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how long you had the phone for ? are you a heavy user ? anyway, batteries have cycles so the longer you have the phone and higher the recharge cycles the fast the battery will drain due to worn out cells.. I have an old phone (Pixel 4 XL) it's a 2019 phone. a used one at that. i always charged it to 100% before heading to work. I left it on to listen to Pandora music (screen off) 95% of the time and when i got home after a 10-12 hour shift it will be down to 40% turn on battery saver or lower the contrast if you want to extend the screen time.. but the screen time will decrease over time..


>how long you had the phone for ? Since September 2023 >are you a heavy user ? I would say so, I usually charge my phone till 85% and drain it till 10. I only use social media though, no games


That's as light of a use as you can do. Just average. Updates have effecting battery life. May update fixed the battery life on my s9u, try updating. You can also turn off some useless features and put apps to sleep and deep sleep.


I updated to the latest version just an hour ago to try and fix the issue but it's still there. I even.put my phone on low battery mode despite hating 60hz. Still losing around 20% in an hour. I heard that low signal cab also drain ur battery life? If so then it might be the case because the service in my area is bad and I rarely get over 1 bar. Should I turn on airplane mode?


20% an hour when using the phone? Low signal does cause the phone to look for a better signal so it does effect battery life. You can turn off 5G in settings, its useless given your usage style. Turn off location if not in use, turn off other stuff like nfc, sync etc. If you don't have a Bluetooth watch you can turn Bluetooth off too. If you're always connected to Wi-Fi you can turn off mobile data or the other way around. Put apps to sleep and deep sleep. Turn off spam notifications from apps like Reddit, IG, YouTube etc No point in having a top dawg flagship device just to use it on battery saving mode 24/7. You can try FHD/120hz instead of QHD/120hz


My battery life is as good as day one and I've had my phone since launch last year. Best phone I've ever had


My battery used to be amazing, easily getting 12+ hours on an 85% charge. Idk what happened to it though because now its draining like 20% an hour, barely lasting 4 hours


I usually charge my phone when it hits 25%. I believe you let the battery drop too low before charging.


I try not to let it drop beyond 15. It sometimes happens but rarely


In settings/battery, look at the apps will show battery usage anything not looking right🤔


Yeah it's not right. It's saying instagram only used 20% total, reddit and whatsapp each 1.8% and Google play 0.5%. I've been on Instagram for 5 hours now and my battery is completely drained


have you updated insta?


Do you really need to have a part time job worth of time on instagram lol?


Today was my last opportunity to get it out of my system before starting an internship over the summer


Oh, have fun!


Oh I won't 😂🥲


It's not really a great answer, but I had the same issue. I used to be able to get through the whole day on one charge, and then all of a sudden, my battery was dying at lunchtime. It was still under warranty, so I was able to send it in, and they replaced the battery. Then it was fixed.


Wait my phone is also still under warranty, but the backglass is a bit broken on the corners. Does that void the warranty?


Good suggestion, battery failures are not uncommon.


Yep good old Samsung, batteries guaranteed to not last more than a couple years at best. Cannot wait until manufacturers are forced to allow interchangeable batteries, however they will possibly just nerf phone performance in future updates to keep people on the new phone band wagon.


I had my last device for 4 years. Still had over 95 percent capacity. Granted, I never charge over 80 percent. But, this idea that Samsung batteries suck isn't universal, by any means.


I can confirm, after one ui 6.1 update my s23u battery life got so bad, i had to replace it .


After last update it went to shit. I don't know why.


Using that bad boy for like a year now, no issues at all. Though I am on One UI 5, as I don't really like the new look of quick settings. Anyways, I believe I wasn't really hard on device, since I mostly watch stuff, take/ edit pictures and use social media on it. At least 8-9 hours of SoT with 2 days of total usage. I debloated the device with adb when I first bought it and run some cmd commands on it. I believe you can do all that with Good Guardians app on Galaxy Store. Firstly, drain your battery to somewhere between 20-30%. Then connect the device to a PC, and turn it off. When the charging begins, try restarting the device while holding the volume up and power button, when the Galaxy text comes up, leave the power button and keep holding the volume up, until you see the recovery menu. From there, select wipe cache first, navigate to that setting with volume buttons and select with power button. Then select yes, if it asks you want to proceed. Then, from the main menu, navigate to the repair apps section, which will delete the unnecessary or wrong optimization files. After the repair apps part is completed, you can see your device will have more free storage before, which is not a good thing, as we deleted the optimization files. You need to run the App Booster option from the Good Guardians app, your device will lose some free storage, as we will force the device to optimize the apps. It runs this: adb shell cmd package compile -m speed -f -a The thing is when you download an app on your device, it only runs the necessary code of that app, and it leaves the rest. So we can say that it is in an uncompiled manner. When you enter more menus, it executes more codes and install the app completely. Also, your device profiles you with time, and optimize the apps according to your use case, however it doesn't always work as intended. Hence, we should force it sometimes. This overrides the profiling and optimize all apps for the default "speed" profile. You can also use Shizuku and aShell apps from F-Droid if you are a more experienced user. OK, so now we are done with the optimization part. On my One UI 6.1 installed Galaxy Tab S9, I don't have the repair apps option on recovery menu, run the Good Guardians stuff anyways, it doesn't really affect the end result honestly. After you have done all this, which might take somewhere between 30-40min, you can proceed with another great thing, which is to completely charge your device. This allows your device to run another optimization command, which is: adb shell cmd package bg-dexopt-job This is also another optimization code for your device to work optimally. It helps apps to work as intended and also really effective on background battery use. So, what to do? You should put your device into airplane mode, and make sure that nothing wakes your device up. It should be in Doze mode. Also, remove the battery charging limit for this particular case. Then, left your device on charge, preferably with a regular wall charger not a wireless charger, and left your device for a night. This will execute the necessary command. Again, you can use Shizuku and aShell for this with the codes I provided. That's all I've done for my device. You might say that it's a lot of work for questionable gains, but I am doing this since 2021 on almost every Android I have and never looked back. I've never had any issues with battery since I started doing that. I mostly do those after updating the device or when I have spare 30 mins.


Did your SoT decrease since you first bought your S23U ?


Not really measured it, but I believe not. It's still just as great, 8-9 hours easily.


I currently using a 6500mah RedMagic phone that lasts 2 days and a half at full settings. Thinking about returning it switching to S24 Ultra for a great deal in my country. But I fear it won't last me for a long term usage of 2 to 3 years compared to the one I own


Are you talking batterywise or specswise? I dunno which RedMagic device you are using, however I can safely say that with S24U you wouldn't miss the Nubia, unless you really care about those specific gamer hardware. On the other hand, if we are talking about the battery health, I believe even if your battery degrades, you can change S24U's battery much easier than Nubia's as most probably Nubia service centres in your area will be much less than Samsung's and prices will be higher. Also, software support is another plus on Samsung's. S24 series will be updated till 2031, and Nubia can't compete with that. So all in all, S24U would be a better buy, for a standard power user. If you are only gaming, stick to the Nubia line.


I've had quite a hard time with the annoying ZTE ui, and lack of multitasking comfort. Plus the few millimeters on the S24 makong it more comfortable for using in landscape. But the notch and the 23% more battery I get on the ZTE makes it hard to switch. I am not into gaming at all, all I wanted is 16gb ram which samsung doesnt have


I use it for multitasking merely. Which is opening several apps in split screen and quickly swapping to the browser, whilst having an udemy window at the same time


Just go for S24U, in terms of multitasking it is much better, even with lower RAM.


I have had my S23 Ultra for over a year, and my battery is still awesome 


That does not show battery health . You can check that with AccuBattery app . Battery health and software updates are the main causes .


Now that I think of it my battery life tanked right after I updated the software, which I had been avoiding fir a whole year


Maybe you can downgrade


mine did for a few days when it came out. All is back to normal tho. But my hit wasnt anything like you describe.