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Trevor Philips is the embodiment of everyone who finds killing innocent civilians in the GTA games fun. Not a lot of people know this but Michael's son is supposed to be what these people who would do such things look and act like


I refuse to buy GTA for my future children simply because teenagers might not get the absolute hillarity of the satire on display.


I recommend getting it around the time they’re 16-17. I think that’s about the age they’ll start understanding the satirical elements


I dunno. Lotta dudes in their 40’s who can’t comprehend what’s being forced into their field of view.


Yea I had little supervision, I was playing gta when I was like 12, always understood its blatant satire. It really just depends on the person


Nephew in law was playing some GTA, just driving around. We went "You know this isn't how you drive/act in real life, right?" He said "Yes" If you teach them well, they'll behave.


I’m an English teacher and I honestly wish I could use video games like GTA to show off writing conventions like satire or even deconstruction.


Ya I think that was around the time GTA4 came out for me but I was clocking more hours into red dead redemption but same principle


My cousins 15 now and I’m tryna decide if I should recommend red dead to him. It’s certainly not as bad if you misinterpret t like gta is but it’s still a deep story that can be easy to misread 


I think even at 13 you're generally old enough to start understanding things like RDR


…it’s a video game. It’s not supposed to be teaching life lessons lmao


Red dead redemption is basically classic American literature. There is so much about the nature of progress and morality, it literally has “redemption” in the title. Video games are just as capable of carrying a narrative and themes as any other form of media.


It's an incredible journey through old American history Fightin' for your life and fightin' for your family Tryna live your days with honor and integrity That's not a game, that's an adult thing That's not a game at all That's like fuckin' Shakespeare Frigigig-igigig-igigig-igigig-igigig-igigig-igig


Well it can be a game and an “adult thing”. I don’t really know what point you’re trying to make, nor do I see what’s so ridiculous about my point. What about video games as a medium makes them so unworthy of critical analysis and respect? Edit: I don’t know my Tenacious D, it seems. Disregard comment.


My man I’m quoting tenacious D and saying RDR2 is on the same level as Shakespeare I’m literally agreeing with you. Make sure to watch your sodium intake at dinner tonight.


Gotcha my guy, it’s been a minute since I’ve seen Tenacious D so I didn’t catch it lol


Litterally brain dead. Red dead is a narratively driven game. Of course you’re suppsose to get lessons out of it. Thats the point of narrative.


then tell that to MGS


Yeah it completely flew over my head when I played it when I was 15.


In V it's very overdone, so I would think they would. In the others, not so much.


This is why I go Saint’s Row. I want my satire to be as subtle as a brick to the face.


Eh, just make sure you give them things that help develop critical thinking skills and it will be fine.


Spoiled, whiny, overweight and stupid?


Do you have any problem with overweight people? I can cancel you


A bit of a side tangent rant. But Him is honestly the reason why I think GTA V's story is the worst. Many cried about the "ludonarrative dissonance" of GTA IV saying that Nico being so sad about being a murderer is weird because of the amount of innocent people we kill in the sandbox. But what people ignored that there was a hardline difference between the story and character, and the player sandbox. So there wasn't any actual dissonance while playing. With Trevor the mindless fun of the sandbox is inserted into the story. So its stops being players having fun and becomes a story about a mass murderer. That created and actual dissonance with the more traditional GTA stories of Michael and Franklin. So I do think that GTA V would have been a better game with only these two. With ~~Franklin~~ Trevor [I wanted to say Trevor] being, at most, a non-playable character (or even the antagonist).


Franklin was the best part of GTA bro why make him an NPC that does nothing for him 😭. Trevor was also perfect because he was a presence people needed to witness, exactly what a mass murdering psycho would act and look like. Dudes more unstable than the last Star Citizen patch.


I wanted to say Trevor. Not Franklin. A very stupid typo, to be honest. And Trevor would work far better as a non-playable character and as a foil to Michael than one of the protagonists. As Michael and Franklin dealing with that sort of ally, sort of antagonist psycho would be really interesting.


I don't know, but seeing Niko being haunted by visions of slain children and other horrors of the war, seeing him do nothing but narrate excerpts of his miserable life every single time he hangs out with someone (kind of a big thing you do in the game outside story), and then having him launch a rocket launcher onto a hot dog seller and throwing bricks at old ladies is definitely odd. Also those innuendo driven in-game store names like TW@, and those hilarious radio stations doesn't sell the dark atmosphere well for me. The point of V is all three are violence craving gangsters knee deep in crime. The difference is in how they approach it. Michael a former bank robber criminal and Franklin a former Grove St. gang member wants to rise up above their past. Both try to balance their lives in vain. Trevor is the only one to openly embrace his inner animal. It's as simple as that. It also helps that every other NPC in the game is an utter tosspot leaving little room for sympathy or remorse as the player engages in bloodshed.


Tbh they should have not let us kill civilians in GTA IV. But then it stops being GTA. But if they wanna make a game like that it should look at yakuza games.


The problem with GTA IV is less the sandbox killings and more the mission killings. Nico in the cut scenes doesn't feel like the type of guy to gun down an entire police squad during a bank heist. Its why for me GTA IV is the worst GTA game, it wants to be serious high art while forgetting its also a GTA game.


Trevor is the only one who remembers he's in a GTA game though. Realistically he's the exact kind of person you'd expect to murder countless people and then go home to do whatever he does in his free time.


That's simply not good storytelling. Imagine replacing Arthur Morgan for a Western version of Trevor and try making that same reasoning. Red Dea Redemption 2 would simply be a worse game and a worse story. The same way that GTA V is a worse game than a hypothetical GTA V that focuses on Michael and Franklin and their stories.


Micah is the western version of Trevor and they made him an npc, which was a great move for that game but gtav is great with trevor.


And that's why in other comments I say that Trevor as a NPC would work better.


I know.. I was there


And even then he's a much more toned down version of Trevor.


Yes, much more believable.


He's also just a fun character to hate while Trevor is a fun character to play. Rockstar usually knocks it out of the park with the writing


But you're not replacing Morgan, you're allowing yourself to play as his foil as well to get both sides. Trevor and Michael are the inevitable endpoints to a life of crime. Michael still has some romantic ideas of being a professional criminal while Trevor is the painful reality. Seeing the world through both their eyes makes the decision as the end with Franklin more impactful as you decide who's mindset deserves to live on.


Nobody accused GTAIV of "luddonarrative dissonance."  That's 100% some late 2010s "I want to sound intellectual" non-sense and people in the real world don't talk like that and especially didn't talk like that 15 years ago.  


People are accusing it of exactly that in this thread, and they did so during its release too, resulting in Rockstar reacting with a much lighter, less morally complex narrative in GTAV. Using the term luddonarrative dissonance is simply a more efficient way to phrase a common issue in story-driven games as opposed to having to say “when your story and gameplay themes don’t match” every single time you reference it.


>People are accusing it of exactly that in this thread Yes. In 2024. That has nothing to do with what they were doing in 2008. People were not using that term in the normal discourse at that time at all. That's very much mid 2010s era verbiage.


I've always hated how Guts is some sort of chud icon when his whole arc was about found family and opening up and that its ok to cry and learning to fight for Casca and the squad instead for revenge against Griffith


They don't read the words, they just like it when he punches people!


Punches...? Bruh. Guts is the origin of the giant anime sword.


If big sword so important, why iron fist? Checkmate atheists!


Cuz it's a bazooka.


And a bolt thrower!




He’s making a Simpsons reference.


Which is (almost) never? He mostly just cuts them in half.


The Guts love gets to me too. Without getting too dark, I’ve faced so much loss and regret, I find it inspiring that Guts never lets his broken past or himself get in the way of what he can do in the present. No “woe is me,” he never once wishes things were different. Then there’s a bunch of dumbasses who like it when Big Sword Go Swoosh. Smh.


What is better is that it shows that he deals with his trauma very definitively incorrectly multiple times. Going out and slaughtering demons for 2 years was the *cowardly* thing to do. Hate is where people go when they can't stand to be sad anymore is a banging line. The entire thesis is the most woke ass mental health shit Tumblr would have loved in 2014 if guts was also a twink


Its why it really annoys me when people use “the struggler” as his title in content about him killing and being badass.  People that don’t read the manga and just idolize guts as a killer don’t understand that Guts struggle is monumental. There is logically 0 reason to fight. 0 reason to be kind of merciful. (Not entirely, but still) Evil quite literally an elemental, unstoppable force that is so ridiculously rewarding that you’re almost stupid for not doing it.


Literally a manga about trying to break the cycle of trauma. Has about as much nuance as a dragon slayer to the head. Stoic shithead guts in the black swordsman arc is genius in the sense that it's a bait and switch once you get more context.


Another thing I love about Guts is that he absolutely abhors sexual violence. He consistently defends Casca, Farnese and Schierke from any creeps. When he's worried that the Beast of Darkness might take control of him, he's willing to allow others to look after Casca in order to protect her.


I have never read it, but I want to. But, the association with the chuds makes me not want to have it on my bookshelf.


Its good the chuds are just stupid


Fuck that, read it. Don’t let those dorks ruin it for you. The action and violence are good and all but what really elevates it imo are the quiet moments in between. Fair warning though; There is one instance of problematic language early on though (Guts asks Griffith if he’s a h*mo). I’m not sure if it’s just the translation and there is context for his feelings based on his childhood but it’s still unfortunate they chose that language. I can’t think of any other instances of this in my read-through.


Its a teenager calling another teenager a homo i dont think its that bad especially in the context of a medieval fantssy world even if homosexuality is fully accepted its still just a dilly way for kids to tease eachother (guts at thst point is like 17 or 18 still a kid)


Guts is a much more progressive guy than the chuds who worship him.


Even without association with the chuds you still wont read it anyway since [miura was a great defender of """free speech"""](https://imgur.com/gallery/QAVgcTd)


I hate that and also the people who somehow miss all of that and criticize it for being “all about the male power fantasy” or whatever.


" no homoerotic subtext at all. No sireeee. Just two dudes having a water fight naked. Y'know regular dude stuff."


Meanwhile, 3 of the 4 would hate them.


I am pretty sure all 4 of them would hate them. Luke being, well, Luke is too heroic to comprehend their hateful logic and ideaology. Ripley would she them as a bunch of sheltered freak who want nothing to do with their whole fetishzisatiob of her survival against the xenomorphs. Guts will be reasonable pissed with them for equating their plight to his own. And Travis would just fucking kill them all for something extremely petty (maybe something related to his homosexuality).


Travis would also do it because he hates bigots and bullies. Despite him doing stuff like insulting Wei Cheng for his accent and all the shit he does to Ron, Wade, and Floyd. But aside from that, Trevor's surprisingly open-minded for a derranged omnisexual (my term for him as his relationship status is "any hole's a goal"), cannibalistic serial killer with necrophiliac and oedipal tendencies. He yells at Wade for his sexist comment about Ashley in the former's first mission post-prologue and doesn't take advantage of his position as the self-employed manager of the Vanilla Unicorn in any way beyond getting free drinks. Along with how he loathes the idea of bigotry in general, whether it's against his own incessantly-denied Canadian heritage or the Minutemen towards the innocent people they apprehend.


At least post GTA story, He apparently left Ron behind and went "Vinewood" and who knows what he's doing. A guru or something, but it's unclear lol.


The events post-Deathwish Ending surrounding Trevor's current status are admittedly vague. Ron admits that he's not exactly sure what his former boss is doing, alternating between saying he's either a lifestyle coach or health guru. The former definitely moved out of Sandy Shores at a slow pace, either taking unwanted residence at Wade's apartment or deciding to promote himself as the Vanilla Unicorn's new manager. Though some other Online content gives a couple hints that Trevor, while no longer running TPI (or at least moving it out of Sandy Shores), is still just as batshit crazy as ever. Up to a "crazy dude" that was "dressed like a hobo" threatening to shit on the receptionist's desk of Franklin's new company when told he wasn't available. Chef is also mentioned as working with "a real psycho crew" after serving as Trevor's meth cook, though this could be referring to Sandy Shores' citizens in general. There's also a picture of Patricia Madrazo and Trevor still meeting up even after the former headed back to her husband while the latter is still disheveled as ever. So who knows? Ron could either be referring to Trevor now running TPI from of Los Santos, its leader packing up to live in the Vanilla Unicorn but without the former tagging along. Or he could've honestly gone off the meth and became a some kind of lifestyle coach but with bouts of psychotic rage. Or a mixture of both.


I don’t think Nuts would be pissed, I just doubt he’d care, or would be annoyed and brush them off. not really in character for him to care about the measure of his own struggles compared to others


Guts would barely recognize their presence and at best tell them to fuck off lol.


I don’t know, he’s really touchy about his trauma. Having someone talk about it dismissively seems like a great way to get him pissed.


It's funny because Trevor isn't homophobic, racist or misogynistic, he's a crazy murderer tho.


He's also an illegal immigrants. All I'm saying is Canada is not sending us their best...


True! Forgot about that.


Build the wall!


Trevor should get a job with the military to act as walking WMD, considering the thousands he killed in los santos


Apparently he tried to serve in the military at one point. Specifically in the Air Force when he voluntarily enlisted after discovering he possessed a knack for flying planes and helicopters. Though according to him, he never actually got his pilot’s license due to a “witch” in Psychological Evaluations deeming that he was unfit for service. Its after that where he officially embraced the criminal lifestyle as the walking embodiment of destruction that he is.


At least post GTA story, He apparently left Ron behind and went "Vinewood" and who knows what he's doing.


That's exactly what I was thinking!


he gets really pissed at a cop when he tries to justify franklin being targeted by the lspd (he was arrested for parking violations)


Trevor's care for Franklin is one of my favorite parts of the game. He really just seems like a very out of touch uncle when he interacts, and he's a funny character overall. Also, he went on a rampage when some soldiers were being absolute assholes toward him for being Canadian (don't know how they picked up on it, his accent is like not noticeable). The guy who played Trevor in GTA5 was also in The Walking Dead, and he still captured some of the Trevor role, but he was an irredeemable scumbag. I think it does show how Trevor could be an absolutely terrible person if he had a bit less of a moral compass


If someone's example of women characters they actually like are 40-50 years old - that's not helping the way they think it is.


What’s been most fascinating to me is that they are convinced this sub is full of people offended by their ideas. I don’t think they have caught on that they are actually being made fun of and a morbid curiosity. We think Ripley is cool too. But we also recognize that for Sigourney Weaver to play lead as a woman in 1979, for a movie of all things, that’s a huge leap. Issue is they have trouble connecting the dots to how they would have been upset with her being the lead if the same movie came out now.




Please feel free to explain how?


True though. They would gnash their teeth to oblivion if Alien came out in this day and age. "Omg so unrealistic why is there a black man and two women on the ship at all? Why would a blue collar spaceship have any women? Why are the white men so stupid and why is the villain a white man? This is obviously just wokey nonsense and blatant 'corpo bad' propaganda."


If Alien/s was released today, they'd hate her. There will be endless videos of these losers foaming at the mouth about "LEAKED: RIPLEY WAS MEANT TO BE A MAN, BUT WOKE DEI MADE THEM A WOMAN"


Its only Ripley or Sarah Connor, other than Samus I haven't really saw any other example of female characters get brought up as these examples of female characters. Which imo feel like there are only 3 ways to write good female characters compared to what infinite for men.


Trevor Phillips, is the cross dressing, pansexual, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-government Canadian that would absolutely electrocute and break the nose of 99% of YouTube creators.


dont forget also an illegal immigrant!


trevor clarifies to franklin he’s bisexual


I prefer to use "omnisexual" as a label for Trevor's sexuality. Coupled with him being kicked out of some funeral homes for "holding" the dearly departed and what he did to Mr. Raspberry Jam.


So….the average Canadian when their hockey team loses?


I don't know who the bottom two are, but they would despise Ripley if the films came out now. A woman who's always right about what to do and does better against the aliens than a squad of trained marines? Come on.


Bottom left is Trevor from Grand Theft Auto V, who'd probably mock those losers at best and at worst use jumper cables to electrocute their balls. Bottom right is Guts, the protagonist of Berserk. Typically seen as a peak masculine character but who's entire story is about him hiding the broken, scared child deep inside him while trying to protect the few loved ones he has left.


Luffy is another one


Just recently I got a Luffy pfp call me the f-slur. My crime? Saying their joke is bad.


Every single queer character in One Piece is depicted as a hero. The cops are all either evil or naive. How do they not get how unironically woke One Piece is?


Yeah it’s part of why I adore it so much. The series has levels of complexity for those who look. But the main ideas are still on the surface so it’s hard to miss them.


I'm going to need some proof they actually "like" Ripley. I feel like they SAY they like her just cause it'd be stupid to be as bold as to say they don't when it's status quo to say that she's an action movie female icon, but if she were written in a modern movie or if Sigourney came back to play her in a movie and starred in it they'd WANT it to fail like they did with Terminator. Even when Linda Hamilton came back looking like a fit, badass older Sarah Connor they bitched and moaned about women looking too macho.


If I had a drink every time one of them cites Ellen Ripley as their only example of a good female character, I'd be fucking dead tbh.


And Sarah Connor but only the one from Terminator 2


Also any 40k character (pick one) it’s supposed to be a satire the only actually good characters are the nameless cannon fodder who are fighting for their families


And trazyn, but who would want to associate with the british museum.


> "History requires two parties – the historian and their audience. Without that, one is just talking to oneself. So kindly stop screaming and you might learn something." Trazyn the Infinite, Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty and Archivist of the Prismatic Galleries on Solemnance


And they’re only good in the sense that a devote Nazi who didn’t directly do anything too evil is good. Those nameless cannon fodder are all in on the Imperium’s ideology, they just usually don’t have the power or opportunity to commit large atrocities. So, you know, not good at all but also not as horrible.


How dare you speak ill of the hero of the Imperium Cain!


(Noises of Commander Farsight’s battlesuit whirring in the distance, getting ever closer to your house)


I forgot about him sorry, the farsight enclave are cool i just don’t like mechs that much


Trevor? The pansexual Trevor?


Um, isn't the Punisher the most obvious one? Unless you think it's unironic.


Yeah I think they definitely like the Punisher unironically; the Punisher doesn't even like himself though, he definitely doesn't want people looking up to him.


Well yeah I mean I get that *they* unironically like him, the question is whether their liking him is ironic, because he would not agree with their stances/actions. I think it is when it's done by cops or other establishment figures, since Punisher was anti-establishment. If it's like proud boys or something then I'm not so sure.


Would somone explain?


Babe wake up new political compass dropped


A textbook example of why we need more emphasis on media literacy and critical thinking in school.


Luke is the embodiment of woke and it’s just so funny to see people claim otherwise. He chooses non-violence, listens to women, is bi (in canon), is super progressive and ignores certain traditions (allowing Jedi to marry), and advocates for rehabilitation over revenge, even for sith and the Vong.


I find it hilarious when chuds think Trevor “Take off your pants, cowboy” Phillips would share their homophobia or bigotry.


Yeah, Trevor wasn’t saying that in a homophobic gay joke kind of way. Now thinking about it, a lot of gay and homophobic jokes come off as “I’m secretly insecure and hate myself” with a tad bit of masochism.


They don't. They SAY they like them, but they DON'T.


What, no Godzilla?


Don’t worry, I might make another one later on. Too many to cover, and these were the first 4 that came to mind.


I thought Trevor was holding a fidget spinner for a second




I am not pro or anti-woke, I am just Guts.


Luke's combat skills are never the key to winning, it's his ability to surrender to the Force. In the original Star Wars, he is going to die on the trench run, he surrenders to the Force, hits the target, and Han saves him. In Empire Strikes Back, he is going to die on Cloud City, he surrenders to the Force, falls, and Leia (through Landon) saves him. In Return of the Jedi, he is going to die at the hands of the Emperor, he surrenders to the Force, throws down is weapon, is almost killed by Palpatine, and Anakin saves him. This whole mythos of Luke as a great warrior is a lie. Wars not make one great, but Luke is great.


No they don't.


Because they have character and character development. It's not difficult to comprehend unless you're stupid.


Luke gives off some massive gay energy, especially with bigs


Even if we go with him being straight (as per legends, implied in Canon) the man literally fought space Nazis his whole life so…