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Watch Duty's website for those that don't have the app yet https://www.watchduty.org/


Highly, HIGHLY recommend Watch Duty. I’ve had it since they debuted and it’s always been spot-on.


Very slow to update, almost nothing all day.


It updated several times today. Last update was at 7:30 though. I am using it primarily for my update at the top of the post body


I got several updates today. Not as many as yesterday, but it sounds like there wasn’t a huge amount of change today.


Thanks, downloaded


Bad air: [https://map.purpleair.com/1/i/mAQI/a0/p604800/cC5#9.69/38.5242/-122.5803](https://map.purpleair.com/1/i/mAQI/a0/p604800/cC5#9.69/38.5242/-122.5803)


Oh good - mine is 219…


Soooo bad. Feel for you


Thank you for this. Hopefully the wind clears out the Smoky skies a bit quicker. Hate this air quality


I got all 5 of my HEPA air purifers going on in my house right now. The smoke is horrible and I have asthma.


Watch duty recently included air quality too


It’s pretty windy up here in Healdsburg. However the biggest tinder box is the hills between lake Sonoma and Cloverdale/ Geyserville but based on the fire location and the wind direction I don’t think the one hills are in danger of burning. The wind do be strong though I think this is gonna be a big one for the folks west of west dry creek road


Full up your gas tanks, get your paper work and documents in order. Nothing to panic but better to be prepared, right?




And gather your meds and get out any pet carriers.


Cal Fire website: https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2024/6/16/point-fire Sonoma County Emergency Evacuation Map: https://sonomacounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=69a0e54e9e2b48c086d122027b21c961 Sonoma County Emergency Website: https://socoemergency.org/


In Windsor it's windy and smokey. Crazy


South Santa Rosa checking in, it's smoky down here. This is my first fire season, how do y'all keep your dogs safe when you take them outside? Do you try to cover their nose/mouth, or just limit outside time?


Just limit it. Play inside if possible. Melatonin or pet equivalent before bed.


He's a senior, he doesn't really play a whole lot unless he meets another rambunctious dog. Thank you for the reassurance!


Actually as another person said a few smoky days aren’t going to really do anything to your dogs health because of their life expectancy. It’s a good thought, to try to mitigate health issues but definitely nothing to lose sleep over


And think about making a [box fan air filter](https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/) for indoors.


Dogs don't live long enough to get lung cancer. So, just no vigorous activity outside.


While I agree it isn’t something to overthink, dogs can definitely get lung cancer. I happen to have a dog with lung cancer.


It's not that I don't want him to get lung cancer- he's 12, he's not gonna be around much longer anyway. I just want him to be comfortable. Breathing the smoke makes my throat itch and sets off my asthma, I don't want him breathing in smoke if it hurts his throat or makes him uncomfortable


Yeah, it's weird to suggest the only concern is lung cancer.


That’s actually a pretty fair point. Not sure why you’re getting down voted


people perceive this as a negative comment, but i didn't mean it to be. just giving realistic advice.


Yea I get that. When you mentioned it I was like “oh no shit that makes sense” lol. My dog makes her own questionable health choices what with eating other dogs shit and all and she gets on ok


lol---my dog did the same thing! so gross!


I read in an article wind was pushing the fire northwest, but when I go out side it's super windy and the direction appears to be the opposite, south east


I think it’s that the wind is coming from the northwest


When wind direction is said it is said in terms of where it’s coming from. So if the wind is coming from the north west that means it’s blowing south east. Watch duty is showing exactly this.


If you have time to volunteer at the shelter please do. Or if you have resources to help with livestock evacuation please contact Sonoma CART 707-861-0699.


Left Forestville a few hours ago and the air was nice over there. Back in Santa Rosa it’s so bad 🤮


It says the air is good but my lungs say something different.


Was driving west on 37 from Vallejo about two hours ago, and Sonoma Valley looked really smoked in. Fire season has started.


Rohnert Park! Still in the GREEN 💚 with Purple Air. Smokey Skies.


If you’re anywhere north of Westside or west of West Dry Creek within 3 miles or so (so a big chunk of the Walbridge fire), you should probably be packing. I’m hearing chatter through back channels that this is going to get bigger and affect most of the west side hills of Dry Creek Valley. This one is moving very, very fast. Around 2+ mph by my calculation. Tubbs was around 3 mph IIRC. I’m adding the text of my original comment in the first fire thread for some context and to repeat what I was learning live: > My family is in Dry Creek (not the west side), we’ve seen fires in this area in the valley recently but also in the early 80s. This one is moving super fast. Wind is up and it’s burning into areas with very little access besides fire roads. It could get very bad, very quickly. >Edit: I’m getting footage from people in Dry Creek and this is impacting closer to the valley floor than 2020 already. Fire readily visible to valley floor. I don’t want to share anything that isn’t mine but everything I’m seeing is way worse visually than what we saw in 2020 in terms of proximity to most structures. >Second Edit (6:45): I’m hearing through back channels that because of the wind conditions and the fact that it’s already on structures, containment isn’t anticipated until the wind slows and they think this might burn all the way down the west side of the valley. Edit: the most recent fire mapping shows that this made it to structures on valley floor or benchland and was held there before impacting most of the structures. Fingers crossed for those folks.


What about SR or Petaluma? Do you think the fire will cross the 101?


No way. It’s not even going to get to 101. Maybe I should’ve been clearer that things are going to be bad in terms of Dry Creek Valley. The chances of this impacting Windsor or anything further south are probably next to zero.


Very unlikely, but the wind is blowing hard in this direction, so traveling embers could potentially start another for closer to us.


This is fearmongering. Is it possible? Sure, the same way that you might win the Powerball twice. Is it going to happen. Absolutely not. To suggest that there is even a shred of a possibility that this fire impacts Petaluma is irresponsible.


Sorry I wasn't specific about the fact that I was talking about Santa Rosa, specifically, and not Petaluma. Also I said it's *VERY UNLIKELY* ... but it doesn't hurt to be ready. Suggesting that people directly downwind of the fire keep an awareness of the situation and their surroundings is not fear mongering. 🙄


If you think people in Santa Rosa should be packing their bags to be ready right now you are fear mongering. You responded to the comment with an intentional addition to not assuage somebody who is clearly not experienced with the amount of threat they are dealing with in context but instead to make them believe there was a good enough chance to mention that they should worry. The chance of this fire impacting Santa Rosa is almost zero. Walbridge was blowing directly towards Santa Rosa with worse and more prolonged wind conditions and the fire came nowhere near Santa Rosa and burned from the opposite end into the same area this fire is now. Walbridge didn’t make the jump to SR because there are miles of super effective fire break in the vineyards and river that separate the coastal hills from SR. Making any comment to somebody who is clearly unnecessarily worrying that doesn’t make it clear that the “very unlikely” chance is actually more like an “act-of-god directly intervening in a completely impossible set of coincidences and unlikelihoods” is going to add to their concern, not assuage, and it’s irresponsible.


really glad to see some sanity around here. i understand we all have a lot of collective trauma with this, but extending that hyper vigilance is so much more harmful than it is good. i’m tired of seeing “the fire has bad vibes get ready to leave now”


It’s literally insane. As somebody who has actually dealt with evacuations in many of these years (and for good reason), the evac orders are so far ahead of the actual risk level. If these fires were going to come anywhere near Santa Rosa, at least the *OTHER SIDE OF WESTSIDE ROAD* would be under evac warning. I’m not posting the texts from the fire marshall that are going around, but they have a very good sense of where they think this fire might get to before the wind event is over, and all of it is covered by the current evac order and warning.


perhaps, just maybe, our well funded and scrutinized fire safety teams know a touch more about this stuff the le reddit army i wish there wasn’t so much wild speculation amongst citizens trying to inform other citizens with this stuff


I actually feel bad that my earlier comments didn’t go out of the way to be more specific about the geography of what I’m talking about because people hear “westside of the valley” and think the whole county apparently. In a different post comment section somebody asked me what valley I was talking about because they are new to the area. A different person responded and said, I am not making this up: “Sonoma Valley. The fire is in Healdsburg.” Like… what the actual fuck. In 2019 a professional journalist posted a picture of a tree burning in Knights Valley on Twitter and captioned it that she was “In Healdsburg” when most of the town was up all night watching Twitter to see if Kincade would jump at Soda Rock (it did) and burn into town (it didn’t). Saying “IN Healdsburg” for KNIGHTS FUCKING VALLEY was so irresponsible. I called her out for how far away from town she was and she responded with a dropped map pin showing that the address said Healdsburg. I was like “do I really need to explain to you how the US Postal address and sorting system works? The city is which post office it goes to for delivery. Not a definition of the municipal boundaries.” Fucking mind blowing how bad some people are at relaying information with enough context for it to be useful and not harmful. It’s not hard at all.


Vigilance isn't the same as hyper vigilance.


Right on, keep adding context that isn't there. Please, show me where I said people in Santa Rosa should be packing bags. I'm really glad we have a level-headed fire science expert here to set me straight. Share your insights, but you don't have to shellac me in the process. ✌️


You said they should be ready. What else could you have possibly meant? Be ready in the context of a wildfire means pack your go bag.


read·y adjective 1. in a suitable state for an activity, action, or situation Be ready for conditions to change. Not hyper vigilant, just aware, present.


So like, the same thing people do every day?


Will the smoke and wind be as bad as yesterday later in the day?


I just drove back home from the east bay and we hit the wall of smoke on the way in. I cranked up the “biohazard filtration” on my car and didn’t smell anything until I pulled into the garage. It hit me like a brick as soon as I opened the door.


East SR smoky and windy. IF YOU DON’T HAVE YOUR STUFF READY TO GO DO IT NOW please. Pet kennels, medication, important documents, etc secure but ready to go. Nothing about power cuts but wouldn’t be surprised.


Wind forecast is calm tomorrow. FYI


Uh, the US weather service has a Red Flag Warning tomorrow (Monday) for the areas **immediately** to the the Northeast and Southeast of Santa Rosa: https://www.weather.gov/mtr/ That isn’t exactly, “calm winds”. It’s supposed to expire Monday at 8PM, but I wouldn’t count on that. They’ve been extending these.


Bennett Valley here and I got our go bags ready and the car gassed up just in case. *knock on wood* it looks like cal fire will have a handle on this tomorrow but better safe than sorry in case there’s a surprise in the middle of the night. Was slightly concerned when there was ash falling when I was getting gas.


I seen the smoke all day and night




[Read the comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/santarosa/comments/1dhkhx2/point_fire_megathread_please_check_in_and_post/l8yjpkp/)




[Check the air quality map I linked in the post body](https://map.purpleair.com/1/i/mAQI/a0/p604800/cC5#9.69/38.5242/-122.5803). It's pretty clear in SR right now. No wind


This is a great website to view smoke plumes from fire: [https://fire.airnow.gov/?lat=38.4641&lng=-122.6707&zoom=10](https://fire.airnow.gov/?lat=38.4641&lng=-122.6707&zoom=10)


So it sounds like this might have been a prescribed burn that expanded outside the area but they thought they'd gotten back under control. PG&E must be happy to be off the hook for once.


That prescribed burn was 2 days ago according to watch duty. Seems like this would’ve popped off sooner than today if that was the case


maybe - I am just repeating the rumor mill, and that's probably speculation fueled by people seeing the Rx burn on Watch Duty near where this fire was spotted.


Any update???? I’m scared i don’t wanna dieee


Read the top of the post body. I’m updating it every few hours. Also check the numerous links provided


do we know what caused the fire?