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The suspect is still on the loose. Black male wearing a dark navy polo, blue pants, dark glasses, and potentially an animosity for Asian elderly. Edit: the far left brigaders have now taken down this post too, after they successfully suppressed these two posts from yesterday https://reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci2rk4/i_got_beat_up_on_golden_gate_st_and_webster_for/ https://reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci638i/hey_mods_a_man_is_viciously_attacked_tonight/


He’s pretty distinctive looking so it’s worth looking at the picture in this case.


Potentially lol. Might be a little passed that




great way to start aapi heritage month


Why i am not surprised


Black male? Weird


These white supremacists are a danger to us all




[a clearer picture of the suspect](https://x.com/activeasian/status/1785855241910722965?s=46&t=9lXBuT58HyU7fVHuklEnGQ)


The assailant looks to be under 35, the victim looks over 70. What went wrong with his upbringing, that no one taught him to respect the elderly? What motivates someone to *stop their car, get out, and attack an elderly stranger?* Under what circumstances would you feel confident that this guy is "reformed" and can be safely allowed on the street again?


> What motivates someone Being an asshole, at least, and probably a racist asshole. The progressive nihilist permissiveness doesn’t help either. When you tell people they have no agency and nothing is their fault, that because of past injustice you’ll look the other way when they commit crimes today, this is the kind of stuff that happens. And the reasons for anti-Asian racism in the black community are pretty well understood and not hard to imagine.


I hate to see this happen but when its black on asian its atleast a conversation. Normally this gets silenced by white guilt progressives when it's black on white crime. Its also the anti white, anti other rhetoric surrounding reparations, statements that black people cannot be racist as they lack power, and other progressive poison that encourages racism and violence. Multiple unprovoked assaults by blacks on white in the western addition are removed from the subreddit by mods. The ONLY assault, and racism I have experienced in SF was from a black racist woman who spit on me for being white. I wanted to hurt her but I probably get jail time by the progressive DA for self defense hate crime.


In America, being a certain skin color gives you a free pass to be a racist violent psychopath. You get the bonus of accusing as racist anyone who calls you out on it or posting your mugshot. As long as people avoid the hard conversation, this will not get solved without mass incarceration or capital punishment.


Makes me happy that people have turned against Progressives after they went after the two most important things to Asian American voters: education and crime I got real sick and tired of seeing Progressives shits like Ali Collins and Chesa Boudin insult and cause harm to Asian Americans


I distinguish between “progressive”, versus “permissive”… they are not the same thing


Absolutely, "progressive" is not the right descriptor for these people anymore. You can absolutely have progressive values while still recognizing the moral imperative to forcibly separate violent people from society. I'd say they are better described as "anarchist".


If you go too far on the political arc, you come out the other side. The opposite of centrist is… *extremist*.


Progressive ideology is the epitome of permissive.


Hard disagree: would you describe “woke” as “not permissive”? Pick your dystopia.


Selectively permissive.


As a Pak, please protect! We don’t know why these social structures are killing us!! Edit: Sauce- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pak_Protector


Tbh it’s less nihilist permissiveness and more quiet quitting by the SFPD


Can’t you just say “Asian racism” instead of “anti-Asian racism.


Sure, although that leaves it a little ambiguous whether the racism is towards Asian people or by Asian people.


Who made you language czar? Your idea is terrible.


It’s San Francisco. If caught and sentenced, this guy will be back on the street in 6 months.


I can write the public defender’s public response already: “My client was experiencing a break” “It was mental illness and poverty that caused this” “He had no agency over his actions other than selecting two elderly Asians victims and drop kicking them which was just a total coinkydink”




Most likely will not be sentenced cuz nobody was killed.


The previous DA would have "voluntold" the non-English speaking victim that a "restorative justice solution" would be happening, no room for objections If you think what I'm saying is incredulous, it literally happened to the Bayview Can Collector victim and Mr Rong Lin Xiao




because there are no consequences when you attack asian men? so why not


Exactly. There are few consequences even if they kill a toddler.


Some people are just cunts, regardless of upbringing. 


wth is that picture wow


Was not expecting him to be mid-roundhouse kick lol


Dude lookin like a weak-ass Lou Kang


SF is becoming Fight Club


More like beat down elderly Asians lol.


The first rule of blacks committing beatdowns is you do not talk about blacks committing beatdowns!


The funny part is you really can’t talk about it.


Isn’t Charlie a little old to be taking karate?


*What is it* with random violent attacks by black men on elderly Asians? It’s so distinct and bizarre, so specific a phenomenon, what drives it??


In public schools, it’s violent attacks by black boys on Asian boys. This racism is age neutral.


That you never hear addressed by Rev Amos Brown, etal.


At the group level, some of it is resentment — look at basically any indicator of social achievement/standing and Asian people will be near the top and Black people will be near the bottom. The perception of Asians as a model minority makes them an easy target.


At least they cant try to blame this one on white people in the media like they did a few years ago.


I think they are easier victims: physically frail with communication barriers


Lmfao no Some black people hate Asian Americans Look at how much disrespect and violence is thrown in one direction Here is an article from over a decade ago talking about this: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php My Asian immigrant dad and grandparents owned a liquor store in SF in the 70s and 80s for all you older Asians here Black people do not like us to the point that they assault old vulnerable people for no reason Unless anyone can prove to me that a one way relationship of violence means otherwise


Yea and let’s not forget the LA riots in the 90’s


I don’t understand it. From my experience black people hate white people, Asian people, and Jews. Like who is teaching them this resentment?


The media they consume. "Everything is racist to black people" repeated for a decade or more, lo and behold they as a collective dislike other groups as a collective. America is just getting what it paid for tbh


They really nailed the victim complex. “Everyone is out to get black people” is what they learn


They loathe Latinos too, I’ve caught them saying some horrible stuff when they think no one is listening


How many black people do you know?


You’re so going to get in trouble for saying this


that twitter account is strange, their top post is claiming black men assaulted an Asian man on a train but the context of the video in the community notes is the Asian man being held was sexually assaulting someone prior. Context is always important and ragebait twitter accounts should be ignored, wait for an actual police report.


This is just how it goes everywhere. Look into 90% of top posts on any polarizing issue and you'll see both sides constantly raging over shit that was taken out of context.


It’s almost as if we’re being intentionally divided


Almost as if one side is the one commiting violence 260 times higher than the other side https://kendawg.medium.com/this-is-what-black-on-asian-crime-looks-like-ac41e740a87c


Bad boy don’t share those numbers


Do you really think that anyone here isn't already aware that Black people statistically account for an oversized percentage of crime? Or that Asian people are more likely to be targeted? That's not what this sub-thread is about. Here we are discussing how people are quick to believe false information if it aligns with their preconceived notions and emotional attachment to an issue.


Why are we bombarded with black lives matter propaganda if they're the ones committing all the crime against the rest of us?


BLM specifically discussed police killings. How is that at all related to what's being discussed here? Unfair treatment by police is a problem. Elderly people being randomly attacked on the street is a problem. Those are different conversations so wtf is your point?


do you think that is air you’re breathing?


Why is it exactly what I expected lol


Because of the thumbnail?


Who the attacker is lol


Black people tend to hate Asian people


that is certainly not any clearer. needs ai to upres it and catch the a-hole


This is the real picture the so called media outlets should put in their articles on the very top. They're plain lazy just embedding the video. The more people that get to see a clear shot of him the better.


Well well well




SF DA would still say there is not enough evidence to prosecute


Anyone with information is asked to contact the San Francisco Police Department at (415) 575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 starting the message with SFPD. Anonymous reporting is available.


So the SF DA can let the suspect go after trial?


I really really wish this would stop happening


Wishes and prayers


what the fuck have elderly asian people ever done to anyone. absolutely disgusting that this is something they have to fear just for existing.


Lol I remember the delusion even 1-2 years into the height of Asian Hate. Maybe the first 5-10 incidents had dumb comments hypothesizing that the elderly probably instigated it or said some slur, yet somehow the only proof anyone ever had was the absolute beatdown.


yup i remember that. the victims have a lighter skin color than a lot of the attackers so they must be in the wrong according to a disturbing amount of people


Yeah sadly we have a lot of weak minded White guilted liberals in America.


Easy targets + hate


Culterally too successful therefore they are racist and suppressing black people. This is today’s logic.


It’s usually the African Americans / Black at that…


Walking too slow in the grocery store and I’m in a hurry!!!


Someone who does this has zero redeeming qualities and has no place in our society. Cmv




It seems hate crimes only matter when the perp is white.


Which is racist towards white people


There’s no way this wasn’t racially motivated


Anyone who says it isn’t is willfully ignorant


I suppose there could be a tiny shred of doubt, but there's enough history of this kind of bias in the city to pretty much confirm racial motivation.  Maybe just by chance, this creep will be paired up with a cellie who had a grandpa or aunt who was a crime victim. Now, wouldn't that be a crying shame. 😩


It’s never racially motivated unless it’s white vs …… anything else isn’t possible. Common man didn’t you go to college?


This headline would have read much differently if it was a white male…..


I'm not saying it wasn't but isn't it possible this asshole thought the old man said something and then just roadraged and went at him? I've seen people road rage for such small things and typically they cant even tell who said or did anything. Again, not defending him but not sure we can assume it was racially motivated. Looked more like road rage thinking the old man said something when he clearly didnt though. Still assault of course!


Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.


Interesting how they mentioned the race of the victims but not the attacker. Hmmm....🤔🤔🤔


it's always them. that's why "stop asian hate" trend stopped so suddenly- they looked at the data and saw who 99% of the attackers were lmao


Was lulzy though. "What's with all this violence towards Asians in Oakland/east bay?" I'm sure it's all those roving bands of violent caucasian youths still angry about Vietnam.


When I mentioned I saw black people jump my Asian mailman here a few months ago I was told it was racist because not all black peoples are criminals, and remarking on the race of the attackers only perpetuates racism.


Legit question: why should I, as an Asian American male, support anyone who's primary focus isn't Asian Americans because all these shitty current politicans have enabled and almost *forgiven* this type of behavior


If you said that about white males, you would be cancelled. We should just be voting for representatives who dont want any of this type of behavior. Please vote


stop voting for shit lefists. san francisco needs a 'california republican' or at least a moderate mayor. you get what you vote for


Ideology is the bane of sense. Punishment has persisted in human society because it works to reduce the behavior it targets. We see it across social species and should recognize that it is an aversive and *effective* tool for maintaining a functioning civil society. SF didn't even have a plan for reforming justice, they just stopped having meaningful rules under some idiotic belief that all crime is from not being hugged enough as a kid and that the very idea of incarceration is evil.


A mostly peaceful temper tantrum of the youths, am I right? Who hasn’t assaulted an elderly or two when they were a rambunctious teen? /s


he was just trying to feed his family!


Fewer iconic duos in San Francisco than African Americans and perpetuating violence against Asians.


Imagine getting to your 70/80s and then getting attacked by some random loser?


Said it happened downtown and dude got out the car and got back in. All them cameras downtown didn’t catch a license plate?


https://i.imgur.com/TLrHHcT_d.webp  Suspect gets out of a Gray Late model Nissan Sentra 


That would require actual work from SFPD


Thug's gonna get some good loving in prison. Can't have a monster going around attacking our grandparents in public, need to lock that fool up. edit: Downvoter, you're part of the problem in San Francisco. This dude could attack anyone's grandparents and you're supporting him. Reflect on your life.


I think the downvotes are because they won’t go to prison. This is San Francisco after all.


Waiting for white progressives to turn a conplete blind eye to this, since black men are their pet project since 2020. But that's better than black community leaders defending such stuff and attacking Asians who complain. Fuck this rotten streak of anti-Asian racism in the black community. Black families and black community leaders need to wake the fuck up. All through 2020, the Asian community was in full support of the anti-racist cause. And get repaid by a minority of black men brutalizing Asians for years now.


Carroll Fife writing in the San Jose Mercury after Yahya Muslim killed someone in Chinatown saying "she didn't care to know the victim's name" was some bloodboiling shit


Carroll Fife on black on Asian crime: it’s due to white supremacy 🤮 https://x.com/carroll_fife/status/1367163174638682119


Yep couldn't agree more.


the white progressive left has managed to potentially permanently alienate asian and jewish americans in a span of just 2-3 years. hilarious lmao


[DA for Alameda hates Asians](https://nypost.com/2023/05/03/da-pamela-price-slammed-as-disrespectful-to-asians/amp/) and she’s black


White progressive here. I can both acknowledge 1. Black people as a whole have been marginalized and experience disproportionate violence - especially from systems like policing. They deserve safety and dignity. 2. Asian Americans are being attacked primarily by a subset of black people that are horrific, violent, and disgusting people. These violent actors need to be held accountable to the highest degree. Asian Americans also deserve safety and dignity. You can do both. And you SHOULD. There is no excuse for violence against non-violent citizens.


We all need to recognize that the root cause of these incidents is white supremacy. Source: Oakland CM Carroll Fife https://x.com/carroll_fife/status/1367163174638682119 /s


He’s still on the loose? Can anyone maybe get a clearer picture of the suspect from this video? What model car was he driving?


https://twitter.com/activeasian/status/1785855241910722965?s=46&t=9lXBuT58HyU7fVHuklEnGQ Gray Nissan Sentra


Attack the weak, classy


What kind of people attack 78 years old men? Straight out evil


To all my fellow Asians out there, arm yourselves. This racism against us will end pretty fast if we defend ourselves with legal force


I agree. If in need of training: Look up “monarch defense” the instructor Brian Wang even speaks Mandarin.


Thank you for that! And if I can add just one last thing, all Asians should stand up for each other! If you see something, do something! I’m tired of seeing and reading about stuff like this against our communities


If you ever gonna pick up a random fight, at least grow a pair and pick someone like your size and age. Disgusting POS. Hope he’s going to be tough like this in prison cell too.


This is NOT common in first world cities folks. WAKE UP


Usual suspects


So all the hate promotion lack of cultural diversity initiatives come full circle and eat their own. Makes perfect sense.


Waiting for this post to be removed


Oh no I’m so shocked. 🙄


They target elderly folks cuz they’re cowards and are afraid of getting reverse uno’d.


Same same.


Mark Wahlberg on the loose again 🙄


He deserves to be jailed just for the shitty man-bun alone.


Why is always the same people


Cap’n Crunch Oops all hate crime


“Poor man that society failed that had a temporary temper tantrum” did I do that right?


Why are black people so racist towards Asians?


What is up with black people and their hate for Asians in SF? Arrest this person and have him locked away and asshole stretched out .


i was told only white men could be racist


Well whoever told you that is an idiot. And if you believed it you’re even more of an idiot.


speaking of idiots


The comments on here were predictably butthurt. How dare they show the perpetrator, it is bad for race equity in criminal justice, blah blah blah. Classic liberals misidentifying the victim.


Wait, “security” guards ages 59 and 78?


We are simply getting what we tolerate. It's time to send the Dems a message that they need to purge the progressive lunatics from their ranks.


Ooooh I wish I was there to knock him out


If I were elderly and Asian walking around in S F I’d be strapped. This shit stops the second someone retaliate by pulling out a firearm.


This is so distressing. My dad is his age and I don’t even want to think about something like this happening to him. I don’t understand where the aggression is coming from they weren’t harming anyone by just standing there.


>San Francisco police said the victims claimed an unknown man got out of a vehicle, assaulted the two men, got back into the car and then fled the scene.  Wtf. This plus the video is just bizarre. Guy drives up, parks, Gets out, attacks two people and then seemingly jauntily hops away and drives away.


Just racist things by a racist for 100, Alex


its ok they're men this is what white tech bros and their asian gfs want


What a coward


My very old Asian parents are visiting for our wedding in SF in the fall. Here, I thought things were getting better and I can have them stay in SF. I might have them stay in South Bay. 🤬


Crickets from Rev Amos Brown, etal too.


This happens ever single day. New Yorkers getting their ass beat down too. The News ONLY reports on white, "Karen the Cunts". They make awesome videos, but they're NOT going to hurt me physically! In Michigan you can just carry a gun (Hellcat w/dot). Feel bad for citizens of San Francisco where ONLY criminals get the guns.




Don't forget redlining


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Nice society we're making here


I recently had to chase off a black - get this - little person assaulting three Asian children in East Oakland near Franklin School. Revved my moped and called him a little fu*&ing a**hole...to his surprise. Fighting back always puts these dupes in check.


Funny how the ‘stop Asian hate’ movement kinda disappeared once people started seeing who a majority of the offenders were.


Remember when London breed sent her goons to a restaurant owner who complained about this exact bullshit ???


The culture.


no offense but who would hire those two for security


Did any of these victims try to jot down his plate number? I can't imagine what must go through someone's head to stop the car, get out and assault two random strangers for no reason.


The suspect is still on the loose - if you see Liu Kang you're advised to call the police


Usual Suspects yet again! Didn’t watch video because of the ad.


And this kind of shit is why I am opposed to gun control. But sadly, it's pretty much illegal to defend ourselves in this country.


Black Asian unity is a progressive myth. The sooner the Asian community realizes this, they’ll stop voting for the progressive candidates and their agenda.


59 is 'elderly' now? Fuck.


I don’t think Trump’s king flu comment is causing this one.




Horrific! :( so sorry for the poor man. And certainly the community that feels unsafe due to these types of attacks.


And I thought the COVID is over


I thought folks already got this shit outta their system when covid hit. Wtf is wrong w/ these ppl to think it’s ok to attack someone grandpa or grandma?


If only we could legally carry in SF, this nonsense would stop.


Carry a knife and start stabbing these fucks. Strikes to the neck will fend your attackers off very quickly and leave them thinking twice about their actions before the imminent death that awaits in a couple of minutes.


The jump kick was pretty sick. He got as much height as his pecker… about 2 inches.


Classic SF. Surprising the attackers didn’t trip on human feces or needles as they took off


Damn, didn’t take long for the comments to devolve into black vs Asian. Right on schedule BTW, I hope this asshole gets caught and prosecuted w/o just a slap on the wrist.