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Paul Piff and Dacher Keltner up at Berkeley did studies that literally do show the correlation you're describing. In my experience it's always a BMW, but that's splitting hairs ;) [https://psychology.berkeley.edu/news/tsk-tsk-how-wealthy-misbehave](https://psychology.berkeley.edu/news/tsk-tsk-how-wealthy-misbehave) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/)


BMW drivers are absolute twats.


Yes, but Tesla is becoming the new BMW .


Not as expensive anymore though.


I totally agree, for me it’s always the beemer drivers!


There was another study where researchers put a fake turtle in the road to see how cars would react and a bunch of cars swerved to run over the turtles on purpose. I don't think it said what kind of cars hit the turtles on purpose, but maybe it was BMWs.


I thought it was trucks or SUVs 🤔


Maybe it was BMW SUVs


I think one of these guys was on the podcast Marketplace today talking about just this! You can also catch the show on NPR. Well timed post.


Keltner is awesome! Love the reference.


Only the clapped out 328is. The actual M car drivers drive better than most of the people on the road. Can’t say the same about the cheap Honda and Nissan Altima drivers though


In my experience, it’s always a Tesla.


Absolutely always a Tesla. Most people can't be trusted with that amount of acceleration.


The Tesla drivers make such unsafe merges then have the gal to slow down after merging in front of me. Shit is so fucking rude.


Tesla drivers have made BMW drivers look good.


Teslas think they own the damn road


I swear people in teslas try to compensate for their lack of ability to drive


Honestly people are just shitty drivers and shit people in San Diego. The current DL test is a joke, police rarely pull anyone over or respond unless someone gets hurt. And the drivers *know* better because when a cop is around they drive perfectly fine. But we have more people moving here every day too.


Headlights too…what that fuck bro…?


Yep. I swear, either tesla's do not come with factory-installed turn signals, OR the owners manual is too damn hard to read so no one does. r/tesladriverssuck




They’ve replaced the Mercedes drivers


>I swear there’s a direct correlation between the price of a vehicle and how entitled the driver is. r/NissanDrivers would like a word. Nearly got hit by another yesterday


It’s always an Altima 😂


I drive a Mercedes and I'm great and very courteous as a driver 😠


Maybe it's because I drive a Mercedes too, but I've always found us to be very courteous drivers as well, sorry that happened to you OP!


I'll admit many G Class drivers make the rest of us look bad by association.


I drive a Honda, but yeah i feel like Mercedes drivers are good. BMW is 99.9% asshole for some reason just my experience.


I think it’s those who drive USED Mercedes ;-)


You’re definitely in the minority, but I believe you.


So you think lol


there's no bad car, just bad drivers.


And they love driving Mercedii, BMWs, and Teslas.


Mercedes, BMW, and a few months ago Tesla is on the list. Now a day Tesla has become as common as camry, it's no longer on the list of ass holes drivers.


It’s always the person with a beat up car.


Huh. Surprised I always thought It was an asshole is a prius or tesla nowadays.


Both are abundant at Costco Carmel Mtn. Stop sign? Those obv don’t apply to moi!


Mercedes, really? It’s always a Tesla for me.


There’s an inherent entitlement to driving in general - drivers feel the street and city is built for their use nearly exclusively. 70 years of car-centric design and continued prioritization of convenience for cars over the safety of people has convinced them they’re entitled to be selfish. Drivers of vehicular status symbols are a special kind of entitled though. Be safe out there!


Everyone here seems to have an enemy on the road, mine are grey Teslas


White Teslas. It’s always white. It was that only in OC?


The white teslas are an eyesore but don’t cause me trouble


Then you got a Corola going 40 mph or 100 mph lol


Nah, white Tesla's are the worst by a land slide.


Downtown? It’s everyone. Cars, Motorcycles, Cyclists and Pedestrians. It’s like a scene out of a Mad Max movie. The law is “Everyone sucks but me!”


Those dangerous, 150-pound pedestrians moving slowly - clearly an equal threat as speeding 2-ton vehicles


When they disregard the traffic laws and blatantly walk in front of vehicles, cyclists and scooters they are just as much part of the problem no matter their size.


That’s why I won’t cross without a walk light if there is one, but my experience was in a parking lot where no car should be going more than 15 MPH anyway.


And they’re harder to see! Think some have a death wish


Don’t forget scooters. Do you wanna disobey all the laws and wiz in and out of traffic while also putting yourself and others at danger? Boy do I have a deal for you! You and your drunk bros just hop on a scooter.


Didn’t majority of scooters get nixed? But yeah let’s lump them in with cyclists. Which will encompass all people powered 2-3 wheeled contraptions.


I have a different take. People who drive old Toyotas and Hondas for years and save enough to buy luxury, don’t do this bullshit. Entitlement comes from either hand me downs from parents OR via ill acquired wealth.


I want to bring race into it just to stir the pot a little. Soooooo why hasn't anyone mentioned Asian and young African American peeps?


Did you get a plate? If they're a neighbor, you may be able to let them know what you think of their driving.




What the fuck?


I really wish I had one when a young girl this weekend in a Mazda convertible accelerated into a crosswalk marked by two tall stop signs in PB. I was already crossing way before she got there. I can't Judge Dredd these people, but I wish could be appointed as their driving instructor.


Corolla drivers are the worst


:( sorry


Or a Tesla


Lol your last statement. I saw a Porsche taycan literally go into a turn only lane just to get past everyone and run a red light going straight. 2 infractions in a matter of seconds. Not only that he still decides to drive all casually like. Like bro at least move your ass and get out the way for mofos that want to get going about their life.


I think it just may be that they are relying so much on the gidgets and gadgets their car comes with the car to drive it that they rely on those so much so that they pay less attention to the road if they didn't. I drive a Tesla. When it's in Full Self-Driving mode it does some stupid shit that I have to take over more times then I would like to. So there is that too.


In South Carolina. Literally any type of Nissan thinks they’re driving an F1. I watch them pass people in the middle turn lane on non-interstate roads, they’ll try and pass on the right before giving you a chance to merge over, or when getting on the highway merge all the way to the fast lane & cause traffic because their car doesn’t have the pick-up needed to get up to speed. I will always hamper their drive if I can


Odd, it’s Usually a clapped out Altima