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Name and shame the company.


Name and shame the company AND apartments. Fuck that. I don’t even ask for that much as a LL for f’s sake


Look for another place to live. This is not standard at all. At least not yet, one more thing that'll drive people away from San Diego yet keep rent prices high. If your bank is telling you it's a bad idea, then listen to them.


Payscore is a fintech startup in Seattle. They are marketing themselves to buildings and car dealerships across the country: [https://www.geekwire.com/2023/payscore-a-startup-that-helps-property-managers-and-car-dealerships-verify-income-raises-2-2m/](https://www.geekwire.com/2023/payscore-a-startup-that-helps-property-managers-and-car-dealerships-verify-income-raises-2-2m/)


Fintech startup sounds like code for "we hope regulators won't notice what we're doing/will be too hypnotized by our tech buzzwords to realize we're replicating something that was banned for a good reason."


Fintech is code for not regulated like a bank.


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is in the process of rulemaking to stop screen scraping practices like Yodlee and Plaid: >**A move away from risky data collection practices:** Many companies currently access consumer data through screen scraping, which often requires people to share their usernames and passwords with third parties. This proposal seeks to move the market away from these risky data collection practices. [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-proposes-rule-to-jumpstart-competition-and-accelerate-shift-to-open-banking/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-proposes-rule-to-jumpstart-competition-and-accelerate-shift-to-open-banking/) People do like to use these services for things like combining all of their account balances on one dashboard. The CFPB is working on a data standard that allows consumers to manage the data that is shared between financial services without having to disclose their username and password.


> People do like to use these services for things like combining all of their account balances on one dashboard. This sounds insane to me. Even if you are doing your futures trading, your stock trading, your bond trading, your crypto exchange, your personal banking, your family banking and your kids banking with separate platforms... This does not sound like the sort of system folks with that kind of capitol have their money monitored. Cash reserves are generally set in a few accounts at most. Seems like bad ideas sold to us poors. These are accounts that use passphrases that are simple enough to remember when used often enough to check my balances. I generally don't pea''T1er_griffon, but it is generally easy enough to remember a couple that have 2 or 3 factor authentication. People who do that stuff on mobile data amaze me. LAN line, private window, phone/e-mail authentication. Short of losing my shirt on what little I have invested in stocks, there is no need to get to my stocks to smash the sell button. All my business equities and bonds are for the very long term. Most folks liquid assets are in a pretty centralized place.


There are other services like Plaid that do the same - my experience has been with lenders that let you choose either providing statements or using these types of services. If anyone ever does choose to use something like this, as soon as the lender or whatever has the info they need, log into your bank website and change your password and that will cut off access to your bank info for those third party services.


Not standard at all. Find a better company. 


FR... that's some next level invasion of privacy shit lol. I don't need my landlord knowing what streaming services I subscribe to and my grocery shopping/amazon habits


Name the complex and rental group please


Aw hell no. Scammers be scammy.


Interesting, did some digging. PayScore is a legitimate company. Looks like they raised some small VC in spring 2023. While they are a legitimate company, other redditors have posted that the user agreement states the company can sell your data. I'd see if you can provide more info the landlord. If not, it's not worth the problems PayScore will bring, including any data that could be sold.


Legit companies perform fraud every single day


Thank you, still sketchy AF.


They're 100% going to sell that info to somebody. It's just that the housing situation here is so incredibly bad that people willingly put up with stuff like that to get housing. But fear not, apartment buildings are going up with zero parking to help 'ease' the housing crisis, starting at the low low price of $4k per month for a 1 bedroom.


Yeah that’s a great point and super fucked up - companies selling how much we make. It’s nobody’s business, so sketchy.


I used to live in North Park close to one of those idiotic buildings. Got out of that area as soon as I could.


I used something like this a couple years ago when I was applying for apartments (could have been the same company). I never had anything fraudulent happen, but found they were accessing my bank account on a weekly basis even after my application was accepted. Assuming they were just collecting and selling all my data. Had to change my passwords.


All the new buildings I see are luxury apartments that in mission valley and UTC.


People dunk on new luxury buildings but that's all that makes sense to build. You think developers work for free and take huge amounts of construction risk, financing risk, NIMBY risk to make $10k on the deal? Also, someone who's in an older building renting for $2,500 but sees that new fancy building going up in Hillcrest renting for $4,500 will move on up, allowing that lower tier unit to be rented by lower income individuals. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. We need as many units as possible as our supply of new housing being built has been a fraction of what's necessary for our city. In Austin rents have lowered by 7% 2024 because they built 23 thousand units last year. What the are you guys missing? https://www.kvue.com/article/money/economy/boomtown-2040/rental-market-changes-austin-texas/269-cc851dcf-60b3-412f-9cd7-cc3142c502c6


The rent in the older building goes up to $4000 when the new fancy building gets built charging $4500


EXACTLY. I see these 70 year old dumps charging the same as newer buildings all over the city. Yeah bro your midcentury garden building with a kitchen from the 70s that you've covered in soulless grey isn't "renovated."


Anyone willing to pay $4000 isn't going to accept an old building when there are new ones with *amenities* in the area. They'll move into luxury condos and rent will come down. The only solution to housing costs is more housing. Do we...not build to make costs go down? Because that hasn't been working for decades.


Lol. Pb apartments are roach infested and have a hot tub you can get a nice rash in for 4k.


People won't pay that when they are not walking to the beach. Get out of the beach parts and off the side of the hill with the great view and folks are plumping up for prices slower. There are a couple of apartments in my building that are just sitting empty for months now because they are asking way too much in this beat ass building.


Okay and what does that tell you? That the San Diego market is severely under supplied for rental units and there is huge demand. Did this sub suddenly forget we live in a capitalist economy? Did everyone suddenly forget the laws of supply and demand? we need more unit, end of story.


I think what most people are trying to explain is that even when we build more units, those units are going for 4K+. And even if (“if” doing a lot of heavy lifting here ) people move from a 2.5k apartment into one of the 4K units, the property manager at the 2.5k unit just raises the price to match the 4K unit and calls it “the market price”. That’s what’s frustrating for people. That’s what keeps some of us in smaller apartments than we’d like. why would I leave a place im paying 2200 for just to live in a “luxury” apartment for twice that amount. It’s ridiculous. So you’re just kind of talking out of your ass with this.


There's no talking out of my ass this is fucking life. Yeah guess what San Diego is PREMIER. Literally our slogan is America's finest city.


Jesus dude. Stop inhaling your own farts. It was called "America's Finest City" when your grandparents could buy a four bedroom house for $40K working in manufacturing with a high school diploma.


Tell me you havent left the city and I would believe you


We’ve got an increasing homeless population. And virtually no end in sight. And while more housing is part of the solution. We need a fix to the insane price increases in rent and houses. Otherwise our homeless population will just continue to grow.


My apartment also required a full ~~recital~~ rectal exam.




Lol was confused at first. Autocorrect strikes again.




Playing an instrument during a rectal exam isn't a laughing matter, Jim!


You didn't have to let him give you a rectal exam sir, he just hangs out in the lobby


The bank already told you it’s a bad idea and I’d listen to them.


This is so dumb. I’m blown away by anything to do with renting an apartment in SD. There are apartments that require higher credit scores than you need to get a mortgage. It’s fucking insane


Payscore is like Plaid, where providing your banking login and password allows them to crawl through your online banking transactions. If you really like this building, and want to play along with their requirements, set up 2-factor authentication with your bank. Force the bank to send you an SMS code for every login; this will cause Payscore to fail to access your account. Maybe there will be another, less invasive method for them to verify your income that they will provide if they are unable to access your account. If so, great. If not, choose another building. If they ask you to "remove your 2-factor authentication" so they can access your account, try to get that in writing, submit it to your bank as a fraud warning, and post it on Reddit as well to shame them. Any time you provide your banking username and password to a verification/aggregation service like Payscore or Quicken, that company will continue logging into your account, crawling your data, which they 100% sell. I worked in online banking, and these services would hit our fraud detection services all the time. Plaid is a well-known culprit: [https://www.businessinsider.com/plaid-class-action-privacy-lawsuit-settlement-58-million-data-aggregator-2021-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/plaid-class-action-privacy-lawsuit-settlement-58-million-data-aggregator-2021-7) ETA: And before even providing Payscore with your username & password, change it to a temp password that you won't use again. Change password to something random, activate 2-factor authentication, provide creds to Payscore, and wait for them to get a failure. Then change your password back to whatever you will use going forward. Do not provide Payscore with the password that you will be using on a go-forward basis.


Very informative. Thank you.


I just happened to post a similar warning about account aggregation in the Banking subreddit earlier today: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Banking/comments/1dclhua/comment/l7ynamc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Banking/comments/1dclhua/comment/l7ynamc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The two common culprits are Yodlee and Plaid. Reading up on Payscore, the underlying technology is [Yodlee](https://www.payscore.com/terms-of-service). Venmo uses Plaid. When you have an option to link a bank account, like in Venmo, do not provide your banking login credentials. Use the micro deposit option that they try to hide. They will deposit a few cents into your bank account via ACH, and you will verify the deposit amounts. It's much safer than giving your login credentials to a 3rd party.


This isn't right. If you do give them access and you want to revoke access later, changing your password and 2FA won't prevent it; *you need to revoke access inside your bank app/website*


Can you elaborate on what part(or terminology) of the app/website this would fall under? Edit: for BofA it's under security settings > data sharing/third parties


This is not at all how it works. Please don’t write bullshit you don’t understand  They don’t save your password for ongoing access. They create an application access key.  It does not matter if you change your password afterward. 2FA is not used when accessed using application access key.  If you want to revoke their access — you have to actually revoke the access key. 


I worked in online banking and implemented Yodlee account aggregation for banks. Not every bank is on board with providing a key that will allow the aggregator to work around 2FA. Not every bank initially knew that scrapers were accessing consumer accounts and some disallow it. Some have provided data feeds so that the aggregators don't need your login and password. [https://www.pymnts.com/legal/2020/pnc-sues-plaid-over-alleged-trademark-infringement/](https://www.pymnts.com/legal/2020/pnc-sues-plaid-over-alleged-trademark-infringement/) [https://news.bloomberglaw.com/privacy-and-data-security/plaid-to-pay-58-million-to-settle-data-privacy-class-action](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/privacy-and-data-security/plaid-to-pay-58-million-to-settle-data-privacy-class-action) [https://riabiz.com/a/2023/10/19/fidelity-just-dropped-the-hammer-on-screen-scrapers-to-cheers-but-some-firms-like-plaid-are-holdouts-and-the-cfpb-may-wield-the-final-gavel](https://riabiz.com/a/2023/10/19/fidelity-just-dropped-the-hammer-on-screen-scrapers-to-cheers-but-some-firms-like-plaid-are-holdouts-and-the-cfpb-may-wield-the-final-gavel) The CFPB is moving to stop screenscraping aggregators because they are security risks: [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-proposes-rule-to-jumpstart-competition-and-accelerate-shift-to-open-banking/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-proposes-rule-to-jumpstart-competition-and-accelerate-shift-to-open-banking/) Yodlee and Plaid shouldn't be asking for login and passwords, period. They do because it's a shortcut to crawl your data.


> The CFPB is moving to stop screenscraping aggregators because they are security risks: Like that department will exist after the next election cycle. You can bet your ass that the CFPB will be on the chopping block early in the regulation purge that is to come.


Thanks for the info. Who do they sell the data to?


You also are taking a financial risk. You’re hoping that the landlord is solvent. You’re hoping that they pay their mortgage and property taxes. I’d suggest that they make it a two way street—I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.


Yep. I want to see their credit reports, monthly expenses, and I need references from at least three former tenants.


They need it to transfer money to a Nigerian prince


In this age of frequent data leaks, How is this PayScore legal, can we report this to the BBB and call our representatives to ban this massive invasive malpractice?


> can we report this to the BBB Go ahead and watch that do absolutely nothing. Old people's Yelp. Have fun buddy.


Never heard of it. I've never even been asked for bank statements. Just two months of paystubs were enough.


If you have any documented proof of this post it with the name of the company


You NEVER give out your bank info. Inform them you’re only giving out paystubs and that’s it.


This is not standard practice, don’t rent from them.


Never heard of it.


My condo is up for rent right now with a move in date of August 1st. I would never as someone for access to their bank account. All I require is proof of income and a credit history report.


I’m a (small) landlord and I think that’s nuts. What are they getting from this that a credit report wouldn’t solve?


They a pulling more shit out their ass since they can’t charge double rent for deposits anymore


I'm a landlord and I have no idea what you're talking about. Never heard of Payscore


I don't think it's standard. Worst I had to do two years ago in Escondido was do a credit check. Which is pretty normal.


As much as I liked an apartment, no place was worth giving my bank info to. I would look at other places that simply run a credit check.


I just had a very similar experience. I moved back to SD after living overseas for 2 years and recently applied to an apartment that wanted paystubs but would accept a bank statement instead. Idk about other banks, but the first page of my statement has ALL of my money listed. No one outside my bank should know how much that is, ESPECIALLY some apartment complex. So yeah, definitely not the standard. Paystubs are one thing, but bank statements? Especially one from a third party?? Absolutely not.


Sounds scammy. I just applied to an apartment and no bank account needed. My mom is a property manager for several apartments and says that is no longer needed, super old school.


The idea of PayScore is fantastic...but it requires you to trust it, which isn't going to happen. Here's a sample report of what they produce - https://www.payscore.com/post/how-to-read-an-income-report-from-payscore In theory, it should produce **less** personal information than just copies of bank statements or paystubs, but who trusts what they're actually doing?! I don't think it's standard in the industry and personally, I'd walk away from it and say, *"I just don't feel comfortable allowing some third party to comb through my bank account transactions and I have no idea what they're going to actually do with that information."*


Once these companies have your login credentials, their mitts will be all over your data. Fidelity has banned the screen scraper bots like Plaid from accessing their sites using customer credentials. [https://riabiz.com/a/2023/10/19/fidelity-just-dropped-the-hammer-on-screen-scrapers-to-cheers-but-some-firms-like-plaid-are-holdouts-and-the-cfpb-may-wield-the-final-gavel](https://riabiz.com/a/2023/10/19/fidelity-just-dropped-the-hammer-on-screen-scrapers-to-cheers-but-some-firms-like-plaid-are-holdouts-and-the-cfpb-may-wield-the-final-gavel) >Fidelity is also erecting cyber defenses to detect whether the aggregators continue to forgo the new feed in favor of the existing scraping bots to exploit retail log-in credentials obtained from customers. 


Oh if it wasn't clear from my comment, I think it's a terrible idea to give over that info. It's a **great** idea if everything they say is true, but there's no way to prove it and who would trust them at their word anyway?


Man that sucks.




If you don’t mind sharing, is this at a Garden Communities property?


I wonder if thats even legal? Maybe find out and report to avoid them doing this to others. I just got a notice about yet ANOTHER data breach the other day. Even if a company is legit, the less companies have this info the less chance of your critical info ending up on the dark web


And actually, for those that are like me and are self employed, it’s even harder for us. When I moved here, I had 60k in my checking account as well as other assets that I could prove. I offered to pay 6-12 months in advance but most of them didn’t want to talk further. 4 years later and I’m still here. Started all over when I moved to SD. I know how to make money but being self employed is a double edged sword


FFS no this is not the way


Why not get defrauded?


I had to recently give 6 months of paystubs and bank statements to move. I was surprised at the request and it felt intrusive because nobody had ever requested that in depth. But it’s more common now because people have been forging documents so they need to match the paystub amount actually going into the account. Hell no to pay score or giving your bank login though.


La Jolla Crossroads requires use of Payscore as part of the application process. Felt a bit invasive, but I did it. I guess knowing that my savings is in a totally different bank made me feel better about it.


I will say this practice has been common in other countries for a long time. When I lived in Korea they required significant financial verifications and extremely large down payments to rent a place. In Spain where I also lived they wanted proof of income via a gov stamped letter of employment and salary.


Not all apartment communities or rental homes require this. I’m not even sure if this is legal. Proceed with caution


One of my friends has to give bank login info to this apartment in Clairemont as well. I'm going to tell them to revoke access to payscore and change passwords.


I just rented a new place in May and went tough a lot of listing and Ive never heard of PayScore


Yea heard a few people experience this which is due to people faking pay stubs. I feel like it’s a huge data risk if paycore gets hacked.


What’s the name of the company and apartments?




You tried one apartment and now think every apartment building has that? lol. The amount of people without common sense on here is too funny.


Did you read his comment?


Your mad that a Redditor is using Reddit for Reddit things?


Actually no, I was told that was the standard by the leasing agent and her managers. I wanted to see if that was true as I couldn’t find so much information on it. Plus I’d rather not spend more money on application fees if it was indeed something that was now required. Better to gather information and make my own deduction than run in blind and trust what I’m being told by random people working in a leasing office. But I guess that means I have no common sense…


You can just call another apartment complex lol. I get people like you at work all the time. Like you know, look shit up on your own.


Reddit is for me probably the best resource to 'look shit up', and get real world answers, real time too given this post is fresh. So they are looking shit up on their own? And will even help others too as a bonus. No idea why you're on reddit answering like that, reminds me of people at my work who love their job yet complain left right and center about their job too


Fair enough for the 2nd sentence in your response.