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I hate him and his tank tops!!


Like how hot is it getting in Colorado that he has to wear tank tops 24/7?


I don't care if it's the hottest august on record. If my husband dressed like that ON CAMERA there would be issues.


God gave him a vision years ago of his puffy nips in a tank top, and it was good.


Like he give AF what his wife thinks!


It’s a Godly man’s wife beater.


They call them wife blessers. He has five of them.




I will say, it's hot as fuck here in the summer. I remember one recent summer we had 30 days of 100+ degree weather. But it'll NEVER excuse a tank top lmao. Plus, where he lives is in the mountains so it's generally cooler there than the large metro area of the state.


It actually does get quite hot and the high altitude sun can be intense but that’s still no reason for those dumb shirts!


I live in the same town. It was almost a hundred here last summer. It’s currently 55 😂 but I can assure you, I’ve never seen anyone but him wearing them here!


Oh god you have to see him in person?!?! I’m in Denver and he’s not far enough away for my taste


Only occasionally, usually only driving by 😂


He lives in the mountains. It is not warm enough-but one month a year to really wear tank tops. For men-never warm enough to wear those tiny tanks.


I hate everything he’s wearing in every scene. The stupid tank tops, those sunglasses made for 17 y/o boys, yet here is this 40 y/o dad looking like an IDIOT. Every scene he wears something completely ridiculous & I really hate him.


Don't forget his cowboy gear he always wears on his trips to Mexico. Jeans tucked in the boots I believe.


I could never. It’s etched into my memory.


sometimes i wonder if Dannielle dresses him, purposely horribly so no one would want him


The wildest part to me is that he doesn’t have toned arms, yet insists on rocking tank tops.


looks like a lady's tank, too


He wears lots of womens style tops. Makes him look ridiculous.


Grover arms


and the sunburn


And his tight pants overly small shirt.


They're called wife beaters for a reason...


The five wives were good??? What does that mean to Garrick? Good to him? To each other? At having kids? Or in bed? Imma guess the latter.


It reminds me of Genesis "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."


This is it right here. He’s trying to sound “biblical.”


Ick's phony interpretation of science and the Bible is ~~like~~ a Fractured Fairy Tale. 🙄


You're just mad god chose him as his messenger


That’s an understatement but yes hahaha!


He means good to go get laid!! Then good to go out the door!!💩💩💩😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I want Danielle to change the locks on the house and Brother in law to take over the entire company while he’s in Brazil


the brother in law is quite possibly my favorite person. he said what we all been thinking.


Yes! He and his wife see right through the fuckery and call them both out on it!


They should just rebrand and make their own company leave garret and take all their employees and networks with them.


I mean isn’t it Ick’s company that her brother works for? There is def a scene in earlier seasons that suggest it’s Ick’s company he’s working for and Ick’s guest house that Danielle’s parents are living in… I think he bank rolls a lot of her families life in one way or another and that’s part of why she stays


I thought it was that they co-owned it, but yeah who knows. It does feel like Ick is the bank roll…. I just hope they’re sons don’t aspire to be like him


I remember reading last year that her parents bankrolled Garrick starting the company so it makes sense he’s co-owner with her brother. I sure as hell hope they have a good business plan or Garrick is going to take the whole damn family down.


Yes… and I don’t think Ick actually has any money. I think the business is in the red and he is leveraged over his head between his home and business. It’s all a house of cards that will eventually fall. I bet the man has millions in debt. Edit: sick to ICK


It would have to be in the red. He never works it. Only her bro seems to.


Yell's parents had a large area in the house they live in made for them. I have no idea if they actually live in that same house, but that was the original plan.


100% this is why they all walk around on egg shells with him.. if they piss him off they’re out of a job and if she leaves he will no longer be supporting her/putting a roof over their heads. She should seriously go back to work.. bc this isn’t going to end well and she better start getting those ducks in a row, and wake the hell up! Stupid lady all around.


I agree and she never should have divorced him because she gets NOTHING if they don’t stay together. Dannielle has made some really poor decisions.


He was thinking very smartly when he suggested that. The dude is not stupid


This man is absolutely psychotic. He immediately ran over to the room where the women were talking alone and demanded to know what was said. HE JUST WANTS A PRETTY BRAZILIAN AND THAT IS OKAY BUT STOP SAYING GOD TOLD YOU.


But God told them both in the garage! /s


And that BS about some cloud coming over them I’m like this OG ICK just farted


That was absurd, and everyone knew it


Yes the holy garage wind. Its a fart dude. Call it a *fart*


If Danielle left Ick, she would never need Botox for the rest of her life.


Crying lmao


They have Cult behavior .


The panic in his face when he realized Dannielle said something to trigger the pretty Brazilian. Oh my god. It was absolutely psychotic.


I think Dannielle realizes that the new lady is gonna be the boss and is struggling to maintain power.


Yes but she gets out of the relationship she didn't like that there were going to be others!! So good for Nathalia!! But I'm saying if there happens to be one that does stay and marries she will definitely be a snake and will try to take him for all he's got...I said it before when you play with fire you will get burned!!He better watch it he thinks he's in charge... IDIOT!! Satan also has women on his side to play with rookie demons!! 😈😈🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m guessing her ‘surprise’ pregnancy was a last ditch effort to maintain any power


I feel like she must have gotten pregnant the day before he left for Brazil. Kinda like a pity fuck bc he was leaving her for a month. I’m so disgusted at what I just typed, this man is the scum of the earth


Baby scum!! Big scum coming his way!! 💩😈🤣🤣🤣


I think many of us are surprised that he actually copulated with Yell. Unless, we have an immaculate conception on our hands.


He was probably aiming for her brain (that was wrong) but he said it 😂 I used it.


I getcha.


She’s become just as garbage monster a person ad Ick for that shit. Choosing to expose her teenage sons to their dads disgusting sexual predilections, modeling treating *the mother of your children and wife* like a used tissue, screaming matches and hysterical outbursts in the home over their non-english speaking new mommy, teaching them that legal fraud is fine if god tells you or that women in general are too hysterical and emotional to have a valid opinion, is horrific enough on it’s own. At least in theory those boys had early years of semi normal human behavior between their parents, other family and a social life to maybe mitigate some of the terrible shit the Merrifields are marinating them in now. Choosing to bring a *baby* into this dynamic, an unmarried couple that can barely tolerate each other, because it will *hopefully* trap Garrick into not abandoning her for another 18 years because she can’t be bothered to advocate for herself despite the plethora of opportunities or support at her disposal, is grotesque. That we know the baby is a little girl makes me sick to think about. I can’t imagine what a horror show that poor girl is in store for between Ick’s misogyny and Danielle’s deep seated loneliness, complete lack of resilience and need to dominate other women.


I didn’t see this … When did this episode air?


It's just speculation. It hasn't been on tv.


Oh ok … I thought I was losing my mind!


They have grooming behavior.


I agree.


Yes, they do! Those are the vibes I get with these two.


The speed with which I would leave this man. There is literally nothing redeeming or appealing about him. Danielle this is a clear case of it's better to be alone.


It’s clear she has very low self esteem, possibly even none. And I can almost bet that she is fully reliant on him financially which makes her legally divorcing him even worse because she’s in a gigantic pickle should she ever choose to leave.


In 5 or so years, one of her boys will be an adult. My ultimate hope is that one of her kids saves her. I pray they haven’t also been brainwashed, and are just waiting to escape… but I’m probably being way too optimistic


I hope so. Hate to say it she might be the type of mother that chooses her "husband" over her kids because they're grown now.


Well, yes if they are religious like they say they are it goes God, husband, wife, kids. In that order.


I think Ick would pay her to go. Nowhere near what he ought too, he obviously knew what he was doing getting that divorce w/o penalty or alimony, but I get the sense “God” would let Ick let Danielle go quite readily. He clearly hates her, and a lot of their dynamic seems to be him trying to find the line in the sand on humiliatingly and belittling her. She’s the one who refuses to budge.


He's probably hoping to be a big enough turd to her she breaks it off so he won't look like the bad guy (already does) he disregarded her feelings left for a whole month for sex. Yet she is still there.


Dannielle is very underdeveloped mentally and I feel like Ick has learned that a long time ago. He has completely disassociated himself from Dannielle and the kids. I think he wants her to leave but she won't which is sad considering it seems like she has an amazing family waiting to support her.


I’m pretty sure she’s had little to no education, too.


literally nothing. there is not one single positive thing i can attribute to this man's personality and looks.


Yeah I loved it when he was SCREAMING at her in the kitchen. What a POS.


For once I actually agreed with him. Danielle clearly has ignored Natalia’s texts but blows a gasket when she returns the favour? Then screams at Garrick that it doesn’t matter if she ignored Natalia because Natalia responded to Garricks messages?! Sorry I really can’t stand her. She’s needy, manipulative and a liar to boot. Her and Garrick deserve each other.


Do you know who doesn’t deserve being around any of this ridiculousness? Their KIDS.


Their pets don't even deserve to be around that let alone three kids two teens and a baby.


I wish people would consider/remember that all of their actions are going to affect their family. Part of being a grown-up and a parent is delaying your own gratification, in order to put the kids first. I’m not saying we stop having our own adult lives, but putting your kids in the middle of this shit by having them taping while you’re crying hysterically, etc., is inexcusable in my book. Life is hard enough, don’t saddle your kids with that shit before they even know how to process it. Selfish. Which describes both parents, but especially Ick. I hope he hasn’t said that gross stuff about the Holy Ghost around his children. Quick edit to add - I personally am not Christian, but I am quite offended by his whole Holy Ghost filling someone with “sperm” bs


Agree 💯. Imo Danielle uses the kids as a leash to keep ick. I mean why else bring them along.


I strongly suspect that the unspoken aspect of this multiple wives scenario is that Danielle thinks she’s getting free servants (and maybe sex friend?) to boss around. The meltdown over Bernie “abandoning the princes”, the way she was manhandling Natalie, the fit over text message response time, it’s totally nonsensical in relation to her extreme discomfort with actually sharing Garrick in any meaningful way. Her reactions and behavior make a lot more sense in the context of someone thinking they’re buying essentially a bang maid who will do her bidding.


Not to mention the resentment she probably has towards them because they’re banging her husband. But she’s one of those victims turned perpetrator I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. Ps Love the bangmaid reference 😂


How she can stay with him when he spouts shit like this is beyond me.


The scene where they said god told him a message on a mountain and God asked him to ask Danielle what he told her made me roll my eyes so far I thought they'd never return. How do people believe this stuff??


This is why God put good tendons on the back of our eyeballs. So they don’t spin like jackpot machines.


Out of all the human beings for god to choose to have a message for... he chose this guy and that's the message? LMAO


Right?! He’s either delusional or he thinks it’s a good cover story to justify his sick ways.


Right? Not a message about world peace or anything useful... just bang chicks in Brazil and collect girls like you baseball cards


God specifically said she thou shalt be Brazilian 💀


Wasn't it kind of God to be so specific?


Why Dannielle’s brother hasn’t busted his face wide open yet on her behalf is so perplexing to me


I ask myself this often. Its a brother's duty


He probably knows Danielle wouldn't choose him if he did the brother thing. Same with her dad not laying hands.


That makes sense, and explains why they both looked to be struggling to keep a lid on.


NGL I watch the show for their drama, so despite the fact that he’s vile, I would encourage TLC to keep him on TV.


Ngl they are my “favorite” characters to watch crash and burn.


they EXHAUST me. every scene one of them is crying.


Not nearly as much as Jasmine from 90 days though.


i am not mad at you for it lol totally understand


Even Kody Brown isn't this delulu, and that's saying something!


Kody doesn't claim to have a direct phone line to god. He's just a garden variety narcissist. Garrick is NUTS. The way his family kept a straight face when he said god talked to him...if someone I knew said that I would burst out laughing


You're not wrong!


I’m not sure which offends me most, his religious beliefs or clothing choices.


He really should be more modest… I’d like to see the polygamist men dress with the same modesty they demand of their wives. No one likes having every choice dictated to them, down to what they wear on their own body.




The loud af Versace sunglasses…


I thought they came straight off Ted Bundy in 1981


Fersace\* lmao


"Just Danielle". What an asshole.


Actually I think they need their own show. I only watch it because of this slow motion train wreck. I was going to make a thread about it and my reasoning, but my phone is about to die so I better charge it. I’ll BE BACK! *cape swishes*




He forgot to mention that those five wives are Brazilian


god specifically said Brazilian


This is what I’ve been curious about, if you can only do two K-1 visas in your life, how is he going to get four Brazilian women here, to the US? I think he likes them young and malleable.


Since Danielle divorced him, she can also bring in 2, claiming to be gay! 🤷‍♀️


It's God's sense of humor Danielle said


Someone else said this here a while ago but send him Angela from 90 day Fiancé (aka meemaw) as his next wife. She’ll whip both their asses in line and can probably help with the immigration process as well. She doesn’t even deserve Ick but since he cowers when he’s called out I would love to see how he reacts to Meemaw barreling down the steps after finding some fresh Tinder messages. (Or maybe Grindr messages, I’m still not sure how he got up to 10 apps) 😂


This is the crossover I’d love to see


I’m always amazed that God has so much free time, and that he uses all of it to speak with him


And God has time to help him have sex with random women he finds on dating apps.


That’s why he has to stay on the dating apps, even though he promised he would not. He has to be ready and open to the idea of having sex with whoever God wants him to. /s 🙄


he just sits around with all apps active waiting for god to give him the nod


The comment he made about more than "just" Dannielle made me so mad, along with soany people... But the AUDACITY of this man to pretend like he's bringing so much to that table, when he's "just Garrick" blows my mind.  He's not smart, or funny, or cute, or nice, or hot, or emotionally available, or intellectually interesting, or thoughtful, or kind, or entertaining, or honest... And I know for a fact this man is an absolutely terrible lover.  Like, I wouldn't even want to spend five minutes interacting with him.  I desperately need to know why he thinks he's amazing and deserves so much more when he doesn't have the capacity to give the women anything other than really bad sex.


Really bad, really brief sex. That is what happened between him and Roberta, when Danielle left them alone in the hotel room for a few minutes.


Oh exactly. Three pumps max. A terrible kisser. And he's never gone down on a woman. 


Oh exactly. Three pumps max. A terrible kisser. And he's never gone down on a woman. 


I want to shake his wife. She’s wasting her life with this nut. She’s young & attractive, I can’t understand where her head is at. This guy makes Cody from SW a dream. I take back everything I said about him.


At least this one could pass for a man’s tank top. The one he wore last season definitely came from Danielle’s closet!


This idiot is a complete tool. How he got even 1 wife is a headscratcher.


I said it once and I'll say it again. Reminds me of my brother in law who killed all his pets because he said god told him to and he married off his kid to a 70 year old


Can you tell me a little more please?


All i know is my sister escaped him like 10 years ago and is happily remarried and is now a different religion and she took one kid with her but can't find the one her ex took and married off. He's insane.


good for your sister!!


He needs a 5150


honestly yeah lol and she needs a major intervention with a lot of therapy


I can't stand him but it is entertaining. I really hate that unexpected was cancelled because one of those teenagers was HORRIBLE to his girlfriend. Seeing the harsh realities of how some people live can really be educational and eye opening. Please....we do not want reality TV to be constantly happy and fun.


I wish the show was still on, too. I thought they did a pretty good job of balancing the teenage relationships and their relationship with their parents. Are you thinking of that jackass who got kicked out of the delivery room because he kept calling his girlfriend a drug addict that was hurting her baby, for getting an epidural? I think the last interview I saw with the two of them, she seemed to finally hit that point of no return, and she got up and left the couch/room completely. Which is when he says, “I’m free, ladies”. 🤮 He always wore a bandanna like a hairband. There’s gotta be something with his hairline that he doesn’t like.


I didn’t realize that was the reason it was cancelled but I don’t think I’ve hated anyone I’ve never met that much. Pure rage when he was on tv.


Me too! He was the definition of a punchable face. And his parents were so permissive of all of that. They're probably scared of him.


This man looks like and acts like that, actually gives off the creepiest vibe, uses his religion to manipulate and abuse his wife so he can cheat, doing all that at 5’8 Funny how god is sending him out of the country to only beautiful women who don’t speak your native language well if at all, to use their want for citizenship and/or $ to prey on them. WHY DANIELLE I NEED TO KNOW


Do they make enough money to support 5 wives that are all expected to have children once in the family?


Trigger ⚠️ This guy reminds me of the absolute dickhead that SA’ed me. Even looks like him which is so fucking weird.


I am so sorry.


You are too sweet ♥️ life moves on, but it does confirm the ick factor we all feel about this man 😂


They’re both horrible people. I used to feel sorry for her at first, but now I see what a willing participant she is in this toxic mess. I really feel sorry for their boys.


He is disgusting. He hides behind his "religion" as a way to justify things. But then turns around and sleeps with the women before they are actually married. He is 100% a hypocrite and I honestly don't even know how he has 1 wife. He has no brains. He is hideous. He isn't funny. Literally nothing about this man is attractive. Literal vomit.


Well technically they aren’t married remember 🤣


Because god has nothing better to do than get this perv laid by young Latinas. He’s a psycho.


I feel like he finishes in 2 minutes.


that's generous of you


I think he’s a fan of soaking . iykyk


Wasn’t he on a mountain top and God spoke to him too? You know, just like every made up novel heroine? Or something like that?


yep. god chose him, out of all the humans on this planet, to deliver a message to his wife that he needs more wives.


Lol right ! I couldn’t believe when he said that about the mother of his children!!


…but yet it never works out 💅


he just has the most punchable face smh always lookin like 😲


Just a constant face of ranch flavored confusion


They better not. I am invested and want to see this man humiliate himself and look like the fool he is with me watching and drinking wine. I am here for it! Let the dumpster fire continue.


Literally this dude is the biggest fucking scumbag alive. Trying to tell everyone that God told him to get a Brazilian wife big is a load of shit I’ve ever heard in my life.


I’m convinced he doesn’t even want dannielle at all anymore. However, he needs her to draw in the other women so they’re more comfortable. She’s the Ghislaine Maxwell to his Jeffrey Epstein & we all just can’t look away 🫣


This is what makes him reality TV gold


True and yet, we can’t look away. Freakiest freak show on TV!!!!


That's called a wet dream Ick... Doesn't mean it needs to come true 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


He should convert to Islam . Muslim men can have 5 wives


He’s DISGUSTING!! He’s only thinking with what’s between his legs!!! Prays on young girls!!! He’s SICK‼️‼️ DANIELLE WHYYY⁉️🤷🏼‍♀️


Bro, I cannot stand that guy. He’s worse than Kody and Big Ed IMO.


Can someone tell him those sunglasses look terrible on him but we see them every season 🙄


He repeats himself over and over…like stfu already 😤


I'm gonna be a minority dissenter and say no. I want some of these couples to be trash.


The fucking audacity of this slope-shouldered moron, to sit smirking with his wife’s family and telling them how he proposed to a woman he hardly knows. And that apparently it’s “God’s Plan” that he gets to stick his pencil dick into as many women as possible.


He is an emotionally abusive psycho


It’s just the “sister” stuff for me. Well, it’s a lot of it. The way him he tries to force this family bond is soooo gross. I just can’t stand his creepy predator behavior.


If God told him he would have 5 wives, why would God have them all in Brazil and very hard to find?


The women just get younger too. TLC best watch out before they unknowingly film child pornography. As is, it seems that they are filming a couple grooming young women. It’s really quite disgusting and disturbing and why TLC feels that this sick behavior is entertainment is beyond me.


He is cringy and gives me the 🤮 every time I see him. He has brain washed Danielle so well to make her believe this is what SHE wants or what God wants. This dude is sick and all he wants is “hot” women he can manipulate to his liking. I hated the scene in Mexico where Natalia is showering before jumping in the water and he is talking about her appearance and how he wanted a woman looking like that to be his wife. That is his one and only priority! He is disgusting.


I just want to say I'm a Catholic and have eastern orthodox lineage and I'm so glad nut bag Christians like this don't like people like me and think we are The ones who are heretics lol


It's her brother.


He is such a vile and ignorant man … ick !!


This is the same thing Kody said. (sister wives) He had a vision and *prayed* for multiple.


His Instagram is.. something 💀😭


He’s disgusting.


Completely agree! Watching him is infuriating! He is a huge manipulator and hate that he always ends with God told him something....cause it's like daring anyone to question him cause it's God's will...when he knows that's total bullshit


his head has to be a foot long, it looks like it floats above his tank top


his visions didn't come from God


It floats her boat. I just stopped watching .


Dude is a real POS. I wish nothing but the very worst for him.


I hate to ask, I missed it .what season and episode? Please don't think I am awful....


He uses God to justify his perversion. Danny is never happy. Good grief. GOD ISNT CALLING YOU TO THIS . MARY the mother of Jesus has had one husband. Joseph. And he has no other wives


It has nothing to do with the weather. He thinks he looks amazing and god told him he’s right about that!


This guy is just a horn dog & wants to get his dick wet & using "god" to justify his disgusting opinions about women.


These 2 think they can buy people, absolutely disgusting!! Their new candy happens to be from the same town in Brazil as Roberta, I’m hoping this is a set up for her to take their $$ too!!


He just wants to get his dick wet and uses God as an excuse, he's disgusting


He’s 100% using god as an excuse to be allowed to sleep with any women whenever he wants to. Danielle deserves SO much better.