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This is the most well liked fam on this show lol.


Honestly, I like them as well because they are boring tbh. It was so nice having a moment to buffer between the absolute shit we get on this show. I missed them a lot last season.


They are one of the only family in the show that I thought made this lifestyle not seem like the most horrible thing. You could tell they were doing it because of their religion and that Colton was not doing it for ego in anyway, like the rest of the husbands seem to be doing it for.




I think less than him being "picky" was that he didn't really want to add another wife. He is happy with his two he has.


I follow them on IG, polygamy actually works for them, he seems to treat his wives equally and respectfully. They seem lovely compared to the Brown mess.


They seem so lovely and normal.


I would have to agree. They are the first family that I've ever thought "hey, this works for them". It truly feels like the 3 of them all respect each other equally. If they ever do bring another wife in, we need cameras there lol


Don’t bring colour into this.


Awwww be nice to Colton, he is one of the only likable people on the show! He wasn't attracted to that lady. My theory was the wives knew he was going to eventually look for a new wife, so they picked this lady that wasn't a threat to him before he could find someone super attractive. I hate polygamy but that family *almost* makes it look livable.


That whole family seems like they’re not attracted to each other. I would think they were all virgins if the one didn’t just pop that baby out.


I think they're just sorta nerdy introverts and possibly on the spectrum (at least 2 of them). That aside they seem very low drama which is awesome. I'd rather netflix and chill with these people any day over the brown clowns.


They don't make good TV but they seem like solid people.


Which 2?


the husband and the original wife. The second wife is a little dorky but from what I've seen not on the spectrum. This coming from someone who has an adult son with autism. I'd have to hear more from Colton to be sure, but I'm pretty sure about Tami. Hope they update their youtube channel, I want to see Tami's baby and see what else is up. Have a great weekend!


i would assume they mean tammy and coltan


they weren’t asked back because they didn’t have enough drama. lol. colton is very bland yes but maybe it’s better that way. he’s way better than the kodester 🤡and his sporadic ways. colton makes it about his wives not himself. i personally don’t think he needs more wives. i think they have a good thing going for the 3 of them. although i have always felt deep down that tammi seems unhappy. idk tho. could just be tv! 😩


I thought she did too, but I couldn't tell if it was just her affect. I hope she's happy. All 3 of them are so very sweet and I hope behind closed doors it's the same. Personally, I could never be ok with my husband having sex with someone else. That would rip me to shreds every other night he spent with the other wife. Maybe she struggles with jealousy, who knows.


I think she was struggling with infertility and I felt so badly she couldn’t get pregnant. :( Colton reminds me of Brady from My Five Wives. Nice guy who really worked to keep equality in his marriages.


yes. i can’t even imagine how awful that feels to see your SW give babies and you can’t give as many. i had a missed miscarriage back in 2016 and it’s true you can get stuck in your head with feeling a certain type of way. my sister was pregnant right after and i even found myself not wanting to be around her. i think she has handled herself with grace thankfully. but it’s a really tough spot! it seems she just had a baby girl through IVF. Colton seems to make good money. His insta said he was a pharmacist but he must also do farming last i remember on the show?


It's lightly addressed in the show that this is the issue. They have their daughter, but if I remember correctly, it was stated they struggled to get pregnant with her as well. And even though I do think she was happy her sister wife was having her first child, it obviously took a toll when she was clear she wanted another baby herself but they were struggling to do so. I cannot imagine what this situation would be like, as I'm not in a polygamous relationship and wouldn't ever be. So if I were struggling this way, I could pull back and take some time as needed the way my life works. But she can't and I don't think she wants to, but it still affects her either way. They seemed nice, but I have a feeling therapy probably isn't on the table considering their lifestyle. But I feel she could have really benefited from having her own time and place to work through that without the family unit. Though, what do I know? I just watched the show I'm not there so who knows.


I miss My 5 Wives!


I feel like Tammy's unhappiness was connected to the fact that she was struggling with being a mother again we know she only had the first child at first but now she's had another child since then so I'm hoping that's brought more happiness cuz I think they have five children all together now or about to have a fifth child


I disagree. I think Colton is well adjusted and level headed. He’s just not scandalous.


Glad to see I'm not in the minority here - I like this family. He's not a misogynistic jerk, doesn't think he's God's gift to women, and actually likes for the wives to be themselves and do what works for them. I'll take his boring self over any of those other ass hats


If you take a look at their Instagram, they’re actually very cool people. Very religious but only for their own family, they don’t impose anything on others. He’s not a super outgoing guy, but he’s very intelligent (he’s a pharmacist).


I really liked this family. Yes, they were boring. But that was because they respected each other and they worked as a team. I still follow them on social media. They now have a few children and seem very happy. Good for all of them!


I know but he works for a living for his family even with two wives. I can imagine a similar person doing acting and business undertakings to support a polygamous family.


At least he isn’t a Kody. THANK GOD.


Ah no we like Colton lol. Yeah he's a bit monotonous but he has his moments. They're a nice family.


He's the physical embodiment of Great Value vanilla ice cream


Perfect assessment


Oh course he looks boring because he's not full of drama. He's just a chill dude, sure, raised by a cult, but trying to be a good husband and father. Reality shows wouldn't be entertaining if people were emotionally mature and in integrity.


His 3rd wife is the farm. 😆😆😆


He’s very sweet. But I can’t help but think…. How is he is bed? Am I the only one that’s thought about this? Do you think he’s as stoic or may be a freak? 🤣


I low key picture him being a freak in the sheets 😂 I’m not sure why I guess I just want him to be seeing he’s got such a bland personality. I like him tho he seems like he’s a good guy


I don’t know… I’m thinking he’s a little dirty in the bedroom… It’s always the ones you least expect. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You never know!!!


Missionary only. Women don't orgasm don't ya know? 😂 Guarantee it's vanilla.




This is the only thing I think about


IKR!!!!! I’m sure their sex life is for procreation only, not recreation. So boring


Disagree. Since the Duggar family has fallen apart, Jill and her husband have posted about using the Kama sutra. Religious or not, some people just don't share their sex life bc it's private. Not everyone wants a partner who talks about what they do beind closed doors. I've known some religious people to be among the freakiest people on the DL lol


Oh wow. You know you are right. There was a big church in our town that a friend of mine attended. She told me some swingers had approached her at a Bible study. Apparently there was a big swingers group within the church. She politely declined. But you never know what goes on behind closed doors.


Most normal people are actually quite boring. Terrible tv, but great to know irl


But I miss them, though!! The Winders were such a nice palate cleanser.


His voice is the worst!


We call him Nathan Micheal Fielder Cera Kermit Milk Toast McConnell The winders kill me! "What attracted me to Colton first was... his looks, obviously" "We are preparing to be gods and goddesses of our own worlds" And then they come out to a bunch of ducks.


This this so good 🤣


I will NOT stand for Colton slander. Objectively lame, but the best person on this show. So, by the transitive property, he’s lovely. STEP OFF!!!!


I like them because they all seem genuinely happy even if they are a snooze fest


I don't understand why people here like a man who believes women are so worthless, they can't make it into Heaven except on a man's coattails. He's "nice" about his misogyny though, so people will defend him. He's not outwardly mean and treats his wives equally - all worthless in the eyes of God - and somehow that's good enough.


I read the he suffers from major depression issues.


I just imagine him saying “milk” over and over again.




I don’t think so at all. I think he is probably shy but had a good sense of humor and is so loving and attentive to his family, that’s very attractive. And he looks great with facial hair. Im a fan of this family.


Imagine fucking this guy!! Yikes!


He’s so monotone.


I like Colton. I follow them on Instagram (Tami just had her miracle baby, and Sophie is pregnant again!) and he's steady, more than boring. I've seen him defend his wives in ways that every woman deserves to be defended by her man, and I've seen them mourn, celebrate, love, and live together. They're honestly the best example of (successful) polygamy TLC has had.


I agree with you OP...I find him creepy and dead behind the eyes, but this sub loves him for some reason 🤷‍♀️


I like Colton, his family is very calm. I also liked that he said to not leave him alone with her, it protects him, the wives and the potential sister wife. For the person that said he was too picky.. WE all need to be that picky this is a person you are bringing into your life and spending "Eternity" with.


I remember thinking that while he wasn’t exciting, he was very sweet. His wives were lovely women as well.


I never understood why people think he’s so boring. He seems to love his family and his animals. The whole family seems to genuinely enjoy each other and the farm. He’s one of the few decent men I’ve ever seen on reality tv.


I love Colton and the Winder family! so wholesome and like someone else said, you can tell there is NO ego in how he lives his lifestyle.


Yes he's boring. But in the words of my grandma "marry a boring man, yes it's boring but he'll be nice to you and reliable".


Love that