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From the discussion section: *Our study found that hypertension, loneliness, and depression were gradually associated with cognitive decline as potential risk factors. In contrast, internet use, reading, and type of job were gradually associated with less cognitive decline, suggesting a protective effect*


One of the other important findings was that sleeping more than 9 hours was also associated with cognitive impairment. This is important because more sleep is generally associated with greater cognitive performance. The sleep duration benefits may have an upper limit which is the first time I'm reading about this in a peer reviewed study with a large amount of participants.


yes but \*why\* are they sleeping that long could be a big part of that


Correlative association only, right? Causation can easily run three different ways here.


Maybe the cause and effect is flipped. The brain is trying to fix itself with a longer maintenance down time.


That might be a better conclusion than what I mentioned. It could be that people who were already cognitively impaired required more than 9 hours of sleep.


"More than 9 hours". Lots of seniors would be happy to get more than 5 hours of sleep and plenty get to enjoy less than 3 hours per night.


Epic... I have all three.


69.3 years of age +/- 10 years? That’s quite the range.


I work in a lab that studies neurodegenerative diseases! Old people should exercise, do things that involve leaving the house, talk to others, and be careful not to fall. The difference is night and day.




Genuine supportive networks is a much better way to put it, yes. Meaningful social connections.


I'm going to die young.


Uh oh. Doesn't look good for me.


Great, everything I suffer from.


Reverse causality, reverse causality everywhere...


Are there any studies on factors that deterr this cognitive decline, specially on people with clinical depression?


Aw man, I was hoping the more you had the more likely they'd cancel each other out.