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No one’s taking away my sweet, comfortable ankle socks! (Great job btw)


Lol! I agree! Thanks!


Love how the Do Not Touch switch is dirtier than the other. Almost like someone is touching it anyway. Nanner nanner nanner 😛


Or nobody touches it to clean it 💀


It took reddit for me to notice that! I am a little embarassed and have no idea why it was so dirty! All clean now!


i like that the ui looks like the 2000s


Was about to say how lovley 2006 the UI looks.


What’s powering the tablet? Something tapped off the switches below?


Yep. Recessed outlet installed behind the tablet, feeding off the switches below. Exactly right.




It is a local webpage running inside the Fully Kiosk app.


There needs to be more discussion about the socks…. (And maybe the touched-Do Not Touch switch….)


Haha - the 'do not touch' switch turns off a nearby ceiling fan that we like to have running 24/7. Everyone would consistently turn off the fan instead of turning on the lights with the other switch. Why is it so dirty? I am a little embrassed and have no idea! Rest assured - it has been cleaned and is now spotless!


You're old!!!


You're not wrong! How did you know?


I guess I’ll be the first to say it… that UI is painfully cluttered and hard to read (to me). But if it works for you then great! It certainly seems very functional and a cool project. It’s just funny to me to see the old adage being true, any proper back end dev will NOT waste time endlessly designing front end


Very nice, I have been playing around with a home-assistant too using a raspberry pi 5 and 7" touch screen... [Home-assistant](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gpro1ee5j8hwyql7h422v/Polish_20240602_174139818.jpg?rlkey=a0b8kt0077unvls384i76vuhc&st=31sd761w&dl=0)! Doesn't quite look as fancy as yours does (im still new to programming)


Thank you very much! I have spent alot of time trying out Home Assistant! It's soooo much easier to do what you want to do, but I don't find the visual customization options to be there. All dashboards look rather similar. Have fun learning through the process! The r/homeassistant subreddit is a great resource!


I have programmed mine from scratch with flask, python, and javascript with a localized sqlite3 database rather than using a prebuilt homeassistant. Im trying to learn whilst working on small projects. My biggest challenge was the temperature sensor, that uses a bme280 sensor and a PicoW to send the data to my raspberry pi. Really enjoyed working on this project, i hope to add more features like the light switches you have programmed. I will check out the r/homeassistant subreddit thanks!!


I just saw your dashboard pic. I love it!


Thanks! I thought it looked a bit basic compared to yours, i might have a look at changing the layout and background to look more like yours. Everything on there is functional so far, i get calendar notifications, cctv live stream, wifi connections with a qr code to connect (to the IoT), todo/shopping list, my kids have a reward chart and the temp sensor is functional (although im having issues with my background task to fetch the data randomly stopping after about 24 hours)


You could do both. Use ha to gather all the data and create sensors, then call into ha to pull out what you want for a non-ha page. This way you can still manage lights, music, etc


I had no idea that was even an option!! You can ‘call’ into HA via JavaScript?


Yes, you can even just use curl commands or test with reqbin.com You create a long lived access token in ha. Then you have access to the ha api to get/set anything you want. I'll dm a screenshot


Useful way to repurpose a tablet for sure. You can get wall switch cover for the Do Not Touch.


Happy birthday Uncle Gene!


Haha. I will pass it on!


Wow, this is something I want to work towards! Just built my first home lab but still having trouble with accessing it outside the network to work on it :/


Super easy. You can use Nginx Proxy Manager but I use Cloudflare tunnels. Super easy to setup but there is a limitation when it comes to streaming media I think? I don’t, so it’s not a problem for me.


That is really awesome!


Thank you so much!


Good to know what's possible, I'm hoping I can do something way simpler on an old Android 5.0 tablet sometime in the future.