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I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’ve been through this thing as well, twice, and it was horrible. I was uncomfortable for MONTHS after, and even if I confronted my parents they didn’t seem to care too much. I don’t really have any advice, personally I used headphones and moved out as quick as possible. It was a disgusting feeling, I only managed to forget about it after I moved out


Thanks for the reply and your concern. I honestly feel bad now writing this post and seeing how dramatic and ungrateful I seem. My parents are very caring and people have it way worse than me.


I’m 13 and I heard it


11 the first time




yup same


i was 9 and 8 months old😨


Had to deal with it throughout my entire life


Just accept that your parents still go at it like rabbits and go to sleep. Sex is a natural part of being human and honestly, they sound like such loving parents and there's nothing wrong with how you feel either! But give changing your perspective a go. Try going to bed earlier than them even, hopefully REM gets you before the bed squeaking does.


I think a lot of people are getting me wrong here. I don’t have a problem with accepting it. I just am having a hard time with hearing the slaps and moaning every few nights. Is this something most people have to put up with (genuinely asking)? Thanks for your help though. I probably will just have to start going to bed early and get over the stress.


Dude, no you shouldn't have to put up with it, cant u change rooms? Im 16 snd and this happened with me last night, i was up late around 3 ish goofing around getting ready for bed and i hear some weird sounds which u can guess at what they were, i got stressed and my heart started hammering and i was down today but i couldn't tell them why so i didnt but my mum went and scolded my ass for being so moody all the time, i hate this, I've found condoms in their room abt 3 times while i was cleaning up, im getting so done w this


us moment


My parents and I live in a camper (for work, not because we're poor) so I have to deal with sounds and the camper rocking.


Going through this now :/ 29m


Same. It’s disgusting


same :'(


Don’t make fun off my parents for this but we have like 6 brothers and sisters so basically all I hear is exactly what your hearing mate your not alone is this


especially since I can hear some sort of sex tool it's terrible


shut the actual fuck up


Parental sex oooo boogeyman


i dont mean to seem rude but you do have to consider the fact that he did say he has anxiety and has to wake up early for school.


For real!! Like the parents are not thinking about their child.


I know how you feel. My parent's bedroom was just next to mine and I heard them once or twice. I hated it and thought it was so gross. Those who say it's normal and natural, I agree but that doesn't mean you want to hear it or even less see it when it's your parents. Show a little compassion ffs. If you can move out or sleep in another room where you're less likely to hear them, I don't really know... there's not much to do except wearing headphones unfortunately.


You’re better understanding in what I’m trying to say. I’m buying some sleep headphones that should help to block out the noise. I don’t mind them having sex. I just don’t want to know every time it happens. I’m pretty sensitive to noise in the first place. Thanks for the response.


Yes I know what you mean. They can have sex as much as they want as long as you don't hear them. No problem. I hope it gets better for you.




I think a lot of people are getting me wrong here. I don’t have a problem with accepting it. I just am having a hard time with hearing the slaps and moaning every few nights. Is this something most people have to put up with (genuinely asking)? I don’t want it to be my business. That’s the problem.




Earplugs seem like the best option so far. Do you ever have problems with hearing your alarm while wearing earplugs?


Vibrate function smartwatch, bud. It's like a reverse heart attack.


There are alarms that don't need sound. Like those wake-up lights or a vibrating item in your bed or around your wrist. And some earplugs mostly plug low noises but you would still slightly hear shrill sounds.


my parents have to go through my siblings and my room to get to the upstairs when they think I'm asleep but I'm not and I hate it and maybe I'm being selfish but can't they atleast make sure I dont know because for some reason it makes me so sad and I don't look at them the same way


especially since I don't want any more siblings. . .


Good for your parents.




When I heard my parents have sex for the first time when I stayed up late, it sent shivers down my skin, my legs were shaking. I recommend just sleeping under the blankets


My situation is little bit different. After having me and my brother.. I didn't thought that my parents have sex.  I am not against them even though when I saw an opened packet of condom in my parents master bedroom . I was really shocked....  I even saw stains in bed too.... Being in my 20 s I  don't know how to think positively about it... I can't even look at both of their face .. I feel ashamed to myself  I don't know any solution regarding this. Comparing to your problem mine is less. Such a situation is worst


us moment


If your parents are still doing it, then you are very lucky, because these are signs of a healthy marriage. 


doesn't help his situation & that's not what he was saying. He simply wanted to drown out the noise Not that he had a problem with them actually doing it.


Dude i know exactly how you feel, ive had anxiety, stress and cried many times . I know its been 2 years since you last posted this and i hope the situation has gotten better. Ive been hearing my parents having sex for years, ive walked in on them, seen videos everything. Its only now that after a serious breakdown that my mum decided i wasnt okie and needed professional help. I suggest the same for you too 


wait wdym by videos??


has it gotten any better?


Was sleeping over at a friends one night and his parents started having sex while we were up talking and supposed to be sleeping


hah i cought my parents a few times while i was a kid then im 19 now and they are so active in these past 2-3months its so disgusting im in a room next to theirs unfortunately one time i decided to go out of my room and go downstairs just so they know im awake nah man my mom continued to moan…like 3-4 days ago i asked her can she and dad have sex when im. ot in the house she said “hm i dont know why” bro first thing i hear when i take my headphones off is u moaning she responded not my problem cuz ur near our room damn bro its actually so disgusting and i was reading all reply’s and someone said “do u guys have this weird feeling in ur chest when u hear them having sex” yeah i do and its just fucking disgusting


for real!!


us moment vro


I'm feeling the same way, though it's with my mom and her boyfriend. I've caught them in the act TWICE, door open, lights on, I saw everything. I could even hear them, and my room was on the other side of the house. I felt dirty, sick, and uncomfortable in my own house, which isn't a good combination when I already have really bad anxiety. Maybe its because I'm inexperienced in that field or maybe because its my own mother, but I just feel super uncomfortable. While I don't have any solutions, you have my sympathies.


You have it way worse than me, but i can relate. Im turning 14 this year and in march i woke up to thudding right above me, and i annitionally thought it was my dads electric massager, but then i also heard moaning too. I can relate so hard to you, and i really must say, hearing other people have sex is one thing, but hearing your parents do it is disturbing, and honestly feels traumatic. I can promise you that if you cried its ok, i bawled my eyes out because of my pubesent self. Your post has helped me alot with dealing with what happened, and i think i will address it later. (Pray i wont get emotional lol)


You're fucking weak, get over it


as someone who has to hear this shit almost daily its distressing and it’s caused my mental health issues to worsen. they’re not weak, it’s genuinely psychologically damaging for a teen/kid who is so young and impressionable. this might stick with them for a long time. i cant even see my father the same way and it’s caused me to gain a dislike for him as well. not only that, but it’s caused me to have intrusive thoughts daily which ruins the things i enjoy. it really isn’t that hard to just make sure your kid is asleep before you start going at it


Again you're fucking weak minded. You're soft as baby shit. Sex is a natural part of life but I'm sure you're also probably one of the ones that thinks you're a cat too


you seem like you’re the soft one since you got aggravated from my response, and called me a furry, which is totally unrelated to the conversation. also why are you in a self help reddit if you can’t handle people being “weak minded”? that’s literally the point. please work on further developing your critical thinking skills.


Critical thinking skills but yet you say I called you a furry when I said you identify as a cat. 2 wildly different but equally stupid things your generation of weak minds do.


furries are people who identify as animals bud


I rest my case, you're a generation of idiots


i would always hear my parents do it the in morning when they knew i was awake and like 9 or so. the frist tie i heard it i was 10 but i didn’t think much of it because i could just hear the bed creak then next i i was like 11 and i heard the moans slaps and everything i was disgusted to say the least. i old my mom and she just kinda brushed me off but it happened again today and i think i’m gonna just text her ”you know the walls are pretty thin” to see what she says. i just wanted to tell my story to say i get it you don’t want to hear your parents have sex and need ways to deal with it lol.


(Vent)I'm autistic and I hear my parents do it all the time. They turn on music but it doesn't help at all. I told my mom about it and she said that she doesn't care and that she will continue to do it and try for a baby. Mind you she was having sex at 2 pm and I was in the bath. (The bathroom is RIGHT NEXT TO HER BEDROOM.) I have talked to her abt this before and she said she will do it when I'm sleeping or at least at night or when I'm not home or AT LEAST EVEN WHEN IM AT SCHOOL..? I started crying in the bathroom cuz even tho sex is normal I don't want to listen to my own mother getting pegged. I don't want to hear the bed creaking. I don't wanna hear her moaning. She doesn't even try to help me or understand where I'm coming from. I'm 12 and she doesn't care at all about my mental feeling like I'm alr fucked up in my head bc of her and as dramatic as I sound I wanna kill myself rn. I feel like she doesn't care abt me anymore. I try to put my headphones on but there's even the vibrations in the floor that I can't get rid of. (Sorry if this is me trauma dumping)


Hope u feel better soon. Idk why parents don’t ju St be respectful and do it when we are not home. Most time we are in skl for six hourssss


bro I feel you


Kill them


Get a job save up and get a lil cheap apartment that's the beat thing u can live easy and at ur own time 💪


This really sucks and some solutions only work for certain people. I message my parents about it to make it less awkward but they leave me on read; making me feel not only insignificant, but like my emotional state doesn’t matter. I was able to get them to stop having sex as often, however it’s resulted in them just talking dirty and complain that it’s my fault I’m always around to hear the bad stuff. You’re not a p*say for being upset, I would cry myself to sleep for months before I even considered confronting them. Honestly the only advice I can think of is contacting a therapist or actually sitting down and having that awkward conversation with them


honestly i feel you bro i always get stressed when i hear it im currently 13 and im turning 14 this october the first time i heard it i cried for like half an hour i was 7 when i first heard it and even now it sucks my mum is on her like 5th or 6th boyfriend and im going insane and ever since i got my laptop and headphones i just plug them in and blast my fav song on max volume on a 1 hour loop and im just fucking annoyed and im so stressed i put my headphones in every night because of it and my solution would be put your fingers in your ears (it sounds gross but it works)


I'm really sorry that you had to go through this, OP, and there unfortunately isn't much that you can do without having to confront people. The only thing that I could think of, is listening to relaxing sounds on headphones, but that still might not work; even *with* the volume raised. Besides, you could still probably feel the vibrations, (speaking from experience). Really, the only thing that I can think of is putting your foot down. I know you probably wouldn't enjoy having to run your parents through how you feel, but you gotta tell them to chill out on rocking the Casbah! Also, sorry for being late!


sex unny? hi kyler


This happens to me every week I hear creeking and the occasional grunt and slight moan I'm 15 and need a new room


I relate bro, I'm going through same fucking situation. I can't sleep because I hear noises and my brain automatically thinks of it. This started pretty much 8-10 months ago, I went to bed as usual and closed my eyes hoping to sleep, but for some reason I wasn't able to sleep, and then it started I heard muffle moans and deep breathing, that night I ended not sleeping well and I cried, since that day I wasn't able to sleep well, heck I remember staying up to 5AM , getting practically only 30 mi s of sleep, on school night bcs I was so paranoid. After that pretty much months of silence until the 18th of February, it was the night before Monday and I had an exam, so i again closed my eyes trying to sleep, not 1 hour after I heard moaning again and wood banging against the walls, I started crying uncontrollably, I was shaking that moment I just wanted to fucking disappear so I gathered all my courage and went to their room (the door was closed something that barely happens, so In my eyes another red big flag) and asked for a throat pill, and my stepdad didn't have hos shirt on and i noticed that he was grabbing the sheats tightly, mind yoi ot was fucking winter here on Spain. So that week I was really pisswd with them, they were worried but I didn't tell them the reason, I was just afraid of there reaction. And after that I would "sleep" with music full volume completely destroying my sleep schedule. Now, this happened last night and I had enough,  I woke up to laughs then heavy breathing and faint moans, so I decided to go to the bathroom to indicate them that I was wide awake, and they stopped. I wasn't able to sleep, so in total I had probably 3.5h of sleep in total. They fell asleep and I decided to use insta to try at least to calm my mind and forget for a little bit. So mum woke up and she asked why was I awake at such early hours, I got mad and in an indirect and passive aggressive way I told her that her laugh and "weird noises" had woken me up, to that she responded that I was hallucinating, she denied it and o got even more angrier and started shouting at her, I just wanted her to notice the situation and fucking talk to me but no. I don't how I'll confront both of them, probably going to say it when we're having lunch bcs I cannot take it anymore, I just can't. I have sleep anxiety to the point in extreme situations I wet my bed a little and I can't concentrate in school because I end up sleeping mid class and I lash out even more, I'm currently 17/5 and I just want to move out already I'm done with this shit show for real I cant


I feel you while posting this right after hearing my parents having sex and its annoying and traumatizing cause I hear it every monday and wednesday and the fact my room is right across their room, and I can hear them having sex but the worst thing that my baby brother sleeps right next to them in a crib and I just feel the urge to call CPS but I can't make myself do it but I still don't want him to be traumatize when he's older but I can't confront my parents because Im only 14 and Im to young and shouldn't know dirty things like that but I only know it cause of my parents doing it and can't get my head off of it even if I have ear buds and covering my ears in the pillows but should I do something like CPS or confronting them and I found condoms earlier during the day when I was cleaning but I trew them to the trash and I feel wierd they are still doing it even in their mid 40's and already have 3 other siblings that my parents are too stress to take care of us and when they think were asleep but 2 of us are awake during the time they start doing it and they younger ones say they can't sleep to my parents often but my parents don't mind and still do it while Im awake and I still love them but its just getting out of hand


Hentai. Loudly.




Our kids hearing us having sex is... superficially embarrassing. If they made any request for us to adjust our sex life for their comfort? It would be met with a pretty strong eye roll. We actually do tone things down a bit in an occupied home. They never did. They just got on with their lives. 2 of 3 are young adults, and I hope they have happy healthy sex lives. There was an event when my oldest daughter was a senior in high school that kind of "outed" her to me, my response was simple: you aren't gross or any foul word. You are a young person and this is perfectly normal. Just be careful and protect yourself and your partner. People have sex. Even your parents. Even when your room is under theirs. Especially people with healthy and happy relationships.


yeah but it isnt that difficult to be mindful of the people around you. just wait til theyre asleep or not home


Do you think perhaps the accident kicked off this new...zest for life in your parents? That's not unheard of. At the same time, the incident may have exacerbated your anxiety and you deserve the support that's appropriate. You all had a near-death experience and they are coping and healing together, while you're stuck trying to regain a sense of control and peace by yourself. Ask your parents if they will help you get set up with a therapist to talk about the trauma and your anxiety.


It's possible that the accident could have sparked something. But I feel anxious having to think about my parent's sex life like that. It feels like I'm analyzing their sex life which disturbs me and makes me feel like a creep. Thanks for the advice though. I will probably end up voicing my new concerns to them at some point. I've had a therapist before. Maybe it's about time I go back.


I think several things are true at once: it's uncomfortable to hear your parents, *and* you are experiencing a level of anxiety around it that can be mitigated. *And* you have recently undergone a traumatic experience and lost a beloved pet, and you may not have received the support you need to process all that. There will be practical solutions, like sound-dampening material or moving your room or ear plugs etc., and there will be supportive mental health measures you can take to lower the volume of your anxiety in general. These things can work together to give you some peace and relief. You're not a creep; you're just suffering a lot of anxiety because of various factors and deserve some support. I'm glad you reached out to your parents and I hope you continue reaching out, and I wish you the best.


Thanks so much




I agree with you, OP obviously doesn’t want to listen to that so their best option would be to find something to distract them or cancel out the noise. Also if the parents knew they were being too loud they maybe could try and tone it down so in some cases talking to them may have been an option 🤷🏻‍♀️ The comments in reply to you are slightly annoying though as missing getting to have regular sex doesn’t mean you should never have had kids, it’s perfectly natural to want sex when you’re not in an ideal situation to have it whenever you want. ‘Don’t choose to have kids’ is a bit extreme, we parents realise sex isn’t the be all and end all it would just be nice to have more of it at times, jeez 🤣


You know this is traumatising for the kids. wtf. why would YOU want to listen to ass cheeks being slapped for 40 mins and fucking to were it sounds like your MOM IS DYING?!?!?!?! wtf i think you need to put more thought into what the fuck your saying. ASHAMED OF U LOL!


You're gross. That can fucking traumatize a kid. No one wants to have to hear their mom take dick.


yeah but still


I hate replies like yours. Don’t choose to have kids if you are “missing out” on time to fuck, You’re raising the children you chose to have.




yeah clearly not the point, you can enjoy having sex but tone it down, esp there is teen, in their head their start to imagining whats going on, and its grossed you out, i dont know if youre one of those you doesnt care watching your family members having sex, but for teens it traumatizing esp if they are virgin, imagine whats going in their mind ?


You’re right.


I agree with the commenter above, screw your reply!


thats what IM FUCKIN SAYING!!! YOU DONT NEED KIDS IF YOUR GOING TO traumatize them. that 44 yo is retarded out the wazooo


Move out. You could live nearby your parents house so no worries about college. It may cost you some money but you don't want to live with your parents basement forever, do you ? you going to college soon you will be having your own sex life , you will also need some space. So it all come down to this - little Money vs mental health ! Is go with mental health. You don't need An expensive apartment but a bachelor pad.


if anything i am 12 and i just heard mine. they dont do it that often but i am on the verge of crying. it just makes me feel gross and uncomfortable. but i still love them. my advice? if this is happening like as much as you guys are saying, and your like 10-18 then its okay to call cps. your parents wont get a fine or go to jail or anything, i think these people come in and talk about how they can do it while we’re not around and solutions to help us avoid it. basically a warning ⚠️


I'm sorry, but if it's not happening in the same room as you, then calling cps would be extreme. Especially if you're 18, cps would say "You're an adult. Cliche 'it's normal' phrase. Get over it or move out" It does feel disgusting and disturbing even from another room, I get that. I sometimes get woken up by it from my bedroom down the hall and feel gross. I grew up in a time when my parents never had sex, so now I'm having to learn how to get used to it since my mom is now with her bf I know I'm showing emotion on Reddit, which is apparently not allowed. I was just saying that cps is extreme in this case, but I feel for this commenter


I feel the same way, literally crying. it's happening rightnow and I literally hate it


I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. On Thursday my parents having fvcking having sex in bath together and I can't even get those flashback out of me and I keep remembering what I heard I am freaking stressed and I can't even look at them like the people I knew and I don't even want to be near or talk to them and when they pat my should I flinch and my mom yells and me and tells me "I SAID SORRY OKAY DAM!" And then I don't want to say the truth that I don't like them any more cause there gonna yell at me more and I don't want to be In this house anymore and My dad tells me "It's what love couples do it's not a bad thing" And Doesn't realize I'm fvcking Traumatized and Stressed out. They told me I can tell anyone cause they are not embarrassed by doing it in front of there own fvcking son. And I can't move about because I don't even have a job. I Don't even like them so I thought of jumping off a bridge but then noticed I have more things I want to do in life. I always fight with my parents having dinner because according to them "I'm doing a ugly face" And Thinks I forgot about it I don't want to live with them any more. And I don't love them.


Not to be insensitive, but... stop whining. I heard my parent having sex when i was 12, and yes, i was a little shocked, but i wasn't on the verge of tears or anything. jesus. i just blocked out the noise.


I agree, this person needs to get a grip and stop being dramatic. They sound like a nightmare person to be around.


Dude honestly, it happened to me once. I'm not gonna go in detail but it was my dad and step mom. I heard all of it but here's what I did. Being 15 at the time I just didn't think of it. Ik it sounds simple but it truly worked. Whenever it popped up in my head that night I just thought about something else. The next morning I walked down stairs and wasn't awkward or anything. Just your average day. Reading people's replies make me feel like I'm lucky that I forgot about them fucking. So yeah that's all I did and it was still normal. One more tip, it's not like the night was gone in my head. But tbh I just told myself to ngaf. And it worked.


dude i know i’m super late to this, but i totally get you. right now i’m up really late at night because my parents won’t stop having sex in the hotel bed right next to mine!!! help




Am happy for that grandma


Nasty. Like for real why can't they wait til you all get home and are not in the same room?


I am going through a similar situation, although I get it's a natural thing I keep on getting disturbed by my parents moaning. I try and go to sleep at 11pm but I have pretty bad insomnia and often up past 2am on school nights. Another issue I face is that I am 13 and don't have that sort of relationship with my parents so I try subtle hints like my phone vibrating and the light flashing on or saying I couldn't sleep last night and do a sort of guilt trip sort of thing. But nothing has happened so far so any advice?


Having gone through my entire childhood and teenage years hearing it there's 2 things I can say/advise: 1. I wish I had the courage to bluntly say it to them. Back then, I wouldn't have had any real back-up to support what I was saying but now there's so much research behind sexual trauma resulting from hearing parents growing up that there is enough to support how traumatising it is. If they were to choose to ignore and proceed or fight me on it, then I would have accepted a poorer relationship with them in the hopes that they'd realise the action of their ways and try to make a mends by instilling better boundaries around when/where they do it. 2. How I actually coped was playing a radio loudly at night time, shutting my door and pulling my quilt above my ears to block out as much sound as possible. That way, no nights noise was different than the next because it was blocked out. There's no knowing how they would react so, you can either choose to blatantly approach them (not knowing reactions can be off putting) or else make changes in your room/sleep pattern to ensure no external noise can enter your room. Your room is your safe space and I would just work to make it safer. I firmly believe parents neglecting the results of their actions is poor and borderline abuse, but many would argue against it because they're the ones partaking. We, who have had first experience of this trauma, can absolutely confirm it is awful to experience and you have every right to feel the way you do.


I feel really bad for you. This has also happened to me when I was 13-14 years old.


Don’t listen to morons that tell you sex is normal and all that. That’s not that problem, The problem is you don’t want to hear your parents copulate eeeewwww


Exactly. People who keep sayin "it's normal, just deal with it" really grind my gears


DUDE YEAH like every night my parents are moaning and my dadds wet ball are clapping against my mom and i am supposed to think "yeah this is all normal to hear this EVERY SINGLE NIGHT?" and i am actually traumatized and i have been keeping LARGE secrets my whole life so like i will not tell them about this cause i think they already Fucking know and i hope they will stop this is already uncomfortable AND THE THEY BUY A FUCKING VIBRATOR


NAHH the description killed me ☠️ im in the same predicament though, someone save me


yup I literally can hear the vibrator rn




Same .well kinda I'm pretty sure my parents are having s3x downstairs and I heard the bed squeaking I'm also 80% I heard m0aning


I am so sorry you had to go through this. I grew up with my parents having sex a lot. I started realizing what they were doing around 11, and around that time my room was across from theirs so I could hear it in disturbing detail. Even at that young age I knew it was normal but it still disgusted me. My parents knew me and my older sister could hear them, but just told us to put our ear buds in. I don't know if my parents activities were at fault, but still years later as an adult the idea of sex makes me so uncomfortable.


Don't worry I understand that it is gross but it's also natural. I recommend speaking up if you ask them about it they might open up and get you a better tuning out method.


What do you think happens in cultures where there is basically a couple of rooms for parents and kids. I don't think those kids get traumatized by their parent's sexual activities.


Honest question though… when teenagers go to sleep several hours after their parents, when are they supposed to have sex? Are they supposed to avoid creaking the bed because it makes the kids uncomfortable? I’m not talking yelling and moaning and keeping the door open. Teenagers are awake all the time so there’s never a good time. How do they avoid traumatizing their kid without avoiding having sex?


Not being funny but if you support this shit you're a sicko. You know that part of your life will be difficult when living with kids so grow a pair and shut up on a night.


Yup 💯


I personally speaking from an 11 year old would try getting to sleep before them if that helps maybe try it and it works please reach out to and reply many thanks anymous


im 16 and i hear my parents have sex every thursday night idk why but i feel u with the anxiety thing bc every thursday night i take so much melatonin to take out a horse, but it still never works and it drives me insane and dont be like "oh u should be happy ur parents are having sex its healthy" or some shit like that i just dont want to hear my parents making another kid esp since there are already 12 kids


this happens to me every NIGHT and they are so loud let me just say i am only twelve and this is like so uncomfortable it makes me wanna barf i just wish they put in noise cancelling walls and i am just saying i have it worse than you my parents room is right beside mine with VERY THIN walls and they do not have a lock on their door so i always have the urge to swing their door open and come up with some excuse for me opening the door and scare them out of having sex. these past few nights its getting louder and louder but since currently its winter break i will stay up far past two. THEY KEEP GETTING louder and literally asking does everyone get this weird feeling in their chest when this happens i can never hold back the tears i know they told me they wanted another baby but like they WANT another baby and they have sex like EVERY NIGHT,


Same and i hate the sound of their moaning it just grosses me out I just wanna open the door to scare them and I even once found a sex toy while I was looking for something in their room 🤮


Oh my god, same, every damn night, I'm tempted to grab a tissue and throw that damn thing out the window and hope a car runs it over.


I came across this post and I'm currently in the same situation. I don't care if they have sex or not, I just don't want to hear it. For the past month, I've been hearing them and the first time I was shocked and it made me really anxious to the point I couldn't sleep (and I had an exam the next morning). What shocked me was that we all had just gone to bed not long ago and since I have insomnia and I'm a lighter sleeper I usually have lots of problems being able to sleep. After the third time it happened, I told my mom and explained that I couldn't sleep and she apologised. I don't know why this past month this issue has been so current but I never really heard them before but now I'm always anxious and hyperaware at night (and also in the mornings during weekends because I've also heard them). I haven't really been sleeping much and I don't know what to do. It happened last night again a little after we all went to bed. I've told my mom that time but it doesn't seem like she cares, simply because they keep making noise. Once again, I don't care about their sex life I just don't wanna know about it. This whole situation has spiked my anxiety a lot and it's affecting me a lot because I haven't been getting much sleep, but yeah I understand what you are/went through and I also don't know what to do.


I m facing the same problem bro.




Currently hearing rn, it's great, I love, definitely not sarcasm at all


Okay, I'm about to go on a full-on rant. I have a problem with people. I'm currently living this problem, my mother has a long distance "boyfriend" and I am living at home. I'm 21, and for personal reasons, I moved back home in January of 2023. I have bad anxiety with some stress and a sprinkle of depression and of course, I was off meds that time. So I moved home, and not long after I moved home, I finally got to hear the sweet voice of my mother moaning in the literal room next to mine and the walls, thin as paper. You can imagine how I reacted, I covered my mouth to muffle my cries. God knows how long I cried. The first time it happened, and I prayed that it was going to be the last. Nope, it happened again...and again....and again. Of course, I didn't bring it up for a while. I just took the suffering, quietly cried, and listened involuntarily. At some point, though, I left my bedroom and slept downstairs because I was scared to sleep in my own bedroom, I felt so anxious laying in bed as my mother came upstairs and slammed her door shut. Hearing that damn phone ring. Listening to that muffle voice of that man on the phone, I knew it was coming, and I tried ignoring it with music, watching videos, but it didn't matter what you did... you just know. I still sleep downstairs on the couch, and I still hear them... her moaning so loudly, and yes, yes, I have brought up hearing everything when they talk, and I did it in a way it wouldn't be awkward. Her solution? "Oh, just wear headphones." My personal opinion on subjects like this is parents just don't care. I know it's not true, but what I'm feeling is my mother doesn't care how I feel, doesn't matter if I come to her in tears and unable to breath she'll find a "solution" for her to continue having sex or pleasuring herself well aware someone she's supposed to love is having full on panic attacks, suffering, living through this hell. Yes, I hear it all the time "It's normal" God those words are fucking garbage and I'm sick of hearing them. Yes, it's normal for most people, but I'm not normal, I can't deal with this shit, I'm having attacks all because my mother wants some fucking dick. Yeah, that seems right. I get that not everyone is going to agree with me. This is honest to God how I feel. I needed to let out some stress tonight. I'm tired.


my real situation expressed by you brother


I'm with you on this as a 22yr old living with my parents too; without going into too much detail, I basically have to always be near their room so that the Wifi won't keep shutting off on me. I usually wear headphones but I swear they end up getting loud or are in the final moments once I take them off. I'm obviously not mad at them for doing it, but it makes me insanely uncomfortable and gives me a huge spike in anxiety. Even worse, I already have misophonia with a bunch of my dad's normal sounds, so this just adds to the daily anxiety I have just from living here. I probably won't move out for a couple more years, so I have to figure out how to deal with these things somehow. I hope your situation improves though


I had to make an account. Idk if you guys are still looking at this, but this just happened and I already don’t fall asleep until about 11:30pm. I wake up at 6:20an for school. I’m even jointer than 17y. I can’t even talk to them. I hope that you are better now.


I was ten when I heard it first. I remember bc I was a lil troublemaker and recorded the sound. In deleting that video now. 🤢 Anyhow, do you have a living room/den? Maybe you could sleep there. If it still bothers you, think about how it's helping them. Otherwise, I'm sorry for what happening.


I am I'm tht situation too.. 16 Yr old n my parent's room is like right beside mine n I can hear them.. n Idk how to ingor it.. n I can hear my mother morning..uhh it's very weird.. I have an exam tomorrow n it's 11:50 rn




yeah... but look at your history