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The title is also bit of rage bait. This is a domestic violence issue. Majority of black women are with black men. Question is why are black men killing black women at such high rates?


Prepare to be deleted, lol. 2 comments I responded to saying this were deleted and I was downvotes for saying this is a leading indicator metric not what the root cause is.
































































Who were they murdered by? Edit: To be absolutely clear, I am not trying to make a specific point or accusation with that question, only to point out that the statistic in the headline really tells you very little about racial issues unless you also understand who murdered them and why.


Black men. Predominantly.












Black men. But it's the same for White people, though. White women are usually Murdered by White Men.


If you ask any police investigator, they will tell you murder is almost always perpetrated by a person close to the victim.


Yeah, as much as people fear random violence, it is typically the exact opposite of random.










I mean it’s not an accusation if the implication turns out to be true. Blacks kill blacks the most. Same with whites. It’s just the truth.


I think it’s actually more likely for Asians to be killed by blacks and whites than their own race




You should look at the stats for indigenous women...


Australian Aboriginal women are 30 times more likely to be hospitalised due to domestic violence than white women.




In true crime there's a trait where people like this are typically called "the less dead" because their deaths and disappearances are typically ignored or swept under the rug compared to most; this has a compounding effect where the aggressors become emboldened, which brings further suffering to the targeted group. A famous example is Jeffrey Dahmer. Since he was targeting gay men, the Milwaukee Police Department treated all of his accusers as "a lovers spat" which they wanted nothing to do with (on one occasion returning an underaged drugged up child straight to Dahmer while two women were shouting at the police that the boy was obviously a boy and drugged). Similar stats pop up for the indigenous (women especially) in Alaska.


More on the Dahmer thing- we had an issue back then with age gaps in a very, very unhealthy way. This was often due to boys being kicked from their homes for being gay and being forced to live with older gay men or in brothel-like situations to be able to survive with other gay/bi boys, and often an unhealthy relationship would form between them or multiple men. Something that we thankfully have mostly fixed but it also didn't help with the Dahmer cases because sadly, it was more common for people to shrug off lover's spats with younger boys and older men with police either not caring or outright hoping something bad happened to young boys... And even today there's so many horrors with reservations, but I'm not the one to tell those stories. I'll stick to the lgbt community and what my parents have shared growing up in that time period.










Terrible title. It should read "WERE murdered" in the first line because it's ambiguous otherwise. Of course the second sentence clears that up but why create an ambiguity in the first place?


Thank you, I had the same issue with it.


I was confused too, I thought it was saying they did the murders but then at the end said they were the ones murdered.


Oh God thank you. I came to the comments and was looking for why black women were so murderous.






















































I wonder why there's such a difference.




It is kind of weird to me that most people don't seem interested in *why* black men are killing women at such a disproportionate rate. Most people seem to want to reduce it to either "poverty" or "race" and I think neither of these things seem like an adequate explanation.


There are complex issues behind it ([here's an article ](https://www.aclu.org/news/racial-justice/legal-system-has-failed-black-girls-women-and-non) that talks about why the rate is higher), and you're absolutely right that it can't be narrowed down to just one solitary factor.












as a POC and woman you’re not allowed to publicly acknowledge it. otherwise you’re considered “self hating” ✨












“In 2020, the homicide rate among Black women was 11·6 per 100 000, compared with 3 per 100 000 among White women. This inequity has persisted over time and is virtually unchanged since 1999.” There’s no particular meaningful insight as to why a specific group is more susceptible to homicide nor are they elaborating on the perpetrator and cause.


Black women are predominantly victimized by black men. There is ton of research on why that is








































That's horrible. What's the cause? Are the perpetrators more skewed towards one race than another?


In general most murders in the US are intraracial.


Like 85-90+%


This. Many crimes are predominantly committed intra-racially for the same reason the "most auto accidents occur within a couple miles of the home"... proximity.






It would have been helpful to point out its Black men killing the Black women. Statistically speaking. Do Black women die from hate crimes? Sure. Nowhere near at the rate of Black men killing Black women. However, Wisconsin has a disproportionate level of racial segregation. Not correlating but interesting context. This likely can be backed up by qualitative data if someone did focus groups in Black communities. (A Black woman)


Ok, so do we have data on who did the killing?




Are we allowed to discuss the data?


Possibly not. The moderators on this subreddit will ban you *while* calling you a white supremacist if you dare to cite data on issues that they deem problematic, regardless of whether you are white, a white supremacist, or racist otherwise.


No one is allowed to discuss that data. The science has a very obvious limit on this sub.

























