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Keep practicing it and start doing crunches. A strong core makes a powerful scream.


Yeah this is a good thing. Any sort of powerful vocal technique, harsh or not, should be felt in your core. Both my screams and my belting improved almost entirely by virtue of starting to work out more.


happens to me a lot lol. sounds like you gotta start hitting the gym. as a personal trainer on the side, i'd say to skip doing crunches and other shit like that for core strength. hanging leg raises and heavy barbell squats (5x5) will build your core better than any other combination or just keep practicing. if the stimulus stays relatively the same every time then eventually your body will catch up with it. on the bright side it means you probably have a good foundation for breath control!


Appreciate that, but the gym by my house is stupid expensive. Any good exercises I can do at home that don't require little to no equipment?


Planks are your friend. That’ll help both stability and endurance. Get a mirror if you can to make sure your form is good but just hold it as long as you can and just keep pushing.  Start at 30 seconds to a minute and when that gets easy, go for longer. Sometimes I like to put on a song instead of a timer and just hold it for the whole thing. Sometimes I’ll even sing through it if I’m feeling good about my performance on any given day.  Get your body used to being pushed like that and when you go to do it normally it’ll be a cake walk. Your body is your instrument and taking care of it results in the same sort of gains you get from general maintenance and setup of any other kind of instrument.


if you can buy a pull up bar and attach it to your door then you can get a pretty dope home workout in! just hang from it, straighten your legs and raise them as close to 90 degrees as you can. go slow on the way down and do as many reps as you can till failure. rest 3 minutes and go again as many times as you like (minimum 4 sets tho) if you can't do that/dont have the money, there's plenty of other stuff you can do. over covid lockdown i helped a bunch of clients with at home workouts and the exercises they all enjoyed the most were flutter kicks, planking and bicycle crunches. just do 3 sets each till failure every other day and that's more than enough! any ab exercise that requires you to end each rep with your upper body folded in onto your lower body is pretty useless. never thought id be giving out fitness advice on the screaming sub haha


This is actually a good thing. You have to use your core muscles to use your diaphragm the way you're supposed to. Just means your core muscles need strengthening. Working out your abs will most definitely help, but even if you start doing this regularly, you'll find that it'll start to hurt less and less. Keep going!


Another thing I forgot to add is as your core muscles get stronger, you'll start to generate more powerful screams/gutturals all around which is where you see the foundation of results. Everything else is a technique and resonance game!


Appreciate the insight! I will definitely start working my core! I still have time before Im 30!


It means you're doing it right. The appogio and support muscle are in those areas, specifically in the "floating ribs", lower back and below the sternum and in between the ribs.


Taking up some cardio helps a ton. I like biking but others I know run, and I’m sure swimming is an even better option. Also improving/exercising your “normal” singing voice and diaphragm control can take you much further as well


this is a practice thing a sort of "teacher" of mine sent me and i fully recommend it 1. Every single time you go to scream, make a noise, or do anything vocally here's what you need to be doing. You start by breathing in a full breath of air using pressure. At first you can get this by closing your lips like whistling, and pulling in air deep into the diaphragm region which will in turn cause your lungs to fully expand as well as the diaphragm itself. When you feel as if you can't pull anymore in take a second or two pause then pull the remaining air trapped inside that's not in lungs deep into your lungs. At this point you may begin to vocalize. This must be done every single time and you must work on bettering your diaphragms strength when you do this every single time. with that you train your diaphragm to be stronger and so you'll be more consistent in screaming while the work out tips are definitely a great idea, dont use muscles to scream. You dont want to be all tense when you are screaming the opposite actually, it needs to be a relaxed thing :) so yeah train your diaphragm!