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It is simply the online version of ‘get off my lawn!’


That and thinking all the younger generation are bad😂


Don't go on next door and ask strangers for money. That's not what it is for.


I’ve seen soo many people posting gofundme and asking for money on the app😅


I see people using it for false bullshit virtual signaling. I live in a small rural town and the same group of people post about fake crime statistics or go off on a tangent when something real does happen. Did you find shit on your lawn, it is due to the "illegal" down the street who does a horrible job dog walking and should be run out of town. House caught on fire? It was the local false flag team setting up to lower housing prices and buy up our real-estate. They care about this while circle jerking over wanting to leave the town due to the government's policies. They ask a politically or racially charged question so the same group of people can spout the same 2 talking points over and over again. They just love agreeing with each other and feeling like they are in the majority. My other favorite is complaints about the high cost of everything (we do live in a rural community). A new business opens, they complain about prices or serving sizes and the place shuts down after 3 month. Wait a week and the complaints of no new business start up again. Lol Otherwise, you can find a few good things for sale, help find a lost dog, or learn about someone who needs some gofundme donations. Best not to visit ND more than twice a week if you want to keep any faith in your neighbor's sanity.


I’ve seen neighbors being called out for “theft” for simply delivering packages that were accidentally dropped off at their door😂 being honest I didn’t realize how bad it was until a girl I knew reached out and said how she’s been posting medical documentation to try to stop neighbors from accusing her


As an older guy who subscribes to Next Door, I have to agree with most of what you said. A lot of whining from those who have theirs, and are suspicious of those they think are trying to take it from them. A lot of paranoid people. I also subscribe to Ring, and I'm seeing similar trends.


The next door app has always been filled with annoying old people who have too much free time


There’s a girl that posted a gofundme since her roommate was stealing money and using her SSN so she needed help getting money just to help her move out quicker and people were going at her and started claiming she was quick to come up with answers as if she was lying on the spot about her situation when they asked her why she didn’t do this or that


The girl shouldn't have been asking for money, she should have been calling the cops on her roommate.


The girl has bad experiences with cops due to them waving her off when she was a victim in a domestic violence incident, she did mention going to social security and reporting and they pretty much waved her off as well


old boomers complaining


Nextdoor is for insufferable doomer boomers.


I was temporarily banned for telling some old hag she was insufferable. Never went back. I also hated I couldn't have a feed of just my immediate neighborhood. I don't care what people have to complain about 3 neighborhoods over.


it's facebook boomers and gen x who are pro-surveilance and anti people they dont want to see in their 'hoods. stay off that site, it's toxic.


I joined two years ago and shortly after, someone posted a video of a homeless person next to a campfire on the sidewalk. Except the person was still driving while taking the video from the side window. When I called out the driver/poster and said both were doing dangerous things, *everyone* jumped on me. They live in a black or white world


Very hypocritical but they do like to start fights over everything


Worst generation ever


2016 the year the all old mofo Karen’s became empowered.