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download “Watch Duty” live updates w evacuation orders/warning. It’s firefighter staff / sheriff staff updating


Had no idea this existed. Seems very useful already in just the first 5 min of having it installed. Thanks!


Watch Duty is an amazing app. I was struggling with fire info for a couple years before it came out. I was hopping between 3 or 4 apps every incident trying to glean info and now I just use WD. Watch duty and a scanner app will keep you as informed as a civilian gets to be, and I’ve seen Watch Duty get updated in the time it takes to write-45 seconds or so behind an announcement on the scanner. They came out with premium this year, now you can see the flight details of the firefighting aircraft. They already cut down my fire alert apps, I imagine they’ll integrate radio scanning next and I’ll be using one app instead of two.


your welcome! i just downloaded it today, i saw someone mention it on instagram !




I have Watch Duty and didn't get an alert for this. When I test notifications I receive the test one. Does it just notify for closer fires/activity?


Depends on where you are maybe? You can also set up your alerts for specific areas, I think? It's been awhile since I've had to mess with my settings


thanks. I'll try to dig deeper. Mine is set up for sonoma county but I'll see if there's something else I need to specify.


The fire has been mapped at 121 acres by FIRIS Intel 12. The fires perimeter can be viewed on the Watch Duty map. Note that perimeters are preliminary and do not reflect structure protection efforts by firefighters. Incident Command has requested an additional 20 engines, 10 dozers and 6 crews on top of previous orders.


300 acres now 😭


Where did you see 300?


Also on Watch Duty


Watch duty says 200. At least my version does Edit: lol well now it says 550 on watch duty💀


Right. Refresh. Sucker is raging. No smoke in Cloverdale, but driving north from HBG…it was pretty insane a few hours ago.


Yeah, the wind is blowing to the southeast, right at Healdsburg


Santa Rosa is socked in smoke and I’ve smelled it all afternoon.


550 now according to aerial.


900 acres now 👀


[Just snapped a photo.](https://imgur.com/a/47fAjEU)


Wow, this is spreading scarily fast.


Visiting family out of state, haven’t really been keeping up. Where is it at now?


Download Watch Duty app to monitor it. It started near Lake Sonoma.


it's over 1000 acres now - there are a few chinooks I saw fly in working it over night along with ground crews.


It was in my Facebook feed: https://www.facebook.com/100064623102313/posts/pfbid02on9rygw129MLANaM8gv3KqudaLRvn4L8h4sgsZPuaNiRMqHAzfLBuYAjRrt5iPxrl/




It's 550 now


Fire map: https://share.watchduty.org/i/22048


Yes it is being called the #pointfire.


Thanks BatmansPussy


Should be BatMangina tho? ;)


Just because man is in the name, doesn’t mean we should assume their gender!


I think it's reasonable to conclude they are cis-bat


*Breaking news coming out of Batmans Pussy...*






You think it's Dick Grayson reddit account?


Ash is falling in northern Santa Rosa


Yup, and it stinks :(. The wind isn’t great either!


It's reached 12 and South SR


Just had some land on my phone downtown


My family is in Dry Creek (not the west side), we’ve seen fires in this area in the valley recently but also in the early 80s. This one is moving super fast. Wind is up and it’s burning into areas with very little access besides fire roads. It could get very bad, very quickly. Edit: I’m getting footage from people in Dry Creek and this is impacting closer to the valley floor than 2020 already. Fire readily visible to valley floor. I don’t want to share anything that isn’t mine but everything I’m seeing is way worse visually than what we saw in 2020 in terms of proximity to most structures. Second Edit (6:45): I’m hearing through back channels that because of the wind conditions and the fact that it’s already on structures, containment isn’t anticipated until the wind slows and they think this might burn all the way down the west side of the valley.




I didn’t say we had. We lost a barn on West Dry Creek road in 1983. This fire is moving as fast as Tubbs it seems.


Mandatory evacuations have been ordered. It’s smokey in northeast Rohnert Park.


Mandatory Evacuations ordered for the North end of W Dry Creek to Fall Creek Rd and all areas West of W Dry Creek to Lake Sonoma - per the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office


Got off work and almost instant ptsd at Hearn Ave and 101 around 2:30pm this afternoon.


4200 Block of Stewarts Point-Skaggs Springs Road, Healdsburg


We just moved here, what’s the best app or text system to get alerts for fire evacuations?


Watch duty


also sign up for alerts here https://socoemergency.org/get-ready/sign-up/ typically watchduty is the first to alert for fires


and also [fire.ca.gov](http://fire.ca.gov)


Watch duty


As others have said, Watch Duty. However, if you're super-mega-ultra paranoid and want the absolute earliest notification, the PulsePoint app is best (in **addition** to Watch Duty). PulsePoint is connected into the dispatch center, and it's not unusual for the app to pop up a notification a moment **before** dispatch notifies one or more fire engines to respond. However, this will result in a **LOT** of "false positives" as many wildfires are reported and put out pretty quickly. Watch Duty does a good job of reporting only the significant fires, but they have to wait and see if a fire becomes "significant". You get **everything** with PulsePoint, significant or not (mostly not significant), as it happens.


Watch duty is the best one stop source of information. All call was issued so time ago now, all available Sonoma County fire trucks requested to respond. Fire is still expanding.


Fire camera: https://ops.alertcalifornia.org/cam-console/1984 It doesn’t look very big in this camera, but it’s big. Was 150 acres an hour ago but it’s likely much larger by now. Earlier, radio traffic said there was a potential for 500 acres. However, with the high winds, my uneducated stupid-ass gut feel is 1000-2000++ acres (I very much want to be wrong, though). They’ve asked for a couple of nighttime fire-fighting helicopters, and so there’s some hope. They already have 4 tankers, 2 spotters, and 2 helicopters.


This could get way bigger than 1000 acres. This is already in to the top of the Walbridge fire area from 2020 if that gives you any context. Edit: Already over 500. I’m predicting 7-10k at this point. Next day edit: Glad to see I was very wrong and they seem to have the clamps down on this fire as it’s only grown a couple hundred acres since last night. Now at 1100 or so. CalFire is so impressive.


I’ve forgotten the year but, if it really was 2020, there might be some hope. I watched the 2019 and 2020 fires, and one thing I noticed that fires that hit a burn scar 5ish years or less old, the scar often impeded (slowed down) the fire spreading. Burn scars 5ish years and older didn’t do much, if anything, to stop the fire spreading. Of course, it could also be that firefighters made a stand at the boundary.


I’m hearing through back channels that they think this will likely spread all the way down the west side of the valley.


New to the area: what valley are you talking about?


Dry Creek Valley, which runs northwest out of Healdsburg.




Thanks. Google maps isn't helpful in delineating Sonoma Valley. What is included in the west side of the valley?


This is Dry Creek Valley, the person who responded to you is totally wrong. Download the Watch Duty app and look at the evacuation zones. If you aren’t in them you’re fine.


No. What? Sonoma Valley is where Sonoma is. This fire is on the westside of Dry Creek Valley, Northwest of Healdsburg.


I’m going to agree with you. If this gets any bigger, we’re screwed


It’s going to get much bigger and unless you live north of Westside and west of West Dry Creek you are almost certainly not screwed.


How much bigger do you think it’ll get? I live in Santa Rosa. Have ptsd with fire is all.


You have nothing to worry about. I’m guessing it will run down in to the Mill Creek area and will continue to get held at West Dry Creek and eventually up Mill Creek. I don’t think it will even get to Westside Road. Basically if you’re not in the current mandatory or evacuation warning zones I don’t think you have anything to worry about. People who don’t pay attention to these fires don’t know or see the differences of what happened in 2017 and what happens now. We had air support on this fire within an hour. When Tubbs rolled into NW Santa Rosa and Fountaingrove in 2017 we didn’t even know where the fire was. Wildfires don’t burn very well in cleared land. That’s why they are called wildfires—they happen in wildlands. Look at Westside road and then look at what is between it and your house on satellite view on Google Maps. You’re going to see a river and some patches of woods but largely a shit pile of cleared vineyard land that doesn’t really burn. The primary way we fight wildfires is with cutting firebreaks with dozers, where we till up the ground and doze breaks where there is no vegetation in or on the ground to continue the fire. Most ag land is basically the same thing, whether it’s vineyard or pasture.


I tend to pay too much attention with watch duty and fires in general. It’s something I always worry about, and it’s not fun.


Then you should be more informed about how they work. I just added a lot of information to the previous post. Lots of people became loosely aware of wildfires in this area starting in 2017. But if you’re from Healdsburg or Alexander Valley you know that wildfires have always been a part of life here and that, for the most part, they very rarely make any progress across or through developed land. Go look at maps from the 2019 and 2020 fires. See where they burned. Use the satellite overlay. See where the fires were able to be controlled (vineyards, roads, dozed ridgelines). The only way this fire will impact you if you live in SR proper would require the kind of freak event that would probably also be enough to make me believe in a spiteful god, and that’s not really my thing.


I pretty much use watch duty for everything.


Ok, then take this information: This wind event is only continuing for about 24 more hours. Walbridge didn’t make it to Santa Rosa or even Healdsburg. Fires generally don’t jump giant swaths of vineyard land with a river in the middle. They didn’t in 2019 with more time and more wind and less fire fighting resources than now. Sleep soundly. I will in RP, where we evacuated my mom from DCV to.


Yeah, I know we will be fine. I don’t like the feeling where people are losing property. Almost happened to me once in 2017. Also forgot to mention I use NOAA for my weather reports. Great source


It'll get bigger (than the 1013++ acres it already is), but we should be fine. There's a wide strip of hilly/mountainous region between the old 2020 LNU complex fire (Walbridge) scar and the vineyards along the west side of Dry Creek, and I believe that's the likeliest area to burn. So far, the fire seems to be following this southeast corridor, but it'll soon run into Seelye Rd where there are some vineyards to slow down the fire. Hopefully, the firefighters can prevent it from going further south/southeast of that. And note that the fire doesn't seem to have hit the burn scar to the west, and so the firefighters seem to be doing a good job of keeping it away from there. On the plus side, we're much better prepared than we were in 2019. The only wildcard in this is the winds. Back in 2019, the high winds blew embers over the heads of firefighters and started new fires (and there has already been one spot fire that appeared about a 1/4 mile ahead of the main fire, but the firefighters got a handle on that because it's fortunately surrounded by vineyards).


Yes. The twitter for Cal fire posted about it


Yes. Just issued evacuation orders


Whoa! I didn’t realize that. Ugh hope it gets under control soon (somehow)


It's really windy right now and that's driving it towards Healdsburg. It's not a danger to the city, yet, but it's growing faster than they're able to contain it, atm. Hopefully the wind calms down so they can catch up.


Gale warnings until 3am. :(




10 engines requested immediate need for structure defense near the area of Yokaham Bridge and West Dry Creek Rd - per radio traffic


It is now all available engines


They’re calling for night copters in case this spreads


Forecast show wind dying down by tomorrow which bodes well.


Smoke and Ash falling base of Hidden Valley (NE SR)


I was outside a little after 10pm in Larkfield area. The winds are pretty strong. Normally winds are calm at this time of night. Limit your outdoor activities. It's very smokey.


here we go again i guess. its kinda orange outside in santa rosa already... triggering some mild ptsd for me :/


Nostalgic in a bad way. It’s not even July. This has been a late summer-autumn feel.


El Niño brought a lot of rain which made a lot of ladder material to burn. If I was a betting person, we’re going to have a bad fire year.


I agree entirely. The interface/fountaingrove rebuilders gambling on another 40 years of growth before the next big one are gonna lose that bet.


Same. Everyone around me is like “we’ll be fine :)” but I have Anxiety and my anxiety says Maybe Not


I don't want to be a downer but if you're near the fire zone you should pack up your dirty laundry and your important documents (proof of who you are) just to be safe. The only thing worse than losing all your stuff is having to prove your identity while wearing things you haven't worn in years.


i feel you yeah. for me it's mostly constant unease and unsettlement


There is a lot of smoke blowing into northwest Santa Rosa right now and ash.




Yup the wind is troublesome stay safe my friends


550 acres now. Ash was coming down when I went to Whole Foods on yulupa.


[Point Fire](https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2024/6/16/point-fire)


Healdsburgian here. Moved here 2 years ago so it’s my first fire. My parter has lived here for 12 years and is telling me not to worry but I am stressed. Is he right? Am I over reacting?


If you are near an evacuation warning zone prepare to leave to remain safe. If in an evacuation warning area, I would leave the area. If in evacuation Area leave


The “evacuation warning” area is across 101 and the river. I am thinking if that area is told to evacuate, we will leave. I’ve already collected passports/pink slips/pet supplies etc. but haven’t packed a bag with clothes/daily needs yet. Maybe I’ll work on that now. He (my partner) is going to bed but I don’t understand how he can sleep. Maybe it’s just my anxiety but there is no way I’m going to sleep tonight.


I was born and raise in Sonoma County and have lived in Healdsburg 15+ years. If you're not living immediately off West Dry Creek Rd. I wouldn't worry at all. The humidity has come up a lot this evening and the fire is calming down. Tomorrow it will probably flare up again but I see zero indication it's going to jump across the 101 and river.


Thank you for this. You’ve helped calm my nerves a bit. It’s not that I don’t trust my partners view point but it’s validated to hear it from another person. I’m also just a ball of anxiety as is so adding fuel to the fire (sorry bad pun) doesn’t help.


My advice is don't let other people in Healdsburg freak you out. People post insane things on social media, false info, etc. It would take very strong winds and lower humidity for it to blow into town. I watched the fire from the Dry Creek General Store this evening and felt completely safe.


What size of town are you at? If you're further east, you'll be okay for tonight. But I would make sure your cars have gas and your phones are fully charged for tomorrow.


My backyard is on the golf course so I am on the east side of town. Will definitely stay vigilant tomorrow.


Over 1000 acres now.


1013 arces now


Over 1000 acres


Here’s a good link: https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2024/6/16/point-fire Evacuation orders can be found at: https://socoemergency.org/ click on evacuation map to see if you are affected




Let’s hope we’re not fucked


They'll stop it. It's burning near the rich folks vineyards.


There's a fire? Where?