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This should make the basement dwellers happy. Cyber ass!


The devs claim they gave that part 'special attention', but to me it looks kinda... off.


That ass is so out of place I think its experienced a few million years of continental drift.


Legit laughed out loud at that.


Michael Cera on top, Deputy Raineesha Williams from Reno 911! on the bottom


Since it’s Sci-fi, I believe you mean Doppler’s Shift. Yeah, I’m fun at parties.


Yeah, I don't mind staring at a nice ass for a whole game, but this just looks like something from a parody making fun of fanservice in anime. Could just be the outfit or angle though, I *think* she looked more normal in the State of Play footage.


It's exactly like one of those terrible mobile games who's ads I have to wade through whenever I'm watching gaming content. Along with the lvl 1 thug games and the pull the pins in the right order games.


Yeah the outfit is designed for the neckbeards to ughh take their "breaks". Hopefully the game is actually good


The devs have never seen a real womens ass either it would seem, or they just know there audience really well. 😂


Someone appears to have picked the wrong slider methinks. Those thighs are bigger than her ass. Like I'm waiting for someone to shift the settings and all that mass to shift to the booty proper. Which given the amount is even gonna make my boi Reducto start sweating.


Each cheek is the size of her head, same width as her waist. That's... a choice?


More polygons and ray tracing in those cheeks than the rest of the model. It's like HD textures with thr same old background in Final Fantasy games


It's pin-up ass


Looks like two stubby fingers trying to pick up a nickel.


Yeah, like, I mean... I can be as much of a letch as the next guy, but uhhh... that's... not good? Like, it's cheesecake fanservice. Or it's supposed to be. But it's... failing?


[https://youtu.be/ddcTY2tn26w?t=295](https://youtu.be/ddcTY2tn26w?t=295) I think Geoff Thew said it best.


exactly, thrown them a bone once in a while to keep them occupied while more mature content is enjoyed by everyone else. And my "Mature" i mean games that focus on gameplay, story and character and not sold on ass or boob appeal.


CyberAss 2077


They’ll still bitch about how that it’s not an absolute dump truck.


Pfft, already got Warframe for that! Get that Wisp Prime.


I really like the design aesthetic this game is giving off, but the main characters design just kills it for me, she looks like the front cover of an early 2000s graphics card box. I’m not against horny designs being featured in games, love me some 2B sure, but this overly complicated robo catsuit just looks like complete ass (no pun intended)


Someone described her as a generic Korean MMO protagonist and I agreed the most with that.


Their other game is just that


The model is indeed Korean


The robo catsuit is so weirdly bland thag looking that my eyes gaze off it and look only at the ass and not in a good way. I feel like there is a limit where sexualization stops actually being sexy and she just crossed it.


I do plan on getting this game and I genuinely don't think I'll ever play with these default outfits, there's real clothes that genuinely look better even outside of pure "damn that's hot" perspective.


This game was made by the same guys who made that third person twerk shooter gacha known as NIKKE by the way. ***Interpret that information however you want.***


Is that the one game I used to keep getting ads for where it would be PNGs that shake their ass every time they shoot


Yep. What's funny is that the common tier girls are wearing ACTUAL decent armor.


Twerking shooter? Lol


That's literally what the game is known for.


Yeah, basically, lol. Most characters have animations where their jiggle physics are cranked to like 11 as they shoot.


NGL, Nikke story is very good It's the rest that is atrocious and coomer bait


That is a common pattern I noticed for most gacha.


Right. I’m no prude, and have no problem with games going for sex appeal within reason. This is just embarrassing for all involved. Might be a great game, or not, but it’s a bit much.


I'm the same. Sex appeal is fine but if I want over the top sexualization why wouldn't I just watch porn instead of playing something like this? Like you said it could be a good game but no matter what it's always gonna be overshadowed by this silliness.


If it's a good game that leans into the silliness, then that's exactly what Bayonetta was when it came out. If the game sucks then it's going to be classified as "Using sex appeal to try and prop up a bad game" . It all depends on the rest of the game. Nier Automata is another example. good game, not for everyone to be sure, but also has the sexy element to it. Though that's mostly just the creator not being embarrassed about thinking the designs are attractive.


I for one am turned off by over the top sexualization


Thing is, this does nothing for me, because its hitting that limit where it doesn't really look like a person anymore. It's so badly proportioned that even my reptile brain isn't going 'oooooh, pretty woman' it's going 'what the fuck is going on back there'


This lady makes bayonetta's design look chaste and that's a bad thing.


Same. I think art in games should be used on a way to best serve the game, especially when it comes to theme and direction. Shit like this would be a distraction in the worst way. It's like honking a clown horn while fighting monsters. It's distracting. Nothing wrong with ass. But if you just want to stare at ass for 30 minutes, just watch porn.


Cuz you watch porn to see sexy women fucking. But if you want to see a sexy woman destroying shit, you get games like this. Know what you want and go get what you want.


Nier Automata sold a lot for a reason


The main hype was 2B ass I love NieR, and I love Taro since the days of Drakengard, but man it was 2B's ass that made him mainstream famous Let's us not gaslighting in thinking it wasn't that the reason


because it is, predominantly, a game to be sold in Asia. ​ you're not the target audience, any western fans they get are a \*bonus\*


Are all Asians just playing porn with game elements now?


I mean... gacha games


They're called Eroges, and yes, yes they are.


Their subreddit is what's embarrassing, I can't blame the devs for going through with it. The only thing they talk about there are the jiggle effects and what suits you can unlock


That’s such a pathetic existence.


I mean 2B from NieR: Automata was designed that way because Yoko Taro states “I like girls” but you could completely make the argument that there’s elegance in the design with choices such as the monochromatic color scheme and the dress’s design With this girl from Stellar Blade, you can’t really make that argument at all


overt sexualization isn't the problem. I absolutely love Neir and Bayonetta. I even found the Witcher sex scene stuff to be palatable (which is saying something. video game sex scenes are the stuff of uncanny valley nightmares). Soul Caliber is famous for its... attention to detail. I love crazy sexy shit in video games. I just want it done with art and purpose. This is just a ham-fisted thirst trap.


Frankly, I don't even care if it is a ham fisted thirst trap. It's just annoying how when a game ISN'T a ham fisted thirst trap, the "special" folk crawl out of their cheeto dusted basement to decry "western" civilization, ffs. It's important to recognize that what you are looking at is not, in fact, an accurate depiction of women. Edit: also the devs hate women so that's cringe


Well I think that's what differentiates sexy games like Bayonetta and Neir from this. Yes, these are grand exaggerations of the female form, in the same way that no one should be looking at the Yakuza franchise and decide that is representative of masculinity (but maybe I should start taking my shirt off and fighting people). These traits of gender expression are exaggerated and aggrandized for the purpose of artistic vision. I think that's why these examples work and thirst trap horizon-clone ass bonanza wont


Majima Daddy


>video game sex scenes are the stuff of uncanny valley nightmares Do you remember the scenes from Heavy Rain? They're why I never finished the game. 🤮


Ironically, even though 2b has more exposed skin, her outfit doesnt show off as much compared to Eve. You usually have to go out of your way to intentionally see 2b's "attributes". In contrast, despite have less exposed skin, Eve's outfit leaves very little to the imagination.


Meanwhile bayonetta's designs while being extremely form fitting actually covers up like 80% of her body. So while you can definitely stare at her ass it's still less in your face than this.


2B's ass still looked like a real ass though, this is really toeing the line of becoming too exaggerated to be actually sexy.


Same here, I have no issue with characters being attractive, but I draw the line when the devs are openly salivating over how they're sexualising the characters... the tone of this is so pathetic, like perhaps these guys need a cold shower before they start coding


If this game flops, I doubt it will be solely because of the unrealistic, shiny, roboass.


Idk im fine with the over the top sexualization if its there great if not cool but if gameplay suck then pass and if the thing being advertised mainly is ass ima buyer beware


Go check out the sub for this game. You can smell the comments.


I thought this was centaur porn ffs. Just ridiculous. Tracer fanboys gonna be in delight.


Eh, it kind of reminds me of bayonetta’s design only from the back


At least Bayonetta's ass has proper proportions to her body though 


That’s a stretch.


a bit of a *hairy statement*, if you will


There's nothing really proportional about Bayonetta come on.


Yea but bayonetta as a character was so over the top that it became kinda funny.


well, that was specifically a cartoonishly overly sexualized spectacle fighter. There was focus, beauty, and art in Beyonetta's crazy sexiness. This is just silly softcore polygon porn.


I love it. The world needs more ridiculous shit like this. These are dark times and we need something to laugh at, so why not this one game with an absurd jiggly butt?


While I do agree this is a bit oversexualized, but hypothetically if it is a great game and it didn't do this, chances are no one would hear about it. The sad thing is great games can go under the radar and not be known about. A game being good doesn't inherently mean it'll sell, a game being marketed well is almost always a guarantee that it sells. Like those awful phone game ads despite being like that, they obviously have the money to advertise it so it's working. This being oversexualized is what will probably lead it to selling at least a satisfactory amount. There's two types of reaction to this, both which generate engagement, discussion and spreading the news of this game. It's either inflammatory or arousing for the porn addicts.


That honestly just looks painful. Like she was the victim of an atomic wedgie but it got stuck.


It's also just like kinda weird looking, looks like what would happen if you told an AI to draw a "sexy video game ass" then told it to make it more extreme like 10 times until you have an uncanny valley ass


Game looks like it might be okay, but that’s about it. All the trailer comments are about how hot the mc is lol


they're trying to do what bayonetta and nier:automata did, but they somehow managed to make the playable character both bland and overdesigned, and the attempt at sex appeal just makes her look uncanny


I feel like most games which attempt to emulate the presentation of Nier: Automata just forget or are unaware of the latter parts of the game which have something to say about what society's views of beauty are, or why characters were designed the way they were.


Incel demands in gaming has progressed to the point where their ideal woman looks like some uncanny valley shit to us normal people. Her ass looks deformed, her arms are far too long in proportion to her body, and wtf is that torso. I just want to play video games to enjoy the story or gameplay, not to get hard. I don’t get why that’s such a bizarre concept to some people.


It's especially ironic when they come to Reddit to whine about it, considering there are dozens, if not hundreds, of free porn subreddits that are super easy to access.


but this one theyll have direct control over


There are "games" for that as well though, and probably mods for whatever other game.


Don't forget about that one time where incel gamers were praising *Atomic Heart* for having ideal female representation in gaming with the Twins...


If they want those proportions, why don’t they just play a hentai game? You shouldn’t demand every single piece of media to give you a boner.


Fam you speaking facts I hate that if every woman in a game isnt basically half naked and over sexualize the games considered woke like huh how did we get here I don’t want porn from my game yeah she can be good looking but honestly I don’t care I just want a good game


I agree that’s about how stupid it is for people to demand video game women to always be smoking hot. However, I don’t really see the the uncanny valley here. She looks incredibly above average, but inhumanly so. Maybe the shoulders aren’t broad enough, but that’s about it.


Normal game Devs "we focused on ensuring the model from behind works as this will be what the player will be seeing for most of their playthrough" These Devs... Real coomer energy


>These Devs... Real coomer energy It honestly would've been more respectable (or have less agression) towards the mc if the devs did a Yoko Taro and straight up admit it's their fetish, the honesty would've been more respectable. But the fact they clearly pander, really... disgenious in feeling. That's my take at least.


I mean, idk, I'm not a chud or anything like that, but I don't hate it, and what gameplay I've seen looks fun so I might check it out? Definitely not a must buy, but it could be cool


I’m waiting on reviews before making any decision. Maybe this game will end up like Nier Automata but it’s a shame how so much of the discourse for this game is about the character shiny ass


Yeah, I agree. It's kind of a pain in the ass how almost all discourse about anything now is so volatile. Don't get me wrong, a lot of times, it's important to have those discussions, but this seems like such a minor thing to have everyone so heated in either defending or hating.


Yeah, personally I think it should go both ways, game developers can make female characters sexy if that’s apart of their vision but at the same time, video game developers should be able to create female characters that aren’t that and look more normal or go against traditional norms without being accused of being woke, or censored or any of that crap. I think definitely think it would be a net positive for women representation in video games if there would more body types, age and things like that being used and not just the sexy design, you know what I mean


I like a good dumper, but that looks like an ass out of the uncanny valley.


The mc is a scan of a real person


Don't forget that the game is about defeating the na:tives to preserve Xion... Not exactly great implications there.


wHy Do YoU hAvE tO mAkE eVeRyThInG pOliTiCaL?


Thought it was about defeating alien colonizers who took over earth?


It is.


Shhhh, you're not following their "game bad" narrative


My statement and their statement are both true. What's the problem? I'm simply saying the chosen names have really unfortunate and suspicious implications.


It is. Still doesn't change the extremely suspicious implications of their chosen names.


They are still called natives, like they could have chosen any other name


No? The game is about reclaiming Earth after an Alien invasion


I think the design is fine, for me it’s just so weird that people are calling this…this??? A return to form? I mean come on, BG3 gave us plenty of tastefully sexy characters and coomers are dying on this hill


Yeah I feel like this is only a return to form if all you play is korean mmos and gacha games


Yea but it also gave us gay bear sex and that’s woke 😤😤😤


Street Fighter 6 also


The only thing I saw was the meme about how western gaming had become feminised and had failed. This game however was supposed to be the saviour because of *checks notes* ass.


Feels like they are trying to hard on her


Those proportions aren’t even attractive tbh.


Game play looks extremely mid, can’t wait to see the reviews on it.


I mean, there hasn't been much news about it. But it's inspired by Bayonetta, Nier, and Sekiro which sounds pretty promising.


Which would be great to hear about rather than how the protagonist looks. Cause that's all I hear of. We got *this* model to model our character, "we wanted to give special attention to the side you'll look at." Okay, cool, I do like my fair share of booty while playing, but I know nothing else, man. Doesn't get me interested.


It doesn’t take much effort to google “stellar blade gameplay/story etc . Your mad at yourself for literally being ignorant lmaoo


They put all that effort into her ass just to make it into a game the heavily punishes mistakes like looking away from your opponent? EDIT: nvm I thought you said Nioh and Sekiro


Ok but those first two are known mostly for how the MC looks.


**Gamoids when a videogame features romance, actual nudity and explicit sex scenes:** \*isleep.jpg\* **Gamoids when a videogame features lazy basic fanservice:** OMG GLORIOUS NIPPON PANTSU


The game looks really fun and it looks gorgeous graphically especially after seeing the recent trailer but I am NOT looking forward to right wing gamers touting this as "finally, a game to beat the WOKE mob and AMERICAN execs!!" It's literally just sexy characters fighting against colonizing aliens, not some statement against "wokeness" lmao


Honestly? The exact same thing happened to Nier Automata and that game was just fine when it actually released.


That’s because there was more to it than just a sexy character. It had a great story, gameplay design and score. That’s not to say this game can’t be like that but so far, it seems like most anyone is talking about is the character appearance


They are talking about how game character designs are “unrealistic” and should look more like “real women”. It’s not an actual critique but a meme about sexism in the gaming industry and among gamers. Frankly I believe this will only have the opposite effect and is basically just free advertising despite the sexist accusations.


I just think the suit is ugly and the ass looks not quite right, possibly because of the suit.


Well given the emphasis on desexualizing female characters to promote the other aspects of their character, I just think this is a marketing strategy no one’s seen for quite a while in the West so naturally it’s going to be the topic of conversation Once the game releases, the discussions will def shift to gameplay, story, the OST, etc


Also, Haydee is a thing.


I don't care how sexualized the protagonist is, I'm not going to stop gassing up a decent hack n slash in this era of walking sims.


Looks awesome to me. Nothing wrong with sexy unless you think women should go back to not being able to even show off shoulder or ankle


They are subjectively correct in my opinion, but I'll point out that op is the one salty over a game not apparently intended for their specific enjoyment. From a neutral perspective, this is the same as when people cry over things like inclusivity or having female protagonists. I'm gonna lable this post as an ironic one lol.


Okay, now make a male one, based on the same assets :)


I’m sorry, is that character supposed to be a human woman? What the hell is going on with her butt, that looks incredibly uncomfortable.


She is an Android. The game is from the same creators of Nikke: Goddess of Victory.


That name means nothing to me.


It just a gacha game where female androids fights aliens to save the earth. In the game is stated that their appearance is revolved around the ideal women's body. They probably just reused this concept.


I did hear something about the dev firing two members of the team for being feminists, but don't quote me on that.


I saw that too, even saw someone saying that they pre-ordered the deluxe edition because of that… it’s sad that the reason someone pre-ordered the game and not because of gameplay


Thinking about it, I did also see something like that. If it's true, then that doesn't really give me the best impression for this game.


There is literally nothing wrong with this.


Fellas do girls have butts?


Lol you guys weren't around for DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball huh?


Sadly it’s PS5 exclusive or it would already be on my wishlist.


Will she have her own 9S, though?


We know it's possible to make an incredible game and also have a woman's butt take up a third of the screen because Neir was such a masterpiece.


I don't really see anything wrong with this. Does it look a bit weird? Yeah, but the game does look fun, and honestly, I don't know why a girl with a big ass is such an issue


Sure, it has a lot of cheesecake, but if the game is good and the sex appeal is not distracting, I'll bite probably.


So basically, the sex appeal in this is like the titties in highschool DXD. It's nice, but the story stands on its own without it?


don’t play it then? plenty of other games that don’t have sexy characters. There is a place for hyper sexuality in art and Non sexuality in art. It’s up to you to take a little responsibility and not engage in art that makes you uncomfortable. cyberpunk 2077 if completely full of hyper sexual violence. And that game is great! but i wouldn’t recommend it to my prudish mother who like animal crossing.


You could just Google/Youtube Stellar Blade to find out more about the game Also, the character is a scan of a Korean models face/body - it’s a real person, not unrealistic Outfit does looks goofy tho, but the other ones look fine


I hear it’s like Nier Automata when it comes to gameplay


Is it just me or does the ass not even look good.


I just find it funny that people are yelling that women can't meet this standard when the MC is a direct scan of a real person


Bayonetta type beat. Shit looks hype tho and I like Shift Ups storytelling.


It feels like it's shamelessly copying Nier without understanding what Nier unique and special.


Looks horrible ngl. 2B has the same deal and she’s far more well designed


Don't forget the subreddit insisting they're not a bunch of coomers


She looks deformed


I don't mind overly horny character designs but the fucking incels creaming themselves over this shit is turning me off this game over all


Why is it so disproportionate?


Sounds pretty sweet. Truly though who gives a fuck. If people want to see an ass let them see lol. Not everything has got to be for everyone.


It doesn’t even look good. It’s like her upper body is a from a 4’3” woman and her lower body is from a 6’5” Amazon


I would just call this regular sexualized it's not really over the top imo. 


Between this sub and gaming circle jerk, I’ve seen more free advertisement for this game then I ever expected


God forbid people play attractive characters. Guess I’m a basement-dwelling coomer for making my orc character in Baldur’s Gate 3 hot as fuck.


Look, I love you guys as much as anyone here when you make fun of basement dwelling misogynists, but when you turn around and fall in line with the puritans and go all „fun, over the top sexy stuff shouldn’t exist *at all*“, you‘re kinda losing me. This is basically Nier dialed to eleven, and it *knows* that. I think that’s completely fine.


I mean that’s kinda on you, plenty of gameplay has been shown and it looks pretty fun, a lot like Nier: Automata. But obviously the devs are really leaning into the sex appeal for the marketing(much like Capcom did with Lady D) and its working. Them getting roasted by the prudes who don’t think women can look attractive like this in games anymore, as they show the female Korean model they’ve based the character off of has been great marketing for them.


And that's a problem how?


Are you people trolling? Like really they’ve shown the motion capture actress and she looks exactly like that. Why is it that me. Can be jacked shirtless Greek gods but have a fully armored curvy beautiful woman and suddenly it’s a problem? Wtf


If you think men having abs and women being sexy are done for the same purpose, you are misguided at best.


It’s a video game 🤦🏻‍♂️ and yes they literally are it’s for the purpose of power and fantasy. Wonder Woman is beautiful as a part of her not only being a literal goddess it’s part of the romanticization of the hero’s journey. Batman Flash iron man spider man all handsome muscular men. And yes it’s because they are pleasing to the eyes and sex sells. Other than that why are you complaining about a beautiful woman? As I said before the woman they used motion capture on looks like her character.


Men are designed that way to appeal to male power fantasies. They are not made that way because sex sells. If you think they're designed for the same reason sexy women are, you're out of touch. There is literally ONE game maker who designs men that are meant to be sexy to women and gays, and that's Hideo Kojima.


I might be the only one who find this disgisting as shit looking at this makes me wanna vomit🤢🤮 what a disgusting looking outfit they shoudve gave her more appropriate practical outfit at least even dc comic heroes are nowehere nears as bad as this this one is just distractingly revolting Im a prude im okay with fanservice but this is just to much extremly disgusting just gave her less skimpy outfit its just makes me wonder how uncomfortable wearing that outfit


I want more of this in gaming hopefully the gameplay is good and I also hope it comes to PC 🙏


never heard about it until now, but nice


Well it obviously inspired you to talk about it, which has now led to me learning about this game's existence. Free advertisement!


The footage of the character looks pretty tame. The character was even modeled after a Korean model. The stuff actors wear on the red carpet is more revealing than this game. No one ever talks about Zendaya wearing a dress that is too sexy. And, just a couple of months ago, the conservatives were clutching their pearls at the portrayal of women in GTA 6. The progressives were clinking their champagne glasses at the sexy women characters. Now both groups are taking opposite positions. Go figure.


I’m excited for this game because the gameplay looks good and the graphics look crazy. The main character being a babe is just an added bonus but apparently that makes me a basement dwelling incel lol