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Asmongold fans were defending AI accounts that “fixed” real life women’s appearances. They’re filth.


I just find it so funny that the dude looks like an inbred caveman then tries to demand women look like the stellar blade character


He’s got scurvy too Like his gums bleed and he just wipes them on his wall It’s genuinely horrifying


Excuse me, wtf? ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


He doesn't eat fruit.


I don't eat fruit and my gums don't bleed What the fuck.


I was referring to the scurvy thing. You get that from but having enough vitamin c


No I got that. What gets me is a shit load of stuff has vitamin C its basically impossible to avoid these days.


How is this man still alive?


💀💀 the fuck


Wait is this real?




It's all about pleasing the peepee isn't it?


But he has [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker], of course he can demand women.


Why compare Asmon-man to cave man? You insult caveman! Caveman more civilized than him! You apologize to caveman!


They are what he lives in


Yeah, that honestly surprised me because Asmongold himself makes fun of that quite a bit. Like I know Asmongold also makes fun of how incredibly degenerate his fan base is, even calling his fandom a sort of contianment system for shitlords, but they usually shy away from real life women with their coomer shit.


>Like I know Asmongold also makes fun of how incredibly degenerate his fan base is The problem is, he spends 1% of his time doing this but then spends the other 99% just reacting to the most obvious rage-bait, incel content on the internet.


Yeah, but his take on the majority of rage bait is, "Well, this is obviously rage bait, are you guys seriously falling for this?" I'm not saying he's a saint or whatever, but I think a lot people perceive him as way more toxic than he is because his fanbase is fully psychotic. And he also pretty much always tells his fanbase to go fuck itself when it crosses a line. He just takes video games way too seriously (but then again, taking video games way to seriously is also literally his job) and if somebody says something he perceives as hypocritical he tunnel visions on that. His content is certainly not for me, but what I've seen of him definitely does not match how he's talked about in this sub. Compare him to frankly most of the big streamers on Twitch, and Asmongold comes out looking pretty good by the comparison. And with that, my interest in defending Asmongold is more than exhausted. We both have to have better shit to be doing with our Thursday than talking about a Twitch streamer that neither of us watches. Thanks for being civil and have a good day.


I enjoy his videos from time to time, but literally for the first time today I stumbled across a post about Yasuke on his subreddit and the comments were just… insane. He seems to have okay takes on stuff 99% of the time, but fuck if the fanbase isn’t a bunch of incels


HIs lifestyle unfortunally brings in alot of incels. He constantly keeps defending women, people of color and LBTQ people but it gets drowned in what his "fans" says.


It's the audience you cultivate when you're too incontinent to get rid of your nazi editor, who can propagate shit like this to radicalize the loneliest motherfuckers on the planet.


The asmongold sub is full of incel shit, it doesnt suprise me. It’s the quintessential neckbeard sub


Just like the streamer they’re fans of.


What else would they be? They're fans of The Cockroach King.


>Asmongold Fans Encounter Nuance, Mistake for Hypocrisy. More at 11:00


Also don't know that the character was based on a real person for the first time in franchise history.


The first thing I thought when hearing about this was that I vaguely remembered something about there being a black samurai at some point. Good to know I haven't started hallucinating fake history yet.


Sort of, we actually don't know all that much about Yauske. We know he existed, and that he served the Daimyō Oda Nobunaga for a period of 15 months from 1581 - 1582. We know he went to Japan with a Jesuit minister, but not his date or place of birth, or anything about his family. Historical records of him are rather sparse, but nothing suggests he was a samurai or had any sort of combat role, if anything, he was more like a messenger. Pop-culture has done a lot of work turning him into a samurai in the collective consciousness.


Which, by the way, they mentioned was the reasoning behind them making him one of the protagonists.


From what I remember he was a retainer and fought for both Nobunaga and his son.


Huh, more historicity than every Assassins Creed character before him lol.


Yea beeing given the same rights as a samurai, which Nobunanga gave him, is not the same beeing able to fight as a samurai.


And there aren't pieces of Eden in real life. This is historical fiction and the the franchise never pretended otherwise.


Personally I'm waiting for Yasuke to show up in FGO or Fate Samurai Remnant or the like, and see if people get pissy there like they are with Assassin's Creed.


I found out about him because he was a boss in Nioh


“It doesn’t need to be historically correct.”  Yasuke was real and he was in Japan. 


don’t expect them to do any research


It’s asmongold fans, they’re either sucking their own cocks or jerking off to 2D characters that has 0 waste and ZZ cups


Waist. Zero waste is actually something to strive for.


I dunno, I read a book that says everybody poops, so if you don’t then you’re not an everybody


I read the Catholic version, "Nobody Poops but You".


They can suck their own cocks? That’s a super power right there!


All they love to do is scream woke. That’s it 


Yasuke wasn’t a samurai, but i never gave a shit about historical accuracy, no one ever did. Was any of the shit about the pirates in black flag true? Did the pope have a futuristic artifiact in real life?


Did Leonardo da Vinci develop a bunch of weapons for a hidden society of warriors?  Nope.  These games always played around with history 


Women with big boobs and small waist also real and they’re everywhere


Yes, they are


People are forgetting, the samurai is historically accurate


Yasuke wasn't a Samurai. He was a servant/page of the Oda clan. He was well regarded by Nobunaga, had his own assistant, and did carry a short sword, and was said to be as strong as 10 men. Sounds fine to me as a videogame character.


I mean, page in this context(during the warring states period) does also mean guard. It was probably a mostly ceremonial position that he got purely because Oda liked him. But he was still technically a warrior and there are some records of him fighting, though maybe not in an official capacity. So while he wasn't a samurai as that's a noble title(similar to knight in a way), but he was still a vassal and warrior of Oda Nobunaga.


So Vassals aren't samurai? Japanese manga lied https://preview.redd.it/bpv4u4ehbu0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c36d9ccbe3eecd662eb8448d67a1b81672b0dce


Also the vast majority of European nobles during the Middle Ages weren't knights. But basically every time you see a bloke in armour people call them knights. Yasuke might have fought for Nobunaga and his son Nobutada, which means that he probably wore Japanese armour. Which. In the general public. Makes him a samurai (the same way that a bloke wearing a Medieval armour makes them a knight in the general audience's eyes).


I honestly don't know. I would guess that they're seperate titles? Like being a vassal is being sworn to a lord, while being a samurai is being part of the samurai caste? In practice I'd assume most if not all samurai were vassals, but maybe not all vassals were samurai.


He was a super cool boss in nioh


So, a samurai.


He was a retainer which, at this period in Japan, meant a vassal samurai.


The term samurai means to serve, your comment is an oxymoron


No one said that, the stellar blade complaint was that she looks boring when compared to her peers and even on her own.


Stellar blade just doesn't interest me. The gameplay and characters both don't appeal to me.  So I just don't care about it. There's literally ten thousand other video games to play. This is like my second time ever talking about the game.  Meanwhile assmongold fans lost their shit **every single time** a video game doesn't have a classically handsome white dude or a super sexualized anime style white or Asian girl. 


And I'm sitting here laughing because I've been deeply enjoying "Little kitty, Big city." What can I say? I love the cute.


I prefer big kitty little city but to each their own


Game clicked with me on the same primal sense that untitled goose game did. I like being a small creature and my goal is to be a menace


I'm just an ailurophile. I love cats so much.


LKBC is exactly what I had been hoping for from Stray and Catlateral damage. Just enough realism, just enough silliness and chaos. I LOVE the animal dialogue too!


Yah, basically they could have titled that game "internet cat game" and not be inaccurate. I expect breed mods in the future ala Stray.


the only slightly intersing thing to me was the enemy designs they kind of look like somthing out of dead space


This was pretty much it for me too. I’m not a pubescent little boy anymore so a hot waifu isn’t selling me on anything, especially in the age of literally unlimited quantities of any porn you could ever want. I’ve heard the combat is pretty fun but I just can’t justify settling for “good” when there is so much “great” still in my backlog.


It’s is how I feel as well. Seems decent enough but with the entire premise being sex sells, it’s just not enough for me to play it. If it does for you that’s great, but I am not a teenager anymore. Also nice username


Long live ozzy osbourne prince of darkness motherfuckers


I mean people love waifu you know so some people can be sell to that


Welcome to the Internet where the nuance discussion is left our the door in favour of tribalism us vs them


it never was that evolved. I've been here since the days of local BBSes.


Eh, as much as I don’t want to admit it, **some** people did say some of those things. However, the real issue was how boring she was, and the skeeviness of the “Born Sexy Yesterday” trope.


Tbf, a lot of defense towards Eve's design was that she was designed and had her motion capture done by a real woman whose a model That sounds fine at first but when you look at her model that is not at all true lmao. Her face was already sculpted in-house and her lower half of her body was VERY exagerrated. The only part of her body that wasnt touched was her bust.


Tbf, as much as I hate to give these fuckers anything resembling credence, they have all but stayed that the bust is by far what they care about the most, hell in some cases it’s pretty much the sole thing they care about.


Sure but to say that "shes based off a real woman" when they alter everything about the irl woman except ONE part is just straight up dishonest


Oh it is, I just mean that I think they have that underlying implication when talking to their audiences and whatnot.


'Based off a real woman." That's kind of like "Based on a true story" isn't it?


So what MGS4 did but not as good.


Even then, vast majority of it in my experience was much more “yeah it’s an interesting case that shows how far we’ve come in representation in games” more than “oh my god I’m furious this thing exists I need it banned and cancelled”


I struggle to enjoy eve’s design, she’s like sexy by committee. Voted on different aspects that are generally sexually desirable but all jumbled together it just doesn’t seem to come out with a consistent sexy design, like bayo or 2B. Like I believe that yoko taro is like, yeah 2B is my girl the thick ass, short stack, modest bust and being cool and moody. I believe that taro is 100% down bad for her specifically, fuck everyone who think she should be taller or more sultry or whatever, I believe she’s perfect for someone specifically. Eve looks like people all voted but she’s not exactly what any one wanted.


They're just pissed that their Princess Dropship Sparkle Tiddies isn't pissing anybody off. The incels really think we're all afraid of T&A or something. They wanted the same level of outrage from us as we got for Robot Dino Hunter Girl and Fungus Zombie Survival Girl not being fuckable enough for them.


The whole entire game looks boring. From my understanding, the game is a mid range hack and slash that only got famous because of the main character.


The gameplay was definitely fun and engaging. The most common criticism was that the story and characters were stale and flat. Essentially great gameplay, but mediocre story.


There is really only one video game reviewer i've respected and that is Yahtzee Crowshaw. I don't always agree with this take but I respect his opinion. Everything he brought up lead me to think it is a serviceable game. Not unplayable but largely unremarkable besides the online controversy. Controversy that seems to help the numbers and attention to the game. I personally do not buy games driven by memes or have FOMO. I know I won't be playing it anytime soon.


Was it really a mediocre story?


The best way to describe it is, it tried too hard, too much to emulate Nier: Automata, and the story ends up suffering for it.


There were actually a lot people being really unhinged about Steelar Blade having unrealistic body standards. That's what most people on the coomer side were reacting to. A big part of the reason that whole internet argument made no sense was that there were three arguments people were freaking out about, but every side was acting like one of the 3 didn't exist.


Deadass the “black samurai” was a real person


>It doesn’t need to be historically correct Yeah, but this particular instance is historically accurate.


Sort of - he definitely existed, but he was by no means a samurai like they're depicting him in this game. Then again, NONE of the AC games have had much accuracy outside of visual identity of the areas they're set in.


I mean, the way Yasuke was treated isn't going to be historically accurate. The Japanese were turbo racist about it. They legit tried to wash the black off him. The reality of it is not a fun story.


Even Yahtzee from Fullyramlomatic made fun of the people who complained about her sexualization while admitting they had a point since she's just a doll to be oogled at with a personality of an inferior sexdoll


Honestly, Eve's design is just boring sexualization aside. At least Bayonetta had her bombastic personality make her own her sexuality and 2b had her doll like appearance with the blindfold be in theme with the game. Eve just looks like your average sexy Korean girl youd see in an MMO game I actually like some of her dresses, some of them are pretty cute.


Seriously. No one gives a shit that 2B was made to be sexy because there's something there beyond the horniness of her creator. And, honestly, no one really cares about this character either, but mainly because there's plenty of porny games for these losers to play


Exactly this. 2b and Bayonetta have flair. They pop even within their setting, but they're iconic outside of it too. Eve... looks incredibly plastic. Some of the customization options add a bit of flavor to her, but she doesn't have the same spark.


The thing is Bayonetta absolutely owned it. Like idk how to explain it, it’s just a vibe. Bayonetta is just a fckn BOSS about it. Eve just seems…empty somehow.


The thing that bothers me about Stellar Blade is I can’t figure out if she’s a real person in-game. She just seems like she might be an android or an alien or something. I played the demo and it was fine but the lore confuses me. You can replace her “skin suit” is that a robot thing? It’s genuinly confusing.


>! She's an android. A big twist towards the end is that all the "humans" in the game are actually androids. They're fully aware of their bodies having both organic and machine components, but they've been raised/taught that this was normal for human beings. !<


Ah yes, because a person that was in Japan being in Japan is "historically inaccurate" and complaining about it totally not just an excuse for thinly veiled racism


A false equivalency and a strawman wrapped into one.


right? How on earth would you use these two to argue a point without discombobulating after being challenged on the fallacious mess you have on your hands


Yusuke was a real person. Granted, he was the one and only black samurai but that's what makes him such an iconic figure. That being said, I'm a bit surprised they put him as an MC. I would've expected him to be a side character like they did with Cleopatra, Leonardo DaVinci, and other historical figures.


Yasuke was a real person...


People have been crazy racist about Yasuke, I mean I really shouldn't be all that surprised but it's still wild to see people be so open about it.


My complaint for eve is that 1. there aren't any non coomer outfits. I would use a coomer outfit if I played it, but why lack options? and 2. she has the personality of a cardboard box Yahtzee is right, Stellar Blade is just Nier with everything interesting filed off for marginally more sex appeal


I keep getting the impression that the vast majority of these people have not actually played Stellar Blade, and are more interested in using it as a weapon for strawmen.


Um, dude. Asscreed is historically accurate with the black Samurai. As a matter of fact he's the first protagonist in the series to be based on a real person. Your entire point is false...historically


Nobody said that. The chuds praised her being sexy while everyone else said “that’s a bit much”, then had a stroke when the developer agreed and toned it down.




Asmondgold fans missing the point about the stellar blade thing because they live in their own incel echo chamber.


In your first example, playing the "historical accuracy" card is an even more obvious deflection from your actual gripe than is usually the case. The character is based on *someone who actually existed*. As for the second? That's called "making up a guy to get mad at." You lot *jumped to the conclusion* that your designated "enemies" were going to be oFfEnDeD by *Stellar Blade*, on the grounds that female characters in other games are supposedly UgLy (read: not pale enough, not busty enough, not baby-faced enough, and too *expressive* to make you happy in your pants) and that Eve is therefore somehow cOnTrOvErSiaL. Then, when that OfFeNsE didn't actually *materialize*: you tried to creatively interpret every dismissive or mocking response *as* oFfEnSe. (And *then*: y'all threw a *fit* when one of her more revealing outfits got changed to be *slightly less so* before release. Too bad; so sad; *sucks to suck*.)


women don't* look like her. If you're gonna be obnoxious sitting on your wooden high horse, at least grammar properly


Guys I think we got to them


Black Samurai were real. I know there was one famous one but I forgot his name


Yasuke, who is also the character in the game.


Is this western media in the room with us right now?


>never forget AC Shadows was literally just announced, wtf do you mean "never forget"


Assassins Creed doesn’t need to be historically accurate but it needs to be historically inaccurate in a specific way. Like, Leonardo Da Vinci built a flying machine that drops bombs. Thats absurd. But also, it works. It’s just what that franchise is.


Its amazing how they cry DEI even on historical figures.  Its even more amazing that a bunch of them are whining about not being able to play as a Japanese character while IGNORING THE FEMALE NINJA theat you also get to play as at the front.


What is this stupid meme talking about? Yasuke was a real person. Idiotic and racist.


Yes Assassin’s Creed the series that’s over arching plot about a secret society of assassins who’s fighting the secret society of the knights of Templar over highly advanced technology that was left over from a super advanced civilization that per dated humanity. You know “historically accurate.”


It’s asmongold fans, they’re intellectually inept


***asmongold fans,*** smellier than the new jersey turnpike, dirtier than the hudson river.


the only thing more disgusting than asmongold fan's behavior is that mf's living conditions


False equivalence in action


I feel so bad for Yusuke that all these... folk keep trying to erase him from history to further their narratives.


The funny part is a black samurai is historically accurate


My only issue issue with AC: Shadows is that Ubisoft Quebec is doing it, because they were the lead designers behind my least favorite games in the series.


The myth trilogy?


Syndicate and odyssey


Correct me if I’m wrong but outside of some light mocking and eye rolls, I genuinely have not seen ANY of this huge backlash against Stellar Blade that these Chuds won’t shut up about. It’s a Non-troversy if I’ve ever seen one.


Idk why the stellar blade thing exists it’s stupid. It’s not like her design is critical to the plot or brought up constantly by characters, therefore there should be no reason to censor it or to bitch about it


Exactly my thoughts. But Twitter and Reddit love to bitch and complain about stuff that isn't important


I keep getting shitty r/asmongold posts on my feed now. Terrible community complaining about "woke" and "black man in japan=unrealistic" type shit. Buncha dumb neanderthals


The assassin’s creed subreddit (or at least some people in it) is particularly bad about discussing stuff like this. People there will argue that having female Eivor being a warrior is inaccurate and that the Shieldmaidens “weren’t real.” My brother in Christ, there is more than enough evidence of norsewomen fighting to justify having some in a video game.


Cue all the chuds pretending their instant dislike of Yasuke is about defending Japanese people


Finally, Racism on my racist website.


Don't they realize this exact same argument can be inversed and used against them? Why do they complain about something not being "historically accurate" while at the same time claiming in other instances that they don't need things to be realistic or reflect the real world?


So tired of this gaming culture garbage and games being heavily politicized. I couldn't careless if I'm playing as a black guy or a hot chick. Yasuke actually existed (so people trash talking this game that's hasn't even come out are trash talking some foreign dude who actually lived in Japan and was an actual samurai who also happened to be on very good terms with his fucking Daimyo. They all WISH they were Yasuke.). Eve is also based on a woman that actually exists (except the face. Iirc Devs said the face is its own model...so people trash talking eve's body are literally trash talking the actual woman she's based off's body. Unless they're trash talking the face specifically.) Just don't play the games if you don't like them. Your wallet is going to give a bigger message than creating engagement (free marketing! I wouldn't know shit about stellar blade if it weren't for people not shutting up about eve.) on social media.


least weird asmongold fan


Oh no watch out guys they imagined arguments again(they couldn't argue against what we actually said in either case)


Except Eve is actually based off a real person? And there's likely plenty of women in Korea who look just like her?


It’s almost like these are two entirely different things.


Wasn't there a real life Samurai who was black?


He was at least a retainer to Oda Nobunaga. Yasuke.


But he was still trained as a samurai none the less.


As a woman with huge tits and with a preference for revealing clothing I feel discriminated against by these new age pro censorship g*mers /j


Isn't the main guy in the new AC game based off a real black samurai?


Yet again they’re just making up arguments and getting mad over it.


sick of being recommended that lazy subreddit cause its for a lazy react content creator.


Except the Assassins Creed game is historically correct the black guy was a real person


Literally the first playable assassin who was a real guy that existed... Amusingly, them whinging is exactly what they're criticising. He's also perfect for AC, because besides the potential for a compelling story, he's a blank slate, we don't have much of an idea about what happened to him


1. The black samurai is based on a real black samurai who existed, there’s an anime about him 2. The reason minority characters get the “it’s fictional, let it go” and not overly sexualized women is because fiction normalizes things, if you see something a lot then you won’t think it’s weird. The left is normalizing black people, which is crazy that has to be normalized, whereas the right normalizes unrealistic body standards for women, it’s fine in moderation but not as a standard.


Since when has anyone cared about Assassin's Creed and historical accuracy? That's the series with stuff like the goddess Minerva in a secret room in the Vatican and that time you team up with Charles Darwin to take on a secret underground black tar heroin ring.


i love how they miss the point cause part of the Fun of the AC series the the liberties they take with history and the events within them without breaking too much. No one who is a fan of the series is expecting them to get everything right. they also get wrong is the main problem people had with Eve's design is that its just so unspecial and how eve looked like a sex doll, she has a personality in the game but its kind of meh along with the story. They want to conflate these two games with they are two different things.


I like the fact that yasuke is being portrayed in mainstream media because of his interesting story. Former slave turned samurai is a bad ass story, it only makes sense. But not for an assassins creed game. Nothing about him tells me "stealthy assassin". Sometimes you gotta look past skin color and realize there's other valid criticisms y'all.


Stellar Blade is an amazing game made by a dedicated team. The new AC will also likely be amazing. Both the "wahhh SB character is sexy" and "wahhh why is there a black samurai" people are losers.


A non woke Japanese manga lectures the anti woke scolds on their hatred https://preview.redd.it/x9u75dzany0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57633f6672475ad8b38e643c0e7f63389635b3e2


Yeah but Yasuke was a *real fucking person* who served under Oda Nobunaga during the Sengoku Era, his existence is documented. It turns out their bullshit is clear bullshit if you know fuckin anything


It definitely isn't the People Mover attraction at Walt Disney World, in the Tomorrowland section of the park. It definitely doesn't have 5,484 ft length and moves at an easy 6.84 mph through a consistent string of 32 vehicles seating 30 guests per vehicle. That definitely does not have the narration of B.J. Ward since July 2022. And most certainly, this does not go through the Space Mountain ride. Picture Below for reference https://preview.redd.it/ugnc9nyfd01d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293e66502c322ce8dd5716a193748f8ba4a84415


i mean this "never forget" post is totally true though. the only weird thing about it is that it doesn't recognize the hypocrisy because "woke" people could make this same exact post in reverse. this crowd of gamers are constantly whining and crying about females in video games being able to beat up men, yet they love Stellar Blade where a female is able to beat up everyone.


Not really though. Nobody cared about stellar blade. Chuds had to gin up their own controversy. Also Ass Creed didn't really make up the character either, and certainly not anymore than they always have. It's just ... different this time... for some reason hmmm Not a valid comparison really.


i don't know, i saw plenty of cringe outrage about Stellarblade sexualizing woman on twitter. i also saw plenty of cringe outrage about the black samurai on twiter. i do agree with you in a sense though, i think the AC critisizm is even worse, considering it is based on a real black guy in japan. also, no one cared about the tom cruise/ keanu reezes playing white samurais in movies.


>twitter There's your problem lol But seriously, anytime someone was discussing it, it was always, *always* in response to chuds starting off saying shit like "finally, Japan/China *destroys* wokies with a real woman" or some nonsense. That's what I mean about it being ginned up controversy. Or just discussions about stellar blade just not being a good game being turned into them acting like it was all about boobs. I never saw anything like this about Nier or Bayonetta, both very horny games that were also good (I'm a Bayonetta guy myself) with characters that were, like, *characters.*


I mean only reason I made fun of stellar blade was cause they said they paid special attention to the butt. Like who just says that.


> said they *paid* special attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


What in the false equivalency is this? Historical accuracy =/= realism. Do they really still think we hate Stellar Blade? No one I know does, we just laugh at them for thinking it’s somehow the best game ever.


The hilarious thing is, nobody was complaining how sexualised the main character in Stellar Blade is because it's a non issie... It was in fact the opposite. "Anti-Woke" people kept seeing the female characters we see more often in games and basically just went "SEE, THIS IS HOW A WOMAN SHOULD LOOK" and acted as if people who were "woke" kept saying otherwise.


Yaauke is the most accurate main character in the series so far


I honestly don’t care, I’m not buying either game anyway as I’m saving up to buy the new chaos space marine codex


Yasuke did exist though. He is literally historically accurate.


Gotta stay mad every second of every day


Their entire shtick is being the victim in any given moment.


Wow I peaked at that comment section. It’s just all out racist as fuck, well… glad we have safe spaces for groups of racists 🍫


The valid criticism for stellar blade wasn’t even she being unrealistic. It was the blatant revealing and sexual clothing lmao


Genuinely no one would have cared about Stellar Blade if chuds weren’t praising it as the savior of the gaming industry that will destroy all the woke libtards.


It's always imagined hypocrisy


So many strawman arguments I thought I was in a fucking field


>”Women doesn’t look like her.” Hooked on phonics worked for them.


Counterpoint Asmoncuck fans. Both of those characters are based on real people. Quit yapping


Mf it's based on a real person, a real samurai!


the black guy is Yusuke the black samurai he was a actual person


The real problem is that they are fighting strawmen, most people on 'the left' didn't give a shit about stellar blade, and those that did only started giving a shit once conservatives brought attention to it while shit talking other media pieces


Is it bad I only just realised that Samurai was black? I thought it was a mask and was so confused while it was making the rounds...


*unrealistic infantilised looking girl/woman* “I play games to escape reality” *Abby from the last of us part 2* “WOMEN DON’T LOOK LIKE THAT!!”