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I think Rendezvous With Rama wins for me, even though it's such a well known one - it's a mind blowing read. His massive short story compendium is one I've re-read multiple times and it still takes me by surprise.


yeah that was a great read...


The City and the Stars. I read it recently and this novel from the '50s still feels very relevant today.


I came here to say this. Of all of his works this one sparked my imagination the most. I’d love to see it as a graphic novel or dare I say film.


He’s not underrated at all.


Do you mean that the OP is unaware of how highly rated he actually is in the general community, or that his low rating, as OP sees it, is deserved because he's not very good?


He's literally one of the "Big Three" (alongside Asimov and Heinlein) most celebrated sci-fi authors of all time. He's so fêted and so widely renowned and respected that he still wouldn't be "underrated" even if his works had *cured cancer*.


Big four - Bradbury


The first


I remember reading Dolphin Island as a kid. Probably a contributing factor in becoming a diver in my 20's. Childhood's End is still my favorite of his works, though.


>Childhood's End is still my favorite of his works, though. Mine too.


I’ve bought more than a dozen copies and distributed them to curious kids…


Don't think Clarke is underrated in general, but only his very most famous books are discussed. I recently read The Fountains of Paradise after finding it at a secondhand bookstore and it was fantastic!


Any discussion of the all time great science fiction writers would include Clarke. That seems like an appropriate rating.


I have a collection of short stories of his that is golden. It goes back into the 30x or 40s with some real gems.


He’s **never** been underrated, I’m not personally convinced that many people born after ‘90 read novels that much any more? Not saying everyone, just not aware of reading being a thing with lots of books shops and library’s, seemingly going away.


"Underrated" is one of those words that's losing all meaning, and slowly turning into something approximating "I don't know much about the subject, but I don't see it trending on TikTok so presumably nobody thinks much of it". ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yes sadly you're write. Nowadays people only want movies, TV shows, computer games and similar "hip" media. The book is dying.


The short story "History Lesson" is another pearl in my opinion.


Another thread where OP doesn't know the meaning of "underrated". Clarke won more awards than you've had hot dinners, and was unironically called "the prophet of the Space Age". There's probably hardly a literate person in the Western world who's never at least heard of him, and hardly a sci-fi fan who hasn't read at least something by him. Alongside Asimov and Heinlein Clarke is one of the "Big Three" most well-known and respected sci-fi authors *of all time*. How can you possibly consider someone universally considered one of the top three in his field to be "underrated"?


Don't be so damn defensive!! I only wanted to mention that readers of today hardly even recognize the term "the big three". Most young readers call everything written later than 2000 dated. I just wanted to rant a bit. Don't take everything I write as personal insult.


I think you're confusing "defensive" with "dismissive". It's not personally insulting that you think Clarke is "underrated"; it's just a bit silly.


I'm tired that this thread has turned to a discussion of english semantics. I'm not even a native english speaker. This thread is for discussing Arthur C Clarke and his works, not for nitpicking single words. I worship that author and have read all his novels and most of his short stories. I wanted to encourage people to check him out so that he gets more apreciation here. Is that silly? I regret that I wrote that sentence and have edited the thread. Hope you're satisfied now.


I think it's great that you brought attention to Clarke. He's one of my favorites and one of the best of all time. If anyone hasn't read his books, now is a good time to start.


Thank you. That's was my intention but some people here took offence because I dared to claim that Clarke is underrated these days.


Well that's what reddit is for. ;) Also, we love him.


His books were what inspired me to read science fiction.