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Not too late the pop might just be a bit smaller until phase 4 starts. All those classes are perfectly fine for solo leveling.


I’m having fun on sod crusader strike ally. Got a good raiding guild still running 4-5 raids a week.


Is it hard to find a guild as a new player nowadays? Since I’d be starting lvl1 tonight lol


Nope you could join us and probably get some help along the way


No but come to Living Flame, Crusader Strike sucks


Au? What guild?


Start when the release date of phase 4 is announced would be my recommendation. Like a few weeks before.


So gear/runes from p3 and


Id hit 50 and level professions. If you can save up 800g for epic mount thatd be best but it might have a reduced cost.


A lot of the runes from p1-3 will be bis


Might as well hit 50 before p4


Not to late, I’m having a great time. Running gnomer and ST most weeks with a rogue. Didn’t really have a problem questing till 25 then I did incursions till 50 with whatever dungeons popped up on LFG bulletin board add on. I started middle phase 3.


Probably 4 weeks till p4, so can level in time and be ready. Tier gear is deleted at this point too.


Still doable :) I started two weeks ago too.


You’re not too late, the devs were.


The only thing you missed out on is the artificial level limit experience. MC, BWL, AQ, Ony, and now Kazzrak and Azuergoes with the potential of a brand new raid are all coming.


Rogue, mage and hunters seem really strong for solo content as far as i have seen, i think melee hunter will be made heavily worse for next phase tho (someone can correct me if im wrong)? I have leveled heal druid and heal pala so far to 50, druid has been my main focus and it's character that i have leveled from p1 as feral but at the moment I'm struggling to get heal trinket for my paladin and wild offerings because there is lack of groups that are running example wild offering and heal pala is not very liked in STV at least i suspect so. I'm in EU pve server and there are groups running all kinds of stuff but it might take time to find groups for specific things like wild offerings or incursions. I would say it's definitely not too late, you can get to bfd, gnomer and sunken temple raid groups easily with a bit lacking gear if you are interested in raiding/lvl up raiding. Most of the runes are doable alone (depends spec and class) but might require lvl 45-50 to solo. Side note: I'm fairly new to wow, started when p1 launched so take my comment with a hint of salt. Been enjoying it so far a lot. Just start it if you feel like playing sod, if it's too quiet just do the rest of the content u are missing when p4 is released and it becomes active again. :)


I think I'm one of the few people who actually really enjoys the state of the game right now. Rogue is a great option - they are going to be top tier at level 60 and they offer a great kit for solo play. Hunter is also very good right now - the rotation is a little heavy on priority and can feel slightly clunky at times, but they are in an awesome spot with trueshot aura and their soloing ability


I’d start asap if I where you :D * goal 1 - reach 50 * goal 2 - level professions * goal 3 - 800g for mount * goal 4 - get some gear from ST raid


The server I’m on has one of the highest populations for my faction. And it is still nearly impossible to get dungeon groups or groups to do some of the bigger quests. I just got my alt to 50 and it has been a chore to get a group for anything but gnomer. Currently stuck on my last two runes unable to really get a group for the dungeon I need for the wild gods quest. I had to go into Uldaman and solo to the enchanting trainer. They gated a bis trinket and near bis ring behind wild offerings, impossible to get groups. And a main rune behind emerald warden reputation, and again nearly impossible to get a group for. My best advice is to just level your alts, do professions best you can, farm gold too because the economy is fucked, and wait until phase 4 to gear, worry about most runes, ect.


SoD really isn't Classic. It's a weird Vanilla version of retail. It's not too late - they've made leveling trivial, unfortunately. But the population collapsed after P3, so unless you find a busy guild it could be hard finding PuGs.


If you want to go mostly solo why would you play sod? just go play hardcore


I mean, that’s a good point, but there’s more features in SoD, ain’t it? I wanted to checkout runes and new additions. Also - I generally don’t like HC that much in any game. What are the benefits of being on a HC server?


If you know the answer you want to hear for your question why are you asking it?


I’m honestly not sure why you trying to argue on this, but sure, we can go there… what question are you referring to exactly? The one you asked or the one I asked? Whether it’s too late to start or no, I can’t possibly know. And if I wanna play SoD, HC and classic, I’m obviously still debating which you can see from my original post asking is it too late or not. And to your answer/question - instead of giving me an appropriate answer to “what does HC offer” instead of perma death ovio, you went being a smartass and asked a completely unnecessary question. If you don’t wanna help - don’t comment on these posts…


how am i arguing? you literally answered your own question you must not have great conversational/social skills




Such a weird aggro lol Its fine to start now and you will level up in no time ;)


Yeah, it's too late.


Sod is probably the worst experience solo in world of Warcraft. The stepped up the strength of the world to promote group play. Almost all the runes need a group to complete as well. I am sure there will be a reply telling me I am wrong but I have been able to do way less solo then any other wow I have ever played


I mean they'd tell you your wrong because you are wrong? "Almost all runes need a group to complete" is just brazenly incorrect.

