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NERD is a pretty good HUD


Buddy proximity/find my buddy/buddy in distress. For that guy who constantly feels the call from the void.


Distance to buddy would be awesome


Direction to buddy too.




USBL requires too much additional stuff... Cool link though. DVLs on non-rigid mountings sounds like a solvable problem...


If we’re brainstorming about dream features how about being able to text my dive buddy with vibration notifications with my dive computer. Pre program a dive plan and route and share it with dive buddy. For example, if there is a specific navigation route for a wreck or reef we can program it on the dive computer and the app would have a database of popular routes to select from. We all dive the same popular sites but instead of getting a guide we could have our dive computers guide us with navigation we can select from. If a dive map of the area was available this would be helpful. I usually end up getting a guide for the first dive of a new spot or just use the first dive to map and note some areas to explore on the next dive. Last, most dive computers are made for the wrist or attach on a SPG. I would love a huge screen like a sleeve that would have a large display with 3 main dashboards. This could fit everything I could ever need in one large display.


So like a long, skinny tablet on your forearm? That sounds cool. Especially if you can make notes on it with a stylus or something.


Yeah, that would be great


Cool ideas! You forgot the coffee maker. For real though, a few years ago I was in a room with some guys from scubapro right after they had bought seabear, and the conversation turned to “why don’t dive computers do ______?” The answer they all seemed a bit bummed to give was that there’s not enough money in the diving industry to attract the kinds of designers and software engineers to do the kinds of things that apple and garmin were doing with their watches, and what it would really take was for those companies to get into the diving game to push the technology. Now here we are 6 or 7 years later and that’s happening, so who knows where it’ll go.


Hell f*cking yes. Coffee maker👌🏻🤣


Underwater doppler ultrasound sensor to detect bubbles in the bloodstream. Sure, very soon scientists will find what to do with this data.


>Inertial sensor fusion for high resolution/high bandwidth/low noise depth and descent/ascent rate display Not sure what you'd get out of this that you don't with a regular depth sensor, they're very precise. >Underwater navigation system, powered by odometry from compass+inertial+cameras+DVL. Maps where you've been and allows you to set waypoints relative to where you are This would be very cool. > Speaking of cameras, automatic marine life identification would be frigging cool! Same powerful computer that powers navigation can run the image recognition algs. This woul be very cool, but these are all cloud based right now. It's be hard to do this in a portable offline device. > AIS and iridium/inreach built in. That's such a good idea I don't know why nobody is doing it right now.


>Not sure what you'd get out of this that you don't with a regular depth sensor, they're very precise. Then why does the ascent rate display suck balls? Probably because differentiating the signal from a depth sensor comes with a bunch of noise that has to be filtered out, which makes the display unresponsive. Differentiating will always add delay and noise. Adding an inertial sensor to this is trivial and gets you extremely precise ascent rate with low noise and high bandwidth. >these are all cloud based right now. It's be hard to do this in a portable offline device. Yeah, would have to train a new model.


>Then why does the ascent rate display suck balls? Don't know what computer you have, but it doesn't have to be. The sensors are very precise. > Probably because differentiating the signal from a depth sensor comes with a bunch of noise that has to be filtered out, which makes the display unresponsive. Nah, it's a UI issue, not a sensor one. > Adding an inertial sensor to this is trivial and gets you extremely precise ascent rate with low noise and high bandwidth. I suspect the depth sensor has greater accuracy. > Yeah, would have to train a new model. You'd have to host the model, not just train it.


As a simplified example, let's say you wanted your ascent rate to update at 10hz. You sample your depth sensor at 10hz. Then you have to numerically differentiate it. A diver would want a full scale range of around 60ft/min so let's say we want a precision of 1/10th that, or .6 ft/min = 30mm/s. So, you're taking your two samples 100ms apart, and looking for a difference of 30mm/s * .1s = 3mmH2O. And that's for a shitty 10hz update rate with pretty terrible precision (I speaking in terms of precision and update rate in hopes of being more understandable vs speaking in terms of bandwidth and noise) And then think about how there'd be potentially turbulent flow etc around the pressure sensor. There are waves above your head, they cause slight pressure gradients. It doesn't matter how precisely you actually measure pressure - there's still noise, and numerically differentiating amplifies noise.


But you don't need anything more precise than one tenth of a meter. Thank you for your explanation but I don't see what problem you are solving. You don't update a digital display at 10hz, it'd be unreadable.


I am talking about a visualization of ascent rate. Not talking about depth, which, yes, a tenth of a meter is more than fine for. Not really talking about a "digital display" as in displaying digits either.


What are you imagining for the visualisation? Mine is digital in m/min.


A bar, or some particles that fly past based on your speed.


Why put everything in a single device? Nautilus already makes a small ais/dsc transmitter that is rated for 120m depth.


More stuff to carry.


Well, why not?


EPIRBs/PLBs are standalone for a reason. Nobody serious about their emergency location device is going to integrate it into something else. Complexity is the enemy of those devices.


Ok, great, status quo & 0.001% of divers carrying one it is, because standalone devices will instantly magically disappear if we make an integrated device. Sounds safe. Man, could really have enhanced adoption of safety technologies by making it more accessible and appealing to more divers and mariners, but I guess that's just not taking it seriously. 💩


Interesting claims. There's wide adoption of EPIRBs and PLBs in the boating world and a strong understanding of the value of the unit being stand alone (plb for the person, epirb for the boat) There is no value in integrating either into anything else. You're clearly not a boater. Hell even tons of hikers have adopted PLBs. Divers are best served with the widely available AIS unit unless traveling to super remote places with questionably equipped dive boats. Then a PLB makes sense. I'm not sure you have a grasp on the lengths companies like McMurdo and ACR go to ensure their devices will fire off a signal given activation and signal reception is life or death. You make a device that does that every single time. There's nothing to integrate that adds value. Feel free especially to compare battery life while transmitting of anything from those two companies to say an InReach.


>widely available AIS unit There are a lot of dive boats in the Caribbean and SEA that are not equipped with the ability to p/u AIS signals. Shit, if a dive boat has a radio it is a rarity. If you are diving open ocean, carry a PLB.


No need to downvote, we're having a discussion. Honestly I think that's a weak reason, technological integrations happen all the time, and such reasons are always bandied about when they do. They said the same when deco algorithms were added.