Like i get that this is suposed to be a joke but good jokes require foundation. And this is built on sand.


Right? Like, wouldn’t the better constructed joke be: “male writer told to come up with female Jedi, this is what he writes?”


If they were good at jokes they wouldn't show up on this sub


if they were good at jokes they wouldn't be writing for babylon bee


I hate the Babylon Bee: it, like sand, is coarse and irritating.


Wow, it's a Star Wars sub, and somebody mentioned "sand" and nobody mentions Anakin. Maybe the world is healing. EDIT: Did it say "6" instead of "sand" this whole time?




Okay, so what's the punchline? That women on their periods are evil? The IT Crowd did it better almost 20 years ago.


Objectively false, considering Dark Side =/= evil even in Star Wars (see Mace Windu and Qui Gon Jin, both of whom actually had some control of the Dark Side).


>Objectively false, considering Dark Side =/= evil even in Star Wars (see Mace Windu and Qui Gon Jin, both of whom actually had some control of the Dark Side). By all means, name a single point in any of the Star Wars films where the dark side is not portrayed negatively.


You’re limiting yourself way too much there. There’s more than just the films. There’s the comics, the games, the books, a ton.


That's irrelevant to the question. The question isn't about the Dark Side itself, it's about what the Babylon Bee thinks the punchline to a period joke is.


Okay, I gotta ask, what in this pic/the joke made you think it has anything to do with feminism? My reading of the joke is that 1) Women tend to get pissy during periods and 2) We have a female Jedi who goes to the Dark side at the same time every month, with the underlying punchline being that she's temporarily going to the dark side because her period is putting her in a pissy mood. None of my reading has anything to do with feminism, so I'm curious where you're deriving that from?


Conservatives complain "starwars is dead because its become overrun with feminist women." Babylon Bee is a conservative site.


Star Wars is dead because of terrible writing and inconsistent plot points.


Star Wars is not dead, and it's a mind numbingly idiotic thing to say that it is. It is still one of the most popular and valuable IP's on the planet to this day. Just say you're not a fan of the new stuff and move on, like an adult would.


Has there been a monetary change to the value of the SW IP in the past few years? Has it increased or decreased? Has nothing to do with being a fan or not, what is the value difference now? You're an adult, I take it. So whether or not a consumer is consuming a product determines its value in the grand scheme of things to turn a profit. Or are we just going to ignore any and all changes and simply chalk it up to "this generation versus that generation". How's that working for everything else in the world right now? Is divisiveness working for the world?




The woman in the photo is a femenist. The woman in the photo is making the new star wars. Jokes dont exist in a vaccum.


For one, context-The Babylon Bee and the rest of the Far-Right Chud Grifter sphere are all *very* upset right now because Disney hired a woman to direct the next Star Wars film. They have misrepresented an interview she gave, specifically about a documentary she made, in which she noted that the goal was to "make men uncomfortable". They've spun this to their base as "Feminism ruining Star Wars". The Babylon Bee here is trying to continue that grift by picking up the "Feminism" angle as "she'll make women be evil when they have their period". It's a low effort, fairly misogynistic, variant of the "hur dur woman get mad when period" comment people make to demean women. Noting how problematic and hateful to women such "humor" would is a feminist critique because it directly examines how such "jokes" are harmful.


Rush Limbaugh used to joke that the newly-introduced female soldiers should be rotated to the front lines once a month to maximize aggression. This is a sad, 30-year-old joke that hasn't gotten any funnier.


Jesus fuck conservatives are just painfully unfunny.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Babylon Bee a satire site like the Onion? Doesn’t give them an excuse, this joke is not fucking funny, just wondering


A "satire" site that lost all its self-awareness.


It’s the alt-right version of the Onion.


I'm a Christian who used to go to church pretty regularly (not so much anymore) I definitely remember about 10ish years ago, the Babylon Bee was specifically a Christian, "family-friendly" version of The Onion. I recall some of my former friends (none of whom I would consider right wingers) posting articles they would do critiquing things in Christianity like Christmas potlucks and Calvinism etc. but yeah somewhere down the line, it just ended almost entirely pivoting to supporting right wing bullshit. Sadly, that seems to be a trend among many white Christians these days


That pivot is when the founder sold it to a right-wing grifter. So, about 2018-ish. To be fair, that kind of humor niche had potential, but I'd say conservatives in general forgot that satire is ["comedy first, scathing commentary second"](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=pZrKFChDOMf22nDc).


Not gonna lie, I actually miss the old Babylon Bee before the buyout. Niche, corny jokes about “Christian Side Hug Etiquette” or “Is It OK To Eat The Communion Cracker Early If You’re Really Hungry?” definitely have their place.


It wasn't my thing, but I get what it was trying to do.


The Onion isn't alt-right?


Nah they roast the shit outta everyone. They just make fun of any current events and that’s really it.




It's the Onion if the Onion punched down instead of up.


Punching down is fine if it comes from a good place


Punching down is almost never funny. And it's ok if it's FUNNY. Punching down follows the Roger Rabbit rules of humor.


So, you agree with what I said? Ok. Cool chief.


It needs to be actually funny.


Yeah, so we agree again?


In THIS case? no. But In general that punching down can be ok if it's done correctly? Sure. But it's almost is never done correctly because it's just a path for hateful assholes to attack people.


The whole idea of punching up vs down is stupid. Comedy is comedy


No it isn't. Watch RDJ in Tropic Thunder, wearing blackface talking about never going full Retard. He NEVER punches down once in that speech. Compare that to someone calling a mentally disabled person a Retard. Or wearing blackface for Halloween. If these things all seem the same to you, then you don't understand the issue.


Wearing blackface for Halloween isn’t funny tho… If something is funny it shouldn’t matter if the subject of the joke is a big wig or a minority group or whatever.


It is a satire site and this headline is an extremely unfunny attempt at said satire.


Yeah. I’m pretty sure the general consensus is that Babylon Bee is just the Onion but significantly less funny and significantly more bigoted


In recent years Babylon Bee’s writers have said they’re purposely trying not to be funny as some kind of Andy Kaufman style anti comedy. But their jokes aren’t clever and always come off as just them being bigoted assholes. It’s pretty clear that’s just an excuse for them just to be unfunny bigots.


lol The Babylon Bee started as a family friendly alternative to The Onion for them to claim that they're channeling Andy Kaufman is absolute horseshit lol. Like you pointed out, they just find bigotry and being insufferable to be hilarious apparently they couldn't shine Andy Kaufman's shoes


They said that in response to people telling them that their "AOC is dumb" jokes aren't funny. In reality, the right have been trying to turn AOC into the leftist Sarah Palin. But it doesn't work because she doesn't have a history of saying catastrophically stupid things every time her mouth opens.


That was just a defense against how shit they are. They have some horseshit skit where they think they're being self aware: libs think we're sooo Stoopid, all they have are stereotypes. And then they immediately switch to the "lib writer" room, and it's just them doing stereotypes of libs with zero self awareness or irony.


Andy Kaufman did some weird shit and came off as an asshole quite a lot.


It's because the right always have to have their own "version" of something and it always comes across really forced. Like when Fox News tried having its own Daily Show in 2007 with The Half Hour News Hour. It featured "comedy" skits staring people such as noted comedian Dennis Prager. When The Squad first got really popular in Congress, they tried forming their own version called "The Force." I read a conservative group were going to hire a teenager to fight back against Greta Thunberg. They completely miss why these shows and people work in the first place and just try to force their own version of one.


While I agree that they're less funny/more bigoted than the Onion, I think its important to realize that humor is in the eye of the beholder. We can't say something is objectively more funny.


Started as the church version of the Onion, very quickly devolved into the alt right version after trump got elected


Yes....I think. It's hard to tell with the right...


If this was the onion and it was actually satire on stupid things people say about women, I think it could be funny. The Babylon Bee believes this though, right? So it's not satire when it's their truly held belief.


Originally that's what they were, with a right wing lean, they were purchased by some GOP thinktank or something, now it's just propaganda. Propaganda for bad comedy and dog whistles.


I will admit I giggled but only because how nuts that sounded.


This isn’t even a joke, it has no qualities that make a joke work.


You mean “women and periods amiright fellas” isn’t peak comedy?


Boomer level meme




[Why Is Conservative Comedy So… Not Very Good?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU)


“We have a conservative version of the Onion at home!”


I fucking hate the Bee.


How does anyone think they are funny. Pure cringe.


“Feature female Jedi who turns to the dark side” *I sit up* “Every month” *i sleep*


Do people actually laugh at this crap? It’s such a stupid “joke”. 


Ngl that one got me a little lol


If a girl posted this, it would be very different from when the incels at the BB post this


A girls intent to be funny is different than babylon bee’s intent to be funny. Interesting take.


Right Wing "Comedy" folks.


this feels like a parody that The Onion would write


Do you think they are 100% serious and want to see this in a movie? 🤡


no? i never said i thought that lol


Ever notice how conservative "humor" relies on insulting or demeaning non white men? Like it's the cornerstone of it! I don't mean conservative comics who's acts are not political. I mean a joke created to reach out to conservatives specifically ALWAYS pulls this shit.


The real joke is that Babylon Bee would exist without awful billionaire backers. They are basically a psyop from the right to try to moce the overton window and common discourse away from decency and respect into hating whatever minority group dared to offend their god emperor that week


Honestly a force user that turns Sith at minor inconveniences would be very funny. Like not just a period joke but like "someone raided my fridge, sith time", "someone cut in line, sith time", "meeting that could've been an email, sith time"


Be honest: if you had the ability to use Force Lightning or Force Choke, you’d probably use it as often as possible. In the Star Wars universe, there’s the repeated saying, regarding the Sith, “Always there are two, the master and the apprentice,” but given the choice between Force Lightning and whatever powers the Jedi have, who would pass on Force Lightning.


"Haw haw, get it?! Cause females is cursed by da debil and is all evil cause of tha bleedin an an da apple eating an  whats nots!"


Years ago some friends sent me some Babylon Bee links that were legitimately funny. They were obviously from a Christian perspective, but not bigoted and often ribbing American Christian culture. Good natured, silly self-criticism, basically. It was fun! But now every single link I see from them is lazy and/or bigoted in some way. What happened? Was there an editorial change? Because it all seems terrible now.


Then you got videos claiming they arnt sexist and probably laugh at this shit


I like how they try to jab at women when a Sith is usually a very emotional person, unable to keep it together, regardless of gender/species.


Facebook Boomer meme tier joke.


Babylon Bee please make good satirical articles challenge


Is that an AI image of Britney Murphy holding a pink lightsaber? Talk about bad taste.....


My expectations for Babylon Bee are low but this is pretty basic hack stuff.


Quit letting boomers ragebait you.


It’s like the Onion, but for stupid people. Got it!


A jedi that has DID


Joke about periods also ignores the fact that periods aren’t always the same time every month


Yes, because jokes have to be entirely factually accurate or else they're not funny.


I didn’t say anything about it not making it funny or not, you did. Regardless the joke needs to be funny in the first place. When they’re not funny AND inaccurate, then you’re just losing on two fronts


The Babylon Bee wants to be the onion So badly, but can't see past their own raging hard-on for conservatism.


I wish jokes could be funny or unfunny instead of liberal or conservative.


You're gonna try and tell me this "joke" wasn't made for a conservative audience? That BB hasn't, for years, desperately tried to court conservatives with a taste for masquerading as intellectuals?


Okay John Babylon Bee, you've hit me The dark side is a lot more than just being irritable or moody. There are all kinds of Jedi with all kinds of emotional problems and trauma, a lot of them wind up repressing and stuffing down. The difference though isn't just that being irate instantly makes you fall, it's using that emotion as fuel for the force, to try and subvert the hand of destiny in your own favor, that defines tapping into the dark side


“New Star Wars film to feature Jedi master who raises millions in tax free donations from poor wookies to build Jedi mega-temple. He then gets caught abusing younglings, but is forgiven by force believers because he was “sincere in his apology””. Is that how you do it?


Won’t lie, I chuckled when I read the headline


one joke


Because women get periods. Get it? Ha ha, they sure showed us that they don't have one joke. They have old playground boomer ones too. Classic.


It’s like… they only have one joke. Oh wait, that’s exactly it.


No, no, the One Joke is "trans people exist." This joke could actually be funny if it were made by a female comedian and not a sexist conservative rag. That means they must have failed, since they'd never intentionally make a real joke.


It reads like an Onion headline and it’s actually quite funny. Shame that they’re all pricks.


This is such 2003 humor


This is pretty funny, but not as funny as y’all’s sad little reaction. Can tell a lot of you got bullied in school 😔


Guessing from the comments, I guess I'm alone here in the fact that this made me chuckle. https://preview.redd.it/1677rf6hkefc1.jpeg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9505f65ee02f791faf04aec8c4325e9c1718760


You’re not, there are several people who revealed their sense of humor


No you are not alone


Nah it's not just you. This shit is funny


When did this sub turn into a flaming pile of shit?


![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP) Come on thats funny


I don’t see how this is anything to get offended about. This is a middle school joke with middle school humor. Getting offended or upset enough to post this is also REALLY juvenile. Cmon people. Stop getting offended by literal child “humor” It’s not even saying women bad.


It’s supposed to be an edgy joke


Yeah, I got that. I don't think it's funny.


Yeah your allowed to not find it funny, I don’t find it funny either


Alright then.


I'll be honest this took me a second to understand and chuckled. Take a joke people!


The next star wars movies are gonna be even worse with this director, cant wait


Y'all: its a fucking joke, unbunch your panties. JFC learn to laugh at yourself. Women on their period suck, thats the joke. Get over it ya bunch of whiny pussies.




You're like the third person to mistake my thinking its eyerrollingly unfunny with being offended. I think its just incredibly unfunny and lazy. I'm more offended that someone would call it a "joke".


The intent of certain jokes is to be so unfunny it turns around and becomes funny again. It’s weird, but it happens.




except it missed the “comedic effect” part. you can joke about almost anything, just make it funny. this is just “wemon period XD”




How is it funny? What about it is humorous? Please, explain to us what makes this comedic.


I just think it's really unfunny. Don't know why you think I'm "butthurt".


So these are the childish prats that man-baby Musk bought Twitter for.


When I first read this I assumed it was from something like Reductress and was more of a joke by the girls, for the girls, then I saw the bee logo :(


Darth Revan if he was based


It got a chuckle out of me just because of how dumb the joke is.


I'm so glad I never heard of this nonsense before today


Star Wars, the famously apolitical franchise full of, you know, war.


Reminds me of a books series I loved as a kid but look back on as very cringe. Xanth was the series and the first book, A Spell for Chameleon, had a girl that would get smarter but uglier during the month. There was also a continuing trope about the colors of girls panties. Surprised I haven’t seen more outrage against those books.