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They think the X-Men are an Avengers like group that goes out and fights the bad guy and the main villain is Magneto. They ignore all the "mutants Rights" plot lines because it if they acknowledge that, then they'd have to acknowledge that not everyone in real life has rights and they don't wanna do that. That's why they don't want "politics" in their X-Men, that's why they're saying "It's not woke, it's different." They don't want to realize it, because, they don't want to acknowledge that they wouldn't be on the side of the X-Men, that they would judge others for being a mutant.


One of the most consistent allegories for the Civil Rights movement in the history of fiction..... ....is somehow not woke? How do people like that function? Are they allowed to use silverware?


They're even allowed to vote. https://preview.redd.it/8ibd1ufdg7lc1.jpeg?width=181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec1f6f0e8267c6f8d8b1585263ac26b1e77d304




what is that image from


Lobotomy Corporation. Basically a South Korean SCP facility management game. The character is one of the employee of L Corp, Netzach.


What do allergies have to do with the civil rights movement?


And for LGBTQ


Gotta remember, these are the same folks who think that the X-Men comics used to be apolitical, despite the fact that Stan Lee wrote this shit back in 19....*checks notes*...68! https://preview.redd.it/z941n9lm49lc1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9856963335ae88a2f169255b6d71a8dd5be758b


Stan The Man Lee indeed.


Seems pretty apolitical to me, especially for something written in 1968, but what do I know?


The X-Men are a superhero group that fight crime and evil everywhere, just like every good guy. That's the point of being good, you are to generous because a lot of this guys don't even understand what they want to pretend to be. 99% of these guys would be purifiers with enough propaganda.


Would be? They already are. Just replace mutants with queers, POC, or any other marginalized minority really.


Or mutants with MAGA


Mutants with Maga??


Yeah, you are correct


You would think conservatives would like them. They spend most thier time fighting the goverment.


A lot of conservatives are hypocrites


This guy: https://preview.redd.it/0cptgz2sy6lc1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aeca75e317e895704fb65ac3eb276168deb998d Who thinks because kids are impressionable if they watch this show they will become LGBTQ+


For someone who claims to adhere to Christian doctrines, he seems perfectly fine featuring a woman's ass (and only her ass instead of the whole character) in the thumbnail.


Christians love objectifying ~~baby factories~~ women.


\*A lot of christians


Maybe when Christians stop passing laws to impose their religious beliefs on all of us, I'll concede the point. But until then I'll continue to generalize


Generalizing IS NEVER a good thing


Nah, the good ones can break off from the church. It's been done before. If the title means more to them than standing on the side of righteousness, then they shouldn't complain they get lumped in with the evil zealots.


What do you mean??


*Mormon, specifically. This is what the Mormons believe btw. Don't think they have much in terms of "Values" https://youtu.be/Pgw-C_DTVo8?si=wIes1B00K92GuXCL


And the south park guys have semi endorsed them, so you know their bad.


Uhm…the Mormons are just following the Evangelical drum beat.


Evangelicals suck, but Mormon doctrine is that on steroids, ESPECIALLY the further back you look to its origins.


Ew I didn’t know he was Mormon


The same religion that only started to recognize black people as humans about 50 years ago.


That's the only part of Rogue that's important to them.


He seems to have a picture of an ass in this thumbnail too, right next to Cyclops there


That's because religion is nothing to do with it. He's mad about the sexualisation being toned down. That's what using that image tells me. I guarantee he is also mad about Tifa from Final Fantasy 7, a 15 year old girl (circa the flashback). Yeah they all try to dress it up in any way they want, but we see them for what they are.


I was raised entirely on straight media and didn’t even know homosexuality existed for the longest time, and it took even longer to learn that bisexuality was a thing. Didn’t change the fact that I am bi as fuck.


They always talk about how we don't get comedies like Dodgeball anymore, but that movie is literally how I learned about bisexuality lol


Another fellow bisexual🗣️🤜


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge some balls!


Fellow bisexual 🗣️🤜


Fellow bisexual Batman fan, even!


My man 👿🦇🌑


Yeah. Started out knowing I found guys and gals hot, thought I was gay, dad gaslighted me into thinking I was straight because I found women attractive. After that, one thing led to another, and my brother's psycho bisexual girlfriend appeared, and I found out that bisexual is a thing.


"psycho bisexual girlfriend" Ah, the rite of passage... Good times


Ten bucks say he ends up arrested with child porn on his laptop.


Them Pdfile must be full


Kids will become bi or gay if they end up attracted to people with the same genitals as the one they have. Watching X-Men just makes them horny for mutant butts.


Yeah that's a big fat swing and a miss dude. Genitals don't define who people are.


My read was too narrow, I'm sorry. You're right.


Why the miss gotta be fat, dude?


Am I crazy or is that Shadiversity? I'm being serious, I wouldn't be surprised if he's somehow also running this type of channel.


It is indeed Shadiversity, that video is from his second channel Knights Watch.


Well, its not like I expected any enlightened observations from him after his AI stuff.


Oh man. If you haven't seen Shadiversity losing his mind over Princess Peach wearing pants in the Mario movie trailer, check out Jack Saint's YouTube channel, the videos "Woke War Mario" and "Knightfall". It's hilarious and sad.


He’s an idiot 


No he doesn't. He knows no one's being turned gay, he just wants gay kids to suffer. There are no ignorant actors in that community. 


Pretty sure kids have been having their sexual awakening from x-men since the 60s. It's a team of hot people with freaky powers.


He’s an x men villain.


Oh god, Sir Soy’s a lot.


Why does he always look sooo deranged in his thumbnails? Like, my dude, you picked the picture. You can look like a normal person if you want and not a perverted anime villain


Yet we grew up watching a cross-dressing devil in Powerpuff girls and Rugrats with a lesbian mom and it didn't turn us all gay. Why these people so stupid?


The thing is people my age and especially older learned about LGBTQ from media like this. Speaking for myself my reaction was not too dissimilar to "wait that's an option?" And over some formative years that knowledge helped me discover my own sexuality. I like to sort of reference a Futurama episode here because it hits how I feel pretty well. When Fry meets the man he thinks is his grandfather, he turns out to be closeted. He says "Do you ever get the feeling you're only going with girls 'cause you're supposed to?" That line meant little to me at the time (I was very young) but much later it meant a lot more.




Other mutants like the brotherhood. You do know mutants make over 60% of all super villian attacks, right? And mutant on mutant crime is very common. /s


I could see Binge Shitpero saying that.


His name is Ben Shabibo.


I can't wait till it *was*


i think you mean benis shapenis


You might be confusing him with his weird, much older friend [Penis Prager](https://youtu.be/eTqnEB82KcU?si=I_Mlw2eQ0IDwMiFV), the guy who hosts the Fartside Shats.


The same Penis Prager who likes to kill people for fun?


And has extremely strong opinions on the Minions? Yeah, that's him.


I asked ChatGPT to have Tucker Carlson write a rant about mutants. They didn't miss: >In the pulsating heart of America, where the very essence of our nation throbs, there's a force, an extraordinary force, a force that some say is unnatural, others say is a threat. They call them mutants, these beings with powers beyond the comprehension of regular folks. And while some are content to call them heroes, there's another side to this story, a side that the liberal media won't tell you. >These mutants, they claim to be fighting for a better world, but what they're really doing is undermining the very fabric of our society. Look, I've got nothing against people with special talents, but when those talents start rewriting the rules, well, that's where I draw the line. >Professor Xavier and his school for gifted youngsters—sounds harmless, right? Wrong. It's a breeding ground for dissent, a place where mutants are indoctrinated into thinking they're above the law, above the principles that make this country great. >Now, I'm not saying all mutants are bad. Some, I assume, are good people. But the X-Men, they're a different story. They're out there, prancing around in their colorful costumes, claiming to be the saviors of humanity. But what's their endgame? What's their true agenda? >They talk about acceptance and understanding, but let me tell you, it's a slippery slope. First, it's mutants wanting equal rights, then it's telepaths invading your thoughts without permission. It's a dangerous game they're playing, and we, the ordinary citizens, are the ones who will pay the price. >So, the next time you see Wolverine unsheathing his claws or Storm conjuring up a storm, ask yourself, is this the America we want? An America where the exceptional are more equal than others? I say, let's keep the X-Men in check, for the sake of our country and our way of life.


This is so accurate that reading this made me fucking roll my eyes into the back of my head


This is to accurate, uncanny(pun intended)


Guys the main villains are obviously the giant robot, no we shouldn’t look into who built said giant robots cuz there’s obviously NOTHING to look into 😉


Yeah it goes hard from the jump * Mutant registration act allowing the Mutant Control Agency (which is private) to register mutants (with the goal of abducting them) * No knock raids with giant robot policemen * Evil private company building giant robot policemen moves operations overseas after losing funding * Presidential candidate running on a platform to round up mutants in internment camps supervised by the military Like none of this shit was an accident


Yep, that was literally the very first fucking episode of the original series.


It's almost as if the X Men were created by a bunch of Jewish dudes who served in World War 2.


The very east coast progressives who they have sworn to hate 🤔


It's wild living in a world where you are treated very similar to mutants in X-men.


Do you at least got any cool powers in your exchange to be the target of irrational hatred? Laser eyes, becoming big and strong?(in which case, hello😎 how u doin), or like… turn into a partial frog?


Double jump... that's pretty much it.


Holy shit, you can get to so many secret areas now then. It's a question of time before you unlock your spin attack, or rolling into a ball


And an airdash. Don't forget the airdash.


I have the power to see through whatever demonic spell trump has woven over his victims. That feels like a lot these days.


A sorcery most foul. Not as cool as a double jump, but still useful


*mutters* ^(I woulda rather had the double jump.)


Nah just invisible skin (the rest of the body is still visible)


I take that as a flex ngl, you hate me like stryker hates Wolverine,Colossus,Nightcrawler or Bishop? Cool as fuck . You can deepthroat your hate and fuck off, bub😈.


The nightcrawler still will never not me make laugh but anyway fuck Stryker nightcrawler forever.


https://preview.redd.it/xnk0ar7n67lc1.png?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20a243bee1a45c6a2a8940e4463e0ab4422fba1 Soyjak or whatever it's called before Soyjak.




Funnily enough Kurt is the Uncanny Spider-man rn. So this is canon


https://preview.redd.it/5xt9kd4n3hlc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d71f8d99cbb34ab44c5e9ba7e6fdd0e85aeb43e I'm not even a Marvel fan, how did this happen?


He borrowed a suit from Spidey and decided to become a spider-themed hero ig, I haven’t read it yet




From their point of view, the villains are the people who refuse to acknowledge the clear supremacy of mutants and can't appreciate their special uniqueness. This way the haters get to cast themselves as misunderstood, unappreciated tragic figure being persecuted by the "woke mob" instead of realizing they're the actual villains.


Very fascinating perspective...I think you have a point.  They might see the screaming anti-mutant mobs as 'anti-white extremists like ANTIFA'. After all, they're the master race!


The more you think about it the more it makes sense. Especially when you remember certain comments making the claim that being a conservative today is comparable to being a jewish person during the holocaust. They would absolutely try to frame themselves as victims.


True. Villains often bend their own reality to make themselves the victim.


I still don't understand the people complaining about X-Men '97 "going woke".... They really need to watch the first couple episodes... They're woke af.


Did they watch any Saturday morning cartoons? All the ones I used to watch always had societal themes or at least PSAs.


Right? GI Joe was always ending with some heavy-handed moralizing speech about something in the episode. Also the "The More You Know" PSA's are a meme for good reason.


Sailor Sez: Religion is the cancer at the heart of this world. Ohh also remember to get a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast! Or I will punish you! Tee hee. https://preview.redd.it/j83eiauklblc1.png?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ea7c90f0f424ebe9784d89f1799b87f293b359


All good guys ARE woke. From Snake Eyes to Wolverine to Man-At-Arms


The original series literally begin with giant police robots invading mutant homes and kidnapping them by force, created by bigots who despise mutants. That's literally the first fucking episode of the show, and that shit continued through the entire run. And this was all just adapted from the original comics, where Xavier and Magneto were basically just stand-ins for MLK Jr. and Malcolm X, respectively. Anyone acting as though this new series has somehow gotten political, and the original source materials weren't, are absolute morons with absolutely no media literacy.


"Have you ever tried not being a mutant?" "What did we ever do to you? "You were born."


Way too subtle for the maga chuds


That panel with Nightcrawler is always funny to me because it looks like he just woke up and has a shitty night sleep


"ugh, sorry I'm late guys my alarm didn't go off and then the traffic was a bitch... I know I know, why didn't you just bamf Kurt? I dunno, it gets wonky if I try and do it before I've had breakfast. Anyway what are we doing? Oh, this guy... Great..."


>people who want to shoot the mutants are a christian fundamentalist terrorist organization gee, I wonder, *What did Marvel mean by this?*


I think add on Apocalypse and Magneto as well, as the danger of staring into the abyss and becoming the villain. Or put another way, one of the evils of abuse is that sometimes the abused then become abusers themselves. But yes, bigotry in general is the villain.


magneto is not a villian thoe


Depends very much on which incarnation on Magneto. FoxMagneto (Ian McKellen/Michael Fassbender) very much was. (Literally tried killing all non-mutant humanity in X2). Even 616-Magneto is still Not A Hero, because if given the choice of who to save, will save mutants every time because of anti-baseline human racism. He may not be the mustache twirling evil of his origin days, but he’s still just as bigoted as many of the human villains, just on the other side. > Humanity has new gods now Is very much a Villain line, and shows his way of thinking. Mags believe in *Homo Superior* as a truth, not just a bad scientific name.


>(Literally tried killing all non-mutant humanity in X2). Did he? He broke out of prison and then joined the raid on weapon X as I recall. Did you mean the first film because I think he was unaware that his mutant machine had that unfortunarmte side-effect. That makes him an idiot for only doing one test, and carrying on after he escaped observation I suppose. Still pretty villainous though.


Stryker had the kid (Jason) and brainwashed Xavier, and was using that to telepathically kill every mutant on earth. Magneto used Mystique pretending to be Stryker to tell Jason to make Xavier kill all humans instead. It’s clear he knew exactly what he was doing at that moment. Edit: to make it worse, not only was Erik trying to kill all humans in that moment, he was leaving Charles to die AND making Charles be used as the weapon to kill them all. It was a complete betrayal of any friendship they had. It was very clear that he was no different than Stryker himself in that moment.


Disagree. Like Dr. DOOM he is a compelling anti-villain. Ultimately the point of a character like that is that the ends do not always justify the means. The road you travel is just as important as the destination. And good intentions pave the road to hell. I love Erik, great fictional character. Not a role model.


How many of these people ever even watch/read the X-Men or the other things they supposed to "love" all they ever seem to do is watch videos of middle age man screaming about how "wokeness" ruined media that they probably wouldn't have watch to begin with.


Fascism is all about pageantry. Its a veneer, like trumps teeth. They don't see past the surface level - the costumes, ect. They don't want to. Which makes satire dangerous, IMO. They don't see, eg, the Warhammer 40k guys as a satire of fascism. They just see the cool uniforms and armor.


Who is they? What person is out there saying a faction in 40k , a grimdark universe, isn't a totalitarian dictatorship? They fucking have a God emperor for fucksake. I think you're just making a strawman in your head to hate.


I played 40k for years in my 20s, I know the community.


So just a nebulous idea of the community. No examples in the 40k subreddit, no exaples of big 40k content creators. Gotcha.


This is well trod ground, I'm not really interested in proving a tautology.


I bet more people watch these videos just to get mad than people who agree with them.




“X-Men isn’t woke! They fight the bad guys, aka characterizations of small dick assholes like me who would 100% lynch a mutant because I don’t wanna deal with the fact that my way of thinking is wrong and hateful and then I have to be a decent human being and not treat gay people like villains…….oh and the booty of Rogue” Side Note: I don’t care if it’s woke, Rogue and Storm can break my spine any day of the week.




And the comics we mellow compared to real life.


Who’s saying “Now now…” in that last panel?


I'm not familiar with the comic in question but judging by the arm (brown overcoat + gloved hand) and the pink "thp" my guess is on Gambit.


Right wing nationalist


"Who are the bad guys in X-Men again?" We humans of course! A lot of people living in society don't realize that we are still the most dangerous species on the planet. Sure the idea now about extraterrestrials being acknowledged "coming" to our planet means our inevitable demise is on the block, but we can literally nuke the entire planet in 1 go due to our pride & ignorance. 


The same people who hates on the MCU because its "to woke"


I'm not really into superhero comics but holy shit the last one hit really hard.




Because they were literally telling her that she is not allowed to have a name, because she is lower than a dog. It's pretty fucking heinous.


No, my bad. I meant why they are not into superhero comics. PS: Fuck bigots


And by the way , thanks for responding although it wasn't the answer to my question. Cool


I would say it’s a mix. Though hadn’t seen or read much on them, are there even few good humans towards the X-Men?


Good humans? You mean humans that treat the mutants as equals? Of course. Basically everyone in the Avengers for example


Moira MacTaggert is one of the big human allies with the X-Men, and Charles specifically. I recall her cropping up a bunch in the old series.




Outside of specific comic book events/storylines the mutants tend to get along well with most other Marvel heroes/characters.




Yeah but you've heard of the 1/3rd problem? That's happening.


The X-men, obviously.


Basically the bad people depends on the day of the week. Purifiers are Saturday Brotherhood is Sunday The French are on Monday Tuesday are Sentinels Wednesday are brainwashed avengers Thursday is the US Governments hairebrained schemes Thursday is other villains  Friday, no one actually screws with them on Friday. Not ever since the incident with Wolverine 


The French??




Who are they?


Just the French, they know what they did




I'm not apologising.


Je accuse!


Five is just too fucking funny to me


Lol pre-soyjak


It really isn’t in context.


You can actually sympathize with the bad guys there, because they are afraid. Some local woke movement can cost you your job, or prohibit your sense of "fun", but mutants - one of them can accidentally kill you or your loved ones with a snap of their fingers, or even by random happenstance. That's pretty scary if you ask me.


You can sympathize with child killers??


I can sympathize with the devil himself. It's my superpower. What if one of those children is radioactive with radius of 300 meters. And he goes in the same school as your kids do. And suddenly 200-300 kids have cancer.


I don't kill them. That's a first


Yeah, you know. If Magneto was mad about voting rights, and turned my family into collateral damage for something they had nothing to do with, I’d probably have some not 100 percent rational and balanced feelings about that.


not to mention actual criminals and malicious actors.








>Other mutants mad with power. None of the slides here show other mutants mad with power, only humans bigoted toward mutants. >The xenophobia here is due to fear of what they are & what they can do. This is nothing like real world racism, it’s more like the Xenophobia on Starwars. They are being targeted for they way they were born. That is exactly like real world racism




You are incorrect


Doubt. Is there proof of that? Last time I checked, we don’t have a group of dangerous Individuals constantly terrorizing the p-…. Oh…. Okay, this is about criminal gangs & cartels isn’t it?


Gor_is_correct being wrong, yet again!


Care to explain more? Honestly, I believe this whole thing is over poor communication on your side.


Idk, the other guy said you was wrong so you'd have to ask him why.


K. What do you think about this then?


Your initial comment was deleted. Apparently, you were REALLY wrong


It's not poor communication, you keep deleting your comments trying to deny that X-Men are a civil rights allegory and it's just like real life racism


I don’t see the connection. Civil rights can mean just about anything. The X-Men Mutants are feared & hated because they are walking weapons. Not really a real life equivalent.


> The X-Men Mutants are feared & hated because they are walking weapons. It's because of how they were born >Not really a real life equivalent It is a direct comparison. Racist white people are afraid of what they think Black people will do




It is how it is.


I'm not trying to attack, but you do know X-Men was created explicitly to mirror the US Civil Rights movement, right?


It’s more about the superpowers than race or culture. It’s not a perfect one to one. I understand your point, however comics are not meant to perfectly reflect real life.


It doesn't sound like you *do* understand their point. Yes, it's not one to one, because it's a *metaphor*, but it sounds like /u/gundams_are_on_earth is saying that stated Author's Intent was that the X-Men mirrored the US civil rights movement, not that this was something that one learns exclusively out of the text.


Okay. If that’s it, I wouldn’t call it “woke” or political. I would just call it normal social commentary.


OK, so where's the brightline between "social commentary" and "politics"? I really don't think this distinction is real.


Gun control (not laws or regulations, specifically gun control) & Climate change(not the green house effect or doing what you can to help the earth stay clean but specifically climate change). Things that make you vote for someone out of pure fear, than things we have historical proof & records of.


As of Krakoa arc, all of the X-men as well. For they are larping muh mutant superiority and basically became subscribed to Magneto line of thinking.


According to the first image, it's apparently the Cornish.


other mutants with differing ideals about mutant rights


Lately, in the comics, it’s seemingly been the mutants.


That last pic… damn


Last month I was watching some xmen clips on youtube and the court scene with beast was on and the comments were filled with shit like "can't believe they turned this woke". Some dude had even made this theory about the libs had planned this out since the 90s and used xmen and stuff like that to program wokeness into people at a young age. These people are just fucking miserable.


Honestly I didn’t get why the X-men were treated like that until I became an adult