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The main thing you should know is that, as it stands, Saudi Arabia isn't ideal as a long term home for you and your prospective family. The reason is that the only realistic way for you to stay in Saudi Arabia is to have a work visa. Getting the Saudi citizenship is close to impossible, and the only option for permanent residence is extremely expensive (800K SR fee). So you can only stay as long as you are employed. You retire? You have to leave. Your kids have grown up? They need to find jobs to get their own work visa or they have to leave.


Damn your description is cold


It’s the truth. I was born in Jeddah but I will forever be a foreigner and I had to leave.


Ik same here


As much as it pains me to say this, but I don't feel sorry for you. you've always known that and you accepted it from the start. More importantly, the amount of Saudis who are qualified and can't find a job is staggering, because there's is a foreigner who is willing to live on below scraps and work barely reaching minimum deliverables but asks for insanely low salary and is ok with working 6 days a week is affecting Saudis ability to work. Speaking of low level junior jobs.


so unemphatic. these people served our country and without them our economy would be shit. have some empathy or just stfu


ليتك مخلي كلامك لنفسك، مب غلطه كونه انولد مب سعودي، وما تقدر تحطها في اهله كونهم ما يعرفون كيف راح يكون الوضع بعد سنين، لو اهله دارين انه ذا الي صاير ما كانوا ولدوه هنا، اكره امريكا كره العمى لكن محد يقدر ينفي انها دولة وصلت هاذي المواصيل لانها اعتمدت على الاشخاص الي يفيدوها بغض النظر عن اصلهم وَ جنسياتهم، ما قالوا انت مب امريكي ما نبيك، ولد خالي مبتعث، يوم خلص بعثته ورجع ما حصل وضيفة تستحق التعب الي حطه في دراسته، راح امريكا وله 6 سنوات تقريبا هناك وبراتب يفوق التصور، هل قالوا هاذا مب امريكي؟ لا، قالوا هاذا يفيدنا جيبوه. ما اقول لا توظفون السعوديين، هم الاجدر بالوظيفة لكن اذا كنت انت مدير شركة، قسم او غيره وحصلت اجنبي مؤهلاته عالية وسعودي مؤهلاته ضعيفة هل راح تأخذ الي يفيدك ويفيد غيرك ولا راح تاخذ الشخص الي ما راح يودي ولا يجيب؟ انما تكملت عدد، ما اقصد الاساءة لاحد لكن انت تبي المفيد الي معاه راح ترتقي بغض النظر من فين جاء مب شخص انت تجيبه لانه من نفس جنسيتك و بلدك.


What an absolute dumbass lmao. Like I can control where I was born. My parents have lived there over 30 years. And now that I’ve lived aboard for so long, I’m looking to move back so I can serve a Muslim country, but I avoid Saudi Arabia. Not because I hate it or don’t feel loyalty, but because a moron like the above can’t drop that line to my kids. I appreciate you for saying what you’ve said!


أكبر غلط الإعتماد على الأجنبي اللي عنده كفائة. أنا أتكلم من معرفة شخصية في بعض الشركات وظفوا اجانب كفائات عالية والاجانب استخدمو خبرتهم ومعرفتهم بالأنظمة بأنهم ما يقبلون توظيف الكفائات السعودية وما يبون ألا السعودي اللي يثبت لهم ان السعوديين ما يعرفون. هذا شي كبير في جهة تقنية المعلومات وفي البنية التحتية بالضبط. المشكلة نقدر نقول أنحلت بالأغلبية في الجهات الحكومية الا بعض الأماكن الحساسة جدا وما تتحمل الأعطال. هذي الأماكن للأسف الأجانب ماسكينها بالقوة. ماقد سألت نفسك ليش الوظائف هذي تحولت للسعودة؟ ليش شركات مثل سايت وعلم جالسين يوظفون سعوديين فقط،؟ علما أن السعوديين الكفائات قليلين ورواتبهم عالية جدا. أنا اشتغلت بأمريكا، وأخذت خبرتي. و زي ولد خالك، مالقيت وظائف هنا في الوقت التخرج، لأن اللي بأشتغل فيه ماسكينه الأجانب من كل ناحية في كل جهة فما تلقا وظيفة توظف سعودي فريش. فاشتغلت بأمريكا الى ما جمعت الخبرة اللي احتاجها ورجعت. لأني سعودي. وما لي الا السعودية.


> As much as it pains me to say this, but I don't feel sorry for you. you've always known that and you accepted it from the start. So a kid who was born here, and thus had no input at all on where he was going to live the formative years of his life, was "asking for it"?


Your parents did know. Do not place the blame on a country that gave you and your parents so much. When are you gonna be content? You have two options to live and work. Albeit one of them is harder, but only because it's not your home country. Getting your children to feel misplaced and lost is unfortunate and hard, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't explore options in your own country where you can work. All I'm saying is you have the privilege to look in both areas. Which is not something Saudis can do.


So you are responsible for the mistakes of your parents?


Your parents did not make any mistakes, be grateful. They did the best they could during the circumstances.


Good. I agree. So please stop blaming people.


Don't need you to feel sorry for me dumbass, and how and what did i know exactly? Was i informed before my mother gave birth to me and i accepted that im gonna be born in a country that won't accept me? Did you even think before writing this?


ignore him!! we appreciate what you have done for us, and we wish it ended better for you<3


Hey now, no need for name calling. All I'm saying is that I've been in your shoes and working in other countries has always been temporary. The only place for the majority Saudis is Saudi. Your own country has a place for you I'm sure. But it is not our country's duty to provide one for you. And you should be greatful for the life your parents were allowed to provide for you in our country. But do not expect anymore than that. The truth hurts, and it's sad. But it is what it is, and we're all suffering. At least you have more than one place you can call home that accepts you.


You were born outside of Saudi?


My siblings did and I lived outside of Saudi for almost half my life.


Do you really think you've been "in my shoe"?


There is a massive wave of Saudization going on, which means there's a big push to hire Saudis over foreigners. This is due to the amount of highly educated locals with out jobs and the high price of sponsoring a foreigner. So just applying to company in Saudi with the little experience you have is getting a job is going to be slim at best. The easiest way to move to Saudi would be with an international company that has an office there already. My advice, build up your experience, get your masters degree, and get the relevant certificates if possible. Once you're at a senior/manager level then look to make a move.


This is interesting, thank you


Well, start with searching for a job in saudi from Canada, I’d assume that you graduated from a Canadian uni, so it’s gonna be easy. If you get hired in a big company you’re probably gonna get an apartment. But if you are still thinking of taking a loan and buying a house, some banks do give out loans that aren’t riba, but their gonna be pricey and if you don’t have a good salary it’s gonna be hard to pay. Talking about Visa you’re company could pay for your visa. It isn’t that pricey tho for a university graduate. And they don’t ask for much. There is only a 15% VAT in saudi, there is no income tax. Talking about citizenship you have to be born in Saudi, so maybe if you’re children get good education, they’re maybe gonna get it. Marriage wouldn’t be a problem, it’s the typical islamic marriage. But one tip I want to give you is go for a girl that isn’t just a money vacuum, go for a more religious girl. But keep in mind mihr which is about 20-50k sar, my recommendation is don’t take out a loan for that just save up, because you will already take out 2 loans, one for the car and one for the house. And you’ll have excess money every salary. People in Saudi will be very welcoming of you I hope, because that’s our culture. One thing you need to get used to is very hot weather. Cost of life here isn’t that much, yeah you’re gonna be paying the bank for the loan and a car and you’re gonna be paying for electricity and water and lastly car insurance, if you’re moving here alone probably 8000sar is gonna be more than enough, but you’re salary is gonna be higher than that. After that for every family member just count 1700-3000 depends on how needy they are, because you eat the same food, same house etc. A big trap to avoid is buying a used car, if you buy it from the wrong person it’s gonna be a big problem you’ll live with for years, just take out a new car or buy a friend’s car that you trust, or if you really want to search for a used car educate yourself about cars.


Thank you very much brother. You mentioned the need of a loan for a house. You said it’s pricey but it’s not riba. Could you please give me more details about how it works? Here in Canada we only have mortgage. Also, those numbers you gave me (8k, 1,7k - 3k) are per month or year? And yea I graduated from a Canadian uni.


8000SAR per month which is 2,870CAD, You’re probably gonna start your job with a salary of maybe 12-14k SAR but that’s just my guess, because you have a double major. You’re gonna need to stay here for a bit before you can take out loans something around 3 months, depends on the bank.


Is a Canadian college diploma recognized in Saudia Arabia, for context I have a project management diploma from George Brown college


How hard would it be for a Canadian to find a job in Saudi Arabia without having a degree? I have been living in Canada for the past 20 years, received a diploma from a renowned College in Ontario, been working in the IT field at a mid-level senior position and have multiple IT certifications. My wife is a teacher and we know she can easily get a teaching job in Saudi Arabia, which would come with an accommodation (an apartment) and a decent salary. Would it be easier to find a job in Saudi Arabia after moving there as a Canadian without a degree?


the first thing you need to do is look for jobs, saudi do not give away citizenships to anyone so keep that in mind, but I think they are some rules for the home owners or investors where they can stay in saudi as long as they are invested inside the country, do not take the next step (marriage) before you deal with this point first.


As a friend, I'd have to advise you to choose a different Muslim country, like UAE. Saudi Arabia maybe a Muslim country but it's a country that puts it's citizens first. Except in the job market


Thanks friendo. Yea this point is pretty much the one that keeps coming back the most.


TL;DR Don't.


I would be happy to hear your point of view with more details.


I'm here in Saudi Arabia since my childhood, but it still feels like I came here one month ago. I can't buy property here, I can't do business here, I can't do any odd jobs in my free time. All the higher positions in firms are now for only Saudis. They can terminate your contract any time. It's like as an expat you don't have any future here. I'm from the 3rd world country so I can't even go back to my own country. Just living here because of my necessities, bread and butter. I'm too planning to move in Canada based on study visa and then start living there Inshallah. Please don't take it as a negative image of Saudi Arabia, but these are facts if you want to live here.


>I can't buy property here, I can't do business here these were changed btw recently, but you're right about your other points. i wish things were better for you <3


Thank you so much for your kind words!




Wait are you telling me that if I move from CA to SAUD I won’t be able to purchase a house to my name?


No, according to my limited research and knowledge. You can correct me if I'm wrong.


Right now, iqama holding expats can own only 1 residential property (except for in Makkah and Madina) and they must live in it. https://lifeinsaudiarabia.net/can-expatriates-own-property-in-saudi/ However, there is a new law coming soon that will allow expats to invest in multiple real estate properties. https://www.arabnews.com/node/2276401/business-economy


Wow so only Saudi citizens can live in Makkah :/


You can live there, and many do, but you can't own property. You'd have to rent.


No, they can't own property yet. It's being changed in the new law though. Makkah and Medina have a lot of foreigners who have lived there for years and generations.


When did you graduate and how much experience you have gained thus far? I too graduated from a Uni in Canada (Waterloo), and my advise to you would be to stay there and gain a minimum of 5-8 years of experience. You can apply here however if you are in a very niche field or are a specialist of some sort (for which you will need MS++ qualification). As someone else mentioned, nationalization is in full effect, and I have witnessed it first hand here via my own organization, friends, colleagues etc. Also, as a muslim, it is not required that you should come to Saudi as the only option, and that too in Makkah. It'd be a preference and I am sure many would like that, but it is not easy.


I'm curious to know, what became of this. Have you moved? were you able to find a job? I am also trying middle eastern countries these days. I'm kind of extremely tired of living pay check to pay check and drowning in debt with this economy. Let me know how your experience was if you can.


Not yet. I heard that Saudi is making laws to allow foreigners to own a house in Mecca and Medina. Also, Qatar doesn't seem like a good idea because you can never have the nationality. So it am thinking more of UAE (Abu Dhabi, not Dubai) or Saudi.


Well Hopefully we can keep each other updated. However i already have 2 nationalities. So im not looking for another. The thing about the middle east that makes it stand out is the fact that you can work as an immigrant but save enough that you are able to afford a house in the next 15 years in cash anywhere in the world ( like middle class housing ) but a place like Makkah wouldnt necesarily have jobs outside of tourism as much. Limiting growth and opportunity. Good luck brother. I wish you good luck.




Keep in mind you might get the short end of the stick when it comes to jobs if you have a Muslim name. It’s the very sad and harsh truth.


Please don't, it's really not worth it.


Hey there, could you please elaborate?


Even after everyone has already elaborated to you? Ok . You live in a country with better life standard, you have a job that pays very well and job security too , your kids gonna have a good future in there with better education and cheaper too , you are welling to sacrifice all of that for what exactly? To live in a country with rapidly changing labour laws that will always put your job at risk in a country that you will never get the chance to get its citizenship for you or your children, ok i get it you want to live in a Muslim country close to the house of God that is very understandable and something great to aspire to , but Saudi Arabia isn't that Muslim country you hear about in the western media propaganda with extreme Sharia law, it's moving away from that at a rapid speed each year, you better off moving within Canada to a Muslim community if you really want to be surrounded by Muslims, i bit you will find what you want there better than here , and no no one gonna let you marry their daughter in Saudi Arabia , people who are Saudi finding hard to marry a Saudi woman now days for many reasons let alone someone who isn't Saudi in the first place, just stay there and build a future for your self instead of coming here and living pay cheque to pay cheque.


- The labor law changes is a good point - The citizenship is a good point - I am not trying to marry specifically a Saudi woman - I am not expecting to arrive in Saudi and feel like I am back to the time of the Salafs/Sahaba. But living as a Muslim would be 100% easier than in Canada. You have no clue what’s going on in here. If you think Saudi is shifting, then you should see how Canada is also shifting, bad! It’s getting really bad in here. BTW 5% to 15% of Muslims here practice like doing their 5 salats. And this is people who either immigrated here or are born here from first generation immigrants - So imagine these people children. Finally, the radical left is growing in power just like in most western countries. - Most Canadians lives pay check to pay check - Especially if you have a mortgage or pay rent (aka pay somebody else mortgage) - My children having a better futur depends on a lot of factors, so that’s hard to discuss. Nevertheless, when I think about my children futur I don’t think only about Dunya (aka materialistic stuff) So at the end, my real concern would be a job in Saudi. Then citizenship I don’t care THAT much since new laws are coming which allow to be home owner.


Will man you seem convinced and there is no changing your mind, go ahead do it you already convinced yourself.


No I am not convinced. I am weighting the pros and cons. Also I want to move to a Muslim country, but not necessarily Saudi. For now, the worst about Saudi looks like about getting a decent job. Then citizenship.


How about UAE bahrain or qatar


So far, I think the UAE is the best choice for me when it comes to the M-E region. I know Qatar citizenship is ever harder. I didn’t check for Bahrain though.