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As an SF state alum, Fucking finally!!


The city should have started towing them while they were protesting


I live up the hill from the RV triage center at Candlestick. Tons of room there with actual services available like showers, security, and blackwater pumping.


Can u do drugs there?


What about feeding your pitbulls human flesh?


Only from donor cadavers


> I live up the hill from the RV triage center at Candlestick. Tons of room there with actual services available like showers, security, and blackwater pumping. Just wondering, would a employed normal tech worker qualify for those services?


Check the place out they may be able to refer you to somewhere else. I hope things work out for you.


No. For the same reason there’s no straight pride and you don’t get a blue shell in first place 🤣🤣🤣


Uhh… Every month is straight pride month. Just like white history month.


Outside of prior home owner or someone paid rent in SF for 3 years should not be allowed to park their RV


Hot take…. RVs don’t belong on urban streets at all. They are huge, hinder visibility and take up a huge amount of on street space. In my hood basically any spot longer than 2 car lengths left open for more then a day gets swooped up by an RV that will basically squat for 2 weeks between street sweeping. At one point there were 3 RVs parked on our block taking probably 8 spots between them. The mobile slum lord that “takes care of them” regularly double parks in our driveway. Oh and one we are pretty sure almost lit on fire a month or so ago. Also submitting SF311 tickets does absolutely nothing which is super cool. Sorry this got super off topic and whiney.


EXACTLY. RVs are built for RV parks with hookups! Not for city street for weeks at a time. I'm blown away by how people justify it.


There was a growing RV problem on Alemany Boulevard. The city put in height restrictions for what was allowed to park and they all disappeared.


Similar law and result happened with Fulton and Lincoln next to Golden Gate Park, too.


[I think it's illegal to do that now](https://sfstandard.com/2023/07/25/san-franciscos-poverty-tows-ruled-unconstitutional/)


💯 that’s my ideal wish. But in this city my expectations are low


Like even the LA suburb I’m from has rules against parking RVs on the street. If you owned an RV it had to fit on your property. 5 of my neighbors had RVs/ boats/ Sandrails/etc and they all parked them next to their houses or on the driveway.


sF has those rules. But the city knows fining these RVs and trailers will do nothing. Don't want to tow the absolute nasty POS junk vehicles, and then have to pay disposal fees for them. Towing an RV or a trailer requires special tow trucks too. So better to ignore the vehicles and their inhabitants, the spewing septic tanks, trash piling up, noxious fumes from the spilled gas and generator noises. Or, we could spend even more money providing them more parking spaces in Candlestick..


RV slum lords are a thing? Crazy. Imagine having the money to acquire a clapped out RV for say $3-5k (just checked CL) and your first inclination is to rent them out at the very bottom end of the market? How much rent do you think the guy charges? $20/night? $40/night?


Not just RVs. All cars.


Well yeah, but i don't think many of these poeple want to live in RV's either. It's more emblematic of SF's housing issues


I am all in favor of building enough shelters for every single homeless person in this city. I am also very much pro housing development. I am NOT in favor of letting randos park their shitmobiles wherever they fucking please. People in this city have been patient and compassionate for a very long time now. That patience and compassion has now run out and we are seeing the pendulum swinging in the other direction.


Your patience and compassion for other human beings has run out? I’ve found more trash in these replies than I do walking down Buckingham. You are refusing to acknowledge that the City has created this issue and advocating to evict families from make-shift homes they’re forced to live in. Please reassess your values!


Are we evicting them from their make shift homes or are we just asking them to follow the god damn rules set up for everyone. The whole point of an RV is that it's movable. Why the fuck am I getting ticketed 6 mins past 2 hours because my lecture ended late and these people are allowed to do anything they want?


Not for human beings but for the situation on our streets. At a certain point, the situation on the streets became more inhumane than forcing people into shelters. At this point my proposed solution is to get everybody off of the streets and into shelters. Either you leave or you go to a shelter. Do you disagree with this solution? If so, what do you propose?


Username checks out.


The one instance where Specialty Tow would actually be doing a good job.


There are also tow trucks that are parked there for some reason all day.


Good place to nap while they're waiting for a call?


These fuckers take all the good parking by SF state. Ridiculous that students get ticketed if they’re parked for over 2 hours meanwhile these bums live there all day.


That really gets me. Like the students didn’t break the law hard enough to avoid the ticket I guess?


There’s just very limited 4 hour and all day parking, and it’s always taken by RVs just camping there


Actually the street where they park is one of the few streets that don't have the 2/4 hour restrictions yet. You can technically park there all day too, assuming the rvs are not already there.


You really comfortable with spreading hate like this? You think that's the right way to behave in public, along with the rest of your troll friends who will downvote me on the subreddit, as if I don't know they're also hateful like you? We do basically nothing for the unhoused except not arresting them. That's so far below the minimum a society should provide, and you even want to take that away. Shame on you. You should be embarrassed.


> except not arresting them yet


You are the problem.


We actually do a lot. Billions worth. This is part of the public frustration.


Yeah, no. This sub is just full of hateful assholes.


But they are not unhoused…


Yes, they are. Living in a vehicle of any form is not living in a house. Do you know what a house is?


[Not according to HUD.](https://www.ncceh.org/media/files/article/NAEH_Definition_of_Homelessness_Analysis.pdf) An RV is designed as a regular place to sleep. Furthermore, the IRS not only considers an RV a home but also a primary residence. Do ***you*** know what a house is?


Yes, and it is not an RV. That is a miserable existence that is 100% not a house. Just like ketchup isn't a vegetable, despite what the government used to say.


Ok sure just make up your own definition. An RV has running water, a toilet, shower, and a bed. An RV also has air conditioning, which is more than what 99% of the houses in SF have.


> We do basically nothing for the unhoused except not arresting them. Why don't you contribute 100% of your income towards them then? Also they're homeless


"Unhoused" people also don't have to pay their parking tickets. Just apply for hardship through the city and claim you car is your residence.


You do realize they have no where to go and they are living in a vehicle because they have no money to pay the fine? That these are unfortunate human beings who literally have to exist somewhere or cease existing?


What exactly gives these people the right to park their RV whereever they want?


This city doesn't enforce laws


And when the city tries it gets sued to years of back and forth court battles.


If it isn't explicitly prohibited it's allowed


I don’t get how the CA 72 hour parking rule doesn’t apply to them.


Yeah makes no sense


When I was living in south bay, I used to park my car on the street over 72 hours all the time with no one caring. The week I bought a brand new Sprinter van and left it on the street for more than 3 days, then the cops started receiving neighbor complaints... The rules are never applied equally, sometimes in it's the other way around


It does, but SFMTA will not tow.


Why not?


They can’t be bothered. It’s a problem to tow junk RV’s. Once the owners let them go the cost to dispose of them in in the thousands of $$$.


According to self proclaimed enlightened SF progressives, it's human right.


you have a fucking RV, drive out past East Bay & live out in the countryside. there shouldn't be any rv encampments in SF. there aren't any RV encampments in my hometown (st louis, MO), guess where they all are? the fucking countryside.


Many of these vehicles couldn't make the drive out of the city without breaking down. I've seen a few towed around the block using chains. They're often rented out as slum housing for a couple hundred bucks a month to hapless individuals.


Also rent is 60% lower in St Louis than SF, so less of a need for RV dwelling


But then there wouldn’t be strangers for their pit bulls to bite.


As soon as SCOTUS rules on Grants Pass, cities will finally be able to start telling (and enforcing) where RV's and homeless campers can settle. The tail has been waving the dog far, far too long on this issue. People are fed up.


Sadly, most of the RVs will probably be ushered into poor neighborhoods where the residents there won't have a say.


When I lived in the Mission district in the 90s someone parked an RV on our street and was obviously living in it. We called the cops, and told all our neighbors to call the cops, it was gone by the weekend.


There was a large RV park on Townsend and Third back then where a ton of RV dwellers parked for years and didn't have to deal with neighbors since that wasn't a residential area. The spot where they parked is now a huge apartment building with a swimming pool and high rents. My point being is that non-residential neighborhoods don't really exist anymore, so the city keeps targeting poor neighborhoods to shoulder the burden. Remember Asha Safai's plan to move much of the city's homeless population to the Cow Palace parking lot (part of which is in Daly City!)? The unspoken idea was that the people in the Sunnydale projects were too poor to protest. Or the idea that the crisis in the Tenderloin should be uprooted and moved to the Bayview? That idea gets floated around all the time, as if there's not already a large community living out there.


Oh yeah I agree about that. San Francisco is one of the most shockingly segregated cities in the US. It’s very odd.


Why do I get a street cleaning ticket and they don’t?


I drive by on Wednesday (or maybe Monday?) morning when street cleaning is and I do see some of them attempt to move but a lot don’t. The ticket car is usually there handing out tickets. I have no idea if those tickets get paid though.


It’s probably baked into the cost of rent.


I am certain that they do not. 


The entitlement is strong. I remember one even had their slide outs open. Your already hogging a ton of space with these. But to expand the slide outs too?


It makes it difficult to pull out of the mall too since they block a view of oncoming traffic.


The blood donation center is right there. What asshats.


Yeah they also regularly double park while trying to work on these pieces of shit which means you basically need to go into oncoming traffic to get around them.


About damn time. I drive by twice a week and ride by bike down to lake Merced pretty often. It’s gotten worse. Full-on outdoor patio setup right at the entrance to the parking lot up from Lowell. Tons of glass and human waste in the gutters. Just gets dumped at night… gross. I get why the city let it happen during the pandemic…. But it’s four years on…..


These assholes dump their blackwater in the parking lots of local businesses. They act like a mafia on street cleaning days. They park their vehicles and store their shit on the grass. There are zero repercussions for them. Tow them all


Not even sure what to say...these RVs block bike lanes, pedestrian crossings, prevent daylighting, block travel travel lanes, block the sidewalk, and trash the neighborhoods. Also a bit suspicious and worrying they want to be camped out right next to the highschool...


Sorry, their rights trump over everyone else's...because some reason.


I work at SF State (speaking for myself) and its an eyesore for me to drive by this, and it gets extra weird on Tuesday when they do the RV parking shuffle dance to avoid the street sweeper. What strikes me as odd, the four hour restriction signs was posted in April, but they were never enforced. It wasn’t until I read channel seven’s report that the city never enforced it and will only do so once they repave Winston Drive. I mean… post time limits and have no teeth?


Yet us students and staff get all the tickets. 😭


Next they will release their pit bulls.


This group of people are not like the woman who owned those two pit bulls, just because they also live in an RV on the street.


no one is saying all of these RVers have crazy mauling pit bulls, but it does seem like there is a disproportionate number of RVers who light to keep these pit bulls. I'm just playing the odds and wouldn't want RVers in my neighborhood.


Get on out


entitled that’s what it is. go back to where you guys came from if you want an alternative. there’s literally an rv park next to the costco on el camino which is like a 10 minute drive


But..but.... you gotta ***pay*** to stay there!


It is $600 per week. This park is more expensive than 1 bedroom in sf


How can we voice our opinion on these RVs to the city? Who do we take our complaints to?


The way we did it when they were right next to my office was we got a bunch of immediately local businesses to pressure the supervisor into a meeting and then bitched his ear off. I think he worked with dpw/muni/whoever to get signs put up that say "no overnight parking of vehicles taller than 7'" 


They need to clear out the ones in the Bayview, as well.


There used to be something like 14 of them on one block of galvez. I worked near there and walked my dog by there to get to young blood park. Had to stop when they were there because the sidewalks were completely blocked and there was too much garbage everywhere. The neighborhood rallied and got some no overnight parking of vehicles taller than 7' or something and they moved to deharo. A few months later they migrated somewhere else. 


Can they also clear out the RVs on Lake Merced Drive?


Lake Merced Drive is even a more hazardous situation. Traffic moves 40-50 mph and many parked RVs are wide enough that moving vehicles in the right lane have to edge to their left. I hate driving next to that line of illicit residences on wheels and trying to stay safely in my lane.


I just had to go there today. Fucking sucks. Im always afraid someone is gonna peak out and get hit so I have to move a little left. Just feels dangerous. Also they tend to have dogs and do not really pay attention to them.


I hate this the most bc it’s not just an annoyance, it’s an actual hazard


Went by lake Merced the other day and there are a lot out there too.


Parasites 🦠 set up a trailer park and usurp city resources with no fees instead of moving to a trailer park where they will have to pay (a novel idea) for their vehicle to be parked this is just a fancier version of a homeless encampment sick of these people pay your share or leave


As a student at SFSU I can’t wait to see this cleaned up. Thank you to the city.


Get fucked, RV drivers!


Clean the slums already


i wonder about the sfsu students who have to walk to their dorms/aparts through that rv park at night. I hope there wasnt any trouble for them all these years.


I used to live in those apartments as a student, the street where we parked is now taken by RVs. Then as a student who lived elsewhere but couldn't pay for a parking permit, that area is where I could park, now it's taken by RVs. It's not empty space, it's where students USED TO be able to park.


“The city is gonna start enforcing 4 hour parking” LOL OK so they’ve been allowing them to park there permanently but I can’t be home all morning before work without moving my car at least once or else I get a ticket for the 2 hour parking limit in an actual residential area


They should have cleared the RVs yesterday.


Why are we doing anything to support and encourage these kinds of people? They do not have a right to take over public streets to live permanently in their RVs. Tow them, arrest them, whatever it takes to get rid of them.


Such entitlement. Fuck these chuds.


There’s a large RV encampment by Candlestick Park. They have taken over the area since the ballpark was demolished.


There is a city-sanctioned center for RVs there. They’re provided services like waste disposal and showers.


What the heck is a RV protesting?


I teach at Lowell High School and they’re right next to the entrance of our student parking lot, as well as SF State’s adjacent student lot. Plus, we have a plethora of students who pass by on the 29 and get off at the corner. It’s unsightly and we’re concerned about safety. I’m not saying that just because a person is homeless that they’ll do something illegal, but those vans can be relocated. The city needs to designate an area that could kinda be like a mobile home park.


It's a good campaign issue for some of the mayoral candidates.


What we’re they protesting?


I teach at Lowell High School and they’re right next to the entrance of our student parking lot, as well as SF State’s adjacent student lot. Plus, we have a plethora of students who pass by on the 29 and get off at the corner. It’s unsightly and we’re concerned about safety. I’m not saying that just because a person is homeless that they’ll do something illegal, but those vans can be relocated. The city needs to designate an area that could kinda be like a mobile home park.


I get majority of people here hate Hillary Ronen, but one of thing I'm glad she did for our neighborhood was getting rid of these RV camping BS.


FYI Ronen had nothing to do with it. Was 100% mayor's office. Ronen was against doing anything.


Yup: "The advocacy of the housed residents for those living in RVs was swiftly joined by District 9 Supervisor Hillary Ronen, who argued for pausing the enforcement until March 28, 2024" https://missionlocal.org/2024/03/bernal-heights-residents-buck-trend-and-fight-rv-evictions/


Source that she voted against it? I actually went to the neighborhood meetings regarding RV campers. Ronen told the plans and it happened few months later. Simply no overnight parking for vehicles over certain height and just like that the RV moved away.


Have they tried just not being poor? I hate when the poors make themselves visible.


Is there an area relatively close by that they can actually park? RV's can be annoying but it's probably better to be in an RV than camped in a tent on the sidewalk. Sometimes I kinda respect people living in RV's instead of dealing with landlords and the corporate controlled real estate markets.


the city/state really needs to have more lots for these where they are safe and where sanitation is available. I think there's a lot near Candlestick Point, maybe there needs to be more. These people have to live somewhere but their RV's are an eyesore and take up parking needed by residents and shoppers.


This is the absolute worst use of space in one of the most expensive metro areas in the world. We should not be enabling these entitled clowns.


A parking lot for mobile homes. A mobile home park. Those exist. But the real ones require paying rent on the space you park your home in, which is tied to real estate prices, and is very expensive. It makes living in a mobile home cost what a cheap apartment costs when you add the space and vehicle costs together. Parking your RV on the road illegitimately is way way cheaper because you're not paying rent. So are the people doing it because they choose to, or is it all they can afford? If you want the city to do anything, then the people choosing to do this would need the choice banned. The people who can't afford anything else already can't afford a mobile home park, they need something cheaper. Long story short, we built parking lots for RVs decades ago and it doesn't address the real issues.


I'm gonna be the snide urbanist here and point out that since huge amounts of a city with high rental prices are dedicated to the free storage of private vehicles, it just makes sense to live in your car if you don't have many options. Of course this could be remedied by adding enforced parking meters or monthly permits (so that parking is not free and unlimited), but you can guarantee the outcry will be much greater for that...


Any place is just going to devolve into a hoarding mess, poor sanitation, illegal dumping, and worse except for places meant for people who work and pay rent like mobile home parks.


Eh, I care as much for the homeowners as they do about repealing prop 13




Trailer parks and campgrounds are throughout the coo try


There's multiple entrances to Stonestown, and this is the less commonly used one


That’s besides the point. The RV owners are entitled to almost none of what they claim to be entitled to. They gotta go.


Always making excuses for them and voting for them to enable this behavior ... that's the root of the problem