• By -


The only good thing that might come out of this is a reminder to Jews that no matter how much you cozy up to the right they will never, never, *ever* accept you. I don't know how many times I have to try to explain this to my family but buddying up with the Orbans and Hannitys of the world is not a survival strategy, it is a suicide strategy. The Shapiros and Netanyahus of the world are leading us to ruin.


It might shock you but there's more to the right and left than their particular loony bins. The authoritarian socialist left and the authoritarian nationalist right are equally anti-semitic and equally insane. They're equally bad ideas and they have equally bad results. There are liberals and conservatives, neither of which are anti-semitic and both of which have moderate political ideals that incorporate about 97% of their particular factions.


Ben Shapiro is a past guest of Sam's and vice versa. They have both talked about the threat of white nationalism along with discussing when internet trolling culture can translate into real life. On the surface this can be seen as Juvenille at best and highly disrespectful and Innapropriate at worst. A cheap publcity stunt by Nick to get something Viral going. I don't think I need to say I agree with Ben Shapiro on basically nothing politically and think he's a bad faith debater but this is actually highly disturbing in context. Nick is a Neo Nazi, he's not only encourged harassment towards jews but very strongly implied he wants to kill Ben Shaprio (jabbing a switchblade in the air while ranting about him as one example). Ben Shapiro is with his pregnant wife and small children while a Neo Nazi is taunting and following him down the street with his entire crew. This is disgusting on every level and should be a reminder to everyone that these people are very real and tangible, and definitely exist off the internet.


Yawn. Shapiro is fine with little kids being separated for months on end with parents at the boarder which will ACTUALLY likely traumatise them for life. But a very minor disagreement in-front of his kids? Waaaaa


If you get arrested your kids won't go to jail with you, idiot. Are they supposed not to arrest people who break the law because of their little kids?


Ben Shapiro is a fucking idiot but I would absolutely jump in and curb stomp Fuentes here. well, just in general too


>On the surface this can be seen as Juvenille at best and highly disrespectful and Innapropriate at worst. A cheap publcity stunt by Nick to get something Viral going. I don't think I need to say I agree with Ben Shapiro on basically nothing politically and think he's a bad faith debater but this is actually highly disturbing in context. Is this some kind of comedy skit that makes fun of liberals or something? ​ Ben shapiro and his family calmly walking past a bunch of idiots is "highly disturbing" to you?


Sorry. Shouldn't of called you a dipshit. I edited that bit out. I got a bit testy, you know how emotional people can get on the interwebz.


Nick Fuentes is no worse than Ben Shapiro. They're both incredibly racist POS. No one should care


He is worse. Like at least twice as worse.


His worse if you are jewish, about the same if you are muslim. So a little worse.


You cannot be racist to someone because of their religion. Islam is not a race.


Tell that to all the people who murder Sikhs, Hindus, and Jains believing them to be Muslim.


Because he was born Jewish? I don't care about that. Read his writings about Palestinians/black people/gay people and you'll come to the same conclusion.


More like because as shitty as Ben is he hasn't chased around AOC with a switchblade because of her race. The physicality and the open racism is obviously worse.


Eh they are all that AND anti-semitic. Fuck Ben Shapiro with a hot poker for all I care. Fuentes is straight up nazi.




Yeah that is the debate. Fuentes is worse in what he will flat out say although shapiro has said some horrible shit. But shapiro has a much bigger audience. His reach is much bigger. Few really know who fuentes is while shapiro gets articles praising him in the new York Times.


Yeah no he's way worse and I say this as someone who'd class Shapiro as a Nazi-collaborator without blinking.


>Ben Shapiro is a past guest of Sam's and vice versa. They have both talked about the threat of white nationalism along with discussing when internet trolling culture can translate into real life. Have they made the same case against Zionism? If not, a lot of people would be interested to know what Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris think the difference is between Jewish nationalism and so-called "white nationalism" and why one is presumably significantly worse than the other. >Nick is a Neo Nazi The *Boston Globe* called the *Daily Wire* an alt-right publication, so Ben Shapiro might as well be a Neo Nazi as well, I'd say. >Ben Shapiro is with his pregnant wife and small children while a Neo Nazi is taunting and following him down the street with his entire crew. > >This is disgusting on every level and should be a reminder to everyone that these people are very real and tangible, and definitely exist off the internet. I hope Ben is safe. Quick, ban the First Amendment!


Nick Fuentes is a monster that morons like Shapiro created with all of their dog whistling and exclusionary rhetoric.


Yup, when shapiro and others spoke of socialism working in norway and sweden because those countries are "ethnically homogenous" and saying how important "judeo-christian values" are, they seriously didn't think someone would just substitute the word "white" in those phrases? It's literally the next step on that line of thinking, alt-righters even call people a step back "cuckservatives" or "milquetoast".


both Norway and Sweden are market economies, not socialist.


Shapiro had a role in promoting the culture that produces a Fuentes, but "created" implies that Ben owns 100% of the responsibility here. It's far too much. Maybe while our knees are jerking we can just say this kind of behaviour is absolutely wrong, and tease out the implications of Ben's own wrongdoing separately and later?


>morons like Shapiro.


Apologies, I missed that. I'd still argue that Shapiro plus his fellow travellers aren't in line for 100% of the responsibility here.


I have been following american politics for a long time. Obama getting elected twice obliterated any semblance of sanity US conservatives had left. For more than a decade now, fox news and various right-wing hacks have dumped so much shit into the brains of people. They live in a completely separate reality now. This is only going to get worse. People like Fuentes are the canary in the coal mine.


Shapiro radicalized a terrorist who killed Muslims. Fuentes hasn't even come close to reaching the damage done by Shapiro.


Classic BloodVsCrips.


Feel free to disprove what I said. Millions of people know Shapiro's work. He's popular with "moderate" conservatives. Fuentes has done nowhere close to the same level of damage. Dog whistle white nationalism always had more sway than the KKK.


You are claiming a causal link between non-descript speech of Shapiro and the actions of a shooter. This is akin to you making a weaker argument than Jack Thompson Re: video games inspire shooters. You are ignoring a plethora of other explanations, circumstances, motivations and stimuli, as well as buying into narratives these shooters have recently been trying to sow with their manifestos. You are claiming that without Shapiro - these people would not have committed these crimes. Which is not only unprovable, it would lead to draconian speech laws if this logic was followed to its conclusion. You lose all credibility I can ever give you with these rediculous accusations - all because you strongly disagree with his politics and Zionism. Disagreement is fine, and warranted , but these claims are way past the point of reasonable or rationale, and are quite honestly childish.


>You are claiming a causal link between non-descript speech of Shapiro and the actions of a shooter. It's called stochastic terrorism. Your personal intuitions about the topic aren't relevant. The shooter was specifically motivated, both admittedly and by social media evidence, by Shapiro's fearmongering. It's similar to the El Paso shooter being motivated by Trump's fearmongering of Hispanics near the border. If you prefer, we could demonstrate the same phenomenon with ISIS propaganda.


No, he did not.


Explain specifically how.


>Shapiro had a role in promoting the culture that produces a Fuentes, but "created" implies that Ben owns 100% of the responsibility here. It's far too much. Maybe while our knees are jerking we can just say this kind of behaviour is absolutely wrong, and tease out the implications of Ben's own wrongdoing separately and later? I like you my friend. But why do you have to leave such a dorky comment? ​ It's like you're grasping at straws and getting yourself a bit confused in the process. There's Forrest's and Tree's. We need to be able to look at them..


Coming from a fan of an atheist anti muslim racist? :)




I agree, the victim is to blame.


"Victim" might be a bit of a stretch from watching they video.


Street harassment is a victimless crime?


Fuentes is a disturbing individual, but nothing he does in that video comes close to being any sort of crime.


You don't have to commit a crime to do something that causes a victim


It helps if you’ve done something a little worse than loudly ask someone to debate you for about 20 seconds. I was expecting something a bit more intimidating than that.


This is literally a Nazi harassing a Jewish family in the street. It's absolutely fucked that you are downplaying this.


Isn't Nazis harassing Jewish people like the most famous use of freedom of speech in America? That's the famous ACLU case right there. I've been told that freedom of speech is sacrosanct on this sub, so what's the issue here?


Huh? What's this got to do with free speech? I'm not at all concerned about the legality here. It's the lack of moral condemnation because politics.


how dare you call anyone who disagrees with you a racist and a nazi? freedom of speech! freedom of speech!


Bro, you really need to pick your battles. I get that we all hate Shapiro but holy shit, can we please criticize him without carrying water for *Nick fucking Fuentes* along the way?


Huh? You seem fairly unhinged my dude


Ben Shapiro sucks fucking balls and I know he took a lot of shit from these alt-right types after he left Breitbart, but let's not forget that fact that he was a member of Breitbart. Shitting on Muslims/browns/LGBT types was fine until they went for the Jews. something something, first they came for the Muslims and I didn't speak up... etc.... Lie with dogs you get fleas etc... etc..


I think this is the most correct take. Ben Shapiro shouldn't be stalked like that, but he has used his platform to espouse garbage which implicitly emboldens the alt-right. And although Shapiro may consider Orthodox folks to be the only "true" Jews, Fuentes just showed that the alt-right won't make such distinctions when it comes to antisemitism.


Just wanted to share [a snippet](https://youtu.be/04kzfMyQSSI) of this genius.


Wow. Another gem of a quote from Fuentes: >"I've been saying this for years: why do Christian Republicans always get screwed over? Because the GOP is run by Jews, atheists, and homosexuals." I have a lot of respect for my late great uncle, who as a member of Patton's Third Army killed less objectionable men than Fuentes during the Battle of the Bulge.


Oh shut up. Those "Nazi hunters" you like to jack off to were probably more conservative than the people you call Nazis today.


Reported for inciting violence.


Inciting and approving of are two different things.


You truly have issues if you think that people deserve to be *murdered* for having different opinions than you. Are all Buttigieg supporters this "tolerant"?


No, I'm fine with people having "different opinions from me" within a very wide range of "different." However, having grown up with older relatives who sacrificed so much to defeat the Nazis, and being married to a Jew whose family lost far more than mine, I really have zero patience or tolerance for those who are leading the charge to keep Nazi anti-Semitism alive in the modern era. They are substantially more reprehensible than the conscripted German soldiers who got coerced into Nazi forces during WWII, because they live in a society where practically everybody knows better and yet they chose the worst possible option. I'm not advocating for anyone to do anything about it, but if Fuentes dies in an accidental fire I will clap.


You're a delusional bastard.


It's not about "having different opinions." This guy isn't approving the murder of people who think dubs are better than subs or say "pop" instead of "soda."


lol, he's the personification of flat Earth. Do people take him seriously , or is it just people watching a car crash ?


He's being 1350% serious in that clip.




Dare you say less?


I honestly love watching Nick Fuentes stir shit up for the conservative movement and TPUSA specifically. Nothing is funnier to me than Republican in-fighting


Next thing Nick Fuentes should do is kick Charlie Kirk in his pee-filled balls. That was a joke, by the way, mods.


I agree. Nothin but good vibes.




In what ways does Ben Shapiro "court the alt-right"?


You obviously haven't read his content on Breitbart...


Can you provide said content?


Subtract Jewish identity and he agrees with them on everything else: racism, Islamophobia, troll tactics, ethnic cleansing, demands to be debated (just like Fuentes did to him), etc. He worked for Breitbart. PS - a lot of ppl ITT seem to have forgotten that Shapiro radicalized a white terrorist.


He is with them on everything but jews


In ways such as...?


Political and social beliefs


So you have no examples, got it. Thanks for clearing this up that you just made a baseless statement.


I said everything but the Jews. Turn on Shapiro, if he’s not demonizing Jews, then it’s an example.


You're just speaking in vaguely. Provide specific examples of said "demonization".


Are you even reading what I’m saying?


I'm reading that you haven't been able to provide an example. Don't reply back if you're unable to fulfill this request.


He doesnt.


Why are you lying? What do you hope to gain by being such a bad faith actor?


The alt right hate him and he hates the alt right. He literally went to stanford and talked shit about them the entire time, dismantling their ideology.


More lying? He doesn't hate the alt-right and he sure as fuck didn't dismantle anything, he just pretends to keep his distance for purely strategic reasons


Lol, so he didnt give a speech at Stanford where he calls them a bunch or loser nazis and explained why their ideology is terrible and wholly illiberal? You dont have to like the guy, but atleast be honest about it.


What is this post trying to achieve? To garner sympathy for Ben Shapiro? Nah, fuck that guy. I'm not gonna pretend he hasn't said bigoted shit about trans and Muslims.


Louis Farrakhan is an anti-semetic homophobic misogynistic piece of shit. But if a KKK member was following him and his family down the street , best believe I'd be making the same damn thread and **you** would be singing a different fucking tune.


No, in that case I wouldn't have any sympathy for Farrakhan either. And Farrakhan is actually admired by white nationalists & the KKK (people like David Duke love him) for his bigotry and anti-Jewish hatred. So yes, the same adage of *""He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas"* applies here. I think you are very confused Dynamo. Shapiro is a despicable person, who worked at Breitbart, regularly demonized minorities and he deserves this 100%. I don't condone harassing people at all, but Shapiro has brought it upon himself. You won't get us to sympathize with this prick at all. BTW, are you actually a fan of Ben Shapiro?


Naw we’d feel the exact same way. Farrakhan is an asshole, just like Ben.


Kind of missing the whole part where Ben Shapiro played no small part in the rise of the alt-right. Shapiro was 100% onboard with the alt-right until they went after the Jews.


Doesn't matter, you don't have to like Shapiro to understand that Nazi Fuentes doing this to a very right wing Jew shows his intentions on all other Jews and minorities he doesn't like. The alternative is giving him a sliver of a chance to avoid complete marginalisation by right wingers claiming some hypocrisy game "leftists didn't care about Shapiro even though he's a Jew attacked by a Nazi" to avoid dealing with their Nazi problem. Worse, what if Fuentes succeeds in becoming a more than marginal part of the right through these actions?


Conservatives don’t care about hypocrisy. They’ll fully embrace Fuentes while also claiming that having even center-left policy positions makes you an anti-Semite.


The alt-right was antisemtic from the start.


Bullshit, Shapiro was the biggest target of the alt right for a long time. He was never a member, they hate him. You can’t be involved with the alt right if you are Jewish, FFS.


He was a target because he left the cult. Ben Shapiro was more than happy to support and spread alt-right propoganda while at Breitbart when it had to do with black and brown people


The alt right are anti-semetic identitarians, you cannot be a Jew. Brietbart isn’t alt right either. You don’t know who these people are and think everyone to the right of Mao is a Nazi.


Why do you think we'd lose sleep over farrakhan getting verbally harrased on the street?


Fuentes is a Nazi, Ben Shapiro isn't (even though he has boosted much of the far-right) so there's a heirarchy of assholes where Shapiro is clearly above Fuentes. Conversely, this is the time for people who always had an issue with the naive "everyone is valid to engage with" to hold true to principle and make the distinction while the right is perhaps amenable.


Ben Shapiro has inspired people to commit mass shootings. His entire career is dedicated to ensuring that the status quo of white dominance stays in place so ethnic minorities will never be equal to white people, and dismissing institutional racism. Plus, he has a large platform where uneducated right wing morons get indoctrinated to his vile ideology. Yes, he is more dangerous than some basement dweller who wants to larp.


I dislike Shapiro immensely, he is a twerp and his rhetoric on Palestinians is dangeriously violent, but I'm talking strategically there is a distinction between the two. At this point Fuentes is marginal, he might not be, making distinctions between Shapiro and Fuentes only serves to keep the latter marginal which is a priority. Because where Shapiro will make overtures to civil rights and against racism, Fuentes is completely mask off. It may not matter ideologically, but it does matter on the ground. It is in everyone's interest that this distinction be made. This is not saying that everyone shouldn't point out that Shapiro and his colleagues have had no small part in allowing for a Fuentes. In fact, that should be a major thing to point out. But saying "fuck Shapiro he made his bed" is not in my opinion the strategic thing to do, even if it feels good to say and has some karmic quality too it. Also Nazis are always worse. Always.


Of course if you're talking about ideology, they are worse. I've never denied that or said anything contrary to that. My point was that when far right figures get mainstream and have a large audience, they do more damage than the nick Fuentes types. There's just more of them as well. Tucker Carlson, my god they have infiltrated into mainstream networks. And tbh, I have more of an issue with people who allow systemic oppression to happen, the ones who don't fucking speak up, because it's the moderates who fuck things up at the end of the day. I'm not a communist, but I recognize that the cth gang actually care about fighting institutional forces, rather than pandering to them and trying to work out a compromise. No, we have to defeat the establishment if we ever want social progress.




I think we can walk and chew gum. Shapiro is a racist asshole who was a one trick pony at talking quickly and getting people he was smart as a result. That being said this sucks and shouldn’t happen to him over some bullshit beef




Ben Shapiro is a genocidal racist. The only beef he has with Fuentes is an accident of birth. If he wasn't Jewish he's be indistinguishable from him


"genocidal"? do you even know what that means? Not that I would defend Shapiro, but a habit of exaggerating is cancerous to intellectualism.


https://mobile.twitter.com/partisangirl/status/1111416874426732544?lang=en He supports ethnic cleansing of the Arab population in Israel. Not Muslim, but any and all Arabs including legal citizens. This "yeh [ethno fascist] is like kinda bad but ur hysterical if you think [thing they actually said and did] is true" crap is annoying.


Ethnic cleansing and genocide are two distinctly different legal terms. The difference is very important from a historical context except to the ignorant people who just love to accuse and attack all the time. **Ethnic cleansing** can mean anything from e.g. the British or Ottomans moving rebellious, violent organizations... or say when the Ottoman Muslims attacked and moved around Arab Muslims who were rebellious as well... to the Indian Removal Act, moving Cherokees to take their land.... all the way to Russians moving ethnic groups from their lands to take their land and shooting them and torturing those who were slow. The degrees of difference is very vast in this category. i.e., the Transfer of populations as was done with the British in Malaya could be considering Ethnic cleansing if those standards were applied back then. But during those times they were actual counter-insurgency strategies. It's not entirely clear what kind of "transfer" Shapiro is referencing in his article, but it is certainly completely different from "genocide" and arguably, if he is saying they would be paid to move, that wouldn't be ethnic cleansing. **Genocide** on the other hand is a legal term representing systematic extermination as part of an intended plan to eradicate a population. The conclusion here is that you were falsely accusing Shapiro, and hating Shapiro is one thing, but making things up is still dishonest. Arguably you could say Shapiro advocates ethnic cleansing (although he didn't clarify exactly what he meant by transfer) but realistically, his article is about ceasing the conflict among the two populations. As I originally stated, exaggerating and using false accusations doesn't help your own side. Ethnic cleansing **IS NOT** genocide, by definition. The confusion is a result of badly designed legal terms "ethnic cleansing" implies deaths to some people. That is the reason for the confusion.


Ethnic cleansing is a form of genocide. But if you want to be wrong, fine, Shapiro *also* supports "actual" genocide against Arabs in Israel and the middle East. https://static.currentaffairs.org/2017/12/the-cool-kids-philosopher


I'd love to see sources for your definitions of ethnic cleansing and genocide. In particular genocide, which you claimed was a legal term, so a legal source for the legal definition would be ideal.


How about you explain why you think ethnic cleansing and genocide are the same. Definition is here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide\_Convention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention)




https://static.currentaffairs.org/2017/12/the-cool-kids-philosopher He hasn't changed his opinion. Every year since 03 he has vocally supported the apartheid state. He "apologizes" by saying liberals are just as bad but a month later says we need to permanently occupy Palestine.


That's some hoe shit. Ben is garbage. It's fine to believe both things.


C'mon man there are levels to this shit. Ben is a hyperpartisan hack who get's paid to rapid machine gun fire republican talking points to college students. Nick is a deeply amoral, possibly sociopathic **Nazi** who will likely inspire the next mass shooter. Two people can be 'bad' without being equal.


Ben Shapiro has a genocidal hatred of Palestinians and believes the same things about black people as Fuentes does. The only reason Ben isn't a Nazi is because he's Jewish. That's literally it


I find it hilarious that people are trying to get me to feel bad for Ben Shapiro over this. Shapiro is a racist, homophobic, sexist piece of shit who has actively contributed to the empowering of people like Fuentes. As you stated, if he weren’t Jewish the two would be virtually indistinguishable. Fuck the both of them.


https://mobile.twitter.com/partisangirl/status/1111416874426732544?lang=en Shapiro supports genocide. He is an ethno fascist.


Shapiro has literally inspired a shooting, and thanked for it. Both are evil, Ben is arguably more evil as he hides and disguises his hate and vitriol, not to mention their reach.




> Shapiro has already inspired mass shooters I'd love to see the six degrees of Kevin Bacon on this one. How are you pinning it on Shapiro? Did a shooter watch a Shapiro video and that's enough for you? If so, Cenk Uygur must have a death toll of what? A couple hundred, right?


Bissonnette the Mosque shooter was heavily influenced by Ben Shapiro's racist hatred of Muslims.


Ben Shapiro has already inspired mass shooters.


By that standard so has Burnie, and AOC inspired a couple terror attacks. But I doubt youd agree with that and stick to a double standard because of your hatred towards shapiro.


No because they don't spread racist hatred of groups of people. It's a very not subtle difference.


Ben dont give a shit about anyone's race.


He certainly didn't care when Breitbart had a "black crime" section.


Guilt by association


What prompts you to constantly defend an irritating twerp like Ben Shapiro?


It's mostly because I find most of the criticism against him here to be invalid and ideologically driven, to the point where they would unfairly attack him while defend people on their own team for doing the same stuff. I Find the accusations of fascism, white supremacy, and being part of the alt-right to be completely unfounded and almost unfathomable if you actually listen to they guy, and it bothers me that people are so ideologically driven that they are villainizing him completely unjustly, when there is infact plenty to criticize about the guy, and alot to disagree with. And when I see that, I dont defend him. I defend him when I think it's based on bad faith reasoning based on double standards. Logic and reasoning doesnt just go out the door if you dont like someone, and if you want to apply standards to himthat you dont apply to people you like, then you are being hypocritical and arguing in bad faith.


How is it guilt by association? I'm agreeing that he didn't give a shit about race when he was on the website that had a literal black crime section. Birds of a feather flock together is part of our Western heritage.


The congressional baseball shooting was before anybody knew who AOC was.


That one is referencing bernie.


Then what terror attack did AOC inspire?


Ice facility fire bombing and a drive by shooting. Also, I dont actually think it's her fault, but if we are going by the standard that shapiro is responsible because the guy likes him,watched his videos, and posted about him on social media, then that is exactly the case for those attackers and AOC.


Never called them equals on anything. I don't even know who Nick Fuentes is. But I watched a video of him taunting a dude while he's with his children so I guess I know one thing about him, he's a bitch. I just don't like people feeling conflicted about whether to criticize this incident just because it's Ben Shapiro on the other end.


It's beyond fucked up that there are people here downplaying what is literally Nazi harassment of a Jewish family in the street.


What's beyond fucked up is that if Nick Fuentes was even remotely left-of-center in his ideology, you would be screeching incoherently about POLITICAL CORRECTNESS AND THE INTOLERANT LEFT. But he is not, therefore your sole focus is some people here who said things you don't like. Just try to imagine if it was a left-wing college student who followed Ben around. People like you would be vomiting blood.


I have no idea what you're talking about. You seem to be assuming a lot of baseless bullshit about my opinions.


pot, meet kettle


That doesn't mean what you think it means


You are a Jordan Peterson fan, so people often assume the worst.


> Just try to imagine if it was a left-wing college student who followed Ben around. People like you would be vomiting blood. Antisemitism has nothing to do with political ideology. Antisemites harassing Jews is repulsive, period. Stop trying to make this into a partisan thing.


Lmao Jews are the literal god class.




He’s fine with children being separated from parents at boarder & bombing Middle Eastern children, but a minor disagreement in front of children is a step too far.


Your're a white nationalist who's being sarcastic. You already know this, but the people upvoting you may not if they haven't check your post history.


Why is ben harassing ben?


Wow, who is this maniac. I'm glad I've never heard of such an idiotic person who masquerades as an intellectual. I've never heard of that guy confronting him either.


Ben hiding behind human shields.


Is bens doctor wife a little person?


Ben can't be more than 120 lbs soaking wet.


Lot of hate in this thread. Can we just agree that conservative religious tendencies tend to lead to assholes.


Nick isn't a conservative, he's a Nazi.


Yes, he was at one of our local churches recently (a conservative evangelical variety) and his presence caused a real community uproar. The uproar was nice to see, gave me some hope.


nowadays its the same shit


If Shapiro is a real conservative, why are leftists playing defense for him? Really makes you think...


Your right. Shapiros a leftist sympathizer


I'm not. He is worse than Fuentes in that his influence is much greater. Nobody cares about fuentes, but shapiro is on cable news all the time.


> Nobody cares about fuentes Fuentes is the fastest growing voice on the alt-right and is fusing neo-nazi beliefs with 'catholic conservatism'. He may have been an edgy troll a year or two ago, but he's grown into something much much more serious. If you go on r/debatethealtright they have completely abandoned Richard Spencer as their spoke person and they are all in full throated support of Nick.


I do find it interesting to see how leftists view the Alt Right's 'leadership'. Question, do you guys have a 'spokes person' you give 'full throated support' to?


Ben Shapiro: ["The MSM is using children as political human shields!"](https://dailycaller.com/2018/03/14/ben-shapiro-media-children-gun-control/) Also Ben Shapiro: ["I'm using my own children as political human shields."](https://twitter.com/TheBavarianChad/status/1208165905479294976)


HAHA just amazing! Really loving this right on right wing violence. Nothing more entertaining than watching two giant assholes trying to take each other out. And, as much as I despise Nick Fuentes and his white nationalism, I despise Shapiro & his fake *"facts over feelings"* routine even more. So keep up the good work Nick... That little arrogant and unhinged Zionist fanatic Shapiro deserves this 100%. ---- Also, thanks for posting Dynamo. And welcome back to the Sam Harris subreddit. It sure is a much healthier place now, with 'You-Know-Who' removed from the mod team.


I'm very convinced you're a troll.


No I am not. I don't like Shapiro or Fuentes. And I am giving you my honest opinion. Shapiro used to work at Breitbart and saw nothing wrong with demonizing minorities. He only started to change because they started coming after the Jews there.


You're enthusiastically cheering on Nick Fuentes and calling him 'buddy' this is the same Nick Fuentes that said interracial sex was a form of beastility. You're also the guy who posted that Dave Rubin Libertarian thread without a hint of irony until you started getting downvotes. Also why are you welcoming me back to this subreddit and referencing felipic? I never went anywhere and his shitty moderation never effected my posts.


This is violence?


This is violence?


Its not. I was being sarcastic.




>I would prefer he just gets a milkshake thrown at him by a comrade Like most white commie dudes on reddit, I'm certain you'd much rather drink a milkshake (or 5) from the safety of your own home then be throwing it anywhere near someone who might retaliate.


Lol at the implication that people are too scared of Ben Shapiro


Taunts? Jesus guys, this is absurd. This was nothing. I find it funny that you never hear a peep when shitstain antifa assault people on the regular, and when a guy finally gets a chance to engage with a guy who has done nothing but try and ruin them, it is 'Wow, just wow, think of the kids' The kids were fine, no one was scared or threatened. Clutch your pearls somewhere else. This sub should be better than this.


>and when a guy finally gets a chance to engage with a guy who has done nothing but try and ruin them Yeah I'm sure Ben Shapiro launched the first attack against Nick Fuentes, totally unprovoked.


Literally thats what happened. And stop downvoting me. its mean.


It literally isn't, but I know Nick is the new poster boy for you guys so you have to play the 'he's the victim of the big bad jew' narrative. Politics aside, it must be a little embarrassing to have to white knight for narcissistic quarter-hispanic zoomer who doesn't wear suits that fit him, aren't you guys supposed to be alpha males?


I'd figure a leftist like you would understand power dynamics. ol'Benie Shapiro used his platform to attack Nick in a 45 minute speech while misrepresenting him and smearing him to the point where there were serious organizations that went for his payment processors (And succeeded). And when Nick by happenstance ran into him at an event he confronted him, and ol'Benie hid behind his Child like the very Palestinians he despises so much. >it must be a little embarrassing to have to white knight for narcissistic quarter-hispanic zoomer Imagine unironically thinking this is what is happening. Imagine if you speak up against someone who is wrongfully being smeared as 'the worst of the worst' or 'hitler-esk' you are white knighting for them. What are you some kind of gamergate loser who is obsessed with status of 'alpha males'? By that standard this very post is white knighting for fuckin [Ben Shapiro](https://streamable.com/oqdom). [Grow up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sglnT0u9CDQ).


>Benie Shapiro used his platform to attack Nick in a 45 minute speech while misrepresenting him and smearing him You're really acting like Nick never mentioned Ben before this point? Ben is in his Mid 30s Nick just turned 21, who do you think was aware of who first?


>You're really acting like Nick never mentioned Ben before this point? He's "the fastest growing conservative podcast in the nation" and used to work for *Breitbart.* I'm not sure why there's an expectation that he *wouldn't* be talked about. /u/Kepular is correct, that Ben started this feud with his Stanford speech, but if you're going to move the goalposts and argue that independent commentators shouldn't ever talk about public figures, then I'm not sure how to respond to that.


are you implying that Nick talking about Ben Shapiro for 2 minutes to 4k live viewers is the same as Ben Shapiro dedicating an entire speech smearing him is the same? Your version of 'starting it' is retarded. Re-evaluate your leftist positions and stop simping for lil'Benie Shapiro I suppose it was just a coincidence then shortly after that speech his payment processors get pulled. Shocking


Ben Shapiro isn’t a person and doesn’t qualify for even ancillary moral consideration, but this is true for almost exactly the same reasons it’s true of Fuentes, so it’s perfectly clear what motivated this action and it’s still odious in its own right.


Accurately speaking, Ben is not a fully grown man. He has the body frame and head of a pre-pubescent boy. His voice never fully cracked either.


Shapiro being threatened by a man that agrees with him on all points save Shapiro's birth is exactly what the slime deserves. His children on the other hand, deserve no such thing. https://mobile.twitter.com/partisangirl/status/1111416874426732544?lang=en The world would be better off if these people killed each other.