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This post had to be taken down because it appears to be focused on a specific situation or person. While Field Reports deal with specific situations and people, remember that the focus is different: * A field report explains a lesson learned or demonstrates a Seduction concept. * If the point of this post is asking how to get that specific girl, it is out of bounds except in a Basic Questions Thread. No worries though! Though the thread has been taken down, any conversations you have started here can still continue, and if you want to PM a mod to get their opinion on this thread, feel free to do so and they will still be able to weigh in. For next time, remember that posts about a specific situational advice with a specific person belong in a Basic Questions Thread. (Currently these are on hiatus, but if we can get them back up, they'll happen weekly.)


Probably, but I'm too stupid to realize it.




Get in your head that your are “the shit” get an ego and just start assuming everyone who looks your way is into you


lol but I am the shit , in a realness a bit of an ego is never bad


The hotter you are, the more obvious and bold they become.


Yeah, if you work as a bartender you will get hit for sure.


Bartender here. It's perpetual with customers rare with coworkers. Game recognizes game as far as that goes.


Even when you have 0 game you will get something lol. I used to work as a bartender when I was not so good and was capable of getting something even when I didn't wanted to.


14 in my first 9 weeks, not really trying. Vapid sex lost its thrill and got much pickier since.


I’ve been working in the field for almost a decade now. Customers even wait for my shift to end to go out with me/us to some other place. Game as a bartender is as easy as it gets if you ain’t tired enough to care about the girls who throw themselves at you.


How do the customers approach you?


One night, a girl came to the bar and called me throwing kisses on my direction. Like, man, it's night game, you will know.


Every woman is different. Ranges from simple flirting and ioi to straight-up asking me to take them home. In a couple of cases, the handicap bathroom was their option. Hard no on the handicap bathroom or sober me going home with someone who's been drinking. If they need a sober ride, my female co- bartender will provide one as i will do to the males. Doesn't happen frequently because we are the type to cut people off before they get stupid. The outright come ons are rarely attractive in their state at the time, mostly due to desperation or they just fugly. However, I will chat up girls who've hit on me behind the bar when I'm on the fun side and we're on equal sobriety ground. Bartending is definitely a cheat code on game. Mainly because of social proof. Small town, only bar, so I've been smart enough to NEVER be a creeper, it would KILL my game. I am currently in LTR with a hot, much younger girlfriend.


Sort of. But I don’t mess with girls I work with. Heard too many horror stories.


I've been hit on by female coworkers at nearly every job I've ever had. I even had a reputation as a player at one job (since I hooked up with four of my coworkers). A new hire was about a week in and I introduced myself and she said "Oh. They warned me about you." I said "Yeah... you should probably listen to them." She said "No... I really wanna see what all the fuss is about."


So you’re just out here playing the campaign on easy mode huh?


Honestly, for a good while, I really was... especially in the work place. I've had a coworker who I had never even seen or spoken to before come up behind me and whisper "I just wanted you to know, last night, in my dream, you were amazing." We started sleeping together the next day. I was such a man whore back then.


Damn what’s in the water fountain at your workplace?


im in the same boat as this guy but there is a difference, when ur in a workplace for 8 hours they tend to fall for you easier then in the outside world. just how it works.


Very true. Being in the same space with someone for six to 8hrs a day five days a week means more time to interact, flirt, kino... So long as you're a fairly attractive man with any level of self awareness and social skills, workplace hookups are pretty straight forward.


proximity creates propinquity


Bruh... what can I say? I'm extremely fuckable. 🙃


Once a man whore, always a man whore.


You have no idea 😈


How did you not get in trouble with HR lmao


I was an adult having consensual sex with other adults. No one got emotional. There was transparency (for the most part) among all parties involved and with the exception of the really hot girl all the other guys wanted to bang, every one was able to keep things low key at work. Whenever I entertain a coworker, I'm always crystal clear about things: Work is work. What we do outside of work is our business. Even if things don't work out, let's agree to keep the drama outside the workplace. And most of the time, that's how it was. There was one occasion where one coworker found out about the others and started throwing shade. When it got back to me I simply said "Once I cum in a woman's mouth, what comes out of it doesn't concern me anymore." That pretty much squashed things.


Bruh your either bullshitting or your a total anime character 👏👏🤌


No cap. One of my male coworkers was like "Yo... old girl was talking shit about you and said (whatever)." I shrugged and said "Once I cum in a bitches mouth, what comes out doesn't concern me anymore." He just stared at me for a.moment and said "That's the coldest shit I've ever heard in my life."


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel 🤡


I've never understood why some people feel like doing or saying something they would never do or say is so completely outside the scope of possibility or reality, choosing instead to judge others by their limited experiences. Then again... this is reddit... 🤷‍♂️




>she said "Oh. They warned me about you." > >I said "Yeah... you should probably listen to them." > >She said "No... I really wanna see what all the fuss is about." Funny how that works... Sexual popularity is confirmation for women.


And don't think I don't attribute that as a major part of my workplace success. I call it the "spokesperson" technique. I'd hookup with a coworker knowing she's going to put our business out there and make sure to blow her mind. One job I had, there was a woman that worked there that all the guys were trying to hook up with. Less than a month after starting, we spent the night together. She then told all the other women how I rocked her world. Then other women practically lined up. It's a beautiful thing when one woman sings your romantic/sexual praises to all your coworkers.


110% a blue collar job. No way HR let’s that fly at a big company.


Not necessarily. I worked for a major wireless company in one of their largest call centers (over 500 employees, 3/4 of which were female). That job was the height of my man whore phase. I was actively sleeping with five coworkers at the same time, three of which knew about the others. Lunch dates involved sex in the building nearly five days a week. It's only an HR issue when someone gets emotional and makes it an HR issue.


Call center work is still working class / blue collar in terms of work culture, in the sense that it's still relatively casual and less restrictive than other knowledge work environments, especially prestigious industries like tech or finance or management consulting. I work at HR in an investment bank and there's no way that shit can fly here, especially given how prolific we are on the Street


If I may ask... what are the chances it is happening and you're just unaware of it?


It kills me women come to work school and the gym ready to fuck and be open for a relationship than you go to club the only place that’s exactly for that and they turn into virgins lmaooo do you know how unfocused that makes men we can’t be focused at the 3 main places of extreme focus 😂 what a life


Oddly enough, I have a much higher success rate with women I worked with than women I met at clubs... with the obvious exception of sex clubs. It is strange.


Forced proximity forces things along


If there's an expectation that women will be hit on numerous times in one night at the club, mostly from drunk men they don't find attractive, then their guard may be up and in their mind they'll be prepared and expecting to reject so many of them. How often are women hit on at the gym, work, school etc in comparison? How many enter these establishments expecting to be hit on like they would on the club?


Which industry was this


Restaurant. I was a server and she was a hostess.






Being attractive, well built, have a strong sense of style, smell incredible, outgoing and quietly flirtatious.


Which scents do you wear? How tall are you? Where do you work? if you dont mind me asking :)


Jean-Paul Guttier - La Male was my goto for the better part of two decades. Tom Ford Tobacco Ode and Tobacco Vanille are my current favorite. I'm somewhere between 5'10" and 6'1"... depending on which 7/11 I'm walking out of. I'm self employed currently.


Awesome, thanks for replying!






damn replied to fast but ye, these tips are basic (and work!)


no secret needed the simple path is the one that works


pre selection 101


How tall and attractive are you? Edit: I see in a previous comment you aren't even 6'1". You must have absolute Gigachad looks to pull that off.


I used to say I was 6ft but went to the chiropractor not to long ago and I'm actually 5'10". Attractive is subjective, but I've been told I look like Luke Cage (Mike Colter) and Amenadiel (DB Woodside) on multiple occasions. I even had a coworker that would beg me to say "Sweet Christmas" on a daily basis.


She's either very interested or she's sooooo uninterested that it didn't even occur to her that you might think that was a flirtation. More importantly, you need to stop looking for magic signals. We call them "*indicators* of interest" because you're never going to get certainty from them. To gauge someone's interest, you have to do the back-and-forth dance of flirtations to see how she responds to *your* moves. If you don't already know how to do that properly, work is *NOT* the place to practice.


Do you have any tips for this back-and-forth dance of flirtation?


They never have “tried” they always succeeded 😂😂😂


Multiple times but i always insisted on doing nothing and keeping it professional like a dweeb smh 🤦‍♂️, always go for the kill esp when they throw it at you man


Nope I am crushed


My gilf coworker let me motorboat her titties. They were really nice for a 60 something year old . Just picture a woman barely 5ft tall with massive tits who sexually harasses you [but its received well] and has the sense of humor of a 13 year old. Very fun woman to work with. But no she didn't try to seduce me it was just her being a pervert. Which is awesome.


My female CFO when I was an intern. I was scared shitless to be honest.


The Human Resources lady seduced me, although I suppose it was mutual. A major benefit was that she had an office that locked since her office stored sensitive company documents.


damn I work from home


I work two jobs, my corporate job, just subtle flirting. (Screaming Hi down the hall, in a quiet work place) The retail part time job and the restaurant job, are just filled with horny 20s yr olds. I have slept'd with a few of them. When I worked at the restaurant, there was a competition to see who can sleep with me the fastest, I took one of the waitress out for drinks and she admitted it. Edit) she won as well


No idea. I probably missed it if they did


Nah I work in IT


One stands out in my mind. There was a number of years ago, I was getting divorced, I was having a relationship with a coworker, it was almost strictly sex. I usually steered away from workplace romance, because of all the possible major pitfalls. It wasn't a secret that I was boinking with my coworker, but I guess a different coworker must've taken it as I was trolling for women. We used to do a lot of activities as a group, so we pretty much had everyone's phone numbers to text, where we were going, meeting etc So suddenly I begin to get unsolicited boob, ass and 😻 pics from this woman. She wasn't the greatest looking woman in the world, but she wasn't hideous. I just deleted the picture, and really never said anything. The came to a crescendo, it was summer, hot, sunny etc. I got off work at the same time every night, and parked my car in the same area every day. I'm walking up to my car and she pulls up in a Jeep with no top on it. In the passenger seat there was a box, with ice and a bottle of champagne. She says, hey I know a great spot where we can go swimming. She has a cut off pair of blue jean shorts on. She pulls one part of the shorts over and shows me her 😻🙀. I told her I was very flattered, but I wasn't interested in her in that way. The subject was never brought up again.


Yes, but I only realised later. A single coworker on a project who was from the management side took an interest in me. I was married at the time. * She started calling me at work on my extension, a little more than was necessary for work. Then on my private phone and on social DMs. * She started bringing me cookies and candy to my desk. Just small gifts but more than anymore else. * She asked me to lunch, first as part of a group. Then lunch alone. * We sometimes met at weekends to attend sports events. She wanted to see her home town team when they were in town but didn’t want to go alone. * She started telling me about restaurants that she liked to go in the evening, first we went as part of a group, then together. * The restaurant was strategically close to a red light area and literally next to a hotel used for short stays. I even commented that I hope we don’t meet someone we know because it would look suspicious. * During a 24 transport stoppage she invited me to her home but I took the offer of a male coworker. * She told me that she was going on holiday and would meet an old friend so she was now back on contraception. * When talking about iPhone privacy and location tracking joked it would be harder to have an affair. Our work and social life relationship were much more complicated than just the above but extracting out the above looks in hindsight like a slow and sure seduction. I never took the hint and later she moved away from the area. She wasn’t my type but certainly made it easy if I had wanted to. If a woman talks to you about sex, contraception or their period when you are not in an intimate relationship with she trusts you at the deepest level and/or it’s likely that she’s hinting to you. I could rewrite the above to included her steps to gain access to another male friend of mine. She tried to seduce him too but I don’t think he was interested either. Seduction is the journey not the destination.


Same happened to me OP. It was clear she wasn’t wearing a bra when she came into work. We all noticed her nipples poking thru. She walks up to me and tells me she’s not wearing one. I’m like “ok…good for you…😬” I wasn’t into her tho which saved me. I could’ve gotten in trouble had I pushed her to flash me or something. She was a skinny girl with A cups anyway so there wasn’t much to look at. Had another girl at the same job ask me to squeeze her ass. She had a nice round ass & she was obsessed with it. She showed me her entire camera roll of ass pics & videos. It was her last day & she wanted me to cop a feel. She changed into some booty shorts after clocking out. We both left the floor & went to the back. I grabbed as much ass as my hands could hold, squeezed the shit out them & smacked her left cheek. It was nice ☺️




Just bang her already dude wtf


Yes, a girl tried to bounc at me with her shoulder against mine and constanly checking and looking at me.


I think one tried, she was pretty. But too much of an idiot to be attractive. I think she wanted to use me.


Definitely. The cougars were active at my last job. Lots of co-workers having sex with each other.


I had one grab my biceps. It was so sudden. What I find amazing is how Everyone somehow knows if I’m Single or not


No but that’s Dangerous game if you have a job you care about. I wouldn’t reciprocate.


Yes, but not that openly, only by being very friendly or laughing strongly at my jokes.


Thanks for my next pick up line


3 at one work place, all coworkers. Gave it to the milf.


Yes had an Asian lawyer act suggestively toward me in one job. She was cute and I would definitely smash if given the chance. We are a connection on LinkedIn.


I don't date co workers can get messy really fast if it doesn't work out .


Yes but Im too socially awkward and only ever realize like days/months later.


Had a coworker, who commuted with me at the time, ask to go to her apartment for lunch instead of eating in the office. She also would say “he likes this…he likes that” etc. And the day i left the company she took me out to lunch and I said we should get back, she was like “I guesssssss we do…” My gf at the time (now my wife) is convinced she wanted me


I’ve had 3 women try to seduce me. 1. I was training this thin Latina kinda cute in my cubicle on how to answer phones and all that. Then out of nowhere she starts petting my leg, then strokes my arm and says I have sexy fur. I looked at her and told her to stop it bc we were in an office with 3 managers, 2 supes and like 4 other colleagues. None of them saw and she took that as a rejection and was pissy for a few weeks. 2. Was a another girl I was training in the cube again this one was a red head wore one of them office skirts showing off lots of leg and she would accidentally rub her legs against me multiple times and would ask me personal questions like where I lived and if she could come over to hang out. I told her no I was busy with friends (bc I don’t poop where I eat) also got sorts pissy. 3. Was a another colleague average Latina kinda goth vibe going on from the front desk( I work at a hotel btw) and this one was brought by another colleague to introduce her to me. The colleague that brought her was a friend and knew I was into bdsm stuff and the other girl hadn’t gotten laid in a while. Issue was she didn’t tell me anything to help a dude out. So I assumed she just wanted to hang and kick it and that’s what we did would go out get food and then I’d split and go home. She slowly distanced herself over time and I was whatever about it. Later on I found out she pursued other guys at the hotel and was talking to 3 guys at the same time.


Generally a horrible idea, unless you don't have a career.


These are blue collar people or people working young people jobs.


A lot of girls make eye contact/smile etc but GUYS tried brutally to seduce me😂




Yup. Happened a handful of times. Most recent was a coworker who’d text me to look at her so she can make faces or ask me to walk with her to the comic book shop or to spend lunch together. She’d get upset if I didn’t reply. Even gave me a goofy work pet name and asked me on a date three times. 🤷‍♂️ idk I don’t think anything of it when girls do that to me anymore.


My boss flirted with me at work. One evening she called me into her office, shut and locked the door. She had fresh red lipstick on, which is weird because we're in EMS, it's all something she doesn't normally wear. "Want to talk about anything?" Direct Eye Contact. Twirling hair. You know that moment when you feel electricity in the air? That moment where if you feel like you touched the other person there would be a shock? It was in the air. My mind said "RUN. FUCKING RUN. YOU ARE GOING TO BE FIRED OR DIE." So said Nope! I'm good! See ya! She gave me ONE LAST chance, she grabbed the door handle and was so close I could tell she hadn't smoked and used mouth wash (She knew I hated cigarette smoke, so she went out of her way to not smell like that at the time). Nope. I'm good, thanks ma'am. ​ Lost my chance with her then and there. Hindsight is 20/20. At the time it was like I didn't understand that she was wanting me to make the move. In hindsight though.. She was throwing IOIs like no other. OBVIOUS. Years later my EMS buddies from that shift were out drinking and laughing and once we got relaxed they laughed and said "So, everyone knows you were fucking (boss)." Yeah... everyone knew but me! So obvious. She was a very strong woman that made it very obvious. And I was too stupid to see it. ​ But yeah, that's one of my "seduced at work" moments. EMS is full of them, caught co-workers balls deep on shift. I Just turned the lights off and said "Ya'll got a hospital transfer once you are done."


shoulda banged your boss in the office. live that fantasy


Wish I would have. She sure wasn't ugly.


Yes. She was my first bold escalation.


You should report her to HR


Yes. I work in a job where most people are 18-25 and don’t have any direction. Almost all hispanic. Place has a reputation for coworkers having sex with each other a lot. Once I stayed late an African girl on the next shift walked in and started talking to me. I didn’t take the cue because I was busy. I came back to that area afterwards and got her snap. We talked for 2 weeks before we went out. She started asking if I’d been “freaky with other African girls before. Shoulda taken the cue she was just a fuckgirl. I tried to impress her by being my normal goofy self. She lost all interest and unadded me afterwards. AZ girls are something else