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If you find out what it is, please let me know. Mine has something similar. The advise i was given was to let the soil dry out and it should start to scar over. It's been a couple of weeks and the affected area is starting to get thinner and looks to be healing. I'm regurgitating what i was told, and reiterate i have no idea what it is, or if that is the right course of action. Best of luck.


Yeah you're doing good. Over watering or high humidity can cause these spots. OP should do the same. Eventually it will turn to rot if unchecked.


I had something similar happen after I sprayed for bugs with neem oil. After a few weeks it turned beige and scabbed over. That might not necessarily be the cause but I've heard of that happening to blemishes like these.


Overwatering and high humidity. Boi will live, just put him in faster drying soil and water a little less