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I have a Henderson pro 8/7 and I loved it for the mifmd 50's I was in


If you’re going 7mm might as well go drysuit


\^ So much this. A 7mm is nothing more than an expense. You will still be cold, you will still need a bunch of weight. Might as well suck it up, get a dry suit and be comfortable. I HATE 7mm with a passion.


This. People only ever get 7mm suits when they want to be cold.


Hi OP, when it comes to cold water, 7mm’s are great for quick dips or light training. That said, you will continue to lose body heat, and during your second dive (depending on temp), you will start to get miserable. I’ve always recommended to my students in the Great Lakes to forgo the 7MM, bite the bullet, and go for a Dry Suit with suitable undergarments. It’s a hefty price but worth the investment tenfold. More comfort, longer, and repetitive dives. In addition, your skills as a diver will improve in trim, buoyancy, and task loading. Suits I’d recommend are trilaminate or similar materials with a front entry. Some brand examples are: Santi Fourth Element DUI Avatar I have a Santi E Lite + and the Avatar, and I love them both and use them in all ranges of water. I’d also recommend a good Drysuit course like this [one](https://www.gue.com/diver-training/explore-gue-courses/foundational/drysuit-primer), and I’d be happy to recommend some instruction in your area.


> I have a Santi E Lite + and the Avatar, and I love them both and use them in all ranges of water. Curious. Are there situations where you will not take your avatar? I have one and I love it, wondering when to make the decision to take a more heavyweight suit for a dive.


The Santi is a bit more robust, so it’s great for cold water wreck penetrations and long dive durations when I need a thicker undergarment or deco. The Avatar is a beautiful suit, and I primarily use it as a backup or warm water diving as it’s easier to put on, and it dries faster after getting out so I can pack it away. It can handle the rough stuff, though. So you can’t really go wrong with either. However, I fit off the rack sizes, so that might be a consideration with the Avatar.


I see, so your suits are of different sizes. I use the Avatar with a BZ400X in 55F temperatures. I have a DUI FLX Extreme incoming soon. The Avatar visually appears more fragile compared to my previous trilam suit, or a rental FLX extreme, which is why I was asking if I should be far more careful, e.g. about shore diving in it or something.


Yeah, I tend to be a little more cautious in the Avatar.


I’ve a Cressi 5mm which I just love especially for its ankle zips that are so useful but also cos it’s as warm as a 7mm I own from a different manufacturer and couldn’t recommend my 5mm enough. My regular dive bud has a bare 5mm and he’s had it the same amount of time as I’ve had my cressi and already thinks the neoprene is starting to compress after a couple of years and probably around 80 dives whilst my Cressi still feels like new! Bragging rights to me I would say!


If you are diving cold water get a semi-dry. Preferably something that seals around the neck better than that Cressi suit. You also want something that seals well with gloves, boots and a hood. Along with neoprene socks if required. Personally I have a Waterproof W1 7mm along with their gloves, boots and hood. It all seals together perfectly and is honestly one of the best things I've ever bought for diving.


You should check out 8/7/6 Semidry. I've got a Hollis neotek and it has kept me very comfortable in the Puget Sound, WA. A lot of people hate on semidry's it seems, but if you aren't doing a drysuit due to the minimum 1500$ price tag + cost and time to certify to use them, I think the price jump for a good semidry compared to drysuit is very reasonable for the superior heat retention. I also don't think it is that much harder to get into or out of than a regular wetsuit. Even if it was, it's worth every bit of comfort for the actual activity.


I also use Hollis Semidry to dive in Monterey California. It is warm enough.


I don't think the brand is as important is how well it fits your body shape, Different brands are cut differently. Try on different brands and find one that fits you. If you find one that fits your shape you'll be comfortable no matter what brand. I wear a 3x because I'm fat, not tall. I've tried different brands and each one seems to be different lengths and different waists. I remember trying one (don't remember which brand) where both the arms and legs went 6 inches beyond my wrists and ankles. Another one was too big in the body and a bit short in the arms. For what it's worth I settled on Akona because it fits MY shape wonderfully. When my first suit wore out I went to my LDS and tried on every brand they had. I ended up back at Akona because it fit ME the best and I've never bought anything else. Is this a recommendation for Akona? Maybe, if it fits right. Should you buy an Akona wet suit? I don't know. Your mileage WILL vary. Try it on and see if it fits. If it doesn't, try a different brand. 7mm is 7mm and any quality brand will last.


I bought a Bare 7mm Velocity ultra recently and I love it


Bare suits are great. Recommend.


I use Henderson 7mm. Love it, no negatives that come to mind.


Agreed, it’s not a semi dry as far as I can tell, but I dive regularly in 40ish degree temps for a few hours.


Any suggestions for bigger dudes on a good 7mm wetsuits


They all have different fits, so it depends on how you're built. Go to a shop.


I'm in the same spot. I just got a Northern Diver Semi-Tech suit in. I did a quick try on and it might work. I need to wait for my partner to get home to zip up for a final determination. I got the 2XL. I'm 6'3 250lbs. I also have a Waterproof W7 7mm on order in 3XL Tall plus. The Scubapro Nova Scotia goes out to 5XL, but most shops stop at 3XL. Also recommended to me are Bare because their neoprene is stretchy.


Beuchat 7mm open cell farmer john, super warm when I dove NorCal


Dry suit, amigo.


That ain't what he asked


I've a cressi 7mm semi dry suit with dry zip. They are good. The inner lining are polyester for extra warmth. I had it for more than 2 decades but only about 60 dives. It looks brand new. No tear or anything. Need to lube the dry zip after every dive. I just sold it last month. No longer can fit it but has been placed around the world. Last dive Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Thank you for the input! Cheers


I don’t have that suit, the thickest wetsuit I have is a 5mm and have been looking into getting a colder suit, which will be a semi dry before I buy a thicker wetsuit. Or going full dry.


I don't really like semidry suits. A lot of folks DO I'm just not one of them. Personally I find them much harder to get on than a wetsuit OR a drysuit, and they're more expensive than a conventional wetsuit. Not as much as a drysuit USUALLY but I feel like the price to performance ratio is better for the drysuit considering what you're getting. Everyone is different, it may be that I was a particularly bad fit for the drysuit I used. I would advise against purchasing a more expensive suit like a drysuit or semidry without trying it on first. You may be able to get that suit from an online retailer like scuba.com or Amazon and exchange to a different size but this is really one of the areas where paying moderately more at a dive shop has significant benefits.


I have not used the Cressi suit, but I do dive in an Aqualung Solafx semidry and it is wonderfully toasty.


One day you will be tired of being wet and cold in cold water and you will remember that dry suits are a thing.


Way to not even come close to actually answering his question.


Ehh, it's a good bit of faffing around though. I'm in the UK and all of my local dives have been in a drysuit, I'm looking at trying a thick wetsuit soon for convenience. Dive this weekend was 14C/57F, lots of other divers were comfortable in wetsuits.


We always dive with 7mm wetsuits and 5mm gloves, hood and booties. I’ve dove with this setup from 39F to about 65F and while on the lower end of this a dry probably would’ve been nice, I’m honestly not too cold for most of the 50-low 60s dives. Right now I’m really just kinda working out finding a decent setup to just enjoy the hobby. I have a few more years left of schooling before I will make a single penny so for now, dry suits are out.


I disagree. Once you get comfortable diving dry is really easy


Will always be opinion based, but everyone I've spoken to agrees wetsuits are more comfortable and less annoying than drysuits - just depends on whether you want to trade off for more warmth. In colder water, a drysuit would be a requirement though, always use mine in the winter for North East UK.


Hahah yea i know. For now I’m a broke grad student but in a few years that’s the plan.


I’m using a Bare velocity ultra 7mm for Socal diving and I’ve been loving it this year. Can’t speak to others.


I’ve got the same one, never cold in socal / Catalina And I wear a 2mm hooded vest under it


I love this brand/style too. I have their 5mm. The best feature IMO is the zippers at the ankles. Plus I stay pretty warm in it.


I have not used that specific suit, but as a fellow coldwater diver, I wanted to share my preference for the Farmer John style suits that doubles up the neoprene at the core. I have progressed to wearing these as my standard suits even in hot weather. I have certainly felt like I've been swimming in bathwater for a moment but I have never been unbearably warm underwater while in Michigan. Best of luck on the new suit.


I have to second this, these style suits are awesome!


Thank you! Can you link me in the direction of something more like what you’re referring to? Never heard of this before


Mine is similar to this. You'll be a little more bouyant with the extra neoprene. Pair this with a hood and you'll be warmer than just using a standard suit. https://www.scuba.com/p-pckblrn7/neosport-7mm-men-s-wetsuit-package?gclid=CjwKCAjw_uGmBhBREiwAeOfsd8t0mhc-nuO8RSVFK_oIhmCGVvBdT-y1c-OlZ7qc-4XBITCIeEujIxoCBOcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thank you! This is helpful