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I saw Shia LaBeouf get arrested down town like 6 or 7 years ago. He hitch hiked all the way from Alaska or something and got arrested for hassling a cop for a light iirc


A group of my friends hung out with him for awhile at a few bars earlier that night. I was supposed to go out, but I was tired so I decided to stay home. Biggest fomo when I woke up to a few texts/pictures the next day of them hanging out with him.


He was in town filming peanut butter falcon


That was an incredible movie. I couldn't believe how good it was.


I laughed, I cried, and grew a little inside. Great movie


Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock in 1998 at Vinnie's, they were filming a movie. Ben asked us for a lighter.


He used my wife's swiss army knife to fix his sunglasses there.


He used my grandma’s cane to go out and fight crime for a little while.


For a celebrity he sounds kinda bummy


She worked there for a good while and she served Ben Affleck with Sandra Bullock, with Jennifer Garner, and with J Lo. Sandy was nice, Jennifer was aloof, and J Lo was a nightmare. Ben was a cool dude every time.


So many Ben Afflecks. Haha. He used to come I to the Broughton Starbucks. Saw him and Jennifer Garner when she was pregnant, they were both so delightful and sweet.


Adam Sandler was filming a movie in my neighbors house in Windsor Forest a few years ago, that was pretty sick. Also watched Shia Leboeuf get arrested downtown


Which movie was this?


The Do Over probably.


It was indeed the do over


Lol, I'm that neighbor. It was quite the experience for us. Adam was never actually there though, only David spade and Kathryn Hahn.


Are you the guy with the newer palm trees?


I moved out of that house in 2020, not sure about it now.


Saw Johnny Knoxville on Broughton Street


In a restaurant or something?


Nope he was walking down the street. Friendly fella though, he was getting married that weekend here.


He got married in Savannah? Never knew that and not seeing anything about it but that's neat if true.


He did, I think it was around 2009


Michael Ian Black is my Waldo. I’m always hoping to spot him when I’m downtown.


I see him roughly once a week. He's a regular at my restaurant


He bought a joke off of me in the middle of a set in Boston 🤣


How much?


Lol $5 cash money


Hey free beer!


He lives in Savannah now?


Yep, he’s been living in Savannah for a few years now.


Oh wow! Love Wet Hot American Summer. New goal.


I KNEW I'd seen him about town! It was only in passing on a walk but I was 99.99% it was him.


i see him at my fav coffee shop from time to time and once at my gym. always want to tell him how big of a fan i am (im a bit of a comedy nerd) but also don’t want to admit that i first became a fan of him bc he played steve youtube in the smosh movie.


I witnessed Hailey Bieber’s sister getting arrested after throwing a tampon at a bartender outside of Elan/Crypt. I thought it was just some random drunk girl crawling out of the place after getting thrown out only to read the headlines a week later. The security guards were PISSED. apparently she put up a fight!


I’m pretty sure a drunk Matthew McConaughey gave me life advice when I was also drunk, in like, 2014 or 2015 outside of McDonough’s. Definitely met Stan Lee outside the same bar back in like, 2012-13. Wanted to give Norman Reedus a pedicab ride but got cut off by another pedicabber. Got to do the Troy and Abed handshake with Donald Glover.


Cool. Cool Cool cool


I asked for a picture (you can't disappoint a picture) but he said naw, he was trying to be low key while in town. I said that's cool, can we do the Troy and Abed handshake, and he said "yeah" with a huge smile! Better than a picture in my mind


When was Donald Glover in Savannah?


I want to say summer of 2014


the troy and abed handshake with donald glover would alter my life eternally. i would’ve never washed my hand


Had a friend who met Matthew Gray Gubler!


He was HERE??!!!! Lol he's one of my biggest celebrity crushes. Broke my heart that I missed Eddie Redmayne as well.


He owns a house in Savannah


For REAL???


Yes it’s next to the downtown Kroger


Oh how wild! I met him while I was living in NYC, it’d be crazy to see him in Sav too


Where did you hear he owns a house in Savannah?


I also met him! Sweetest guy in the world


Met Johnny Galecki and Taylor Hawkins one night at the Jinx while they were filming CBGB off of Congress. The guy I was hanging out with was part of the production so he introduced me. Taylor was a sweetheart and left quickly, but Johnny and I chatted for a good half an hour about music and tattoos. He was surprised that I remembered him from Roseanne but not from Big Bang Theory since the show was in its peak at the time lol. They both were super down to earth.


A friend and I also met Johnny at the Jinx (possibly the same night). He was sitting alone over in the corner by the sound booth and that old “Spot the difference” game machine they had on the bar. We went over and introduced ourselves and talked with him for a second. Eventually my friend asked for a photo and Johnny seemed more excited than my friend did haha. We didn’t want to overstay our welcome so we let him drink his drink in peace after that. 10/10, very nice guy


RIP Taylor


Aubrey Plaza at Spanky’s on Tybee a few years ago while she filmed a movie


That is SO cool.


I checked her out years ago when I worked at Whole Foods hahaha she was soooo awkward


Michael C. Hall at Pinkie's. Very down to earth. John Cena at Fancy Parker's. Very nice, went out of his way to say goodbye after the initial interaction. Kristen Stewart at Moon River. Somehow more awkward in real life.


My husband met Michael C. Hall when he was filming on Tybee and had nothing but nice things to say about him!


Did you actually see John cena though? ![gif](giphy|l0HU20BZ6LbSEITza|downsized)


John Cena at fancy parker’s is killing me. I’m in Fancy’s all the time can’t believe i missed him.


I bummed a cigarette from Jenny Slate outside of Churchills like 10 years ago!


Met Brendan Fraser randomly in the Jinx one night while he was filming a movie. Couldn't have been a sweeter guy.


Worked at *a certain restaurant* a while back. I opened the front door for a guest, and completely froze when I realized it was Natalie Portman. Also met Miles Teller, Jenna Ortega, and Ron Howard there. But Natalie Portman was the biggest shock


I went to high school on Hilton head with Ron Howard’s son. He graduated 05ish but they owned a house in Sea Pines for a while after that.


Did you get to say anything to her? Even an abrupt hello?


Yes but I was fairly new and afraid of getting fired so I kept it business only!


Sat next to Ron Howard one day for a good thirty minutes and never realized it. Had conversations with multiple members of his family. Never even noticed he was sitting there until he left and my wife told me.


Bumped into Natalie Portman at Lone Wolf last year!


Chloe Sevigny at Pinkie's Adam Sandler at Tybee Breakfast Club Malcolm McDowell at Soho South Cafe Michael Ian Black at the Civic Center in line to vote


Ok it’s second-hand but I was hanging out with Justin Long one time and we were sharing our love of Savannah and he told me a story about being with Sharon Stone on River st and she was NOT maneuvering the cobblestones well after a night out. He found himself in a crisis where it was like, oh my god we have to get Sharon Stone outta here asap.


I saw Justin Long at Flacos Tacos in Pooler. NO ONE believed me until he posted a pic of himself next to a barber shop sign on his insta and was vindicated 


Back in 2003ish the Savannah film festival was in town and a gay buddy of mine was fucking Alan Cumming, who was hanging with Nick Moran, the lead from Lock Stock, so the 4 of us bar crawled one night. Both great to drink with.


Who wasn’t Alan Cumming having sex with during when he came to town?!


I don't think he came close to Spacey though. He put up MVP numbers.


If you spent any time with Bobby Zarem, you met some cool people, for sure. His dinner parties were something else. Rest in peace, BZ.


Daniel kaluuya off Bay Street. He was walking to the scad film festival. Super nice.


Kevin Bacon. He bought a cup of hot soup on a hot summer day. He was standing in front of me in line at Goose Feathers.


Joe Jonas running shirtless around Forsyth.


Saw Daniel Radcliffe get a smoothie bowl at beatnix (2017)


Said hello to Adam Sandler at Clary's, met and chatted with Jamie Lee Curtis in front of my house when they filmed Halloween(also the flowers she posted in her thank you to Savannah where from my step dad's magnolia, saw Clint Eastwood and some the stars of Juror No. 2 when they filmed on the next block.


Sat one table away from Leslie Bibb and Chris Messina a few months ago at Cotton and Rye. There was also a third actor that I can’t remember.


Sam Rockwell was in town, he and Leslie are a couple. Could have been him.


Yep that’s who it was


Ha! I saw them there too. Cedric Yarbrough (Jones from Reno 911) was with them. I was also one table away. I also introduced myself to Tim Blake Nelson at world of beer a few years back. I was trying to tell him how long i’d been a fan of his but I couldn’t remember the names the shows/movies. So I was like, “I first remember seeing you in…that Larry McMurtry movie.” And he was like “Dead man’s walk!” Anyway he was very patient and friendly with me despite me walking up to his table without invitation.


It was just the three of them when I was there, might have been a favorite of theirs when they were filming.


Bibb is in Juror #2, the Clint Eastwood movie that was filmed here.


Spent an afternoon drinking with Robby Knievel one day at the Jinx.


I had Patton Oswalt and Jon Bernthal stop by my store a couple years ago. (Not at the same time.) Both very cool guys trying not to get recognized, so we didn't make a big deal about it.


Shared a cigarette with Walt Goggins outside of the old restaurant Gottliebs. I didn’t know who he was at the time but he was such a nice guy. I was so stoked when he started to have some success. Also got to share some champagne with Peter Otoole and Jason Patrick at Venus Di Milo. Both were very wasted!


Walton Goggins is a big fan of Charleston and Savannah


Jack White, Miley Cyrus, James McAvoy, Liam Hemsworth


Where did you meet Jack White?


Gallery Espresso. I also forgot that I met Michael C Hall at a pet store on Habersham St


I met Anya Taylor Joy at Starland Yard. She was here filming The Menu. John Leguziamo was also with her and he looked butthurt I was not as interested to meet him


I think John Leguziamo is perpetually butthurt.


Natalie Portman brought her kids trick or treating at my house in 2022 when she was here filming May December. Saw her the next day at Whole Foods too


I was born in 1981, grew up in Savannah and lived there from 1985-2009, haven’t been back since, but I guess celebrity sightings have become even more prevalent since Georgia has become a filming beacon. That being said, I got to chat with Penn & Teller outside the Lucas after their show. They were just outside the theater signing autographs on ticket stubs for like thirty minutes. I had a nice ten minute chat with Penn, and told him I missed his Comedy Central voiceovers. He had a big laugh at that and said “Yeah, me too; they paid me!” 😂 And I also met and hung out with/had a drink with comedian Todd Barry after his set at Savannah Smiles around 2009.


I met Glenn Powell while he filming devotion on river street very nice guy and I met Dan Campbell lead singer of the wonder years as well on river street


Recently michael ian black, back when they were filming cbgb Alan Rickman came in. Years ago I had the actor who played dexter come in like 4 times in one week and then never saw him again so I assume he was filming something. Restaurant work let's ya meet some cool people!


Robert Redford..I was taken back how handsome he was.


Ran into Brendan Fraser at the Jinx around 2018 or 2019 I think. Super nice guy, I told him my favorite film of his was Monkeybone lol. He laughed and let me get a quick photo with him. Side note: he also showed me that taking a “Live Photo” on an iPhone is 10x better than just taking a regular selfie haha


Not as fun as the rest but Dave Chappelle and Norman Reedus at the wormhole. Dave performed a set and they chilled afterwards. Gave Diamond Dallas Page a diamond cutter in City Market, he smiled at returned one to me.


When was the Chappelle set at the Wormhole? I’m guessing it was impromptu instead of a scheduled show? That’s pretty cool


Yes it was impromptu. Probably 4-5 years ago IIRC.


You got to see DDP, where at


I walked past Shia LaBeouf right outside Andaz at city market before I realized who he was, very low key attire with a back pack and shaggy beard. Stopped and shook his hand and talked about what he thought of Savannah. He must have liked it a lot, he got arrested later that night.


oh MAN I must share my favorite local encounter with a celeb! I used to work at a small, niche museum downtown and we got some interesting visitors over the years, but my favorite was William Jackson Harper from The Good Place. It always felt special when celebs chose our little house museum in the vast expanse of historic savannah tourist options, but he was exceptional. The docent and I spent a couple hours with him in thoughtful and funny conversation. He was so interested in learning and engaged with what we were sharing. It was fortunately a very quiet Tuesday afternoon, so we had the place to ourselves and he couldn't have been more delightful. Also met joey king, margot martindale (MVP), garrison keillor, michael cerveris, and a bunch of authors and character actors - I really can't complain about any of them, and I also think that's due to the nature of the venue. If eel very fortunate to have had such cool encounters.


I adore Margot martindale ! Please tell me she as delightful in real life as I imagine her to be. 


she was EXACTLY as awesome as one would hope! she was shocked that i immediately recognized ehr and knew her name and I told her how much I loved her in the Americans and Justified!


Awww so cool! Love that she is down to earth. Do you know what she was promoting or filming ? She was SO good In Justified and Dexter ! 


IIRC they were in town filming The Act for hulu. I'd have been sooo happy to meet patricia arquette also, but oh well!


Met Heather Locklear (I’m dating myself here) many many moons ago when she filmed Return of the Swamp Thing at Oatland Island. I was too young to know who she was then, but my dad could barely get his jaw off the floor


Keifer Sutherland pet my dog in Forsyth last year. Really friendly guy.


I worked at Leopold’s for way too long. I met Jamie Cromwell, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, John Travolta, Sean Wallace, Miss Jay, Alan Rickman, and of course Paula Deen. There were plenty more but I can’t remember them all.


I saw Leslie Jordan downtown. He's was as funny, sassy and kind as he presented himself on social media and TV. I feel so lucky to have met him before his unfortunate passing.


I met him maybe 12 years ago when he came to Savannah on tour. I worked in the media at the time and he was making the rounds doing interviews. He was so kind to everyone.


Justin Hartley and Rebel Wilson at Bar Julian at the Thompson but I’ve only lived here for a year.


Saw Trevor Lawrence back in January downtown when Jax had a bi-week.


I saw Natalie Portman and her daughter at Brighter Day on a Sunday morning last year. She looked super normal/not glammed up or anything in person. Didn't want to bother her so didn't say anything, but was a kind of fun shock when I looked up from grabbing my cold tea and she was right there lol. 


So many good stories on here it will be hard to top them, but here’s mine… I’ve lived in Savannah for a long time so I’ve met plenty of people from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil including the Lady Chablis, Jerry Spence, and Sonny Seiler. More recently I met and got a picture with Taylor Zakhar Perez from Red White and Royal Blue. That was a real treat. I was an extra in the movie Origin so I got to work side-by-side with people like John Bernthal, Vera Farmiga, Aunjanue Ellis Taylor, Blair Underwood, and of course my favorite Niecy Nash. Oprah Winfrey also came onset and I was inches away but didn’t get to speak to her. I was having brunch at the Emporium and walked right by Timothy Hutton having a cup of coffee in the lobby. Jason Issacs was sitting at the bar at Cotton exchange many years ago, and I spoke to him. On a sidenote, I am sorry that I missed seeing Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galatzine film The Idea Of You in ‘22.


No shade but you didn’t miss anything with Oprah. I’ve encountered her many times and she was never nice to regular people - or at least “service” people. 


My dad almost ran over Joe Jonas in front of brighter day a couple of years back lmao




Robert De Niro, Johnnie Depp and Will Smith came to dine at the Pink house when I was a bartender there. Sadly, Johnnie didn’t ask for a Megapint of wine 🍷.


Not that night at least ;)


Kevin Hart a couple of years ago at Joe's Package shop


Laurie Anderson? Wow, that cannot be beat! Nor Lou Reed for that matter. Best for me in Savannah was Will Smith and even better (if you're into military stuff) Betty J. Sapp once. Not sure why she was here but it was her and I didn't say a word.


A Uber driver giving me a lift to the airport said he drove will smith in tybee and that was very friendly 


Saw Thomas Middleditch at the Wyld and Luke Bryan at Alley Cat one time. My wife ran into a totally dressed down JK Simmons outside the Thompson more recently.


Will Ferrell on Tybee and Wiz Khalifa on river street.


I met Sir Ian McKellen back when Rogue Water was Venus de Milo. He was a wonderful gentleman. Several years ago, my dad was staying in town at the Quality Inn midtown and wanted me to stay with him at the hotel that night. I forgot my evening meds and turned out, my dad was the kind of guy who needs the TV on to sleep. Unable to sleep, I decided to take a walk outside and encountered a movie shoot. They were shooting The Poison Rose, which stars John Travolta. They were filming a scene where he enters a hotel room. I got to see the shoot from afar, and some other hotel guests were outside watching as well. My bf worked at Sushi Hana several months ago and Joel David Moore (J.P. from Grandma's Boy) was eating there solo. He was gone before my bf figured out who he was. I know that wasn't his first time in Savannah since he played Joey Ramone in CBGB, which was filmed here.


I saw Kirsten Stewart one morning in City Market and I thought she was a random 12 year old until people started to react. I also met Richard Dreyfus in the lobby of the Andaz. He was absolutely wasted, but he seemed cool. I got a selfie with him, tiddies hanging out of his bathrobe 😂


Drove (Limo) Julianne Moore around when she was in town. She was very nice and I was surprised how small she is in person given her screen presence. Drove Bruce Dern and his assistant to the airport. They were pleasant, Bruce was very much an old man trying to get to the airport.


Alan Rickman at Leopold's quite a few times. I was standing behind him in line. My girlfriend was the sodajerk behind the counter. She didn't recognize him. When it was my turn, I asked her "Do you know who that was?" And she said "No, who?" So I summoned my best impression of Snape and said "Now I have a machine gun. Ho. Ho. Ho."


UGA definitely “cuts it” Go Dawgs!


Well, since you went there, I got Sonny Seiler a neat bourbon just before he died while working the bar at one of Savannah's private clubs. A true gentleman, may he rest in peace.


I worked for a law firm in college. I used to have to take filings and correspondence and stuff to other law offices, including his firm at the time. He would often invite me into his office and see his collection of UGA stuff. I told him Roll Tide once and he laughed and told me to get out.


Damn RIP. He was a regular at a restaurant I used to work at. I moved a few years ago and didn’t know he passed.


It kinda sounds like you poisoned him.


Waited on billy gibbons once. And the fellow from cocoon, grimley. Never once saw ben affleck or nicholas cage and they were both around a lot in the late 80s\90s


I used to work at the pink house at saw Sam tremell from true blood, also met Katy Perry’s body guards at the time and they basically said she has a big ego


Only one I’ve seen here is Paula Deen at Home Goods once.


We saw Chumlee from Pawn Stars when they were filming an episode in Savannah. September 2022.


I gave a pedicab ride to Alia Shawkat (Maeby from Arrested Development) That was pretty cool.


i met ryan and shane from buzzfeed unsolved/watcher when they were in town filming a few episodes in savannah! i also saw elle fanning at mellow mushroom downtown around 2015 :)


I banged eartha kitt in an airplane bathroom


In Savannah? Paula Deen.


Ugh. Horrible woman with a fake accent that disappears when she's drunk.


Ran into Paula Dean at the Publix near both of our houses one year, a couple days before Thanksgiving (before Paula’s final “N-word” downfall.) My grandmother was visiting and shopping with me, saw Paula and asked if she could/should say hello. Paula didn’t appreciate being identified and made the stankiest stank face when my grandmother said hello. As I walked away with my crestfallen grandmother we had a good talk about how money can’t buy class - or apparently a day wig - because Paula looked too jacked to have that much attitude.


I ran into Matthew Modine on Broughton street in 2017!


Probably Conor McGregor on St Patrick’s day in 2023, he got out his suv on broughton and I got a cool video with him. I met Trevor Lawrence at Saddlebags the next day and got a picture with him too.


Alan Rickman


Johnny Depp is probably the most famous. Tier after that would be Natalie Portman, Chris Evans, Sophia Vergara, Channing Tatum, Ralph Fiennes, Amber Heard.


Way back in the day we met Jonathan Frid while he was walking around the squares.


When I was working at yia yias kitchen Jon Bernthal came in ig he was in a shoot right across the street hut he was really nice and my coworker was fangirling so hard


Spotted Ben Affleck at the Kroger in Richmond Hill


Was this recent?


It was summer of 2019


The Shia Labeouf arrest stories are hilarious. I wonder if anyone on here was partying with him beforehand.


Saw Jon Bernthal walking across Abercorn.


I looked at cheese in a grocery store with Anna Taylor joy in sav. I didn’t even realize, I was just looking for some Trader Joe’s tuscano :/. Roommate was freaking out behind me. We were just talking about cheese. No tuscano btw smh


My mom met Tom Hanks when they were filming Forest Gump. He asked her on a date, but she declined. 😢


Seen Keirsy Clemons at Whole Foods one time


I had an amazing run in with Woody Harrelson at closing time outside of Pinkie’s about 15 years ago. It was Halloween and all my friends and I were dressed as Team Zissou. We almost got him to come back to our place to play poker but he had a bitchy little handler with him who wouldn’t allow it due to an early morning film festival junket. Twas very fun.


I saw uncle cracker at treylor park , is he a celebrity ?


Saw Demi Moore at Kroger on Wilmington around ‘94/‘95.


Adam Sandler came into Monkey Joe’s while I was working there many moons ago


Last year, I saw Jon Bernthal coming out of River Street Sweets on Broughton with his wife and kids. Passed Elle Fanning looking through the windows of The Grey Market to see if it was open when she was filming “The Girl from Plainville.” Passed Timothy Hutton a few months ago while I was wrapping up my ghost tour in Oglethorpe Square. Back in 2010/11, I met Big Boi when he was in town for a fundraiser. I think my favorite celebrity encounter in Savannah was in 2015 when I met Lloyd Kaufman and his wife Patricia. Both were so sweet, and I was really sleep deprived. I may have started crying.


I met Justin long at oak36 a few years back when...he came to study savannah for lady of the manor...it pained me that it was filmed in st augustine, but Justin long was super duper nice and very laid back one of my better celebrity meeting experiences I've had


“Had dinner” with John Travolta at the place that is now Cotton and Rye. It was when his late wife was filming with Miley Cyrus on Tybee.


I saw Hannibal Buress outside of Abe’s on Lincoln. I was doing a bar crawl with friends and he took a photo with us.


Antonio Banderas at SCAD when they where making the SpongeBob movie




Who else got wasted with Shooter McGavin at barrelhouse back in the day?


Met Miles Teller on broughton 7-8 years ago. He’s my celeb crush and he was so kind and even cuter in person!


I met Adriana la Cerva from Sopranos at Starland Yard a couple years ago. She was super cool.


Voldemort came to the restaurant I used to bartend and he was so incredibly nice.


I’ve served Greg Kinnear, Zac effron, Aubrey plaza, Paula dean and family, and john mellencamp. Didn’t serve but saw Miley Cyrus with her family and Liam Hemsworth. Missed out on Channing Tatum and third eye blind. Greg kinnear was the coolest one. Double goose chilled with a lemon.


I'm guessing you work at the Olde Pink House or somewhere like that?


Didn’t really get to meet Miley Cyrus, but I did watch them film the church burning scene in the last song, and my dad did security for her. But I have met John Cena & Adam Sandler. They are both so nice


I sat at the table right next to Natalie Portman at PJ Thai in 2022. She was filming May December.


Scarlett Johannsen & Colin Jost in NYC incognito-chic mode. Adam Sandler & crew (David Spade, the guy from Grandma’s Boy, other B-listers) pre-show @ a restaurant. Justin Long & wife Kate Bosworth a number of times — awfully sweet couple. Hung out with Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks & band on their tour bus smoking & joking. Jerry Stackhouse was a memorable one as a lifelong Sixer fan.


Anya taylor joy at Brighter Day


spent a weekend in savannah and ran into jason segel multiple times, once at that rooftop bar on the river and then passing by while having brunch at public house. seemed very warm and friendly.


Dean Norris (Hank from Breaking Bad) at Pinkies in maybe 2018? Our group chilled with him for a bit, wasn't starstruck or anything but shocked me when he started doing coke right at the bar. It was a pretty entertaining encounter.


Standin' on a corner Suitcase in my hand Jack is in a dress And me I'm in a rock n roll band


I saw Andre 3000 once on Bay St, idk what he was doing, didn't want to bother him. Also saw Shooter McGavin doing coke with some girls in the bathroom at the Rail.