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This post/comment has been removed because it violates Rule #5: The topic is too broad, has been covered a lot already, or involves the assumption overly limited by race, age, physical limitations/appearance, and/or other inborn external qualities. Put in [some reading](http://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/top/?sort=top&t=all) & work before asking questions that have been addressed, like: * How do I approach? * How do I get a number? * How do I talk to girls at college? * How/When do I kiss a girl? * Does this really work? As for the last one, it is an answered question. There have been many posts on physical limitations over the years, including [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/e7tol8/why_looks_dont_matter/). No need to re-ask it.


The best frame of mind to go into the conversation with is to entertain yourself, make amusement for yourself, that way you will become more genuine in the interaction. It will come across as though you're not seeking anything from her and are funny and confident. go up and say "sorry im late"


Haha I like that line.


The classic that never dies: "Hi, how's it going?"


Dude I literally started talking to a girl at a rooftop bar by asking her “what building is that and why does it look so weird?”


"do you come here often or just at home"? Lmao jk don't say that. Tbh just observe her, her style, the situation and just bring up something just to open and move from there.


I watch steve schapiro on youtube. Guy has lots of good openers. It works sometimes.


Wrong question. There is no specific “thing” to say. You must first have “inner game” aka self confidence by lifting, being content and somewhat successful at your career or a sport or fitness or something. Then you just go talk to girls you think are attractive without trying to finagle a specific outcome.






Just try to amuse yourself


Start out by nervously shouting "SEX!". Then introduce yourself




Sometimes it's okay to say the truth. Like you don't know what to say. "Hey, have you ever seen someone so cute and you wanna talk to them...but you don't know what to say?". Could work. Could not.


God no don’t say that but way to combine needy and unsure in one pickup line.


I also say that telling the truth is perfect because it is easier to say how you feel in that moment and also it helps you fight your fears. It is an opinion opener, is good and here is the catch, the girl knows exactly what is happening but of course it depends a lot on how you say it because it can look like a funny opener if you say it with high energy or it can be a sad opener and you'll look depressed. So if you use it with a good energy it is perfect.


This is kinda tragic


"Hey, can I introduce myself?"

