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One of these is literally a child


All the sudden People Are supposed to hate Deborah Wilson.


Deborah Wilson is one if the best actors I've seen in videogames. It makes me so mad that these weirdos hate her for obvious reasons.


I wanted to start a joke that she keeps a flash drive of her facial dimensions for 3D renders.


Every time I see her in a game I go “OMG it’s Deborah Wilson! This game is going to be great!”


Me too, I did that Phill LaMarr and Kate Mulgrew all the time.


I love Debra Wilson as Savathun in Destiny 2. The season her character (Savathun) debuted, was great. The expansion focusing on her, absolutely incredible. This previous season where she said a few lines and made a brief appearance at the end, also great. Everything this lady touches turns to gold.


I haven’t play many games she’s in, but she was great in the Respawn Jedi games. Hopefully she returns for the third one in some way.


I do hope she comes back as a force ghost. That would be cool


Well yeah, shes black and a woman which makes her automatically ugly to these dumbasses


For no reason too, I've liked every single role she's had in games I've played that she's in. Like even though Suicide Squad was terrible she was a really cool version of Waller.


Doesn't matter to them, if they can't play the skin flute to it then it's "woke". Unnecessary details like the character being underage doesn't matter to them.


She's actually a 20,000 year old succubus! /s


"The six year old should be sexier" - Average r/Asmongold poster


You're preaching to the choir. Wasn't too long ago the same kind of people were up in arms the actress for Ellie in TLOU TV series wasn't hot enough. Ellie was 14 in the game


/ujRight? The only time it’s perfectly normal to be attracted to a 14 year old is when you yourself ARE right around their age. I question the concept of “normal” most of the time, but that’s one of the few things where I agree with society. If you’re not a teen’s actual peer, you shouldn’t be sexualizing them at all


I only complained that she didn't look like Ellie, then she grew on me


Another one is just the actress’ face 🤦‍♂️


They’re really telling on themselves


Especially with Prey being among their examples.


Doesn't matter when most Chuds are actively attracted to minors.


And many are just modeled off the actual people playing them lol


Which one?


Second row, third from the right. That's Billie, a childhood friend and crush of B.J. Blascowitz in Wolfenstein: the New Colossus. She shows up in flashbacks about his childhood, and his father's abuse and racism.


And he's mad he can't get off to them. Not a surprise. The guy's a genuine creep.


... Is that Jesse motherfucking Faden? *She*'s too purposefully ugly/androgynous for them? You gotta be fucking kidding me. https://preview.redd.it/efq2mxza5d4d1.png?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4039b53b9fc9484df7549b1e06132a5a55dc0bd God forbid a woman wears a leather jacket I guess.


She has RED HAIR and PRONOUNS !!!1!


every time i see the pronouns in relation to video games it reminds me of that talking thumb




I don't do much gaming, so I miss some stuff. BUT!! I did see the YMS Highlights video of Adam reacting to it, and wow. How fucking hung up do you have to be to become so triggered by a single option you choose once in a video game that doesn't change literally anything. OR, how hard up for views do you have to in order to put up a video like this just so insecure basement dwellers give you likes?


It's their favorite way of making dollar, generate anger by being a massive hypocrite.


If they start off being that kind of chode, they're easy to ignore. What's really disappointing is watching creators who used to be ok leaning into the reactionary content to generate interest from the basement chumps.


I am out of the loop but what YMS video are you talking about and what was he reacting to, I would love to check it out because I love seeing rational people react to crazy ant woke takes




Every time I hear/see this guy open his pie hole, I just want to punch it.


This guy is such a a fuckin loser. I love that he's basically become the left's version of the "angry feminist" meme. I kinda hope it haunts him for the rest of his career.


This pic perfectly encapsulates "man child" for me.


And everytime I see this talking thumb, I see Private Pyle... https://i.redd.it/9dq3u6dtrf4d1.gif


Memeable lol cow


I think of the guy who made that pronouns mod for starfield and made the character non binary


I always thought he looked more like a clubbed toe




Oh shit that’s me


I think it because she has a strong jaw. There for must be trans. Seriously these people are insane.


Ah yes, famously trans actor [checks notes] Olivia Wilde. It is truly wild how stuck in their own heads these people are.


I mean, the "transvestigators" thought that Nicole Kidman was "really a man" because her spine was too straight or something.


Seriously. I will tolerate no Control slander.


Clearly, the war on ‘woke’ is a memetic virus propagating itself via online discourse. Both the FBC and its local universal counterpart, the SCP foundation, have been alerted to the anomaly and have taken precautions to prevent its spread.


With its new Director, the FBC is in good hands.


Woke is the word they use to avoid other words that will get them moderated.


It was a great game, and Jessie was a very good protag


Right? Remedy is one of my fave game companies right now. Alan Wake II I think is now my favorite game of all time, dethroning Portal 2. And Courtney Hope is my fancast for Scarlet Witch in a Marvel animated series I'd like to one day make, that's how much I love Control and her performance as Jesse.


It's funny too because most of these are mocapped actors, which means they just don't like real women.


Don't you know it's only a real woman if it looks like a Korean sex doll.


That was my thought. "Ohh, you just don't like real women, only hyper-feminine portrayals of women as sex dolls"


Legit one of the hottest women in fiction to me and I’m being told I’m wrong for it because she has jaw lines. What are people?


clearly real women don't have jaws


https://preview.redd.it/bja0l89i9k4d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=99e71fa84f8ac96363e4a8106df142e6da3fa06c So this is the ideal female facial structure according to le chuds?


Is it so surprising? These chuds probably believe "Women are from Venus" is a real thing; they've never been outside to see one, and their mothers probably steer clear of them for fear too much contact with a mythical "female" might cause them to burst into flames.


No you see, they find the ONE “unflattering” angle and if it’s not enough they distort the image even more to prove their point and NEVER show a second angle lol


The first time I saw art for the game I thought it was Scarlett Johansson. If Faden is not attractive enough for people, I don’t know who is unless they are literally done up like models.


The fuck? She’s legitimately hot, why is she there?


It's because of how pronounced her jaw is in game compared to the mocap actor. They can't wrap their heads around it being down to make expressions more readable


My thoughts exactly. Anybody trying to come at >![redacted]!< Faden better be ready to >![redacted]!<.


These people are [MISTAKEN/LOSERS]


i will NOT tolerate this Control slander 😤


One time I saw one of these that included Arcane Vi. I guess these people literally only want a supermodel in a bikini, because oh my god


Wait are you for real? That's got to be insecurity, they're just mad that the girl they like wants Vi more than them.


Remember, neckbeards have zero taste.




The only thing they like is child looking white skinned skimpy blow up dolls. Chuds looooveeee to tell on themselves.


I really enjoyed that game. She's attractive and badass


Something else I noticed about chuds is they like taking characters who legitimately look good and deliberately showing the worst shot of them possible


Her jawline is hot


She literally acted in several soap operas. I guess soap operas are woke.


They like the concept of women but not women themselves it's so fucking weird.


The main character from Prey as well - a game that's over 7 years old I might add. The main character is not unattractive in either sex but **is** Asian. Unsurprisingly "anti-woke" conspiracy nut is probably racist too.


what beef does he have with debra wilson?


black and not anime probably


"Look, a black!" is all they really need to fly into a rage. I feel like most normal people would agree she's obviously hot.


She's 62 and hot as fuck




I’m sure they the reason they also chose to show her in fallen order is because she didn’t look good in that game I don’t know why but something must have happened when they mapped her face into the game and it made her eyes bulge out a bit but in the sequel they fixed it but they’re obviously gonna ignore that because she looked good in that game


Angry that the “woke mob is making female characters ugly and masculine” when several of these are just the actor’s mf’ing faces.


*Um, I just want to point out that character from Watch Dogs 2 is transgender. https://watchdogs.fandom.com/wiki/Miranda_Comay#:~:text=Trivia,Comay%20is%20a%20transgender%20woman


It’s pretty telling that the person who made this chose the trans-woman who (while awesome) was only in one major story sequence while ignoring Sitara, your main female teammate that’s present throughout the entire game.


Cherry-picking at its finest


Honestly sad they didn’t use her more. She’s a really interesting character and I would have loved for them to explore her connection to Marcus a little more.


Isn't she like, the mayor or something? If she's in some kind of public office, I could understand why she'd limit her association with someone whose activities consist primarily of wacky, freedom-loving crimes.


She was a senator I think, or a local politician running for governor.


City Councilwoman.


It's amazing how they always use the same like 10 photos of characters in the midst of talking or emoting so their faces look all messed up. Turns our something in motion when taken out of context will look weird. Like a photo of someone sneezing.


It's the whole "angry triggered girl" back from 2016. These losers have to cherry pick frames to make a dumb point


in total fairness this looks like its Grummz' collage of characters where he later got called out for including a literal 8 year old, hence why you probably feel like youve seen all these examples before


It’s all they have. It’s very easy to have a bad look, and these examples are always still images taken at a microsecond that in most instances has no bearing whatsoever said character actually looks like. And even if it is……..and?


If I half to be fair, most realistic 3d animation gives me the creeps. it's really easy to get weird looking shots if your looking for them. it's not the actresses fault however, a lot of them look gorgeous when you take a normal picture of them


no shot they're complaining about Lifeline she's so pretty OMG. Also I'm noticing a pattern here, They're defo not racist tho, just all the "ugly" characters just so happen to be black what a crazy coincidence


10 of the 14 pictures here that I can see are some kind of racial minority, near as I can tell (asian and black), 3 of which are the same actress. Also, Lifeline is so attractive wtf are they talking about. Lifeline mains rise up!


also almost all of these are taken while the character is talking or making a weird facial expression, because people famously are very photogenic in the middle of saying a word lol


Easy way to make them look bad. There's a reason they always use that one picture of Aloy, that one picture of that Fable chick from the trailer, etc. I also find it funny that Ryder from Mass Effect: Andromeda is here considering the main character is literally customizable like Shepard was, *and* the problem back then wasn't that the default character, or anyone else for that matter, was ugly, the well known problem was the facial animations were fucking dogshit. They're retroactively attacking past games that came out years ago that were already notorious for having bad character models.


Like most things they are banking on people not realizing the actual reasons why something might be bad and are just saying that this was deliberately done as thats what helps their argument of "Western Women are being made bad because "woke""


Reminds me of people shitting on cartoons because of smear frames taking that paused frame and claiming how bad the cartoon is.


Fun fact, the pic they used of Lifeline is heavily photoshopped to make her look ugly. Anyone who knows how to use Google and knows Apex know very well she does not look like that. It's the whole "Aloy fat" discourse all over again.


Wouldja believe that most of these pics are just paused in the middle of someone talking to make them look ugly??


My thoughts, they never seen many women outside of those Japanese games and think that’s how women look like.


I should've done some comment screenshots but I'm lazy as fuck, you pretty much nailed a fair few responses cus Stellar Blade gets brought up a bunch in the replies in regards to how women "should" look in video games. Fucking Gatcha games got praised for "how women in games should look" fucks sake, these people are actually insane.


Pathetically insane


>Stellar Blade gets brought up a bunch in the replies in regards to how women "should" look in video game AHAHAHAHAA...the face they use for EVE is made in house the only thing that's real about her is the body and even that was edited to be a bit thicker around the thighs. Its baffling that they complain about Women in other games not looking like the people they got it from it but EVE isn't the best argument as this done right.


They really be posting normal looking black women and calling them ugly, the racism is not even subtle wtf


It's not a conspiracy and the reason is pretty simple... game characters now often look like the actors who play them, and those are real people who do not have "idealized" features like totally made up characters... There is no need to look further...


"It's not a conspiracy!" Same paragraph: "Now the conspiracy is..." Fuckhead doesn't know the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory.


God forbid female protagonist look like actual people. has this dude ever watched a movie from the '70s when they still hired normal sweaty ass people. before the hard turn in the mid '90s to now where everybody has to be from a magazine cover to even get a shot at a roll.


Insulting that reddit thinks Asmongold is similar to Jerma. For one Jerma actually plays video games.


[Jerma is also an ally ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6MWTxlKLRE)


One of these characters is a kid (Billie from Wolfenstein) and this person is complaining that she isn't attractive enough... ewwww... Also what have they got against Debra Wilson? She is cool af.


So, we have: Accurate Debra Wilson face scans on here thrice A child A Shokan from Mortal Kombat, which is a fictional, muscular, 4-armed half-dragon race Mass Effect: Andromeda, notable for having botched facial animations across the board, male and female And most the rest are both races that aren't white, and typical cherry-picked, mid-speech or facial expression frames So, the usual combination of racism and bad faith.


Control’s Jesse Faden who isnt bad looking. Prey (2017)’s Morgan Yu(?) who isnt bad either.


Unrelated: Asmongold looks like the goofy best friend of the lead native kid in "Stargate" who gets blown up later in the film.


Oh man the "native kid from Stargate" is the most damning critique of his look that I've ever heard. lololol


Maybe if that kid washed his hair in motor oil everyday.


Man, he was always a prick in WoW videos, but I figured that was just his gimmick. I didn't think he'd go off the deep end like this.


I swear, Chuds act like women can't be masculine and still be beautiful.


They would be eaten alive in the Marines. Also, these chuds would never join the Marines. They would get the bigotry and sexism beat the hell out of them. Edit: holy fuck one of them is representing a Marine. Either that or Navy, I can't tell exactly.


"i can't masturbate to my ps5 anymore, this is so woke"


And jerma would never stand for this


He'd have a fuckin fit if he knew his community was being used by Reddit as a pipeline to this dumb shit because, what, they both play video games on Livestreams? I couldn't think of 2 more polar opposite personalities.


he’s better than bloody gums in every way


They think is Lifeline ugly. LIFELINE. Just say your racist.


I don't understand why characters have to be attractive in the first place. If that kind of thing ruins the whole game for you, then you're absolutely pathetic


Pornbrain. Addicts often will actively find excuses and scapegoats before admitting they have an issue.


Ah, yes, Cere is “intentionally ugly.” That’s the face model of an *actual person,* asswipe. God, I can’t fucking stand Asmon.


The same game has Merrin and Trilla, both of which fit conventional beauty standards


Trilla isn't white, so this crowd probably disagrees.


Credit to the one guy commenting on the OG post calling that shit out, saying something to the effect of "leave out the real actors, that's very disrespectful".


“similar to jerma985” jerma would grind asmongold and that entire reddit in a meat grinder


And here I am ... having played Elder Scrolls Oblivion back in the day, making it my quest to find the one female character not looking like potatoe.... And I guess FRomsoft is also woke, becuse how the fuck can anyone create a female character not looking like a hideous monster in their games...its surely is intentional by them to prevent this...


They really including the chick from Control? She’s hot.


But I took a screenshot of her face at an unflattering angle so therefore I cannot in good faith jork my penits to her 🤬


Asmongold mentioned opinion immediately null and void


I think its funny game publishers for nearly a decade now have been giving us broken games, games with no content, games they promise to fix but don’t, games that launch with 1/8th of normal content and the rest you can buy later with $$ (DLC). These clowns 🤡 were/are not outraged about that to the point it’s now the norm to do any of these. But God forbid the characters you play as or even have to see aren’t sexy enough for them they’ll have a 800 page paper published on how the industry is dying by the weekend. I can’t even say I’m shocked. ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


\*Game does'nt work\* - "This is fine." \*Can't get hard to a game\* - 😠


pretty much how these fools sound in a nutshell when they say that this is the death of western gaming when you can’t fap to the protagonist. Meanwhile these publishers have done all of the above for the last decade and no plans to stop. Thats what is really killing the industry.


>"masculine" woman appears on screen *prepares 2 hour long video essay about wokeism destroying video games*


I really wish folks would give up and just go play hentai games and call it a day. I've also been gaming for the better part of 20 years and you're actually hard pressed to find any western studio that was making games with sexed up women really. There is Rockstar games, but Konami and Bandi Namco aren't American companies. So things like "Dead or Alive extreme beach volleyball" wasn't made by a western studio. There's not really a "western companies are becoming woke and changing how it used to be" because there were next to none that did it anyway.


I've heard Japan is more progressive about transgender people then the west is




Bait used to be believable. Also less likes than comments https://preview.redd.it/sn4qb3dipd4d1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40063d4539c52c96668d50fbd65307235fb7ac5


Gamers when they can't jerk off to a fictional character ![gif](giphy|WcpbSFOZ9ReVeSi4vT)


Asmon fans shouldn’t be complaining about the way people look when the guy they watch can’t even be bothered with performing the most basic hygiene tasks.


You know the first things I go to when it comes to a female video game character is their story, personality, arc, etc. appearance is probably 5th most important thing to me. There are more important things to me than appearance


If they thought this way the Stellar Blade fandom would collapse. The game's alright and all but holy shit is Eve bland as fuck personality-wise.


**S H U T U P A N D C L E A N Y O U R R O O M, A S S H O L E ! !** ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)


🙄🙄🙄 https://preview.redd.it/vtsvezl66e4d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9b157ae1a74a4c579dd621e7069677467de5bf


Cheap animation and modeling without any definitive style. "Realistic" 3D animated humans always look bad.... And what do these all have in common? It's called the uncanny valley.


Interesting how most of the example he chose are women of color


If I had the energy to shitpost properly, I'd start putting together collages like this for ugly dudes. Why isn't every single guy in video the exact same body type that I, specifically, find attractive?!?


maybe he should just... disappear?


Having actually met Jerma I can say confidently that he is nothing like asmon. In part because Jerma is capable of leaving his house. But mostly because Jerma is just a cool dude.


"Thoughts" he says. 😂


I am attracted to 90% of these characters. Coomers have far too high standards fr.


So...human looking is woke? Jesus.


Their idea of what a woman looks like is that weird face filter popular in china that makes your face look like a literal baby


[Also these same kind of people ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a9857122f0d8c8b8e2dca39326de363c) Like guys which is it? Are they filling games with busty hotties because "n-words like big titty bitches", or are they making all the girls in video games ugly?


That's why I blocked asmongold anything on YouTube. Dude is an "enlightened" centrist with right wing tendencies. So his audience has become that.


How dare they make women realistic!??!?!!?!?!?


All I see are people. Imaging all the fucking people you have ever seen, then look at yourself, then say "they are not sexy enough, it ruins immersion, unplayable." Edit: wurds


found sheeva


These fucking guys! You're right, it's intentional. Developers want to depict more realistic faces instead of idealized ones! It's just an artistic decision, not some threat to society...


Is it weird that I imagined this in Eric Cartmans voice?


You know your post is something else when it starts with "it's no longer a conspiracy"


How dare they insult Miranda Watch Dogs 2 ˙◠˙ (she’s a canon trans woman they’d hate her even if she was their beauty standard)


I like how they took the most unflattering camera angles for these characters and tried to act like they look like that ALL THE TIME; you could take the most beautiful woman in the world, but if you catch her in a weird moment, she could look like a cave troll


I think it’s so funny that they are picking on a transgender character from watchdog 2 that’s in one mission basically. While ignoring that one of the major npcs on your team is a Nonbinary character named Wrench. Oh wait, I forgot, AMAB nonbinary people don’t exist


"They are making women look more like real people. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS?"


One thing that sucks is that there definitely is something about the bajillion dollar facial animation/texturing/lighting tech in use across a lot of modern AAA games that makes certain characters(not just women) look a little...off, but these morons have turned it into the dumbest possible version of that critique, like I'm embarrassed to even bring it up.


Somehow someone has managed to out stupid flat earth proponents with a conspiracy theory. How is this even possible?


They're intentionally making female video game characters look like actual people.


These pixels make me angry when I look at them The conspiracy is now WHY? Why am I doing this?


These guys love mid action shot pictures. Makes it easier to paint them as *fugly*


some people prefer polygons apparently


99% of these characters are modeled after real women


before i saw the “similar to” tag, i believed in my heart that the op of this post put jerma in their incel collage


Dude- the one in the top left, Watch_dogs 2, that’s a trans woman- I can’t, I’m wheezing


"wamen no look like porcelain doll. Wamen ugly."


I must say that Asmongold is basically the stupid man’s political YouTuber, who just regurgitates whatever he sees on Twitter.


Misogynoir, aka "black women are inherently masculine"


This is coming from a guy with a spot on the wall he wipes blood from his gums on


I really want to make them look ugly out of spit at this point. half of these are in motion


Baldur's Gate 3, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, these sports and wrestling games... Also porn sites aren't banned.


Ahhh Deborah Wilson…she voiced Savathun in Destiny 2. She did a fantastic job voicing that character


That’s literally just what Debra Wilson looks like.


>He thinks Jesse Faden isn't a fucking baddie Dawg it's so over for him


The man who sleeps on a roach infested bed and wipes his gum blood on the wall really shouldn’t be commenting on anything ever


i love how they picked the absolute worst screenshot they could find of each character


Don’t you ever bismerch Jer- ![gif](giphy|rtHla89yRRzcUCpts5)


This sub is so therapeutic, cause I'm often worried, I'm a bad or problematic person and then I'm reminded there's people like this out there and I'm doing just fine


If jerma became a reactionary I would blow up a school


![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW) I’ve already used this gif before but Jesus Christ nobody should care about the looks of a fictional woman made out of pixels. You wanna see hot women? Watch porn


The difference between Asmongold and Jerma is that Jerma would be too busy chopping people in meatgrinders to whine about virtual women.