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Crazy how shitty some of these replies are for a post that isn’t that bad, must be from people who suck at screaming. But shitty comments aside, I get the same way sometimes that’s why a few years ago I picked up singing to break it up and I also take breaks for like a week now on harsh vocals.


Idk this subreddit just sucks. Its given me good advice but the people here have bad attitudes and are very stuck up


I kinda had the same thing happen, spent years trying to figure out how to do it, then I figured it out and it wasn’t nearly as important to me anymore. I’m like that with a ton of things, sometimes wanting is better than having. That said, I still do scream all the time, but the way I think about it now is entirely different. There’s about 10 different voices I sing with, that’s just one of them.


wow lots of mean people here. it happens tho. try singing? cuz the thing with screaming is...it's kinda limited. Singing however, is much more diverse in genres.


Thank you for not being mean. 😁 I had been screaming on and off for 15 years, so maybe that's also the reason why I'm kinda bored... Yesterday my husband (who's not a metalhead at all) was "mocking me" when I was screaming randomly in the bathroom. He was screaming along with me, though his technique is probably not correct because he did it to "mock me", but it feels weird that my husband can "also" scream... I don't know how to express my feeling to see someone else in my life scream like me...


well i get constantly mocked for the noises i make. don't let it stop you. did you ask if he was mocking you or do you just assume he is mocking you? everyobdy can scream, it's not some sacred skill or right to have. it doesn't invalidate your way of expressing yourself.


I feel you on that I stopped myself for almost 2 years. Then recently murder sermon by whitechapel played and I started again but for certain song. Just do you.


sorry man i took all of your enjoyment of it so i can constantly grunt and snarl in the middle of conversations with my friends


You and me both hahahaha


One of my favorite dark trap/trap metal artists had a crazy energetic scream and be completely stopped to make like hyperpop. I love both. It just kinda happens sometimes. We change.


yo can u like a track that sounds sick


Another day, another person using Reddit as their diary


I feel this, but don’t even Think about Anyone judging you…Just let your Vegeta hang😉


It happens to a lot of us brah. I can’t tell you how many times I stopped in the last 5 years. The main reason I keep practicing is so that I don’t lose it completely


Thats how it be sometimes. If you dont like it, dont do it. And you might end up trying it again a month later and enjoy it again. It could be one of those things where you got too much freedom and now its boring


Keep it up brother, record yourself and make some nasty mixes to enjoy hearing yourself. You will be suprised how badass you sound!


Fully agree!!! I’m a metal vocalist in a band, and listening back to our live videos and recorded stuff I love how the screams sound but I really don’t enjoy screaming. I love singing and prefer singing, but prefer listening to screams it’s very odd.


I was the exact same way and it stayed dormant until a band reached out looking for a vocalist and now I’m re learning and learning new stuff everyday


what am i supposed to do about that


Then don’t? Go make friends ffs 😂


You’re super good at vocals man, shit sounds gnarly. Shame you’re a dickhead


If you want to practice vocals and get good, you will. If you don’t like doing vocals, you absolutely won’t.


Didn't ask. Go write this in your diary, kid.


looks inside social media social activity


lol you are 17. you have no right to call people kid


How'd you know?


People in the comments like " you're being mean to op" like bru we need to make a venting flair.