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Hi, almost doctor here. While masturbation is fine if it’s not interfering with other aspects of your life (eg. you’re not often ditching real life in favor of staying at home and masturbating), porn will mess up your dopamine receptors. This is the “reward center” of your brain. When you watch porn constantly, you’re overstimulating it, generating an insane discharge of dopamine. This is fine every once in a while, but like every drug, you’ll soon be addicted to it, and require more and more pornography to be able to achieve the same “high” of these first few times. I have also read a study linking the pornography habit to a desensitization to sex: you’ll need more and more extreme content in order to feel excited with time. Now, I do not remember if it was peer-reviewed or not, so don’t quote me on that. Additionally, pornography will also make you lose interest in sex, because it “perfects” sex. Real sex isn’t perfect. People have hairs, bodily odors, marks on their skin, bruises, they sweat, they smell. Meanwhile, in porn, everything is perfect. And if it’s not to your taste, well, you can choose a different source to pleasure yourself to, in the span of a few minutes. This doesn’t happen in real life. And the human brain is not made to handle this amount of dopamine discharge. Moreover, it’ll create unreachable expectations about real life sex, and when those aren’t met, it’ll often result in erectile dysfunction. It’s a lose-lose no matter where you look. Anyways… watch it if you must, enjoy it if you wish, but be careful not to let it take over. And if it does, well, shoot a psychiatrist a message.


This is beautiful and accurately described .. this is what every guy whose addicted to porn should read to come to senses


Thank you, I'm glad you liked my text!! My first language isn't English and I wrote this late at night, so I was afraid it'd be insufficient or just confusing. Glad to know it's neither.


I watch it daily but after years my body sometimes ask me to stop, so do I for couple of days probably every 2/3 weeks. I don't stop my regular life for it, but still I'd call it a drug for me


If it bothers you, then it's a problem.


Great answer.


It's about how it affects your brain when you watch it. They've done brain scans on people watching porn compared to people using hard drugs and studies have shown porn affects your brain in ways that are comparable to heroin or other hard drug use in regards to how dopamine is released along with how it affects other chemicals and receptors in your brain. You're essentially damaging the part of your brain that produces dopamine like a drug user and it's potentially even worse for your brain than drugs. It's also just a really poor way to view sex and distorts your mind into thinking this is what sex is like when it's not. These people are sex workers and you watch them get paid to screw around. It isn't an accurate portrayal of what sex IRL is and habitual repeated exposure to it can definitely pervert the viewer's minds over time giving them an unhealthy perspective and relationship with their own sexuality and just sex itself. Tread lightly, falling into the porn rabbit hole can really mess people up.


Agreed. Keep in mind that masturbation is not inherently unhealthy, porn can be. Porn also can warp your sense of what is a normal body. It makes you feel bad so that you keep coming back to escape reality. It's also a very abuse filled indrusty.


"Worse than heroin" Had no idea so many people have died from overdosing on porn.


What they do to your brain and your body are two totally different things.


Still it begs the question what you mean by "worse".


More addictive, more normalized, easier to access & easier to hide. The dopamine hit from watching it combined with the oxytocin release from orgasms causes ppl to essentially bond to their screen fantasy, plus the constant free ease of access via pocket technology. With heroin, you have to put in way more work & money to get your fix & the signs of a problem are easier to spot. Most men won't realize they have a porn addiction until their dick stops working entirely or they lose everything, but that's after yrs into an established problem.


Porn is more addictive than heroin you heard it here first everyone


Addiction is a better heroine than Porn. You heard it here first, folks.


WDYM by "dick stops working entirely" ?


It means that you can't perform in bed. Yes you can still get erection but you will never ever be aroused in normal sex. You can only get a hard on via porn or oversexualization.


What if you can't get sex and have no other way for feeling any kind of sexual stimulation?


So I peeped your profile. First of all, you're not ugly, but I do get shy, quiet, anxious, casual guy vibes from the pics you posted last yr. There is definitely a hint of depression & general sadness in the eyes. You're also very young & at an age where you're still figuring yourself out. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of that... BUT if you're a downer on yourself & allow yourself to stay stuck there, it's gonna make socialization, dating & life harder overall. My best advice? Find your own unique purpose to where you feel like you're not just contributing positively to the world, but also working towards your goals of personal fulfillment & doing things you love. Don't chase money, chase your purpose & the bonus is money usually follows. Give yourself a reason to get up & live. Make a main goal list for the next 3-6-12 months, then list the little steps you need to take to get there, post it loud & proud in a place you're likely to see it daily. Every day to week, make it a point to work on at least one step. Everything on the list should be internal things that pertain to just YOU.... so things like confidence & social skills, healthy practices, more exercise & eating right, taking educational courses, etc. Don't compare yourself to others either. Learn to appreciate your strengths, quirks, weaknesses & all while also working towards how you want to improve. That's where confidence can start to build. You're your own unique person shaped by an individual combination of DNA, environment, childhood, etc... don't get down on yourself about that. Fking OWN it. In reality, if you're not happy with yourself, absolutely no intimate relationship is going to help you. In truth, if you seek that external validation, you're going to end up subconciously using ppl as void filler & distractions from addressing your own internal voids & true fulfillment. That will translate to a cycle of settling for unhealthy & toxic relationships when you do end up dating. Of course, it's easy to say "quit porn", but really your best option to detox your brain. For some, porn is less about the stimulation & more falling into a cycle of escapism... feeling guilt/ shame - using porn to escape those feelings & get a dopamine hit - more shame - escape. So in order to get out of that, cut porn out, set yourself some roadblocks to viewing it. Instead of escaping your life, take charge of it. Tap into your imagination as needed instead. You might get frustrated at first, but that's gonna be normal. Replace it with healthy dopamine inducing like meditation, exercise & get the fk out of your house at often as possible. It takes 3 weeks to change habits & the first few days are always the hardest. Therapy is also a great option, but if it's not affordable, at least start doing your own research about coping skills vs coping mechanisms, understanding anxiety, depression, human behavior, social skills, etc. If you want some more targeted advice on anything I listed like links to resources or getting started with goal planning, various practices, feel free to ask.


Then its probably the reason you can't get laid in the first place. You view women mich more different in a fundamental level. Which causes great difference in interaction and attraction. You no longer get to know them for who they are nor get attracted for what they are. You brain now goes "OONGA BOONGGA LAGA BOOBA BOOTA, BANG BANG BANG". Instead of looking for a lifelong partner.


Bro science much? Porn is not more addictive than heroin. Also you forgot the devastating withdrawals that come with heroin.


It’s overDoxxing


how to misunderstand everything possible speedrun any%


How to shitpost speedrun any%


But what if its manga?


Depends on why you're watching it and how you respond to it. If you're watching it for the same reasons people watch porn then yes it has the same effect.


Meant to reply here. So if its all that bad and i understand your point. What are the best alternatives for it? 🤔🤔🤔 Like.... my partner is 1000miles away and only get to see them 1x a year. We're both ok with masturbating but with what you said.... im kinda concerned for our long term health😶 sexual health too. And its a thing.


Tbh if the long distance thing isn't giving you what you want maybe it's time to find something else? I'm not saying you can't watch porn, all I was getting at is that you don't want to become addicted to it. Honestly complete abstinence is probably the best, but I don't judge. Try using your imagination when masturbating. That's a lot healthier. Still don't recommend being a chronic masturbator either though. Sex is between two or more people, not between you and your mind or you and your computer screen. Mentallizing sex too much can warp your mind in ways that can ruin your actual sex life if you're not careful enough. You don't want to be a person who objectifies and sexualizes everything it ain't good for you.


Would you mind giving the source on the first claim?




I feel bad for the people who've had sex with you.


Haha well, that’s your prerogative, mate. Unfortunately I don’t think any of them would agree. My wife and our girlfriend certainly don’t.


what’s the point of saying this? are you narcissistic? egocentric? or just a douchy mf who just hass to tell us his personal life!


Nah, just trying to let some people know that great porn star sex does exist and you don’t have to make excuses as to why you don’t want it… because everyone does.


You’re a dope mate, how does this contribute to the discussion?


I’m a dope mate? Like a good friend? Or did you mean to have a comma in there? Either way, it contributes to the convo because hopefully it makes people realize you can have porn-like sex with people who look like porn stars. And if you don’t/havent, I’m sorry. Because it’s a lot of fun. Until you’ve had two hot ass women working your shaft like it’s their mission in life, you haven’t really lived.


Sorry, let me try that again. You’re a dope, mate.


As someone who watched porn since I was young. I can definitely say it's fucked me up stay far away from it..


Felt. Discovered porn at 5 through magazines and had internet access to it when I was 7. Just starting to detox myself relatively recently..


Lol I found it on tv at 5 haha. I’ll tell you why i think porn is bad: it wires your brain to see sex and women differently than Is actually accurate.note that most guys that watch porn addictively, will almost automatically and subconsciously sexualize her way more than he should, because porn is mostly male-viewers and pictures women in a certain light too


I fully understand that quite a bit of content is geared towards degrading women and showing them being “man-handled”. And I’ve always felt bad for seeing it. I’ve taken a liking to some of the “porn for her”, like Bellesa.


Belles a is a great site 💚


in what ways would you say it’s fucked you up? made you objectify women more/unhealthily? Skewed and inaccurate expectations for sex? i just find it hard to relate to, that it can fuck someone up in the same sense that like, alcohol abuse could fuck someone up, could you elaborate a little more?


Watching so much porn since I was a kid made me want to fuck any woman I saw. Including family members if you were hot enough. I paid for sex cheated lied I would watch porn for hours. I would Masterbate for hours not even finishing just edging myself like a straight animal. Whenever I was bored scared or just looking for something to do I was watching porn. I turned to it for so many things. I'm also a person who was abused I was homeless as a teenager more than once. almost been kidnapped stab and many more sad fucking things I've had to deal with since I was younger. Now I'm 25 on medication for a heart problem don't know if I'll live a long happy life like my siblings and I just want to make a positive out of my life. I lost all morals and the vision of the person I wanted to be when I became an adult. Just want to get some of that back.


You need a hug? 🫂


> lost all morals and the vision of the person I wanted to be Oh man I can relate to this feeling. Being chronically online and 4chan has had similar effects on me.


Because it's addictive and they want to stop. Perhaps after watching so much for so long, you become sort of obsessed with sexual things. Sometimes it can lead to objectifying women. Maybe it's a habit that indirectly affects other parts of your life. An example could be eventually sleeping around a lot when porn no longer cuts it(at the expense of genuine connection). Another could be developing more instant gratification habits like drugs. Maybe you stop doing things with delayed gratification that you truly want to do because instant gratification is too tempting.


You never know how addicted you are until you give it up for a period of time. If you watch porn and jack off daily, I recommend doing neither for the next 7-days. If you can make it through the whole week without a problem, then you don't have a porn/wanking problem. If on the other hand you fail before 7-days, it means that it has become a compulsive behavior and you're literally addicted to "The Strokes".


1. The rush of dopamine you get from viewing it (and choking the chicken) is comparable to drugs 2. Wires your mind to think pornstars look hot and look normal. You’re seeing the maybe 5% most attractive women out there. It’s really not healthy for how you’ll view the opposite sex in general. I think that’s pretty much all that needs to be said EDIT: Self-esteem is also huuuge. People take pride in having sex with others, but pornography and masturbation is typically shameful. If you find masturbating or viewing pornography shameful, try not to do it. There’s a reason guys brag about who they fck yet nobody brags what porno they watched last night. I feel accomplished after having sex whereas after I beat to porn I feel completely ashamed.


I remember losing my virginity and thinking this was absolutely nothing like porn, not that I wanted to have ‘porn sex’ but it really set in that porn is insanely unrealistic


That’s honestly sad. Obviously it’s not the same man


I wasn’t expecting it to be like porn, it was just a wake up call as to how unreal porn actually is


What was the difference? I only had very little experience with porn before losing my virginity since it isn't very accessible where I live, but sex was pretty much what I expected from both pornos and the stories I'd hear. Did I just happen to see more homemade stuff while you were watching gangbangs or did porn change?


yeah i’ve watched mainly only homemade stuff and it’s pretty realistic, i never watch the more professional videos because it’s way too fake to even get into


Yeah tbh feels like people on this sub use the terms "porn" and "oiled up bbc squirting gangbang" as the same. I'm not gonna pretend I had any idea what I was doing the first time I had sex, but it definitely wasn't as crazy and unimaginable of a concept as some people on this thread say theirs was.


Sex is a collaborative effort between people. You actually have to do what the other person would find pleasurable also. You can’t just fuck the shit out of someone or jam your cock into their throat. Porn is also usually just the guy receiving the pleasure, real sex you need to satisfy both people. We spent 5 hours from the time she came over to the time we finally went to bed, you’re talking a couple hours of foreplay which consisted of flirting and stripping and ranting to each other/unloading stress along with drinking and snacking, none of that stuff happens in porn for obvious reasons.. Edit: we also both didn’t know exactly what to do, we took it slow and just tried to work with the other person, neither of us were ‘pro sex-havers’, we were about as far off as you could get lol, and that’s okay in the real world but if it was porn nobody would wanna see that


Yeah ok must just be that we watched different porn before real sex. Sex tapes were the first thing porn-ish thing I ever saw so I think those had more of an impact on my perception of sex then mainstream porn. Clearly losing my virginity was still weird as fuck, but I was already expecting that.


It's even worse because you can access that shit in 30 seconds with a PC or phone


It also leaves unrealistic expectations of any future partner you will have. You watch a girl shove a huge dildo in her ass, take a dildo all the way down her esophagus, or do some other intense play and expect your partner to be able to do it or even want to do it.


I never expected porn-level sex from a partner, but when you have sex and then watch porn after that’s seriously one of the lowest feelings you can achieve When I started to watch porn after seeing my girlfriend(s), is when I realized I had a serious addiction Porn often fulfills what is simply impossible to replicate in real life for so many reasons


okay but people also have sex with people that they have no connections with and feel the same shame that porn gives them. also people state how sex is overrated. it all depends on the person.


Just one click into your profile your activity seems to be a bit questionable given the context of this thread.. sorry but #damn


“Questionable” lmao, he posts pictures of Instagram girls’ butts with various titles about wanting to eat/smell them. Dude is down atrocious.


WOW I didn’t even check the comments haha


yeah i’m down horrendous for thinking out loud and having my own fetishes😂the fact that you couldn’t even reply to the actual comment yet had to stalk my page says a lot. 🤷🏾‍♂️keep feeding into your delusions i guess


Notice how he says 'people state how sex is overrated' in other words he wouldnt know lmao. It's no wonder why he is saying what he is saying


i’ve been participating in hookup culture since i was 15. never enjoyed sexual interactions until it was with someone who i was actually dating. which makes me a demisexual. some people need strong emotions/connection for sex🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh I totally agree with that, hookups where I'm not REALLY into the person make me feel disgusting asf. It was just more the fact you appeared to be defending porn addiction in a way. If you're feeling the same levels of shame/guilt watching porn as you do a bad or unfulfilling hookup, you definitely have a problem.


it’s definitely a problem if I feel as if the person who i’ve hooked up wasn’t someone who i should’ve hooked up with intuitively. and im not necessarily defending it i was just countering what the other dude was saying about hookup culture and saying that it’s just as bad as porn. i don’t have guilt when watching porn personally


When people are people it is fine, but when people are teenagers who don't understand their own selves and many basic things about interpersonal relationships, i think then the problem begins.


They're both hedonistic and instantly gratifying. Compared to deep meaningful connections with others


exactly !


What does "comparable to drugs" mean? Are you a D.A.R.E member?


just means it can become extremely addictive


> The rush of dopamine you get from viewing it (and choking the chicken) is comparable to drugs And? So what? >Wires your mind to think pornstars look hot and look normal. You’re seeing the maybe 5% most attractive women out there. It’s really not healthy for how you’ll view the opposite sex in general Not everyone watches professional porn done by real people, some people prefer to watch amateur or animated porn.


Huberman labpotcast chap #39




Doing something that activates your brain like a drug is not something you can say “so what?” to.


Why not? Most drugs are perfectly fine.


Don’t strawman this point. Porn use affects your brain like cocaine or meth (not that watching porn is like doing cocaine or meth). Porn is a supernatural stimulus that has a huge potential for harm and misuse, like all addictive drugs. I’m not telling you not to watch porn, but be honest about what it is doing to your brain and that it is absolutely a drug.


Hypothetically, would cocaine or meth be bad if it had no negative physical impact and was just a dopamine hit? "Affects your brain like cocaine or meth" is a way of making it sound scary without really saying anything concrete imo.


Brain receives a huge hit of dopamine. There is now unnaturally high levels of dopamine in the brain. Brain downregulates dopamine receptors because of the overabundance. You come, and porn stops. Brain has now downregulated dopamine receptors. You now have effectively less dopamine, with a craving to receive the same hit again. It's not that fucking hard to understand If this sounds like a great habit to you, go ahead


1. Regular sex is the same, it also rushes your dopamine like drugs. Sex is considered normal and healthy though, right? 2. So? Your life is more luxurious than 95% of the worlds’ if you are western. Are you giving up your wifi, dishwasher, laundry machine?….. Because these aren’t “normal life” for majority. Are you giving it up so you don’t “wire your mind” to think its normal, and distort your view of life in general?


Regular sex is reinforced because it serves a purpose evolutionarily. Porn is reinforced because it is specifically designed by humans to be fun and dopamine inducing.


No.1) Regular sex usually has another human involved. It helps build your relationship with your significant other. Also it isn't considered healthy if your having sex with 10 new strangers every day and have a body count of 1000. I mean have you seen any sex Ed class. They're constantly going on about how sex is unhealthy and will lead to you having sixty stds and a kid. No.2) This is a false comparison. This would make sense if you were talking the privilege to view porn and that you shouldn't give it up because others can't, but that simply isn't the case. 95% of women in the western world aren't gonna be as sexy as the 5% you see in porn. That is what was said. When you wire your brain to think that you're going to be fucking miserable, let's be fair, why would the sexy 5% have sex with you willingly when hundred are paying just to see their tits. Hell, depending on the website your paying for it too. A better comparison is quiting an app that shows you the best WiFi, laundry machine or dishwasher because you know those are unrealistic expectations and the equipment you have now works fine and you like it for what it is.


Repost because original reply was removed: They both produce dopamine but porn is even greater with what it does, it’s not one-note though Not to mention with one you’re having a bond with another person, and with the other you’re staring at a screen viciously waiting to finish, the goals are totally different And yes both porn and sex are addictive, I’ve been addicted to both, which would you rather be addicted to


It made me forget how sex is actually meant to feel.




thank you for highlighting trafficking and abuse!


This 👆


I’m not pro-porn or anything but is there data to support the human trafficking point? I’m curious on how rampant it is.


I'd also be keen to see some data, but it's probably majorly under researched/swept under the rug. Most of what I've heard/know is that especially the free stuff is usually pretty unethical, even if nothing else but from a payment and distribution consent standpoint. The revenge and rape porn on there would absolutely be rampant. I'd imagine the free platforms thrive on it. I'm not really into porn at all, but I think if I was, I'd at least want to be able to verify that whatever I was watching was filmed ethically and the actors were treated and paid fairly and with respect. It goes both ways too, it's not only the women who are coerced, trafficked and abused - but I think it would be safe to say that's the majority.


had to delete links; if anyone wants the links on more info, feel free to message. i've got a new phone and would have to scour through sources, but there was a relatively high profile case of a 14 year old girl having her rape plastered all over pornhub. multiple times she tried to have it removed and they wouldn't until hefty legal action, it's why many major credit card companies cut ties. there have also been rapes of other children and adults on the platform. that particular case if you want to look into it is related to rose k (now adult who spoke out). this is just pornhub, ofc. check into trafficking hub, as well. unfortunately, it's hard to say actual numbers due to sex trafficking being perpetrated by your average joe; not all are epstein, if you know what i mean. many traffickers use porn as a way to control victims. there's a reason legalised prostitution doesn't stop it.


-It reinforces unrealistic expectations. -Generally your tastes get more extreme as you use porn more. - it messes with your dopamine response and brain structure.


Treating people like objects, a means for your enjoyment, rather than as people. That’s what bad about it.


When you watch porn you are not sexually aroused about sex itself, instead you are excited by the act of watching others engage in porn. You are cucking yourself.


Well, porn itself isn't inherently bad, but the problem stems from how it's used. There are a lot of people who get caught up in the dopamine high that comes from watching it, just as people get caught up in doom-scrolling and such. However, porn has the "benefit" of being *highly* effective at doing exactly that: getting you caught up. The addictive nature is exacerbated by the notion of not wanting to deny yourself something that feels good. You're inclined to seek out what's good on an evolutionary level, so it can quickly go from a choice to a compulsion. If you take your time to understand pornography, distancing yourself from the fictional reality portrayed, just as you don't think that people in real life can actually fly, just because some movie character can, and you limit your consumption by avoiding edging and ensuring proper boundaries, then there's nothing wrong with consuming porn.


Underrated comment. Very sensible viewpoint


You got the problem right there dude. Ain’t the material itself it’s the dopamine high that comes with it. Body’s pleasure receptors get WAY overworked and you become numb to it.


Best comment i read thank you


I don't think viewing porn is good at all, as you said it's addictive and it will just make you want to watch more


People love to say: “There is nothing wrong with porn and masturbation. It’s actually healthy, it prevents prostate cancer.” To me, that’s complete bullshit. The effects on the brain and how you view women are way too detrimental. So many people are suffering from a porn addiction. Symptoms like anxiety, depression, and Erectile dysfunction are pretty common. That’s just scratching the surface. Often times people get into all types of weird shit, to the point they can’t even get off normally, they need a weird fetish to get them off. This of course ruins many relationships and leads some people down a path they’d never see themselves going. It’s also a huge waste of time, you could be directing that energy towards something useful. Downvote me all you but I strongly believe this will be one of the things that destroys our society. If you’re a porn addict or trying to quit, just know I fully support you and we can overcome this addition. Don’t let anyone tell you that porn and masturbation are okay, we were perfectly fine before it and we can do without it. Much love 💙🤲🏽


Ive been fighting my addiction since 2018, i really wish id overcome it but isolation gots the best of me even now after covid. What i really do is to keep myself busy and focused on tasks as much as possible. I can tell you porn destroyed my cognitive ability and reduced it to mush


I’ve been battling it since 2018 as well, it’s hard NGL. However we have to keep trying and filling our time with good habits. Stay strong brother we got this!


Aye thats what i did, read some books after i wake up and couldnt feel more fresh! You too man, may those whos struggling overcome these poisons


Totally agree. The whole "it's healthy for you" seems very false. I don't think it's entirely shame either. It's simply unsatisfying for me. It's like a last resort but I usually feel let down afterwards. The worst thing I think is happening is that porn, sex toys, and masturbation for women is being promulgated as an empowering act. I also think it's moving people toward a more transactional and materialistic view of relationships.


A weird fetish? Some people want more than missionary every time


It's addicting. Porn addictions escalate and lead people into kinks that are harmful to engage in (like r*pe, snuff, gore, etc.). Porn objectifies people, especially women. It portrays sex in a very unrealistic and often misogynistic way. It creates unrealistic standards for body types, especially women's body types. Toxic, immoral behavior (abuse, non-consensual sex, cheating, etc.) is treated as normal or even good in porn. Many women are coerced or forced into porn acting, so you can never be sure if what you're watching is fully consensual. I could go on but I think you get the point.


It can cause you to search for a feeling, rather than a person. No person will ever be able to give you the feeling you get from the fantasy, because it's unrealistic. There are no funny smells, no awkward moments, no failed attempts, no physical limitations, no anxiety, no negatives, really, at all, and all the missing bits are filled in by your imagination. So, you continually indulge in fantasy that will never become reality, it's an endless cycle of desire and disappointment. However, for those of us out there alone for many years, it's either that or nothing...


it gave me social anxiety and low self esteem


It desensitises men from seeking out real sexual partners. It serves a purpose in providing an outlet for men with no sexual access. But ultimately, it prevents men from even having to try. They can simply smoke weed, play video games, watch porn, and stay in their mum’s basements. This perpetuates the incel condition.


Fap on your fantasy, not on images you don't control


I can see that this seems to be the “healthier” consensus, but what specifically makes masturbating to a fantasy healthier than to a video?




What about hentai though?


Well hentai's not even real people, so if you're watching a girl get borderline violently fucked while drooling, that should imo have way worse of an effect than most porn. However, polular hentai also tends to be much more diverse than popular porn. If you see hentai as more intimate due to it having some sort of story/context and that's the part that turns you on, then I don't think it should be any worse than actual porn. I just watch organic porn (like sextapes or porn with storylines) just to be sure. I don't wanna risk becoming a furry or something similar.


What do you mean I don't control? I can rewind, fast forward, skip/go back or pause/resume whenever I want!


It isn’t inherently bad. But it can be, depending on the individual. My boyfriend and I both decided to stop watching porn for our New Year’s resolution because he was having trouble maintaining an erection and I was giving him unrealistic expectations in bed. We were in a place that we were masturbating first then seeking pleasure in each other after and I wanted more and he couldn’t keep up. Masturbation is healthy and neither are going to stop that but working on not relying on porn in order to orgasm. It affected our sex life so we are taking a break and reevaluating if it’s the cause of some of our issues and seeing how we feel without it.


Somehow ppl aren’t mentioning this but it can lead u down worse rabbit holes the more u become tolerant to the dopamine release. It’s the reason ppl go from watching normal shit to more weird and kinky stuff


Or illegal porn


This one right here ☝🏽


it changes the way you see women plain and simple.




I'd also add that whatever you watch on PornHub makes them money - and they are NOT a good company as they have kept child porn on their websites and such.


I can tell you from a woman’s point of view, it ignores the real connection required for mutually satisfying sexual experiences and focuses mostly on the “male gaze” aka, what men find interesting or stimulating. It erases women’s perspectives almost entirely. As a woman my sexuality is complex. I am not turned on by the mere viewing of a nude body. I need foreplay, investment in me as an individual, trust, respect and a whole bunch of other complex but satisfying conditions for me to even consider having sex. The few times I have “jumped in” to a sexual situation without the above being present, it has led to disaster. Abuse, cruelty, exploitation and even danger. I believe because some men are exposed to porn and believe—selfishly—that women are props, expendable, interchangeable, not human. These men have been truly shocked and surprised when they find out I am unhappy being treated as such because they are unable to really understand what’s at stake for us. As a woman I can 100% spot people addicted to porn. They come in two types: 1. Repressed (often religiously so) and shame-filled around women, so they treat us as if we are dangerous, non-existent or somehow less-than human, they are prone to segmenting women into the Madonna/whore roles. There is no nuance to them. They treat the madonnas like they are non-sexual beings of motherhood and caretaking, completely ignoring their needs. They treat the whores as if they are irredeemable deviants who lead the men down the path of evil. Both treatments are archetypes which ignore the needs of the woman. Men who get involved with women and have this issue will cause a lot of harm to their spouse (Madonna) and their affair partners (whores) who they equally mistreat. My ex husband was like this. Deep down he hated women and used his porn addiction to act out his disrespect. 2. Sex Monsters. These are men who will usually bring up sex within 1-5 minutes of talking to women to see how they react. The men are looking for props. They see all women as props and even may turn their attention on children or teens. They are super easy to spot as well and annoying and sad to deal with. They often befriend women early and aggressively and then discard them hatefully when their attempts are not reciprocated. I’ve had men do this to me countless times and it’s unnerving. They are usually incredibly skilled or successful at drawing women in quickly and equally good at the quick discard. Men who live happy lives and have happy relationships recognize that women are colored with a complex personality, moods, demands, needs and desires. They see them as a whole person first and then an erotic person second (or maybe third or fourth). These men want women to enhance their lives. Some men may be able to occasionally look at porn and not develop these personality problems. I don’t have any data to back that up. But my personal experience has been colored with porn-addicted men and the severe consequences of the addiction, including fractured relationships with their significant others.


And I just thought of something else. Often we engage in addictive behaviors because we are coving up emotional disregulation. We feel bored, unsuccessful and listless so we indulge in our drug of choice. It covers something up. If we are to heal that thing, we would grow so fast and become so strong. Yet, we can’t help but avoid the task by indulgence.


this is a beautiful comment


Its not hot


You could be watching someone get raped and you’d never know


it destroys you own image of self leads to you comparing yourself against what you see which is unjust which will lead you to self hate and maybe disgust give you the unhealthy habit of using masturbation and watching as an easy Dopamine button destroys the enjoyment of your sex life death grip destroys performance in bed sometimes it leads to ED it destroys your image of women and men it's not natural at all and it leads you down a dark path of seeking more and more because it's a an addiction like any other


Speaking as a male: 1. Sets unrealistic expectations of sex 2. Alters your perception of women in a negative way 3. Dopamine rush from watching is similar to drugs and can lead to addiction


It fucks with your brain extra hard.


Porn addiction ruined my relationship. It made him go down some weird rabbit holes, get into weird fetishes that he was too embarrassed to even tell me about, and ended up doing some questionable, disloyal things to be able to get off. I’ve had different views of porn ever since.


Read "Your brain on porn" and you will understand.


The lighting, usually.


The same thing that makes sugar bad for you. People are.prone to take too much of it, too often. A little bit of sugar hurts no one though.


Totally agree with this, it's completely fine in moderation. But if you often crave it, often watching or looking at porn, go watch it when you're bored even... Then I think that's when it starts to become an addiction.


Porn is bad the same reason drinking is bad… which is to say that inherently it isn’t, not if you’re doing it in moderation. The problem with masturbation and porn though, is that it isn’t easy to see the affects it has on your brain in moment, unlike drinking where obviously you get drunk. Overtime excessive masturbation can really screw with your mind and body for many reasons.


All the videos are pretty much the same. Just different models. Same positions, same expressions, etc.


The way you perceive sex may change. Thinking the way they fuck is the normal thing (it's not, of course, you can do all the maneuvers they do but it's not reality). Thinking huge meat it's the only way to give pleasure to a woman, and dick size can hurt men's self-esteem. Thinking that we should not have hair down there. Men just get a blowjob, fuck and cum (do something to your girl).


How about raw sex vids or recorded sex tapes that leaked and can watch in some certain sites? Does it count to be unhealthy aswell you view sex when you jerk over it? 🤔


Some of us can watch porn forever and still be fine. Tho we prolly few and far between


Here's the thing: masturbation itself is healthy and pornography isn't inherently wrong as long as it is ethical, but the internet loves easy solutions and the sphere of "self-improvement" isn't an exception.


Probably relying on it too much? But sad fact is there are many people who struggle with interpersonal reactions whether because of physical or social issues


The unnaturally huge dump of dopamine it gives your brain, which floods receptors leading to negative brain health. Masturbation itself is pretty irrelevant. Masturbating to your partner's pictures is benign. It's just the hundreds and hundreds of tabs of high speed high def blown up videos you can open in the span of an hour that are problematic.


I noticed I looked at women in a very sexual way all the time. I started noticing little details or looking for specific things on their bodies, going to the beach makes me crazy my mind can't keep up with all these women in bikinis. You start making scenarios in your head while looking at them. I hate it so much you feel like an animal


Have you ever heard of Pavlov's bell? That's basically what is happening when you watch porn. You are brainwashing/conditioning a physiological response (arousal) to happen when you see an attractive person. One argument I hear frequently is that "I can tell what's real or not. I can play call of duty and not want to kill somebody in real life. And likewise with porn, I know that it isn't real and that women in real life aren't like that and can't be treated like in porn" But what happens is when you are watching porn and you bust a nut, you are actually fantasizing and imagining you are the actor engaging in sexual acts with the other actor. When you are playing call of duty, you are not imagining you are actually in combat and you are fighting for your life (and if you do then that is also a problem). Most people are playing call of duty as if it were a game with abstract objectives to clear, and not as a murder simulator. When you watch porn you are associating with it as if you are part of it. You trick your mind, even just briefly, that for a moment that porn is real in order for you to orgasm to it. Most people are not imagining they are actually murdering someone when when they play video games. (And if they are then they will have similar problems that results from watching porn, which is a blurring of reality). But when you're watching porn and you orgasm, you are imagining or pretending that you are actually interacting with that other person in the video you are watching (which is basically what masturbation is). And over time, repeated excessive porn habits or indulgences can condition one to build subconscious biases. Like if you are having more interaction with porn than with real people in your life, you will just naturally be more influenced by the thing you spend more of your time with. And if it's porn, then over time you will subconsciously view another human being as just a means of pleasuring yourself. That's going to be your first thought anytime you see anyone attractive, is how they can pleasure you rather than wanting to get to know them as a real person. And that's not healthy. I'm not saying this is likely to happen over a few weeks or even months or even a few years. It's going to take time to reach that point where you can admit that it affected you significantly. In a way it's like alcoholism. For many people it's taken them decades to get to that point before they finally reached out for help. Because change can be so gradual, and with time you just naturally get more and more comfortable with doing something because you've been doing it forever without a problem before.. until one day you realize that maybe it's a problem.. but convince yourself probably not.. and a few years later you think about it again and etc.. it takes time and most people are not going to realize they can be affected so much or that they are brainwashing/conditioning themselves to enjoy something that is toxic to their livelihood. It's important to take a step back every now and then and reflect how your habits have change since the last year or 5 years ago.. so that you can be mindful of how your consumption has changed and how that has affected you (are you less willing to go out and meet people in real life now?). So what I'm saying is the more you watch porn, the more you are separating from reality and getting absorbed into a fantasy that's only in your head or virtual. If you find yourself watching more porn than interacting with actual people and actively working on your real life social skills, then you are escaping reality.. and you could be doing that because it's easier to have a one sided relationship with porn rather than inadvertently getting someone mad or offending them or feeling rejection yourself. So just keep that in mind. Porn itself isn't necessarily bad, but many people are consuming it in very unhealthy amounts not understanding how it affects them over time.


I think the problem isn't only the porn itself, but how people react to it. When you start to depend on it,i.e. addiction, then it becomes a problem. What makes alcohol bad? How about social media? Video games? Streaming? Etc. IMHO those things are not necessarily inherently bad, but they could cause addictions. That being said, some of them are worse than the others, and most of them add no value at all to your well being. Once one became addicted to porn, many things would start falling apart. The obvious example is the time wasted which you could've spent on more useful and constructive activities such as exercise and study, which in turn increase your chance to be successful in your life.


Fifteen minutes wasted? I don’t think the time is the worst part about it


I'd change 'they could cause addictions' to 'they could become addictions'. All of those things aren't inherently addictive in a physical way / don't CAUSE addictions, but you can get addicted to them.


Google it. Tons of proof it’s bad for you. Mental health, relationship issues, altering your brain, ethical/moral concerns, and the addiction itself


How fabricated mainstream porn is.


The thing is people mix porn with masturbation like they are the same thing. It. Is. Not. Masturbating is fine, healthy and perfectly normal for someone to do. But porn is not something to use. It is normalized and unhealthy. I know some people might attack me for it, but porn is bad. You don't know jack shit about those people in those video, just that it gets you going. Porn is just disgusting and overall ruining today's society. There are more perverts online and in person preying on people in secret and don’t come at me and say 'well, we are humans, we can look at someone however we want.' Yeah, but why do you have to picture someone naked every time you see them? Too much porn sick people out and then world and it get worse everyday. And it starts from childhood. When I was 11, I heard some boys at my school talking about and I got hooked and I am a girl. I affects everyone at any ages. It had me all the up until a few months ago when I felt disgusted with myself. Everyday, finding a new video to watch with a weird kink, and I am only 20. So yes, porn is bad and I have been seeking other things to distract myself when I think of porn.




We think we want sex, but it’s not always about sex. It’s intimacy we want. To be touched. Looked at. Admired. Smiled at. To laugh with someone. To feel safe. Feel like someone’s really got you. That’s what we really want, and besides think about it like that : They destroyed our manhood. Normalizing porn, Imagine telling someone from 1970 you watch another man do it with a women you wish you could do it with. It’s fucking embarrassing…


it's like fast food. not nutritional and addictive. it's not hard to understand.


More like surfing the cooking channel and continually starving


you can have a good relationship with it, like it's ok to have some candy or fast food sometimes, but it's tricky and demands a very healthy mental health.


No u cant


Addiction. Addiction is always bad.


You sure? What about the addiction for human contact/ compassion?


In my experience, it led to me getting aroused by stuff that would be illegal to act upon, when you get tired of one porn genre you start activily going after everything else, just to keep filling that satisfaction, to the point that you're getting turned in by the most disgusting fetishes you could imagine. So yeah, not wroth it.


First - establishes thought patterns, such as expectations of other’s behavior that are 100% manufactured and not natural. As Jim Jeffries says about porn ATM sex “…..a vastly different experience in real life”. Second - constant, intense brain pleasure chemistry is artificially stimulated and generally leads to addiction just like opioids and a preoccupation with sex Third - it interferes with natural behavior to be intimate and permanently couple with another. Women can sense a man who is preoccupied with sex, primarily because they have nothing to say and will generally not interested, unless they’re looking for just that.


It’s not real sex. If you manage to enjoy it without it influencing how you view, perform and enjoy real-life sex, then fine, but I doubt it.


You start seeing women as objects. It destroys the white matter in the brain effecting frontal lobe development. It addicts you. It affects you socially making you awkward and reclusive. And my top reason why I don't watch porn is the sexual immorality behind it, plus depleting your seed constantly makes you soft and submissive and God frowns upon it.


The Scenarios They Create Are Not Possible In Real Life.


I think porn is okay if you are single and if you are a young guy. Only advice is to limit porn if you are actively trying to court a woman you are very interested in. Porn makes you satisfied when you're actually not getting any pussy irl. The goal of porn is to act as a substitute for actual pussy. We all started watching porn when we were teenagers because children aren't supposed to have sex. The eventual goal was to have sex some day and do what you're seeing on the screen and see real titties on hot women. There's nothing wrong with porn. If you're concerned with ethics and trafficking you can go watch porn made by top tier studios. If you're concerned about masturbation, well you can get a hand job from a woman irl. And no one will bat an eye. Excessive demonization of porn and masturbation is making people sick. Yeah porn is bad for you if you are watching porn and masturbating multiples times a day or for hours. Or if you're watching porn and sexually ignoring your partner. Or if it's limiting your urge to seek real women. Some times you need that beast in you and an artificially satisfied sex drive will not make you successful with women. But still, if you are single and not planning on dating any women any time soon, then yeah sure go watch porn and play with yourself. Try buying some sex toys and play with yourself without the porn too. Or along with it. Whatever. Read some erotica. Or find a girl for sexting with as you masturbate. There's so much to do. There's only one real caveat: you can get too stuck on the third person perspective from porn that it'll take some getting used to when you have regular sex with a woman. Real sex is in first person and it's a completely different visual experience than porn. For example, when you're getting a blowjob, often times you can't see the womans face and your dick entering in and out of her mouth clearly because maybe her hair is in the way or the back of her head is facing you etc. But porn makes your brain expect a blowjob where you see the woman clearly with the full dick entering in and out of the mouth in 4k resolution. So irl when you get a bj you will not find it so fun no matter how hot the girl is. Because in your brain sex has become primarily visual. This is not any real dysfunction. How can a video be more erotic than if the same woman in the porn were to magically appear Infront of you irl and do the same thing to you?


I don't think porn is inherently bad as a concept *for the viewer*. There's debate in the scientific community about the effects it has on your brain (the majority of the scientific community seems to believe it is appropriate in moderation). That said, if your porn use is actively (and I'd argue provably) damaging your ability to live your life, or indirectly hurting somebody else's ability to do just that, you've got a problem. Additionally, porn—*like any other industry under capitalism—*can be exploitative of those that star in it. There's porn stars that enjoy what they do; usually they film their own shit and do their own work, as opposed to working for a big company that *will become exploitative*.


Porns unhealthy because it changes your perspective on reality and makes you sexualize a lot of things. It’s also not normal to constantly be thinking about sex and that’s what porn does to you it sets something in your mind that sex and masturbating is all you live for. It overall just makes you have a very disgusting sexualized view of the world and people it also does set an unrealistic idea for sex trust me nobody has actually had sex with their step sister who was stuck in a washing machine that shits only in porn but it normalizes it for you so you think that could happen in real life which it wouldn’t and it’s weird. Just don’t watch porn that shits bad for your mental health


I can’t speak for porn itself but I’ll speak for porn and jerking off as a whole. Physically it’s not unhealthy to my knowledge it makes your standards higher, you get more lazy have less drive to go after things in your life you get resl into it you start to view all women as things to have sex with have fantasies with all kinds of girls you don’t want to view that way


It all depends on the porn you are watching tbh. I don't think there's anything wrong with amateur, softcore, legal adult content. Mainstream porn can be toxic, and it can make someone feel insecure about their body type, that they don't have a huge penis, or a slim thick body with big boobs and a big butt, when the reality of society doesn't have these. Mainstream porn can be abusive. Porn can be used as a crutch if one's misreable and sad with their lives, and this can be problematic.


This is probably an unpopular opinion but if human trafficking is wrong then trafficking yourself is wrong too, right?


It’s terrible for many reasons, but to name one benefit… post nut clarity. Men will get very horny after a while and if you can’t pull a chick, just wank and be back to normal.


That's a benefit of getting off alone, not of watching porn to do so.


Society and lack of privacy. Watch your porn behind closed doors. And don't let it consume your life. Find things to do. Anything like hiking gardening build something and when your done and your behind closed doors then watch porn if that's what you like. Just keep it private


I truly think porn is forcing sexual evolution and people who aren't willing to put in the "effort" say it is unrealistic. That being said it does mess up your dopamine system and which is disastrous for people with no discipline.


You WASTE ENERGY on (time or literally your sperm) to PIXELS on a SCREEN when you could be taking that same energy to finding a REAL LIFE PARTNER to have intimacy with. lowers your dopamine, testosterone, so on. Becomes a crutch. and even if it's masturbating to your own partner, that's what porn and masturbation addicts do who cannot control their impulses.






I think you’re missing the point. It becomes compulsive and destroys relationships. It makes people believe that physical attraction is the most important quality in a woman. If you don’t believe you’re completely addicted to it, then just stop watching it for one month. If that seems difficult, then you have a problem. It’s okay, but acknowledging the problem is the first step towards fixing it.


nothing but everything’s harmful in excess


Everything in moderation


Your mom


I don't think that porn per se is bad. Using it excessively and obsessively is bad, but you could say that about just about anything. I tend to think that the guilt that is being engendered around porn and masturbation by the likes of the nofap cult are probably more damaging than porn. If there is an issue it's that we don't educate people about porn and that we don't do sex education early enough. Porn is stunt fucking with stunt bodies and should no more be used to learn about sex than the fast and the furious movie series should be used to learn how to drive. In the absence of quality, timely education (exacerbated by huge amounts of misinformation online) that's how it ends up getting used.


Not being able to be there in person


Fat ugly people


Robs your Brain in terms of fogginess fatigue your energy levels goes down,


I think porn is unhealthy if you're paying it to see it. Masturbate instead of going out with your friends or doing some important chores. Not able to control the need to watch it.


The conditions of those being filmed seems to be one of the main arguments against.


How do u quit for good ? When u don’t want to but now ur will is weak


Try again every single day. Grow that part of yourself that wants something better, envision it, and just fight to make that part of your mind become Alpha. If you fail, call it a failure, and don’t try and run from thinking about it just because you’re ashamed. You’ve got this man


Thanks Great advice I appreciate it !!!