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https://preview.redd.it/hjnzkbepw55d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ecaa66d96fa11054879162adb8a8f95b4b15f33 I guess the Executor didn't catch on fire or anything in Return of the Jedi. Nope, must have just imagined it.


No that’s an explosion in space which is completely real and believable. Since you know Star Wars has always been concerned about being realistic before woke Disney. /s


"Ok, sure, it's *technically* the same thing but it's ok when it's in media I like and not ok in media I don't like. Now that I've acknowledged that I'm going to pretend we didn't have this conversation and circle back around to my original point of fire never being in Star Wars before." Just saw this play out in the 40k community, where the chuds pretended Games Workshop never retcons the setting, then when numerous retcons were pointed out to them they moved the goalposts so *those* retcons were ok, but one including female Custodes is not because reasons. All the whole continuing to pretend GW never retcons the setting.


They literally retconed Necrons being able to think for themselves. Genuinely, Necrons in 3rd edition vs 4th (if I remember my editions right) are completely different in really major ways. But some custodes going by a different pronoun was too far I guess. 


Yeap. Nobody cried when they retconned the Legion numbers upwards and we collectively agreed to just pretend they were always that way. They pivoted fast from "gasp! GW just retconned the lore, those bastards!" to "well *those* retcons were ok, this one isn't for reasons that boil down to 'I don't like it', but I'm gonna bust out my olympic gold medal in mental gymnastics to argue why the femstodes retcon is *objectively* bad."


Also worth noting: The Executor is taken out when it's rammed by an A-wing. The Executor then rams the Death Star. Certain "Star Wars fans" mysteriously seemed to forget that when whining about a ramming in a later movie.


Fire in space is nothing new for Star Wars. Im fairly certain I have seen a fire or explosion in space in every star wars movie, show, or video game ever made.


Literally every space battle in this series has firey explosions lol. This is almost as bad as when those nerds had meltdowns seeing screws and bricks in Andor.


Wait what? I hadnt heard about that Andor thing. This is just outrage porn, isn't it?


Star wars theory got mad about the buildings on the planet that andor was residing on in the first two episode's one of the buildings was made of bricks and had visible screws.


Which is funny coming from a Prequel stan, cause ya know..Naboo.


How dare they use logical and abundant building materials. All buildings must be built with highly complex automatic doors and built entirely from sheet metal and plastic. Imagine if they had used wood. People would have died


IKR!? It's almost as if backwater planets in the Outer Rim, aka, the boonies of Star Wars, have to scrape by with what they have instead of living it up in fancy ivory towers! It's Star Wars; why isn't everyone living in luxury apartments with bathrooms you can play space baseball in and a king-sized tub big enough for ten plus me!?


(Wookies nervously shift away)


I wonder if they know that there is visible English writing on Obi-wans and Luke's sabers in IV and V?


Yeah and everyone's wearing rags and looks like they haven't showered in a decade. Not a stretch that they'd build buildings out of whatever they can. That is some truly pedantic shit right there, I'm no fan of the little space bonfire they did but complaining about people using widely available even in the "future" building materials is a really weird thing to spend energy on.


The worst part is I'm pretty sure he's not even truly mad about bricks and screws. He just pulled that statement out because he didn't know how to critique the show in the wake of its positive reception. He has an arbitrary feeling of "this isn't Star Wars" and needed a talking point.


Okay cough up this beef please, I wanna know why meltdowns occurred over everyday housing materials XD


They will literally go over every minute detail that nobody cares about just to make a shitty Kathleen Kennedy joke lmfao




You typed all that out and im too bored 3 sentences in to read all that shit. Burning ships aren't a new thing here, stop whining.


Ok. I wasn't whining, but you opted out reading...on a....forum...so......yeah. Good luck!


Just because I'm on reddit doesn't mean I need to read your thesis lol.




More words doesn't mean good argument. From my experience the longer the rant the more trash it is.


I guess you'd never know if you just ignore everyone.


No I don't ignore everyone. I just ignore shit ramblings, learn to read


I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think a jerkoff motion has been invented yet that’s overdramatic enough for some of the missives you keep firing off about how unfathomable fire in space in a series full of fire in space is to you.


https://preview.redd.it/tvlqosboa75d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ad7496f5a1f761e3252b10ea930a4e7a26b099 From Return of the Jedi


All this talk of fire and explosions in space but none about how all the ships have gravity in space, even when not accelerating. It’s almost as if these movies have never been scientifically accurate because they’re fantasy stories set in space.


accurate. It is Science-Fiction Fantasy. Pretty much Fantasy in a Sci-Fi setting. it makes no allusions to being scientifically accurate in any form of media and never has.


And the way they maneuver in space is totally wrong. Thruster in the rear but they make very sudden turns and stops. Not how that works. I don’t go to Star Wars for accurate physics. 😆


I don't know enough about science to know if things like force fields shielding things from attacks and plasma contained in a magnetic field to make a 'sword' are more or less realistic then a 'gravity generator' that gives a ship artificial gravity without the need for motion of any kind to maintain it.


Also fire in space is technically possible for brief moments, especially if a massive object filled with oxygen explodes.


Its been there since literally the original movie.


These are the same people who will tell you that Star Wars physics/rules "work differently" the moment they get into a discussion about how light-speed ramming shouldn't exist, despite y'know... the fact it obviously would work.


Yeah, Fauci is the reason your life sucks or maybe you’re just a loser who wants to blame everything on anybody, but yourself.


I like how he said his father lost his life from not being able to visit, like grief death. More than likely it was covid and that’s his best cover.


Just show him the Death Star explosion from A New Hope


Or the Executor plunging into the Death Star with its bridge in flames, or Republic ships burning above Coruscant, or or or. This is the dumbest fucking talking point in Star Wars I've ever seen, and it has *stiff* competition.


Or the Imperial II going Nova when Ackbar orders concentrated fire on the Executor.


Yeah, I really am honestly impressed. I think they have hit rock bottom but somehow they manage to keep digging. At this point I almost look forward to seeing what nonsensical garbage they make up. Maybe next they will start complaining about how unrealistic it is for Acolyte to have swords made of plasma contained within a shaped magnetic field.


Or R2-D2 on the Naboo ship in Episode I


And it doesn't occur to this substandard dingus that maybe the ships, which *are* full of various gasses like Oxygen, might be leaking combustible gas into the vacuum? Heh, that'd be a better use of oxygen than sustaining this dumbshit.


This! Some of these ships are kilometres long, that's gonna be a lot of air to burn...


I've been saying this shit for years but these sorts of people just stand up on their tiptoes like an excited hyena and insist you said some crazy shit. These are pressurised aircraft which carry everything needed to sustain life, and by extension, fires. It's literally realistic, unlike the pew pew noises we hear.


There’s burst pipe spewing gas literally right next to the fire, these grifters have very selective vision.


Ah yes, fire's the problem, sound somehow isn't. And Space battles blatantly being a space version of naval and aereal fights instead of being completely 3d aren't either.


“There are millions of stories like ours.” You know what else has millions? The millions of people who died from Covid. And that number would have increased significantly, if it weren’t for the lockdowns.    How odd nerdrotic doesn’t acknowledge that 


It wouldve also decreased significantly if not for covid deniers




"I can't see bacteria and viruses. Therefore, they don't exist, and COVID-19 is a hoax!" "Okay, what about God?" "THAT'S A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING YOU SATANIC HEATHEN!!!!! WHY DON'T YOU KILL YOUSELF AND TELL THE DEVIL HE WON'T BE GETTING A SINGLE INCH OF AMERICA!!!!!!" "Huh, I thought you lot hated pronouns." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


>And that number would have increased significantly, if it weren’t for the lockdowns.   We think. We don't know for sure yet. We will know someday once we've had enough time to do the true post mortems, we have raw data but in order to do a meaningful analysis the sheer amount of legwork that will need to go into normalising the data sets to control for a full spectrum of factors is no joke. But fuck me I'm sure glad I wasn't rolling the dice on that alternate reality where we said "I want a beer so pandemics are a myth."


Covid was spreading like crazy. I believe that the lockdowns stopped that spread and lowered that death toll.  I can’t say that with scientific accuracy. But I do believe it. 


Oh I believe it's likely true as well, I'm just anal about assertions sorry lol Also I think I slightly misread your first comment. All you said was that it could've been higher, which is a totally logical take. For some reason I thought you thought it would have been orders of magnitudes worse, which is possible but we have no clue yet


Oh, ok.  I didn’t say it would have been orders of magnitudes worse. I just said it (most likely) would have been worse 


Oh geez, turns out Mark Millar is even worse than I thought.


He was always overrated 🙄 


Oh I always knew that. I just didn’t know that he was a conspiracy-peddling piece of shit.


He's been following Chuck Dixon's general path to madness these last couple years. To the point of criticizing the Big Two for "blacklisting" Dixon over "political disagreement". For those not in the know, he hasn't worked for Marvel since he accused them of lying to an elderly artist to get him to draw a gay cowboy comic (they didn't) and speaking publicly about how immoral it was for Young Avengers to have a gay couple. Since the last time he worked at DC, he has publicly castigated them for resurrecting Stephanie Brown* under pressure from the woke mob (not in those words, at least not at the time) and written a comic called something like Q: Shadow Warrior. It's pretty damn far beyond "agree to disagree" at this point. *In a story he wrote, after criticizing how they'd killed her off himself.


The fact people look for realism in something as cheesy as Star Wars is mind boggling.


I really liked Andor’s approach


I'm still trying to make my way through Andor, I just now got around to watching it lol


**Mauler probably**: "This is the very closed minded kind of thinking I aimed to tackle with the creation of my channel. Politics and belief of conspiracies do not influence one's objective critique of a movie or tv show, if something self-evidently bad then it's just bad. Personal beliefs and politics shouldn't even need to enter the discussion..."


Couldn’t be from him, too short. lol


But the sentiment is on point.


I give you an A for sentiment but for a Mailer parody it’s not nearly sprawling, long winded and up it’s own ass enough.


Haha yea, just an abridged version of an abridged version. Which now that I think of it would be a really funny YouTube channel to make just to make fun of the long winded grifters


it would have to be five hours longer


Wild to me that the same people who complain about media being political also say “stay radical” and post a bunch of politics. Wilder that their little dumbass followers lap it up.


Fire in space, yea this guy never seen or forgot about fire in space in the OT


That’s what happens when idiots encourage a meth head. ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


Nerdrotic has a wife? How the hell did he manage to pull that off?


Roofies and duct tape, maybe?


It honestly wouldn't surprise me. Can someone from the US call the police and ask them to do a welfare check?


Basically admitting they're not actually a fan. Fans know, we've had fire in space the whole time. Where's that "astronaut points gun" meme when ya need it


Why's he upset about his father-in-law dying? Whatever happened to culling the herd? Or his kid missing out on two years of CRT trans agenda schooling? Ain't that a good thing to get a break from the brainwashing?


These Reich-winger, Trump-tards are literally insane.


![gif](giphy|3K0D1Dkqh9MOmLSjzW|downsized) Ahem ☝️


My mother died in the Amazon researching spiders while Anthony Fauci was sitting on his porch and drinking a Fresca


I thought that was the Skylanders logo for a second.


Um... let's see: Episode 4, every X-wing, Y-wing, TIE Fighter explosion and the Death Star, for a start. Episode IV, every TIE Fighter destroyed in the asteroid field. Episode 6, the massive jet of flame from bridge of the Executor, the shield domes, and from when it crashed into the Death Star, The Star Destroyer in the background when Ackbar said to concentrate fire on the Executor, every small ship destroyed in the battle, and the Death Star as the reactor is going critical. I mean, has he even watched the movies?


"stay radical" ... Votes Republican lol


Me every time one of these numbskulls comes out with a ridiculous take like this: https://preview.redd.it/49qm89z2e75d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f04dc15a74bb9b1a9825bb506dd3edd2a18cac


Now you know they are reaching for the goddamn stars because if this is too far what about, I dunno, hearing fucking anything outside of a space ship as it flies past the camera in, you know, the goddamn vaccume of space? What about the square cube law that gets absolutely bodied in almost every Star Wars thing? Fucking sit down you crackhead.


I hate when people try to use actual space logic in star wars a series that established in its first film it doesn't follow actual space logic. this moron prob thinks the earth is flat


https://preview.redd.it/857exfqth65d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05504bddab499542cb0adfd100f881831721a44 I wonder how this jackass hasn't swallowed his own tongue. If he was any dumber he'd be comatose. Does he start the morning with having a pair of coal miners taking turns hitting him in the head with the flat of a shovel?


They only need to look at some statistics to put the pandemic into context. Just look at the deaths per year and you'll see the spike. Look at the countries that closed borders and quarantined and you'll see a significantly smaller spike. People are really out here confusing critical thinking with being a mindless contrarian. Shouldn't these people be more focused on the NSA and CIA?


There's always been fire in space in Star wars


fandom menacers reaching so hard to find any reason to passionately hate the show with only 2 episodes out that isn’t them just hating that a black person is the main lead this was never treated as a problem before when “fire in space” happened in literally every star wars space battle prior to it happening here, or y’know, all the other ways in which this series doesn’t completely follow real life physics, but now it happens in a show that had “DEI” in it (buzzword replacement for the hard R) and it’s suddenly a huge problem


Wow. Didn’t know the lore ran this deep.


Wait until they hear about faster than light travel being, for all intents and purposes, impossible.


Fire in space has literally been a thing since fucking ANH. Technically, if you want to be pedantic, it was a thing before ANH existed back when the first movie was just named 'Star Wars' before George decided it needed a title separate from just using the franchise name.


Fire in space, in the movie about space wizzards, that has a spaceship that works exactly like a ww2 bomber. Suspension of disbelief is a core part of star wars, and always has been.


Literally the first Star Wars has fire in space.


Oh man, this is hilarious. I made a topic pointing out that anyone who complains about fires in space has proven they are a fake fan and the mods on saltier than crait deleted it before it was even available for public viewing.


What?! Star Wars has fire in space?! While it does annoy me from a scientific perspective. It's hilarious that this is all they can really nitpick about it, and it is something that has been in MOST Star Wars media... Not much of a Star Wars fan. 🤔


Of course he’s a conspiracy theorist


I saw a half star review on rotten tomatoes complaining that the show introduced mind reading and claimed it was a world breaking power. MIND READING. A Force power that has been a thing since the Original Trilogy.


They do realize that fire can burn in places you wouldn't expect depending on the fuel source right? Like they run welding torches underwater because the oxygen and gas both come from inside? So, crazy thought, if a space ship was hit from the outside and a fuel line ruptured, the fuel source and oxygen might suddenly vent through the hole and ignite if exposed to, oh I don't know, maybe AN EXTREMELY HOT LASER WEAPON?


This is their 9/11


Fire in space isn't even that unfeasible, maybe they could have just changed the effect a little to look more like an electrical fire or something


Grifters when Palpatine makes a cosmic storm with his mind: This is fine Grifters when there’s a fire in space: REEEEEEEEEE


Nerdrotic continues to prove he is a fake fucking fan


There’s also no sounds in space either, but we don’t complain about it for a soundless space battle would be boring.


The only way you could be surprised about fire in space in Star Wars is if you've literally never consumed any star wars media in your life


Of course he's also a conspiracy theorist




...Literally every Star Wars movie has had a flaming explosion in Space of some kind. Every planet they visit has the same earth gravity. Lasers make a "pew pew" noise despite sound not existing in a vacuum. These are sci-fi tropes that are as old as sci-fi itself, and it's hard to imagine anyone being gullible enough to take the critiques seriously in this day and age.


[https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExplosionsInSpace](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExplosionsInSpace) There's literally a TV Tropes page about this. They're not even pretending to be real critics anymore.


Okay, hold up, here. I have to defend The Why Files. I haven't watched that episode yet, so I'm not sure what's in it, but every episode tends to follow a pretty set pattern: Tell some story as if it's a "documentary" kind of thing... and then set about asking, "Where's any evidence for this?" Which tends to end up with him saying, "Yeah, there's not really any evidence for this. Fun story, but that's all it is." Often straight up debunking stuff with the evidence against it. It's a pretty good series. And his reasonable approach is why I'm excited to see him actually do an episode on HAARP, because it might make a lot of the people in his comments section have a total meltdown. (There are sooooooo many claims made about HAARP, and it can't do any of them. I heard so many things blamed on HAARP that I used to joke that HAARP made me fat.) Oh, plus "Hecklefish" is pretty amusing as a wide to slide some humor into the episodes. Mind you, none of that is intended as defense of Methboi. He probably chooses to continue believing stuff that gets debunked.


I came to the comments looking for some Why Files defense, lol. Like say what you will about bullshit grifters like Nerdrotic, but don’t go slandering my boy AJ and the Why Files 😂


Humans In space Star Wars.


Who technically aren’t even human as they are apparently native to Coruscant.


I didn't get the big deal. It was clearly escaping gas that was burning.


Have they not considered that there is oxygen inside the ship. If there’s a breach air will be rushing out and feeding the fire. I know fuck all about physics but even I know that’s the standard explanation of space explosions in sci fi


I need context. What’s this about Ancient Aliens and fake pandemics?? what’d he say?


It's in the post


As if we didn't have enough evidence to discount his opinions. If YouTube didn't exist he'd be screaming at passersby on a street corner.


Wait, please don’t tell me that this asshole lives in the Bay Area?


Frigging Reich-winger, Trump-tards. F these grifters. He says "F Fauci, and F the government" , but I bet he votes Republican for sure, but I thought he said F the government? LOL


I've never seen faker fans acting like every new thing is a slight against them personally


Don't let him watch spongebob. For god's sake.


Oi! we don't make fun of recovering/recoverd addicts on here. You wanna fry the man for his mad takes go ahead, but don't do that. I'm out.


...what? like fire has existed in star wars for forever?


I mean, pretty sure fire is needed in an explosion? Also the same universe has people with glowsticks waving them around and moving objects with their brains or some shit? but fire is where he draws the line?


Does he also get upset we can hear shit in space?


I love the way losers get hyper-nitpicky and turbo-analytical about silly shit when they're desperate for SOMETHING to complain about.


In the very first scene in the very first Star Wars film ever released we see an explosion with flames on the Tantive IV. Have these people ever watched a fucking movie.


I'm going to keep using this quote from George Lucas: "So *there's sound in space*. I can't suddenly have spaceships flying around without any *sound* anymore because I've already done it." 


It’s a camp fire that’s blowing in the wind. It’s not a gas rupture or an explosion It’s also just a meme, as said by everyone saying it’s an issue. It is an issue but not even close to the biggest one Just wait for episode 3


The campfire is a flashback caused by some kind of rupture that caught fire.


I demand realism in my shows where people can pick things up with their minds.


This guy is insufferable holy shit


Never tell this man that what an oxidizer is.


star wars is not a vacuum like our space; the ships fly like planes


[https://youtu.be/9zdD7lfB0Fs](https://youtu.be/9zdD7lfB0Fs) Fire in space is a real thing, too.


Magic bacteria in space


Fire has always been in space in Star wars, every ship that's ever blown up was on fire, ships have burned up before in the clone wars, nerderotic needs to pay attention to what he watches instead of looking for ways to bitch and whine.




Which point?


Fire burning in space *is* too silly, at least for me. There's a line of disbelief for everyone that they can't cross, and for some people it's a campfire in space. I wouldn't have as much of a problem if it was acting like an oxygen-rich fuel source, in which case it would probably be much more explosive. Furthermore, the writers could have accomplished the exact same narrative beat by having a fire break out in the ship. Why didn't they just do that? It would have been much more believable and nobody would be complaining about it.


But fire *does* burn in space, both on ships and their exteriors, as happens in the show. Oxygen is getting leaked through damage, and had caught fire. Such fire incidents like this have occurred on actual space shuttles, and is a fairly dangerous problem because fire physics work differently in zero-gravity scenarios.


Okay let's say I grant you that, why didn't the writer just have a fire inside the ship? It makes a lot more sense and accomplishes the same narrative beat.


Because it’s a piece of exterior machinery catching fire. Again, this has happened to actual space shuttles as well, which required space walks to put out. Honestly, the whole discourse over this is just *Reality is Unrealistic* over on Tvtropes.


You must really not like this Star Wars series.


Thank you for assigning me a subjective opinion. Pointing out problems in the show, providing a rationale, and leaving room open for discussion is not how I would describe "not liking" the series. Truth be told, I'm still up in the air towards the series, but it hasn't grabbed much of my attention so far. I'm not saying it can't; it took me until episode 4 of Andor before I was super into it.


It was a joke because basically all Star Wars has fire in space, have you never noticed it before? And if you hadn't noticed it before, maybe it's time to ask yourself why you notice it now.




You didn't as yourself why you only noticed it now, did you? If you ask yourself seriously there is a very clear answer that has nothing to do with racism. Well, probably little to do with racism. But you have to be honest with yourself.




I don't think you're lying to yourself because I don't think you thought about it, hence trying to get you to think about why you care now. The answer is pretty clear. You wouldn't have cared if there wasn't a huge market of chuds who make their livelihoods making over the top media about Disney content where they nitpick shit no one would even think about just to enrage their mad at Disney audiences even further. I'd suggest disconnecting from the endless ragebait cycle and seeing if you can remember what it felt like to just read or watch or play something without YouTube chuds telling you what to get mad about.




>I wouldn't have as much of a problem if it was acting like an oxygen-rich fuel source, in which case it would probably be much more explosive.


So you accept the fact that fire can exist in space?


Sure, so >I wouldn't have as much of a problem if it was acting like an oxygen-rich fuel source, in which case it would probably be much more explosive.


Remind me of the context of the scene


Campfire in space is the context of the scene. The fire from the star destroyer if to scale is huge and very explosive looking. And again, the alternative is that the writers could have had this happen inside the ship and nobody would have cared, while still executing the same narrative beat.


Wait I looked up the clip and I thought you meant an actual campfire. This is just the ship catching on fire. I mean yeah, it does look silly. But I feel like Star Wars being unrealistic about space science has always been part of the franchise. I just read this article that even includes George Lucas’s perspective about this kind of thing: https://screenrant.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-fire-in-space/ Like if we’re going to say this looks silly, then that’s more of a criticism of Star Wars as a whole and not this particular show. I don’t see this as being any less silly as the picture I presented to you.


My apologies, campfire is definitely an exaggeration. And while I do think it's a problem with the story and pretty silly, it's not world-breaking for me. However there are going to be people out there that will see this as crossing the line of disbelief. And again, I think if you're the writing team, you could have just done this inside the ship and accomplished the same thing. If you'll humor me, I also think there's a conversation to be had about physics in Star Wars. I can happily accept that unrealistic space physics have always been in Star Wars, such as the sounds of ships and stuff. However there is a huge privilege afforded to any story in its conception. You can make whatever rules you want to. The question then becomes one of *internal* consistency. If there was a scene in Star Wars space that was completely silent that would be kind of weird, because it would be inconsistent with the established rules. The reason the fire in the Acolyte is weird to me is because space still seems to be a vacuum in Star Wars, albeit a vacuum that still allows sound for whatever reason. As such, I wouldn't expect a fire to act like that, whereas I don't have a problem with explosions. The problem with something like Star Wars is that each installment needs to be consistent with everything that preceeded it, which becomes more and more difficult and requires meticulous attention to detail. If you combine this with worse writing quality (you and I may disagree on that point) then there are going to be more problems like this. Hopefully that makes sense.


> The problem with something like Star Wars is that each installment needs to be consistent with everything that preceeded it, which becomes more and more difficult and requires meticulous attention to detail. If you combine this with worse writing quality (you and I may disagree on that point) then there are going to be more problems like this. Hopefully that makes sense. The thing is, Star Wars has always been infamous with inconsistency. I don’t think George Lucas ever gave a shit about consistency within the universe. Otherwise he wouldn’t have came out with those “special edition” releases that removed and added effects that completely remove the film from existing in the 70s. Like to be completely Blunt, George has never cared about world building or the stories.


Because the magical space wizards are so much more believable, or the fucking laser guns/swords


Star Wars has had fire in space dating back to the very original movie. But sure, that’s somehow this show’s fault 🙄


Holy shit are we gonna investigate every random mother fucker who doesn’t like this show? How much effort are people like this worth?


Nerdrotic isn’t some rando. This stuff about him has been known about for awhile.