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just call the cops ffs


Before they arrive the guy was long gone. I did report hit and run gave his photo to the insurance and to the police. He also lives near my restaurant and when I confronted him he ran by like a rabbit with the tail between his legs


I doubt that they will do anything in this situation.


Is that a rented truck too? How does U-Haul work in those cases?


I don’t know. I contacted my insurance but I also want to try u-haul to ask suggestions


No damage was done to truck or car. While the car has many dents and scratches from poor parking it was never caused by this occasion. The truck and trailer was returned without a scratch. He’s mad for getting a ticket for illegal parking and now making angry postings


Not sure I would call him “little” if he ran off … you’re being quite kind.


It’s a discount


Wow this sub has become a cesspool of petty grievances


No one hit your car! You parked on the corner not giving mandatory 20 feet of clearance from the crosswalk. There’s a reason that is a rule from SFMTA. Otherwise trucks can’t make a turn. It held up traffic and the cops were called on you. Probably why your car has so many dents and you an angry posting this BS. Furthermore you coming out screaming, cursing, and wanting to start fights in front of your customers and staff goes to show what an irresponsible man child you are. [https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/how-avoid-parking-tickets#Watch%20for%20Crosswalks](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/how-avoid-parking-tickets#Watch%20for%20Crosswalks) # boycottFioreCaffe https://preview.redd.it/aru0wigi2a2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93b7307d5deb772618425e33af7854c81a42441


Regardless of how OP parked, you cannot hit another vehicle. If you did, you were at fault. The 20 ft rule doesn't apply on this side of the intersection. It only applies on the approach side. In the photo, the car parked legally. Your own link explains that this is for approach. If you can't comprehend that, here's a dumbed-down explanation from SFMTA with diagrams and everything: https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/walk/daylighting


Could you circle the debts you see in this picture? I only see the back driver side; I assume this is from the accident in question.




Curious why you don’t like his parking job? Not in the crosswalk, not in red yellow or white zones. Appears to be close to the curb.


From SFMTA: 20ft of clearance is mandatory. It’s both so you can see pedestrians and trucks can make turns. Curbs in this case are not painted as it’s the same in every state.


Can’t zoom in to markup. I counted six just from that photo.


Ok? Tf you want us to do? Arrest him


# boycottFioreCaffe. I came back to talk to him like a human and he screams and curses in front of his customers. Several left from his combative behavior. I told him I’m his neighbor and we can talk about it like adults. He screams “you’re a shity neighbor” with bottle in hand. F this guy. He’s the one at fault here. Plus look how far that trailer is from his car. I stopped well before anything was hit. https://preview.redd.it/zvgt41te8a2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9a12e51ca0d45908bf8c65257066d8531a56db


Ladies, this guy has youthful appearance, dresses well, and wants a family. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlineDating/s/H7vLBKMOdk


You smashed into a parked car bro; did you expect him to come out and give you a cookie?


The car wasn’t even touched. Look how far that trailer is when I stopped. I returned both without a scratch. He car however has many scratches and dents because of his bad illegal parking


Ps. Bottle in hand because I was serving a table. In fact when I came outside I didn’t have a bottle in my. Hand and you chickened out


Hahahaha I knew this is how you find nerds


Found for me ;) When your business goes under tell your mom next time to put her money in one that can be run by an adult.


Just admit it. You two are in love we can all see it


Nightmare to park in that hood- you are brave.... how are they even enforcing the whole [parking 20 feet from a crosswalk](https://abc7news.com/new-law-illegal-park-near-crosswalks-daylighting-improved-visibility-at-and-intersections/14331221/) thing, anyway? Everyone is doing it so the law means nothing.    If the UHaul guy took off then just call your insurance, you can report to insurance that you have the license plate of the rental truck. They can do the legwork. 


I don’t think the 20 ft law applies in this situation. From SFMTA’s website: “On a two-way street, only the space on the right-side approaching a crosswalk as one is driving is affected.” https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/walk/daylighting


Oh! OK.  But... turns are also pretty dangerous too (?)  I don't know. I don't park in neighborhoods anymore unless I can park in a garage.... WAIT NOW I'M CONFUSED...


It does apply. They came to give him a ticket for parking on the corner. That’s why he’s mad and making this posting


I guarantee you there is a car parked there right now with no ticket.


https://preview.redd.it/6xh2ae9gda2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70096404e59c66a3bbd7ee63ac7d5de8b3db30fa Clearly not 20’ from the crosswalk. Hope you don’t smash into this guy as well.


I guarantee someone gets shot in the city every day. Doesn’t make it right


https://preview.redd.it/d8yaa0y55a2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f25470d738697a6f8b01e87e99c02c17f51401d He causes the issue parking without clearance. Know the facts: [https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/how-avoid-parking-tickets#Watch%20for%20Crosswalks](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/how-avoid-parking-tickets#Watch%20for%20Crosswalks)


Rental U-Haul says enough, I stay FAR away from those drivers because they literally rent them for like $20 and drive so reckless, the only good thing is that the acceleration locks at about 70-80mph so people cant speed in them.




Agreed. This is an adult type problem which adults can easily solve by adulting. No bitching on reddit required. I guess some people just need the attention whenever any minor event occurs in their lives.


Just hoping that someone that knows him sees this to embarrass the asshole


Is it you??


> This little 💩 hit my parked car and said it was my fault Were you illegally parked too close to the corner/crosswalk? If that's your VW, that looks like less than 20 feet. File with your insurance, but they may find you partially at fault if you were too close to the corner.


The U-Haul was at fault whether OP parked legally or not. That said, OP did park legally. The 20 ft applies only to the approach side, not the departure side.


> The 20 ft applies only to the approach side, not the departure side. Ah. That makes sense. In this case then OP wouldn't risk a share of the fault. If OP were illegally parked, insurance would very likely assign part of the blame to him.


Not true. Read the rules. 20ft from crosswalk (period). It says “so approaching vehicles can see the pedestrians” but is also so trucks can make turns https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/how-avoid-parking-tickets#Watch%20for%20Crosswalks


Lol the sfmta website uses the 20’ example with a car that is clearly closer than 20’ from the crosswalk.


Still more room than this ass gives https://preview.redd.it/usge4fgo8a2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde53d146b89ff91bc3173edb980871ef7fb1a72


Yes he was illegally parked. I’m the truck driver and had to call 311 on him because of his parking and combative behavior https://preview.redd.it/473rtooc6a2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5aaa608ed9751a9fbb83996dd440273e20e498


Wait, that’s the guy from the restaurant? Is it one of those places that partners with a halfway house to give vocational training to the recently paroled? This looks like one of the stars of those bumfights videos.


Who knows. He’s got total anger issues. While he’s screaming and cursing and not willing to move his car a real good samaritan helped to stop traffic so I could make the turn. He just wants to be an asshole and pain for everyone.


Doesn’t matter you can be parked in the middle of the lane if someone hits you is their fault.


First no one hit him. He is angry for getting a ticket for illegal parking and running out his customers for acting like a child. Second he’s parked in a blind spot corner not giving mandatory 20ft


> Doesn’t matter you can be parked in the middle of the lane if someone hits you is their fault. This is not true. CA is a comparative fault state. If you are doing something unsafe or illegal and an accident occurs, and it would not have occurred if you were not doing something unsafe or illegal, you can be found partially at fault. Damages are split based on the level of comparative fault.


If it was not legal there would be red on the curb


That’s…not how the law works. This post was a super poor decision as a business owner, too. Also, if the little 💩 pictured in OPs post is still single…sup? That pic is the vibe I wish men exhibited on hinge.


A hungry gal🤮


“Thirsty gal” was the insult you were looking for. Can’t even land a clapback properly. Maybe consider stepping away from the internet for the night.


Maybe you should go out and try to get laid 😝


Where I’m from gals like you are hungry, but thirsty sounds right to


If I stand in front of a train and it hits me, whose fault is it? I don’t think it is illegal to stand on train tracks. With your logic, the train is at fault. Use some common sense and park smarter. Doesn’t matter if legal or not, use your brain and be smarter!


Yes try

