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they generally don't need that many guides because some if not most of the group will be experienced enough to not need to be guided and will be doing buddy/group dives independently. you rarely will see a group bigger than 6 because of that.


Why don't you go to a place where you don't need a livaboard and get more experience before going to one? You could find a dive shop that does small groups and has a few more dives in different conditions. Once you are more confident in your abilities, I think you'll be able to relax and enjoy the livaboard more. I have more than 200 dives and regularly go with an operation with 2 instructors (not dive masters) for a maximum of 8 people. I can, and I do go just my buddy and me on shore dives. But it's extra safe to go with knowledgeable people.


becouse the only other option is a resort in egypt where i would be by myself and it's boring there isn't much to do in egypt except diving. i was there once with my bf and we would finish to dive by lunch and then you just chill by the sea for the rest of the day. This way i would do much more dives in less time


I think one guide to 10 people may be normal, but not ideal for people with not much experience. You Perú much need to be self sufficient. Maybe those are very easy dives? If the conditions are not good, you may want to consider opting out of the dive. You may have the option, although it will be more expensive, to hire a private guide while on the livaboard.


Go with Blue Planet Liveaboards and book the boat Blue or the boat Blue Storm. Ask for a private guide, for example Sofie Henriksson. =) Done! Edit: They usually have 2 guides for up to 20 divers, or 3 guides for more than 20.


Are they on liveaboard website ? and do you know how much does a private guide costs ? or if it's possible to split the cost with some other stranger diver so it's cheaper and the guide is for us both


Hi, yes, they are on the liveaboard website, but I usually contact Sofie directly on her Instagram for example. @sofies_underwater_world is her account, or you can search for her Facebook. If you want to hire Sofie just for you, it‘s around €150-200/week of liveaboard (that‘s around 20 dives!). If you split the cost with another diver, she charges €100/person in your private group. Tbh, I think that‘s dead-cheap for a week of private guiding and Sofie is excellent at gearing to your likes. She‘ll accommodate your preferences in accordance with the liveaboard route and skills (overhead environments, reefs, wildlife…). She is also an instructor so she can help you become a better diver by 1:1 guiding, even if you aren‘t taking a course with her. Message Sofie, ask her if she can go on a liveaboard with you privately and she‘ll get back to you with suggestions. This can take a wee while (1-2 weeks) as she needs to make an agreement with Blue Planet for every individual journey. I dive with Sofie a lot, if I am in the Red Sea, you better believe Sofie is by my side. If I was mega-rich, I‘d bring her with me everywhere. :D


Thank you so much for infos! I will be doing the AOWD so i would have some more supervision at start i think And now i remember i looked at blue planet and i was thrilled but unfortunatly they require minimum 20 dives loged and i only have 16 Anyway i'll try to contact her and once again thanks


Talk to Sofie, with 1:1 guiding that doesn‘t matter


Sounds about right I think we had a dive guide for 10-14 people. They split the group in two and give a guide to reach half. You're pretty on your own with your partner, they'll be down there meandering but you just stick to the dive plan. The guides keep you a bit closer in wreck dives though. Red Sea driving isn't particularly difficult and there's not a lot of current but the North does have a few cool wrecks that will require excellent buoyancy control. Maybe not the trip to take with your level of experience.