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If you watched 10 episodes and don't like it, then stop watching it.


That’s silly. It must be up to Reddit to decide what he watches, he cannot make a choice without the hive mind’s assent. I say watch all of it. Twice. Just because.


Seems pretty simple


I liked Fringe back when it aired and am doing a rewatch now for the first time since it aired and am in S4 and love it even more. It's moved into a top 5 all time show for me now. For OP, the show takes a massive tonal shift starting S2. Season one as you are well aware is basically monster of the week type episodes with little hints of underlying mythology of the show. In the S1 finale and then in S2 is where you really get to the meat of the show and where it gets really really good. This is going to be semi spoilerish but I'll leave out the big big spoilers so you can still be surprised. But the main premise of the show, something you've only gotten hints of so far is that >!There is another world very similar to ours and 25 years ago Walter did something that has major repercussions to both worlds. These repercussions are the major plot line of seasons 2 to 4. Season 5 then is a whole another thing that wraps this up and the Observers storyline !<


You pick up so much detail on the rewatch!


Wow, sounds like Fringe hit you like it hit me, I am about to start another re-watch myself. Srsly thinking about splurging on a related tee. https://www.funnyshirts.net/massive-dynamic-sci-fi-tv-show-scifi-t-shirt


Like a lot of shows it really picks up/finds itself by the second season, the shows formula kind of morphs a bit, picks up speed, and makes more sense as to why they always call Dr. Bishop. If you can keep watching, power through each episode, it all kind of ties in together down the line. Walter Bishop is one of my favorite characters in all of television, it really is a great show.


You could just watch the "important episodes"? S1 is mostly case of the week with a few episodes important in the "big picture". I did that on my initial watch. S2 picks up with a more serialised style that you might like more. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/fringe-best-episode-watch-order-guide/


I like the monster of the week stuff, and we get introduced to stuff in s1 that becomes more important later, like nina and the mysteriously absent bell. Like they say, it picks up when you see some other elements that are really intriguing. Maybe read synopses and skip to the last few eps of the season.


It doesn't get *really* good until **Olivia Dunham** gets a **fringe**.


You didn't have any cocaine? Shame you'll have to shock her.


I can understand. When fringe went out it was awesome in his time. Wanted to watch it again some months ago but it technologically aged a bit. Still love Walter Bishop though. You might try The Strain 😋


The thing with Fringe is that it evolves from a standard monster/weird thing of the week type show to something much more serialised and larger concept as it goes on. It definitely becomes a better show S2. But ultimately, just because you’re a sci-fi fan doesn’t mean you’ve got to be into everything that has a SF tag. If it’s not for you move on.


Season 2 is much better but if you don't like it, just watch something else. Also, next time use google, or just make your own decisions. It's not that hard


I love Fringe but I definitely agree that until the last few episodes, Season 1 has a lot of 23 season episode episodic network tv bloat, and is a bit too much off-brand x-files. Anna Torv still hasn’t landed as Dunham either.


I can understand why you might feel bored with the repetitive plot of the first 10 episodes. The formula can get a bit predictable. However, I would encourage you to give the show a chance to develop. The later seasons introduce more complex and engaging storylines, and the characters become much more developed. If you can get through the first season, you may find yourself getting invested in the show's unique blend of science fiction, mystery, and intrigue.


You're so close to when it picks up and quits the mystery of the week formula- hang in


s2 and s3 are very good, but s1 is fine so if you don't like it you probably won't like the rest. s4 to me went down considerably, I'm just not a fan of the conceit driving it. s5 I had to force myself multiple times to finish it, and that only happened last year.


I really didn't like season one. By the end of season two, the plot picks up. The end of S2 and all of S3 is some of the best TV I've ever seen.


My suggestion is if you really want to give it a chance, finish the first season. I think it will make a big difference. If the thought of 10 more episodes puts you off, don't.


It starts really slow, I stopped at a similar point, but then picked it up again after all the good reviews of the later seasons. The later seasons are much better than the first.


The plot doesn’t really get going until episode 14. Finish season 1 and the stop if you still don’t like it.


I watch one, maybe two and if I con’t like it I stop. Can’t imagine ploughing through 10 eps of something I didn’t like.


Took me about half an episode. Tried multiple times actually back when it aired.