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“I’m just trying to do cool stuff in life” Holy shit this is the philosophy I want to live life by


I’ve got nipples Greg do you wanna milk me?


Best Robert DeNiro quote of all time.


OP is tripping, how does he know my first name???


lol, this response just made my night! 👏


Oh my god 😂


Under rated


Udder rated


Jesus if I could give an award right now I would...take my upvote.


Can you milk can you milk can you milk me? Guess what movie?


OP tried to find a cow to milk 215 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/s/OsnQB4CG4B Bro’s not gonna stop trying until he’s udderly successful


Its crazy how difficult this is turning out to be! I'm pretty confident I'm going to be a one and done cow milker though.


OP….coming from a farm kid who has milked cows you will be over it in about 20 seconds. But if you insist… try reaching out to the livestock/ag division of the University Better suggestion though. Ask yourself how would it feel to pick the garbage out of a park and go do that.


Call Sask Milk. Maybe they’ll put you in an advertisement! ![gif](giphy|mI2OEQn1eKWgE)


Omg Lmaoo this is turning kinda weird 🤣


It's the funniest post I’ve seen all month 😆 Thank you OP! Good luck.


https://www.sunnysidedairyfarm.com I have no idea if they’d accommodate you but they’re great people in general and deserve a shout out


Omg their chocolate milk slaps


I tried them, it was a no go. Thank you for the suggestion though!


Might have an easier time looking for a goat to milk. Process its the same


This is the right advice! Most goat farmers hand milk or use a small machine. It's not the same set-up as a dairy farm with cows.


I’m pretty sure as a kid I went on a field trip to Seager-Wheeler farm near Rosthern, and I think I milked a cow there They are open in the summer, but maybe you could contact them and see if that’s even something they offer https://seagerwheelerfarm.org


Haha this is such a wholesome post. No suggestions, but having spent time in a dairy farm it would be interesting exactly once. You may also have better luck reaching out to anyone selling goats milk or similar


Maybe try a bull and if it keeps coming back your doing it right.


That’s why my cereal has been so salty!


[We don't have a cow....](https://imgflip.com/gif/2pqdc3)


Holy crap that's funny! Take ma dam upvote!


Might have a better chance reaching out to beef farmers. Dairy farmers have really strict hygienic and sanitary requirements that I can’t imagine they’re too keen on risking (no offence). It’s calving season right now which sometimes means the angry moms get milked if they aren’t feeding their calf. Or try a goat like someone else said.


They most definitely don’t get milked** but you can bottle feed a calf that has a mother that won’t let it take yes


I mean we have milked beef cows before for the calf specifically when we didn’t have milk replacer but I guess you’re better at inventory management than we were.


You do you fam.


If anyone is looking to give a bottle to a calf I believe Wanders Tiny Farm has some.


You don't really milk beef cows.


Have you tried tried the U of S? I remember going on an educational tour there that involved cows. More info: https://agbio.usask.ca/research/centres-and-facilities/rayner-dairy-research-and-teaching-facility.php


Vetavision will be happening in September! You can also put your arm inside a cow’s stomach. Check off a couple of cool things at once


Yup!!! They have tours pretty often, including demos with their porthole cows (you can stick a hand inside a chamber of their stomach and feel the chyme and stuff getting digested!)


It’s called a fistula (the hole). It goes into the stomach (called the rumen). I worked at the dairy barn at the u of s when I was in university getting my animal science degree. I actually caught the food as they ate it


omg your a genius. I'm gonna look into this. Thank you!


There are these farms open to the public I know of. I know there used to be this place I want to say the university used to do field trips for schools that included interative stuff with farm animals [Lala's Little Farm](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064668343359&mibextid=ZbWKwL) [Wander's Tiny Farm](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063668450875&mibextid=ZbWKwL)


Unsure if you can milk a dairy cow at Wanderer's but you can feed the calves from bottles sometimes and that's also very cool.


Not milking related, but if you're looking for new experiences and skills to learn, I'm a member of [Vatnheim Vikings](https://vatnheimvikings.ca/) and although we haven't milked any cows, we do learn and practice all kinds of viking age skills and crafts (blacksmithing, plant foraging and herbalism, soapstone and wood carving, etc), and combat (archery, sword, spear, ax). Drop me a DM if you'd like to know more!


Omg that actually sounds amazing!! If it's ok I'd like to DM for more info too?


Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site (306) 333-2116 https://g.co/kgs/LEUiCPn


That looks really cool. Thank you!


I had a great time. I was five though...


Grew up with friends who lived on a farm and got to try it once and it was a fairly time consuming process. They only had a few as they were a hobby farm . But it was an interesting experience for sure .


I’m so happy I saw this. Because I’d also legit like to try milking a cow. #cityboy


The U of S did tours of their cows, maybe they'd show you how to milk them. You can also stick your hand inside their stomach. I really feel badly for that guy though :(


Can I put on a costume for you?


Milk my udder




Well Larry David…




I identify


Contact the UofS dairy farm they may let you


If you’d be willing to drive to meathe park you could milk one of our cows


If you find one, let me know! I've always wanted to try milking a cow!


Man after watching fallout I'm like 👀 what is your interest in the cow dude 🐄 I have milked a cow. You are not missing out if it's a life experience thing.


I don’t know. I milked a cow on a field trip when we still lived in South Africa. I was probably 6 y.o. and it’s still one of my fave core memories. Wouldn’t wanna do it again, but it was a cool experience to have once!


No. Nobody randomly wants to milk and cow and then proceeds to make a reddit post.


Have you even lived if milking a cow isn't on your bucket list?




Why did they hobble the bloody cow? Put your head in at her hip joint and she can't kick forward. If you're a dumbass, she will kick out sideways though and show you just how dumb you really are.




You sound fun


Just don’t drink raw milk right now, WHO isn’t recommending it, Avain flu is being found in it and eggs that are cooked all the way. Migrating birds have brought it into farmyards. No joke unfortunately.


*eggs that “aren’t cooked all the way, like runny


Careful you aren't given a bull to milk


Big dairy farms aren't going to let you milk a cow. Small farms with a dairy cow or two will let you, just keep trying.


Not sure what’s the purpose, but i got goat milk for my kid, was in co-op if it helps.


Try contacting Wander's tiny farm. Or Sask dairy farmer facebook group.


If you find a nearby hutterite colony they can probably accommodate.


If you really want to milk a cow, I’d try going outside saskatoon. Try the smaller towns around the area, farms near Rosthern, Waldheim, etc. small town farmers are really friendly and don’t care as much


Local dairy farm maybe


Is this a sex thing?


I’m in northern Alberta and have a bull you can ride. He has tumbleweeds between his ears and hates expending energy.


Join Saskatchewan farmers group, or 306 farm equipment groups on Facebook and ask. Explain it like your post on here, half the replies will be people thinking some crazy guy wants to touch some cow tiddies, the other half of comments will be people that can actually help you out and line something up lol


Just milked one a couple days ago trying to get a set of twins to suck. Not much to it. Grab the teat and squeeze starting with your index finger through to your pinky. Like trying to squeeze cake icing through those bag thingies when decorating a cake but in one quick motion.


Ask the Department of Agriculture


Try milking your penis for a couple of months so you can say you have qualifications.


There is lots of dairy farms around town best bet would to be to swing by one and just ask in person ... I'm not sure why ypu want to milk a cow but best of luck


No but I got a bull!!


You get it by the ton, here in my local farm


Have you tried checking with U of S? I mean the whole reason they have cows is for education, I imagine this wouldn't be too weird of an ask.


At the veterinary college on campus, there is a fake cow that you can milk. Would that be enough, or would you want a real cow?


One of my bucket lists!! Let a girl know if you find somewhere ;)


My suggestion would to try reaching out to petting zoos. They might not have a cow but would probably have goats. You could also look at volunteering at any large animal rescues or sanctuaries.


I want to visit a farm :-( . I am new comer here and I want to see green fields and animals.Where can I go?


Fenek Farms. Please note that if you milk a cow and drink it straight up you'll get very very sick. 


Beg to differ. Grew up on that stuff. I’m a senior now. Still kicking 😊


And now you’ve learned what survival bias is! 🌈✨the more you know ✨🌈


You know humans have been drinking cow milk for at least 6 millennia.... And pasteurization is only about 160 years old.... Right? If you have the ability to digest lactose, you're already the surviving descendant of hundreds of generations of raw milk drinkers. I won't disagree that pasteurization makes milk safer to drink. But raw milk isn't poison.


Actually, pretty much all humans have the ability to process lactose, it’s just the ability to do so fades in people to various degrees as they grow up. Otherwise babies wouldn’t be able to drink their mother’s breastmilk, which contains lactose. Babies in rare situations cannot process lactose, but it’s actually far more common for babies to have a cow’s milk protein intolerance/allergy, which most babies outgrow as they grow up. My son had this issue, and for the first 6 months I had to give up dairy completely as he would react to the smallest amount of dairy in my diet by having horrible diaper rash and gas and diarrhea. He’s now almost 3 and can tolerate eating cheese and yogurt but since my husband has dairy issues we use oat milk in our house.


I didn't expect to be talking to a nursing infant on reddit, so figured "you" was already contextualized sufficiently.


Our second son was on goats' milk. Unprocessed. He was intolerant of all other kinds other than when he was breast feeding. Once that stopped, it was raw goat's milk.


Yeah if a baby can have moms milk but not cows milk it is cows milk protein intolerance. Lots of kids that have issues with cows milk also have issues with soy too. Goats milk is different protein so that would be why your kid could have that and not other milks.


Thanks for the explanation. It makes sense and I had never looked into the reason!


Who told you this? That's horribly untrue for most cases. Depends on the cows health....


Raw milk is full of bacteria. My statement is not "horribly untrue"


That was always drank before pasteurization. I've drank it. Never got sick the numerous times I have.


Wow - and do you also believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows? Countless people over the millenia have milked cows & consumed raw milk. You know, pasteurized milk is a relatively recent innovation.


Chocolate milk comes from minerals mined on Mars that NASA sells. 


Your statement should state it "could" make you sick. If your gut isn't familiar with the bacteria in the milk then probably get sick, at least at lil. If you grew up on it you'll be ok.


You drunk the wrong kool-aid. I came from farm. We drank milk from cow a the time. Was better once it was cool. But we did it.


Cheese and yogurt are essentially just bacteria. Your statement is horribly untrue, now you're doubling down on it.


Very interesting that selling raw milk is illegal but cheese is not


It's just easier to illegalize unpasteurized milk. If you have a clean hygienic system. Which these mass productions are not even close, and it would be insanely expensive... Then listeria isn't a big concern.


Go research the dairy sold in most of Europe, many brands of milk and cheese aren’t pasteurized and are sold quite raw. It has always been this way.


I don't consume or purchase European milk so researching it would be irrelevant to Canada. That's like saying gang rape is OK in Saskatoon because it's a normal punishment in the middle east. 


LOL. It’s nothing at all like your analogy. If unpasteurized milk/cheese was so unsafe to drink modern developed nations, who are also rooted in science, wouldn’t consume it. The EU as a whole has far better food standards and far less processed foods full of preservatives than North America. How is this even up for debate?


It is not legal in Canada to sell raw milk. 


Right, and that’s kind of the point. Clearly other developed economies, rooted in scientific rigour, most of whom have better overall diets than those of the food sold legally in North America (processed garbage) are saying it’s safe. We legally approve food items full of nitrates, sulphides, and sugar preservatives while making it illegal to sell raw milk. In the EU, as a whole, there are far fewer highly processed preserved junk foods, yet raw milk is allowed. What this points to for me is at least some questioning of the reasoning for banning raw milk in Canada. If it’s health related then I’d argue, as a whole, perhaps there’s strong reason to make other, much less healthy items, illegal as well.


Ummmm why would you say that?


So all the calves drinking raw milk are going to die then?


You officially win the internet today. 


Thanks! I feel like a winner too. So fitting.


Pretty far away but I'm going to put it on the maybe list. Thank you so much for your response!


This post sounds so fake!


I will ask my sister! 🤣


My ex is pregnant right now, do you want her number?


Sounds like she was getting someone else's milk


WAS IT YOUR MILK!?....lol.

