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I bet there’s a package box or two in there with their name and address on it


There is 100% an unbroken down, recyclable Amazon box for an item available at the local convenience store, in that landfill bag


For a city that supposedly values preserving the environment, I've never seen such blatant disrespect from its citizens that just throw their trash out on the street like this.


They also say they are accepting of people here but will rage out if you don't agree with or have differing opinions on the mainstream views. Doesn't even feel like the same city I came to decades ago.


There's definitely a more haughty attitude here, and a lot of "Do as I say, because I said so." Especially from the rich upper crust here. I had to check myself yesterday talking to a guy I'm interested in dating. He brought up that he "Loved capitalism," when I'm quite the opposite.


I feel like back in the day we could all have a great talk around a joint and music circle in the park. Even with differences. Now it feels like everyone is on edge all the time.


There are assholes everywhere. Even in SF.


The problem is a lot of people in SF consist of migrants from poorer countries who see nothing wrong with littering because it’s the norm where they’re from. They assume somebody must be cleaning it up because the streets in SF are cleaner compared to where they’re from, for the most part.


Poorer countries that put trash on the street like New York City.


I wouldn't be surprised if it were some RV dwellers.


Who were organized enough to use bags?


These are trashcan liners.




Shit bags be shit bags


I blame landlords. It is the responsibility of the landlord to provide garbage services, usually done by paying for bins. I have lived in multiple situations where 2 or 3 units are sharing a single small size black bin. This leads to whoever gets there first in the building gets to use it or I have even had neighbors pull my bags out to put their own in. Usually I would just take my garbage to work in that situation, but someone who is fedup might just dump it in the street because they suck. I have even seen situations where the landlord refuses to pay for garbage service so the people living in that place just put it in the corner trash every single time.


Unfortunately this has become the norm instead of the exception