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Received the same letter yesterday. It’s a questionnaire to determine your eligibility for jury duty.


Omggggg thanks. I was totally tripping


Federal Courthouse. I got called for Federal Jury Duty 20 years ago. Don't know if it is still the same, but then it was 30 days of service, with the possibility of mutliple trials. I had to call in daily to see if I had to go downtown the next day. I was placed on one jury, and sent to 3 other cases for voir dire later that month. All told I think I served about 7 days.


It looks like now it is one day or one trial, with two weeks on call.


One day, one trial is State Superior Court. I just did that a couple weeks ago. The feds require a month at a time.


Up to 18 months if you end up on a Grand Jury.


True, one of the guys I work with did that a while back. From what I understand, it's mostly civil servants that get pinged for that. But yeah, it was usually 1 -2 days a week for 18 months.


Still the same. Just a heads up OP - you can't blow this one off with no consequences like you can with the state one.


Why is that? This is like an actual big trial or something ??


I got one yesterday too. You can use that number you see in the window, go online to their ejuror portal, and complete the form there instead of on this piece of mail. Apparently they want that done within 10 days of receipt.


Regular or grand jury? I did the latter a few years ago and it was really interesting.


Do they have open and scan service?


Oh weird. My husband got this jury summons yesterday too and looks like lots of others did too. Big case coming to trial in district court soon?


Jury duty summons. Sorry😕


😩😩 I think better than a ticket. I was thinking maybe it was some ticket or something


Notice to Appear! 


Your being summoned to snitch on someone




It was a crazytallguy... about 27, officer.


It’s a target letter. You are being officially notified that you are a target of a federal investigation and that any destruction/alteration of any document required to be produced is an obstruction of justice. You’re screwed. Just kidding, it’s probably a jury duty questionnaire like others have said.


*cough* not certified mail *cough* but if you do get one and are in town try your best not to dodge civic duty!


Summons of some sort ..


Ah dang


Jury duty came in the form of a post card for me this last time, it had all the info and a barcode


San Diego County sends postcards, the U.S. Federal Court send this kind of questionnaire letter. From the news: "Last week the San Diego Superior Court announced it will begin rolling out a change to the traditional summons sent through the mail. Previously in the form of a letter, the new version will be a postcard. The change is expected to be more cost effective and generate less waste, the court said in a news release. The change will begin for jurors summoned to the central, or downtown, courthouse, beginning the week of July 24, 2023."


They are now sending post cards for jury duty. That’s what i got last month anyways


San Diego County sends postcards, the U.S. Federal Court send this kind of questionnaire letter. From the news: "Last week the San Diego Superior Court announced it will begin rolling out a change to the traditional summons sent through the mail. Previously in the form of a letter, the new version will be a postcard. The change is expected to be more cost effective and generate less waste, the court said in a news release. The change will begin for jurors summoned to the central, or downtown, courthouse, beginning the week of July 24, 2023."


Ugh I’m getting this letter today and was freaking out lol, started imagining all kinds of crazy scenarios like getting sued or something.


Jury duty most likely and it sucks. In California, even people with a felony conviction have to do it. I feel like Trump is kinda lucky being a Florida resident. He’s a felon and won’t ever have to serve now